Absolute GENIUS & FASTEST Way To Clean a House Roof/Shingles, Siding, Deck, Fence, Clean it Spotless

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hey guys and gals it's Master know-it-all here and I've got to share something with you on this beautiful Pensacola day and when the sun's not out it looks even worse all right this gives you a better view here when it's uh not as bright on this side the sun's coming up on the back side but look how horrible that is all right guys and gals it's Mr Know It All here with you this morning again you can see how bad the roof is I'm going to give you some awesome tips on doing your own roofs there's a fast way to do it and I could do this whole roof in probably 35 minutes 40 minutes at the most but I'm going to give you all the tips so that you can make this happen for yourself so Carmelita come on up here all right we're going to use our soap but what I'm going to do is mix about one cup per five gallons and you can add a little bit more if you want and it's the best the best stuff right here one gallon of bleach to this five gallons right here tips on this because my gutters pop up the water comes up through this pop-up down here that will wash down and I don't want it going into my palm tree here so I soaked this down filled it for about 15 minutes until the tree can get all the water it wants it's fully hydrated and that's the same thing I did to these Mexican fan Palms they are fully hydrated with water and this is the other thing that I like to do Julio tell everybody where all the tools are located thank you Julio Cesar Chavez Rodriguez Jorge Johnson Gallardo Monta blonde so here's my ladder extension ladder we're gonna see if we have to get up on it to reach the top now if your roof is flatter than this you can just get up on the roof but because this is such a steep angle I had to come up with ways to do this without having to get on the roof because I don't want to get on the roof so there's no need to you're going to be blown away with this system I'm truly telling you you're going to love this it's not just that little sprayer there so we're going to see if this little bugger I can raise the ladder up and probably reach there for your standard roof this thing is the bomb to use and you can use it on your deck and everything else so we got our mixture in there we're going to Stir It Up with the wand make sure it's getting mixed up and I'm going to I have primed it with just plain water here so this is going to go in here so coming out [Music] look at that baby what's this bucket of water for we're gonna show you what this this is a 32 gallon container I'm going to show you what we're using this for it's going to blow your mind stick with us don't leave and we basically got a quote on this to do this whole roof both sides two thousand dollars I can share with you guys how to do this for the cost of the products and some of your time so we'll see if we can reach the top all right so we're just reaching it but that's awesome because I can put the ladder up and definitely reach it with this but right here [Applause] this is the slower process and the Mr know-it-all I got better things to do today process is going to blow your mind [Applause] now if Julio hadn't taken off for Rio de Janeiro again I would have him out here doing this but this will take way longer but it gets the job done for cheap this 32 gallons we got right here this is about 25 gallons of water so I'm going to dump that one in here that'll give me 30 gallons some people say you'll leave it on 15-20 minutes I say keep it wet out of the sun on a cloudy day for at least an hour and you rinse this out just good clean water the whole tube and everything now we're going to add three more cups of soap those are two cups I'm not filling it up I'm at the one cup right there okay a little bit over a cup and the soap this stuff especially AIDS in keeping the bleach on your roof and it also kills mold mildew because you know lemons are very powerful when it comes to the if you have really bad rough you know growing mold on your roof you're going to want to add more and I don't want to add some say add a gallon to a gallon of water gallon of bleach to a gallon of water and eight ounces of salt but I don't want it that powerful I don't need it for that because I don't have you know uh regular mold growing up there the nasty stuff that is all green and I don't have that and you want to make sure the trash can you use if you're doing your whole roof and one whack make sure there's no leaks in the bottom that's kind of uh I tested my first Trash Can we have 16 of these after Hurricane Sally we had to take all the leaves down to the road for FEMA to pick up and I had the first one I tested leaked and that would suck I'll say this too it's kind of weird doing these videos been doing them for a long time and you always feel like you're in a hurry because people are in a hurry and I I'm trying to get away from that trying to just do the video the best we can well you can mix the mixture up however you want to you can go light or heavier and you know what you can always hit it again if it doesn't take it all off for you it's not like it's a one-time deal if you wanted to do them yeah you want it to be but I have uh