How to start a roof and gutter cleaning business from scratch

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what's going on guys Spencer Clays here and today I'm going to show anyone how they can start making 500 to 1,000 bucks a day from scratch with their own roof and gutter cleaning business let's go all right so first things first before starting any business the most important thing is making sure that people actually need what you have a lot of people see me and my company cleaning two three sometimes four or more roofs in a day and assume that they can do the same thing in their area when this isn't always the case when I first started this business I was actually doing pressure washing because I heard a guy in Florida was doing the same thing and making 900 bucks a day so so I immediately got to work with a cheap riob pressure washer doing driveways which I successfully did for about 3 weeks before I finally realized that most people were actually more interested in getting the roofs cleaned instead so this is why I rarely recommend buying expensive equipment in the beginning because you never know what specialty you're going to uncover I know people who started one business and instead they ended up doing painting attic installation boat detailing or something else entirely that no one else had really thought of that being said roof and gutter businesses specifically are best in areas that have a lot of trees trees drop their leaves branches and Moss which which can get any roof and gutter looking dirty and can potentially damage the roof if Moss starts growing underneath the shingles or the gutters get clogged and water gets into the house or the foundation so look around at roofs when you're driving around town and if you see moss algae or black streaks you might have a potential six-figure business on your hand to really find out though you're going to have to just send it and see if people need this done and if they're willing to pay for it every city is different so be flexible and go where the market tells you this is hard to explain but you need to trust your gut and your instinct I knew as soon as I cleaned my first roof for 300 bucks that I was is going to make this a successful business you just got to go with the flow and see what people want this is why stuff like college and school is overrated because most things that have potential to become big you can't really teach or give someone a 10-step plan success is abstract you have to be able to read between the lines and uncover hidden Market needs that is what you the business owner the leader the entrepreneur has to be able to see the vision that no one else can cool okay so now we got that stuff out of the way let's dive into some more practical tips for now let's assume your goal is just $10,000 a month or at least $100,000 per year in the US right now that is a bare minimum and honestly making 10K per month is not that hard especially with a business like this as the average roof and gutter clean runs between 300 and 500 bucks so that's only 20 to 30 jobs per month I talk a ton about marketing and other videos so for right now let's just focus on getting your first couple jobs and then build up our skills as we [Music] go if you've never done any work for anyone you probably should practice for free on either your parents house neighbor or a friend make sure you get some good before and after pictures as we can use these for marketing later once you do this what I would do next is run a basic ad on Facebook with something very simple like a $199 or $299 roof and gutter special put your before and after picks on a free tool like canva make a simple ad like so and you're Off to the Races spend 10 to 20 bucks a day and let that run until that takes off though we want to start knocking doors right now we need momentum so we need to get some paying clients so that we can get reviews and more pictures and content for our Facebook page I don't think I mentioned it yet but don't worry about a website at all until we've made some money and have have proof of concept for door knocking it's all about volume maybe watch a video or two about a good script to use but I would just get knocking I land in my third door that I ever knocked not because I was skilled or knew what I was doing but because it's a numbers game bare minimum you should knock 50 doors per day 100 if you can most people won't enter the door plain and simple and most people won't be interested but out of $50 doors you should be able to land at least one or two jobs if not move to a different neighborhood a little tip is don't carry a business card if they ask for more info that means they're interested so you should just say yeah let me get you quick price on that try and close them on the spot if they say they're interested but they say they'll call you later probably only one out of 100 people actually will so I would say hey we're only in the area today that's why I stopped by and that's how we can offer you a discount right now if they still don't bite I would just move on maybe direct them to your Facebook page or get their number but I like to look for people who are ready to go and not mess with people who aren't that's how I got the ball rolling and if you do this right you'll start to get some jobs generate interest get more reviews and momentum most importantly just never giving up remember we only need a measly 20 or so jobs hell even for most people just an extra 5K in a month would help out a lot so don't expect your first month to be a success it'll take a while but you will get there just have the mentality that no matter what happens you're not going to give up for me this is exactly why I needed to quit my job and vow never to go back and this pushed me hard and forced me to win and I did it's scary in the beginning but the fear is just something you got to get used to dealing with no matter where you're at on your journey anyways once you land your first couple jobs now it's time to get them cleaned and make our customers happy don't worry about charging a good price just yet hell I would even offer some cleanings for 100 maybe 200 bucks until you're comfortable with the work and then gradually charge more until people start saying no to your prices we just want to do a good job first before worrying about price or any of that other stuff roof and gutter cleaning is covered in many of my other videos but for right now just make sure we get all the stuff that isn't roof off the roof and all the stuff that's not supposed to be in the gutters out of the gutters don't overthink this I never went to roof cleaning school I simply just started doing it your first few jobs will take longer than you feel they should but that's just part of the process of learning you'll get better and faster or if you're like me you'll be able to hire people to help you do the work so you can focus on growing the company and getting more customers I'll cover basic equipment here too but if you watch this far definitely grab my ebook about starting this business and it comes with the full list of everything right now it's still just seven bucks so number one for roof cleaning obviously you got to have at least two good ladders and a way to carry them I started with a Toyota Corolla and a ladder Rock now I have three trucks here's one of them but this is also going to depend on where you live some houses in the Northeast are a lot taller some in the South are just one store houses I personally carry a 24t lighter and a 32t lighter that combo has yet to fail me so that's all there is to that next you got to get a good leaf blower I remember I bought the cheapest one at Home Depot twice in a row and each lasted only about a week or so before I switch to something better like the husk Barner 52 btx definitely not something to cheap out on lastly just some miscellaneous stuff I always carry a brush a bucket and a rope harness to make sure we're being safe on SE roofs no one roof is worth risking your safety if you don't feel comfortable don't do it there's tons of other roofs out there some are just not meant to [Music] be remember anyone can start and make this business successful the big takeaway here is that number one you don't need much to start and number two absolutely do not overthink this stuff because there's no way you can know everything anyways 10 hours of doing plus 1 hour of learning will always be 10 hours of learning and 1 hour of doing just get after my friend you got this anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video as always this is the place for Home Service entrepreneurs and if you're looking for one-onone help to implement this faster and to be around other like-minded men you need to be in my inner circle program details and the application are below and I will see you there or in the next video peace thanks for tuning in to the Spencer clay show that's all for now see you in the next episode [Music] Peace
Channel: Spencer Claeys
Views: 9,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gutter cleaning business, roof cleaning, gutter cleaning, how to start a roof cleaning business, how to start a gutter cleaning business, roof cleaning equipment
Id: noih4NRrV6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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