Steve Harvey Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever

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ain't no elevator to the top you got to take the stairs they elevator don't go to the top man not in the world of success you have control of this belongs to you this is yours you're the captain you're the master you're the foreman you're the general you're the head don't give control of this to nobody get off of Instagram and snap and get off all these blogs and get into something that can really really move your life forward listen getting successful it's not a magic trick you can decide to be rich it's highly doable but you first have to think it the difference between successful people and non-successful people is here I'm no better than none of y'all if you want to be successful you have to have to change this this has to change [Music] listen to me it's not what makes it hard is your lack of belief that it can happen for you the fact of it is though it's very doable see if but you got to change them if you keep doing what you've been doing you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting so if you're at a place in your life and you ain't happy with it you have to change something but you have to make a conscient interest decision that you're going to change and it's not dependent on anybody else it don't matter what your mama think it don't matter what your co-workers think it don't matter what your siblings think it don't matter what your children think it don't matter they have nothing to do with it this decision is yours and yours alone let me tell you something you get to decide if I'm Gonna Be Rich poor mediocre plentiful happy sad you you have a decision to make it's really not important what the majority of people that are blogging are saying as a matter of fact bloggers are not relevant people they're not shakers and movers and they're not decision makers and they're not power Brokers so when you spend so much time in the blog world the Instagram world the chat world all of this you're wasting valuable time if I was young and I had what you have and you're the brightest group of young people that have come along in a long time man Millennials are absolutely brilliant because you all have technology I had no technology growing up nothing you you couldn't download a book you had to go to the library go to the card catalog pull it open find the book find the number go get on the elevator go to the row find the number book get the book and hope somebody ain't told a page out that you want to read that's what it used to be when my mom and then finally got the money together help us educate ourselves they bought an encyclopedia set Britannica funking Wagner and everything you wanted to know was in that encyclopedia and that's all you could know if you want to look up something about elephant and they had two pages on elephants that was what y'all knew about an elephant y'all got Google you can Google anything you all have stuff at your fingertips that can make you great but if you could combine your technology with your parents and your grandparents work ethic your could be rich you could be rich man but you cannot erase the work ethic part there is no getting around [Music] ain't no elevator to the top you got to take the stairs the elevator don't go to the top man not in the world of success you gotta take the stairs y'all got to start getting gritty man I hate it when I see young people wasting their time wasting all this technology got just [Music] just sitting around in this world that's been created for you that everything is instant I was arguing with my son the other day we're having a debate I thought man I'm finally sitting with one of my sons having a healthy debate I told him that from Cleveland to Nashville was about 540 miles something like that he Googles it while we're talking he said no dad you're wrong it's 526 miles you I said 5 40. it's amazing man how you rely on technology and it's a help to you for young people you got to get gritty man you got to develop some dog in you you got to understand that success you can't Google success go Google it you can't Google it man I got something else for you because I've lived so long and I've been exposed to so many things I've seen stuff hopefully you'll never see and I've seen some things I hope one day you do see but go Google exposure it ain't gonna take you nowhere I've been around the world man because I've traveled but I traveled it because I made myself uncomfortable I have a life of convenience now but in order to get the life of convenience you got to have a very uncomfortable life you've got to get comfortable being uncomfortable stop trying to do everything the short way stop trying to figure out the easy way because it ain't gonna happen I got news for you man it's not happening young people you got to get you got to get messed up sometimes you got to get dirty you got to get your feelings hurt you got to get disappointed you got to get told no you're gonna ask somebody for some money he gonna tell you no but at least then when I see somebody trying and I tell them no I try to at least give them something else see I'm not gonna hand you a fish sandwich I'll teach you how to fish but I'm not giving you a fish sandwich you can forget that [Applause] once you get this y'all you can change everything do you understand negativity you can protect yourself from negativity and that's what stops most people negative thoughts you can coat your mind from negativity it's a real simple exercise to do I do it every morning before I walk out the door so I walk out as a positive person you know I get tired sometimes that's different from being negative because I get mentally drained from my job at times but to coach your mind from negativity the way you can put a coating around your mind is it with one simple thing gratitude gratitude erases negativity I'm gonna show you how this works if you wake up in the morning you start having negative thoughts Man this ain't my day I woke up on the wrong side of bed I'm tripping I just don't feel myself every time you feel in the middle of the day if you feel doing that [Music] and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for not everything you want everything you already have because what you have is substantial you just haven't gone over the list and taken inventory in a long time but the fact that you can walk that's a blessing the fact that you woke up That's Another Blessing the fact that you can see think reason That's Another Blessing the fact that you can go somewhere and get yourself something to eat that's Another Blessing the fact that you can go and turn the key and call someplace home That's Another Blessing the ability to dream is a blessing the the fact that you have an opportunity to get it right is Another Blessing and I'm just talking to you I don't even know you I could give you 50 things you ought to be grateful for right now I don't even know you start coding your mind with gratitude it'll change everything for you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MOET
Views: 32,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveharvey, goals, motivation, lifecoach
Id: 3Jw9WQvg00Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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