plants and stuff here that I want to protect and not you know flood with this stuff and then you have the other thing of the wind coming up tell you this this system here works this is the key to it right here folks five and a half gallons a minute at 70 pounds per square inch and it is amazing and I can use this sprayer hose right here use this you can use a regular spray nozzle or you can use this little rig right here and you can put a really fine stream up there but my job is again to get this done so I got other things coming up to do and the cool thing about this pump when you're not using it it shuts off so it's not sitting there running there's regular water in the hose so I'm going to spray it in the bucket so I see foam come out all right [Music] bleach all right watch this guys and go when I say guys I don't mean to do that I mean to say it for the ladies as well on in five minutes can you hear how quiet that pump is other than the dog barking in there [Music] now we'll get some different angles on this to show you as we're kind of uh spraying it down here you can see how much I've used out of that not much oh that bucket right there and I've got half the roof done we're going to left this set for an hour [Music] I will change it up see this right here we'll hit it back at the top a little bit again now I'm doing Overkill this roof is done you can use that foreign guys and gals I'm telling you if you're going to do this with your roof save yourself a ton of money and do it this way how much I used out of that and I'll come up in here and say oh look at this guys it's already working this is what's dripping off my uh leaf guard look at that it's already cleaning it this roof will look beautiful so I'm going to keep it wet for an hour that's it it's really the simplest way to do it and that pump is the key to this you can use a handheld sprayer or you can use this one the wand works great but you can use a pump sprayer but you're always up there pumping and pumping if you wanted to do a really good job you got to flood it and you can do this by yourself have your wife help you kids once you get set up you're good to go you can do it with a hundred foot of Hose if you want do your whole roof all right these black clamps are some of the handiest tools we've used in our shop for years and they are awesome you can use these on your tarps put them on the clamp on each corner and it'll keep those light tarps from blowing off they're amazing thank you just like that and another thing you want to do this when the sun is not shining you want it to do it on in the fall is the best time you want it as cool as possible and you know the reason is because it doesn't evaporate your mixture off the roof the longer you can keep that rough soaked wet before you rinse it off the better it will work for you and another thing if you do this like a day before it's supposed to rain another positive rate that'll help rinse it off again on the day it's going to rain or late in the day smart idea there so we've got it all wet down that's as good as we're going to go with that right now we're just going to let it set for an hour and then rinse it off a little bit all right we're about a half hour into it and it's still wet so we're just going to let it go until it's just about drying up and then we'll spray it down with a regular garden hose and we'll put a lid on it and it'll be ready for tomorrow put that right there that is these chisnet that is better than a cat's meow you will love that pump five and a half gallons a minute 70 pounds per square inch plug it into the wall run an extension cord to it and you can do everything if you're doing your house say that you're you're getting ready to do your roof you have a pool shock your water with your shock if you have to when you have to do it and you can actually stick that hose in the pool pump the water out of the pool maybe 10 15 20 gallons nothing and spray that up on your roof and it'll take a couple of weeks but that whole roof will come clean because one thing algae does not like and that is shock chlorine shock or chlorine for that matter all right you can see that it already is starting to look beautiful and we're going to do some rinsing right now [Applause] foreign all right she's rinsed off and this one's rinsed off and you can already tell it's getting nice and tan color the sun's really uh messing it up but I'll show it to you here later today all right guys and gals there it is finished the next day after and with a high definition camera you can see the reflection of the Stone it's so clean that the asphalt stone is actually doing its job and remember your roof will get hotter if you don't have that ability to have the reflection of the light away from it so we're real happy with the results and it's just going to keep looking nicer the more it rains if you have any questions comment will gladly help you Mr Know It All Out okay [Music]
Channel: Mr Know It All
Views: 36,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cordless power washer, how to clean roof shingles, black mold cleaning, best way to wash shingles, best way to kill black mold, diy
Id: R1VFtZb07OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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