How To Clean Roof Moss The Eco Friendly Way

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what's going on guys Spencer clay here and today I'm going to show you how to clean moss off a roof the eco-friendly way we're going to clean everything off get the gutters cleaned out soft wash this entire roof it's going to look great let's get into it all right so first things first the step to getting rid of bulk Moss off of any roof I don't care how well you treat it you need to do some a little bit of manual labor little bit of brushing with a nylon brush this stuff is going to come off pretty darn easy sometimes you might need to use the back of it but you can see it's kind of just like it's the summer right now it's drier so it's going to come off pretty easily but we just want to get the bulk of it off we're not sitting here going insane with the pressure we're just getting the bulk bits off and then when we softw wash it we're going to kill all the spores and that's what makes it look really good so we're going to clean off all this Moss with the brush get the gutters and then you know do all the other stuff [Music] something I want to point out is that I know I make this look easy but this is definitely the most labor intense part of the process scrubbing Moss is no joke I remember the first time I did it I was super sore I've been doing this for years and it's still I mean I can scrub a roof for hours and it takes you know it takes time this roof obviously is pretty small so you know only took me like 30 minutes to scrub this whole roof down but some roofs you know you'll be doing for hours so really really depends on how much moner is how much labor you need to do Etc [Music] all right so we've cleaned all the Moss off we've cleaned out the gutters all the down spots are good to go now everything is ready to treat as you can see there's a tiny bit of little spots of moss it's that's totally fine you can't get every little bit our goal is to get 90% of Any Given bulk off the roof and then we're going to use the chemical to treat the rest so let's go mix up our batch and get spraying so this is a 26 gallon tank with a 5.5 gallon per minute pump we're going to start filling this guy up some good old H2O next we got Spencer's Eco roof wash this is a sodium proc carbonate based based chemical we're going to throw about this is 6 lb so this is pretty much exactly for this tank it's going to make about 24 gallons of roof wash mixture we're going to add a little bit of surfactant this will be available soon doesn't have a logo yet but any sort of surfactant will do really just soap it's going to help make bubbles this is going to stick to the roof it's going to work a lot better so we're going to add this the whole thing add about some good surfactin in there nothing crazy couple cups in there and then if we need more we can always add more if we need more bubbles we'll let that keep filling up and then get to spray in ideally till you let the chemical sit a few minutes so it's been you know 5 10 10 minutes or so we're going to spray it let's have a kink somewhere in the hose good stuff just soak it in [Music] there you can see that hydrogen peroxide is foaming up along with the surfactant basically this stuff is just powdered hydrogen peroxide so you can add it to your softwash tank and spray it on or you can even just powder the roof and then use a garden hose to activate it with water either one works and this is just a great eco-friendly alternative because you know bleach everyone knows it is super corrosive it stains your clothes kills plants this stuff is a lot more eco-friendly because it breaks down just into sodium carbonate which is launder detergent and hydrogen peroxide which as we all know can be used to whiten teeth so it's much less corrosive and I honestly just love using it so that's why I sell it that's why I created this product check it out if you guys want or don't doesn't really matter to me but either way keep them roofs clean and that is how you guys clean a roof the eco-friendly way access to all the products is linked down below I'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Spencer Claeys
Views: 1,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to clean a roof, soft washing, oxygen bleach roof, oxygen bleach, roof moss removal, roof cleaning chemicals, soft washing a roof
Id: yZz7-zyZD9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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