How to Clean and Get Rid of Roof Moss For GOOD

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what's going on guys Spencer Clays here and today I'm going to show you how exactly to clean a roof with moss and you know get rid of all the Moss clean it treat it clean out the gutters the whole process step by step so let's go [Music] so as you guys can see this roof has a ton of moss right underneath the cedar tree on the North side some more Moss over here on this Northern side down here the South Side gets a lot more sun so it's really not too much Moss over here a little bit over there but yeah so the bulk of it bulk of our treatment cleaning is going to be right over here so first off you guys whenever you're cleaning your roof make sure you're taking safety into account always make sure you have shoes or boots with good grip you can also rope up and use a roof anchor which I have other videos about that but anyways when it comes to cleaning and treating your roof with moss especially up here in areas like the Pacific Northwest you need to keep in mind the factors that can lead to moss growth like this namely Moss hates the Sun so anytime you have trees or just the north facing side of the roof just know you're going to have to put extra attention on that side also since Moss is a living plant it needs organic matter to eat and grow so the more debris there is such as leaves needles and branches that are Up on the Roof it's essentially leaving food for the Moss to eat and continue to survive this is why one of the first things I do for any roof is to lightly brush off the bulk of the Moss and any leaves or debris that's built up on the roof as you can see I'm using a nylon brush and I'm just gently pushing the Moss off with as little pressure as possible we want to just get the bulk of it off because we're going to chemically treat it later as a general rule if you can kick the Moss off with your foot then remove it with a brush if it doesn't come off easily then you're going to want to rely mostly on the treatment so a couple tips for brushing the Moss number one the longer of a brush you can get the easier it's going to be on your back and also the farther away from the edge you can stand getting a longer brush is especially helpful when you're up on the Steep roof where you can't necessarily walk on it so with a longer brush you can work from the ladder to remove the Moss I had a question the other day which actually is how much moss do you take off and as you guys saw you know there's definitely a little bit of moss here and there but overall in the grand scheme of things it looks so much better and like like I said we're going to treat that any little bits are going to fall off and die you just don't want the big bulky pieces up there because as you see it's it brushes off very easily and yeah you can definitely see a little bit there so you don't got to go too crazy with it but it's going to look a lot better so yeah keep that in mind when you're up on the roof it's going to be tempting to brush off every bit of moss but you don't have to nor should you because if you brush too hard you can actually scrub off the granules if you're not careful which is the exact opposite of what we want to do for the roof you may have noticed too that the Moss is really wet still and that's because Moss holds moisture extremely well and this is one of the biggest reasons is we want to remove it because the whole point of a roof is to keep your house Dry but with moss holding moisture all year long it can actually seep into your roof and it finds little cracks and works its way into your house I've seen so many instances where clogged gutters or tons of moss on the roof led to having to replace the entire roof or even parts of the walls because water got in and caused thousands of dollars worth of damage one last method for moss removal is what I call the stick method where sometimes if the Moss is really thick and doesn't want to brush off as you can see here I'm just using an actual stick to kind of cut it away from the shingle and then it brushes off super easy so give this a try also if the Moss is really dry and doesn't want to brush off the stick method can be a great way to remove it without having to furiously use the brush the last thing to really keep in mind are trees out here we have so many different types and yes trees are awesome and beautiful but not necessarily when it comes to your roof many times I bring an extension pole saw with me to trim back trees but you can also just get a knife and cut back any branches that you can reach not only are they dropping leaves but they're also blocking the Sun and helping the Moss out a lot so cut them back as much as you can once everything has been loosened and brushed off it's time to do some cleanup the best tool I found is just a simple leaf blower you can use it to blow off the roof clean out the gutters and later clean up all the crap off the ground I use a Husqvarna 525 btx I love it as a general rule you can blow out the gutters with a leaf blower if it's relatively dry if the gutters are wet I would clean them out by hand first and then use the blower so you don't make a huge mess I also like to bag up the gutter junk when I can but you know making a mess is going to be inevitable especially when you have 100 pounds of moss that you just cleaned off riff so clean out the gutters whichever way is easiest for you make sure the downspouts aren't clogged and everything's working as it should be and once that's done make sure you're cleaning up as much as you can off the ground leave the yard and sidewalks better than when you found it you don't need to clean up every bit but do the best you can a little cleanup goes a long way this sort of thing really helps the customer experience sometimes they'll even hand clean the skies if they're really dirty little things like this are a nice touch if you have time to do them always make sure your customer is getting the best bang for their buck so now once the roof and everything is clean it's time to treat the roof now there are several ways you can do this but recently I've been switching to a more eco-friendly chemical known as oxygen bleach or sodium percarbonate I'm going to be selling my own product here soon so keep an eye out for that but this is basically powdered hydrogen peroxide you can also buy it in most laundry detergents like OxiClean which you can apply it as a powder and then activate it with water or sometimes you'll see me leave it because here it rains like every other day so that works too you can also soft wash the roof with bleach otherwise known as sodium hypochlorite that works great too the point of both of these chemicals is they are base meaning they have a high pH whereas Moss thrives in acidic environments of low PH so we want to raise the pH of the roof and this is going to kill any leftover moss and make it a lot harder for Moss to grow back in the future whichever method you have available works as long as you're coating the roof well the Moss is going to have an extremely hard time coming back from here on out it's really important to keep an eye on the roof every roof is different it's in a different area has different trees so make sure you're following all these tips some folks just need to treat and clean the roof once a year other people I do them twice a year some people just once every few years just make sure you're sitting on top of it and you should be good to go thanks for watching guys stay tuned for more videos like this also I have extra resources Below in the description such as one of my books that go into more in the cleaning your roofs and also the business of how you can start making 500 to a thousand dollars per day cleaning roofs so check that out otherwise see you guys next time peace
Channel: Spencer Claeys
Views: 157,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning, moss removal, moss, roof clean, gutter clean, roof cleaning business, roof soft wash, roof soft wash before and after, roof cleaning chemicals, laundry detergent on roof, roof cleaning moss removal, roof cleaning soft wash, roof moss removal
Id: lccbBqCBnIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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