Believe in Faith - Steve Harvey #motivational #inspirational

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don't forget to pray but don't be ashamed to pray and don't be too proud to pray because prayer Prayer Changes Things Prayer Changes Things I don't care how dark it look for you I don't care what what they'd have said to you I don't care what the verdict is I don't care what the haters say prayer change things I'm talking to a girl I grew up on a block man that it didn't breed success a lot of people on our block ain't here no more man I grew up in a place man that was that was you had to be something else you come up out of there Prayer Changes Things I was told I would never be nothing [Music] Prayer Changes Things I flunked out of school Prayer Changes Things I'm on my third marriage lost everything I've owned twice I've been homeless and lived in a car for three years Prayer Changes Things [Music] the cool thing about prayer is the one thing that's available to everybody at any given time do you know that God ain't ever too he ain't never too busy for you you know that God actually knows who you are do you know that God actually created you to converse with him do you know that God would actually love to hear from you do you know that I like talking to him even when I don't really need nothing [Music] quit playing with this here you're not gonna make it without God if you've tried it so far tell me how that's working out for you it sucked on it you need God don't don't you think I got here without it I've needed him every step of the way if it wasn't for God I wouldn't even be standing here today [Music] quit being ashamed about it and worry about who looking go somewhere by yourself today and tell God you need some help tell him that you're just tired of trying to figure it out for yourself you can't be tripping with my walk with it cause your my path ain't been like yours just my version of being saved all you gotta do is get your own version you ain't got to change God work with you God take anybody that want to be saved and he's saved so just like old people used to say I'm Just a Nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody that can save anybody [Music] two things my dream and my faith faith is the belief in things that you cannot see you can never lose faith that's the key you have to believe in something that you can't see you have to believe when you can't when you don't see no way how you have to buckle down and keep believing God is always coming here's the deal the moment you ask God for something he boxes it up and he ships it to you here's the problem with the package he never gives you the date that is going to arrive it's going to come it just don't tell you when if you told you when it will destroy the relationship that's required to have an abundant life which is faith if God told you you were going to be rich in August of 2021. do you know how crazy you would talk to people from now until then because you know on August 21 I'm going to be rich but he don't tell you when the package is going to rise so here's the deal he wants you to stay in faith to receive the package because he only delivers to Faith Street if you step off over here to I don't see how Boulevard he don't ship that if you get over here to I'll see how Circle he does not ship there he only sends the boxes to face Stream So when he sends it and you moved on faith Street the package got to go back it's just like UPS or the post office if they send you a box and you ain't home they take it back that's how it works man let me tell you also being successful is not a magic trick you just have to learn the principles of success I ain't got no degree I got nothing like that to tell you about I didn't finish school I flunked out of school I'm on my third marriage lost everything I've owned twice been homeless lived in the car I am telling you your education ain't got nothing to do with it now man it's your dreams and Visions a man without a dream of vision should perish it's what God puts in your imagination for you to have everything God wants you to have he puts it in your imagination Albert Einstein said imagination is everything it's the preview to Life's coming attractions everything you imagine is God showing you a preview of a Coming Attraction he has for you and he puts it in your imagination so you can see what he got for you so if you've been imagining that you're gonna be rich one day it's because God wants you to be rich now when you're gonna ask him for it and are you gonna wait for it to happen or you gonna lose faith how you know what God's will is it all happens at an appointed time but you have to stay in faith for the point of time to happen for you I've been wanting to be on TV since I was 10 years old you know how old I was before I got on TV 38. 