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hello and welcome to Vancouver carpenter and drywall or painter today I'm gonna teach you how to clean your paintbrush so good paintbrushes are really important in my opinion and I like to keep them clean because they're not cheap either I mean I do usually wait until they go on sale to buy the ones I like but that means that I want to keep them nice and tidy because if I'm only buying them every six months I want to have a bunch of nice brushes also a bad brush can ruin a nice drywall install or a nice trim install so you want to keep them tidy now I've got a nice Purdy brush here that I've been using so first off take a look you can see okay there's a little bit of stuff dripping down right there but I like to keep it nice and clean here and it's gonna be nice and tidy when I'm done with this so what I have for that is I have a bristle brush so steel bristle brush and I have one of these a brush comb two very important tools they'll make the job a lot faster so next you want to make sure that you do this in your customers kitchen sink or ensuite bathroom you don't actually but so here we are but let's be clear I'm talking about water-based paint do not try and wash an oil-based paint into your sink oil base is different entirely you just want to soak an oil-based brush in a jar of paint thinner and I don't even like to use oil-based I usually toss out my brushes if I have to let's get started so I like to have the water medium heat so not too hot I find one is too hot it actually makes the paint get gummy and start to actually kick off so I like to have it at a medium temperature and the first thing I do is start getting some of this stuff so I'm careful when I'm doing this this is important if you're just going crazy here you're gonna get paint splatters all over the place especially if you have no option but to do it in somebody's kitchen or bathroom sink so I'm just gently getting all of this stuff off so now I'm going to start cleaning off this part this is the barrel I believe I'm a carpenter not a painter but here we go so we're getting all that stuff nice and tidy if you take a look you can see most of the paint is off the bristles I want to keep going until I get all of that stuff off I don't want to see any of that paint on my bristles we're gonna keep going here and the longer you've been using your brush without cleaning it off the longer it takes to get all the paint out of it this is really just from about an hour of painting and so next I'm gonna switch to this guy because what this one is really good for is getting the dried paint off the outside and the brush comb is really good for getting all of the paint that's inside here still can you guys see that there's still tons of paint in there so now I'm just gonna use this to start getting the bulk of the paint out of there and I like to clean my brush often I'll clean my brush a few times a day because I like it to be nice and tidy even if I'm not switching paints I will still clean it a few times a day okay so now I can see the water is totally clear that's coming off of here I'm checking in here you can see that's totally clean and clear I now have nice clear water so I'm gonna quickly work on some of those more stubborn bits with the bristle again real quick because I like to try and get as much of that off as I can but some of this was from the past job and it doesn't look like it's wanting to move although if you clean your brush often every time you clean it you're gonna get a bit more of this stuff off of here next you want to look around the sink and so you can see all this stuff right you don't want that on there you want to wipe all of that stuff away so I'm gonna give my grubby old tools a shake put them on the customers kitchen counter but now I'm gonna wipe all this stuff out of here with a rag not their kitchen cloth because I don't want any of that stuff sting it'll stay I've seen a lot of nice sinks and faucets ruined by sloppy painters leaving paint splatters all over the you know the mark of a good painter is not always just how well they put paint on somewhere but how well they keep paint off of everything else so it's important to stay nice and tidy so next you're gonna want to get that excess water out of here and I like to just write all over the customers floor but actually we've got a concrete subfloor in here this job is mid-renovation but normally I would take this outside somewhere and I would only do this like get all of the water out of it when I am sure that there's no paint way deep in these bristles because sometimes it can look like it's totally clean but you actually have a bunch of paint in here and that's bad for two reasons one you're gonna spray something when you go like that with white painting water and the second is as this dries that stuff inside there is gonna get crusty and ruin the life of your paint brush so now this is nice and clean and I'm just gonna kind of keep it nice and sharp like that and I'm gonna go find somewhere that I can put it and it can dry out for the night I'm not gonna put that cardboard sleeve back on right away that come with these when they're new because what can happen is when you put a wet brush in that cardboard sleeve you're gonna get mold growing inside that cardboard sleeve I've had it happen and then that's not a good thing because then you're introducing more mold into a customer's job imagine painting a bathroom with moldy paintbrushes not a good idea so that's how I do my full brush clean but I want to show you guys something really quick another thing I like to do is I like to take this part from a bucket so that's one of these taken and repurposed I like to have just enough water in a bucket to cover halfway on the metal part and I just keep them in here so if I don't feel like cleaning my brushes I can just leave them there overnight and when you pull them out they're already mostly clean they'll just need a quick rinse off so I know that was just a simple video but I hope you at least got something out of it and brushes are a tool and I believe in taking care of my tools I don't think they're disposable and we have finite resources on this planet so that's why I like to take care of my brushes and that's out thanks for watching Vancouver carpenter painter dude and until the next video
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 188,756
Rating: 4.8758664 out of 5
Keywords: paint, brushes, clean, wash, painting, wall, ceiling, roller, drywall, patch, repair, texture, latex, oil, DIY
Id: VwnUFt9T-FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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