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everything you're going through is God preparing you for what you ask for if it's a man the lack of man is preparing you for one I'll tell you a true story man I knew this girl who's a friend of mine uh she was dating this married guy I said how can you possibly think God is going to send you the right guy why are you dating this married dude how you think this worked but they went to the same restaurant had the same booth for two years they met every week it's kind of like uh remember uh Billy Paul's also me ad Mrs Mrs Jones we meet every day at the same Cafe 6 30 because I know she'll be there that was a song well this woman dated this man for two years they went to the same restaurant he knew the maitre d the maitre d kept the table for him maitre d watched this go on for two years he kind of knew to God it wasn't cool just gave him the right tape two years just kept on dating this dude she asked me she said Steve why are you saying God won't send me Mr Right I said well I'm gonna tell you something my mother taught me I got this little job right and I just come in the house every time I got paid I was saving a little bit so I could give me a new car and I would tell my mother who's a Sunday school teacher I would say hey Mama I'm gonna give me a new car she said yeah I know boy but your old car is out in the backyard up on the blocks I had this old car that's set up on these cylinder blocks in the driveway in the backyard and leaves had got up under them paper cups and oil stains while I tried fixing I just never could get it to work it I just try to work on cars and stuff but just wasn't just old car so I get paid again I said Mama I'm gonna give me a new car she said I know boy but your old car outside on blocks I don't understand this what does she keep talking about this old car for I'm coming in here trying to be positive because I had read this book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent peel and think positive so one day about sixth time I came in I said Mama I'm gonna give me a new car I'm telling you she said I know baby but your old car outside on the blocks so I knew my mama was trying to teach me something because that's all that's how they ever did me because that's how I do my sons they made me a thinking man they would never tell me nothing direct they would just throw it out there so I said Mama How come every time I get paid I try to come in here and say something positive you about me getting a new car and you keep telling me about my old car out on the blocks she said Son you ain't got nowhere to put no new car I called a friend of mine up he had a tow service I said man twenty dollars I need some help he came and towed the car away from me I took all them cylinder blocks down took all that trash that it gathered up on it bundled it up went down uh to Giant Tiger and bought some little uh asphalt cleaner and put it down and scrub that oil up made that driveway look new all of a sudden the driveway looked new it was a lot of space in the yard and everything two weeks later I got a new car it wasn't news used but I bought a car and I pulled it up in the driveway I said Mama look at that I got to I got the car she said because you got somewhere to put it she said Son you can't ask God for something and then don't make ready to receive it [Applause] so I told that to this girl she started crying she said oh my God she said I ain't ready to receive it I said no you can ask him for it but until you're ready to receive it why would he give it to you because you ain't gonna do nothing but messing up she stopped seeing the married guy so she stopped going to the restaurant one day the maitre d sees her out somewhere he approached the girl and said I haven't seen you in a while she said y'all broke up with my friend he said wow I've been waiting she said excuse me he said I've been waiting he said I've been watching you come here for two years the most beautiful woman I've ever seen I could not understand why he was with this guy one and a half years later them two people got married them two people have two kids now he ain't the maitre d of the restaurant no more he bought the restaurant because the girl was a financial chick at a bank so she was the missing piece for him so instead of being the maitre d he bought the restaurant they now owned three restaurants this dude making almost 2 million a year off of three restaurants they living their life you know why because she took the old car down off the blocks [Music] [Applause] so ladies I ain't saying this about you but maybe you got an old car in your driveway up on blocks you really want a new car but maybe it ain't nowhere for the new car to come could it be maybe God waiting on you to get the old car towed out so you can clean up your yard and then Park a new car there could that be the situation with your relationship or could it be with anything else you want if I was you I'd try that I hope you all had a good time thank you all for coming do you have the courage to act outwardly on what you see inwardly or will you die a dreamer will you die on the verge and on the edge and in the land of Coulda Woulda and sugar [Music] courage I'm going to drop something on you it takes courage to be successful it is far easier not to be successful misery will always have company success breeds contempt if you don't want to make waves be mediocre be normal and fit in and if you're more concerned about people then you are God then neutralize everything he put in you just fit in with everybody else dress like them walk like them act like them eat like them go where they go think like they think do what they do and once you neutralize your uniqueness you don't need courage it takes courage to be different it takes courage to go where you've never gone before for some of you it took courage to come to this conference it takes courage to get you outside of the bar it takes courage to be successful it takes courage to win people don't talk about people that don't win if you win they're going to talk about you do you have the courage to till the storms keep raging and the people get to talking and you stand there and say I've come too far to turn around do you have the courage unless I'm gonna say something to you it takes courage to be exceptional it takes courage to be wise it takes courage to be rich it takes courage to be educated it takes courage to be knowledgeable because the moment you do it you don't talk like you oh you don't gotta forgot where you came from look at you talking it takes courage and I'm just wondering in this week watered down mediocre society that we live in today in this reality TV world we live in today I'm wondering if there's anybody left that's got the courage to say after all I've been through and all my ancestors have been through and all my parents have been through I didn't go through all of that just to fit in with normalcy I to go out there after my dream is there a woman milk in this entire Coliseum that's got some power [Music] foreign
Channel: Power Of Positive
Views: 47,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO CHANGE HIS LIFE, BEST MOTIVATION SPEECH, STEVE HARVEY, motivation #speech, Jimrohn, TD Jakes, COURAGE, Powerful Motivational Speech
Id: oJlqw-rwSkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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