How To Clean Off Moss And Soft Wash A Roof For $1300

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what's going on guys Spencer clay here and today we are cleaning a roof and gutters for 1,300 bucks getting rid of all the Moss softwashing and doing gutters this is my guy Ben here Ben what's going on nothing really just get the roof sweet man let's get to it all right guys we got a real treat for you today we got a full roof clean and soft wash, 1300 bucks or you know with tax $1,400 this was a very solid job you know we did this for an insurance agency super big roof it took us you know about 5 hours so 10 total man hours and you know if you guys haven't seen a roof clean before this you can see there's a ton of moss so we're brushing it all off we're going to be chemically treating it later but most of the work is just getting the Moss [Music] removed my favorite method always includes using a gentle nylon brush or the stick method as shown here I'm going to kind of walk you guys through that in a second but we just want to get the bulk of it off I often tell customers our goal is to just get 90% of everything off because the chemicals is going to do the rest of the work so you know however you need to get up there and do it obviously be safe this roof was not very Steep and it was in good condition so you know we're just using the gentle stick getting it out between the cracks brushing off the rest later and we're going to blow everything off and it's going to look [Music] good [Music] so right here we're just using the stick to just gently just like kind of like pry the Moss away we don't want to be super invasive because the chemical is going to do most of the work we want to get like 90% of this bulk Moss off that just kind of falls off but we don't want to do anything too crazy so the stick method is honestly one of my favorite I'm going to show you guys real quick we just kind of come in here almost like surgically slicing them Moss [Music] away and then Ben's going to come in behind me and just gently brush it [Music] off that's how it's done we're going to go over the whole roof get rid of all the big bul bulky bits of moss then we're going to treat it it's going to be looking right as rain [Music] all right so Ben this is actually an insurance agency's office like what are some reasons that people typically get mosque cleaned off the roof so I was talking to to my customer here they're an insurance agent and they are having us clean off their Moss because they do not sell homeowners insurance to uh people whose houses are covered in Moss it's a reason uh that insurers won't insure you because Moss related water damage is like one of their biggest areas of claims which means this uh Insurance Agency doesn't want to insure customers with a lot of moss because they know they're at very high risk of having water damage in their roof [Music] do all right so now it is time to start soft washing we got our 12vt battery with a 5.5 gallon perm minute pump we're filling it up with just normal water and we got bleach right here we got a couple different things this is just bleach but this is 302nd which is also bleach it's a little bit more expensive but they didn't have anything at the store and we didn't have time to go to the chemical supplier so we're going to add some surfactant real quick this could just be anything I like to use the oxyclean blue stuff cuz I don't know smells good mostly we just want bubbles you know that's really the main thing that a surfactant does it doesn't really do anything fancy but then we're going to add the bleach and get this up to you know we want about 5 gallons of bleach for the the amount of water in there we'll kind of measure it out later careful using this stuff this stuff isn't that strong though it's only [Music] 5% [Music] so the biggest question that I always get is how much bleach to put in the soft flos mixture and the answer is however much you need to make it work I just been testing with the mixture a little bit make sure you're getting the bubbles right with the adding more surfactant adding more bleach you can smell it and you can also start to see the yellow like the bleach starting to turn yellow so literally it just it just kind of play with it add more bleach if it's not dying yet add more soap if it's not bubbling and you're going to be good to [Music] go soft washing is definitely not something to over complicate we're literally just spraying bleach water and soap on the roof to kill it as you know if you if you add bleach to anything green it's going to die it kills anything organic so that our main goal as you can see already the left hand side is starting to turn yellow and white versus the other side which you can still see there's like black spots which is also this form of gleo capsa magma which is also this form of bacteria and algae that grows so we want to kill all that additionally too black mold can also start to grow in your roof and get into your attic so not good so getting your roof cleaned softed and treated regularly is a huge part of keeping your home safe clean and dry [Music] as you guys can see this is the side that hasn't been sprayed you know the Moss is still green over here you can start to see it's already turning it's a lot wider I mean I mean look at that you can literally see not sprayed sprayed it's already starting to turn a bit yellow my it's a little cold out so it's not the bleach doesn't work as well but definitely starting to die we're going to spray it hit it some more add some powder call it [Music] good [Music] and that is pretty much all she wrote roof is clean looks beautiful looks almost brand new the client was super happy all we got to do is do some basic cleanup you know make sure the place looks better when you leave than when you got there that is a basic rule for some reason people overlook this or I'll forget to post the cleanup and people like oh so you make made a mess like no we make sure all of our customers are happy we have nothing but five stars for a reason so that is pretty much it guys let me know if you have any questions in the comments and I will see in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace
Channel: Spencer Claeys
Views: 7,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning, soft washing, roof soft washing, soft wash, softwashing, how to clean a roof
Id: --XH9EuzVaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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