Cooking Your Catch: Whole Bream

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all right we're back in the kitchen this time we've got some whole bluegill we've done recipes with bluegill fillets this time a lot of people like them cooked Oh using the bones where you can eat the skin it adds a little bit extra flavor to it complex they're not real big fish so it's easy to cook them whole a lot of times you'll still roll in cornmeal or fish fry but we're going to do it kind of naked today so what I like to do we've already got the scales off the fish I like to score the fish scores just cutting into the skin the way we can get some seasonings into the meat itself so just want to kind of score across do this to each of our fish and right now is when you can tell if you've still got any scales left the knifes going right through us or look like we're good to go so now what kind of sport it you can see you can actually see the meat in there now this is where you can use your imagination with whatever seasoning that you like any kind of seafood seasoning or Cajun seasoning would work great for this but you want to go ahead and season it pretty good because you gotta remember there's quite a bit of meat there compared to the surface area that you're actually getting the seasoning on and the more seasoning you got on it the better coating and crust you're gonna have when it goes into the hot skillet so we'll cut it real good coat it on the inside this seasoning has some paprika in it which will help give it a good dark color and make it look good so you can let this sit for up to 30 minutes or more or you can go right on to the hot skillet which is what we're gonna go ahead and do right now so we want to be careful and right away from now this is all about medium high and it's all gonna depend on how big the fish are but you're gonna wanted to cook for probably three to five minutes besides just depending on the thickness so we're ready to serve with cooking for about three minutes four minutes apart you can kind of see that the meats getting getting white something's getting cooked so we're gonna go ahead and get him flip oh that looks good that's Kim's gonna be good and crispy the best where it is you'll be able to eat the crispy skin and not have to go through this the coatings that a lot of times will put on it [Music] all right looking at it tell it the fish is done so we'll go ahead and pull it off at this point and just put it on some paper towels to drain get that grease off you should have good crispy skin oh this is no good with rice or french fries there really any whatever your favorite side dish would be just a different alternative to fillets or fried with coating so get out catching bluegill cook them in fillets or cooking hole thank you for viewing our video today remember you can always find more information at a GFE calm
Channel: Tara Bennett
Views: 8,799
Rating: 4.7600002 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, panfish, grilling, after the catch, bream
Id: znV3FOqQMTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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