38 28 years after I wrote it on the paper I won't be on TV it took me 28 years to get on TV but it happened at an appointed time I just never gave up the faith I kept going cause I ain't know how to quit cause I know if I quit it cannot happen if you stay with it you have no idea what can happen for you you can't quit because get hard this dude lost his legs he still he's still funky with it you can't quit because you got your leg what you tripping for you can't quit man you got to stay with it it's somebody having it way harder than you and they didn't give up tripping man get yourself together God got a great life for you I'm telling you God got a plan for you that's so out of sight it would trip you out all you gotta do is ask him for it and wait on it and be willing to work faith without works and then that's all you got to do you don't need no education I flunked out of school you know how many people I got working for me they got degrees everybody I got a degree because I know I ain't that smart but I got money for you bro you got what I don't have but you gonna take that 150 and help me get this billion I got 154 billion how God give me this and he won't give it to you look at me I've been up here cussing I've made mistakes but God don't ask you for your Perfection he asks you for your consistency there's none perfect no not one [Music] I'm gonna give you the two scriptures that changed my entire life now I had heard these scriptures growing up but it didn't it didn't sit with me until I was homeless the first scripture you have not cause you asked not now listen to me I cannot tell you how important that single scripture is a lot of the problems I was having and you may be having just like me is because what I was asking God for was the wrong stuff I kept going to him too small I was praying for stuff that really didn't need that much of a prayer you really think God don't know you need another job he know all of that but if you don't ask him for it he can't God don't give you what you want he'll give you what you believe see you've been blowing it if you up your ass he UPS his guilt that's his promise you have not cause you ask not Lord help me fix my car so I can make it to work stop praying over these raggedy cars why don't you ask God for a car that don't need fix it oh you think that's too big for him is that it so you don't ask this great God for big stuff because you don't see how you can get it you're not supposed to see how you can get it you're just supposed to ask him for it see the how-to is none of your business you keep getting in the way of the blessing cause you all up in the how-to part of it show me the scripture where he tells you to figure out how to do anything he don't ask you to how to nothing [Music] right Division and make it plain everything you want you supposed to write down I'm telling you man this is how it works you know some rich people don't really have degrees you just need the word you need to know what it's saying applied to you you know why because it's a promise of his he ain't never lied he always come through if I was you I'd try that if you keep doing what you've been doing you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting [Music] all I ever ask God for was to let me eat let me sit at the table with the big boys take me from this homelessness that I'm in and fill my coffers with with with spoils you know how much I have today I have more than I ever thought I'd ever had hey God then gave me more than I asked for because he got this thing he has called Grace and Grace is I wish I wish I could buy it you know I wish I could buy Grace man Justice is when you get what you deserve Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve he said but Grace is different from both of them Grace is when you get what you don't deserve do you understand that God has this thing that he passes out called Grace you ever heard old people say all I want is a little more grace because guess what he passes it out and he gives you things you don't deserve I do not deserve this life I hate I'm just telling you flat out the money I make where I live what I drive how I travel how I vacation I don't deserve it I work really hard but I really don't deserve all this I don't [Music] I'm telling you flat out I don't deserve it but he gave me Grace he let me survive homelessness he bought me from Top I've been out y'all don't know I've been in it I'm so grateful that God let me have this life he gave me that I don't even know what to do what you see today is a boy that come out the bottom who believed in him when it wasn't no sign of me getting over who kept doing this thing that is mother tongue She said when it get dark for you and you can't find your way and for I was lost she said don't forget to pray don't be ashamed to pray and don't ever be too proud to pray because prayer prayer changes things you have got to pray oh you know what you ought to get you ought to you ought to create your relationship with God because if you do that he gonna put some Grace on you and he gonna give you some things you don't deserve then you won't need no education you won't need to go and complete the program no more you ain't got to go over here and ask nobody will they hide God takes you to places that you never ever thought you could you go I never saw myself here but that God I serve he saw me here and he put me here and all I'm doing right now is telling you that with God you can make it I don't know why he had you coming to this show I don't know why I'm telling it to you like this today but if you ain't never tried god listen to me you should try him because he's very available to you right now he don't love me no more than he love you if God can pick me up and you have no idea who you really look at you don't know what I've done if God can change me he changed anybody in this room God is good man [Music]
Channel: Positive Motivated
Views: 22,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: me_rLIyCKVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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