How To Move On, Let Go & Leave Your Past Behind You (Powerful Speech)

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one of life's greatest lessons is that yesterday is only as powerful as we allow it to be yesterday is an idea a story a movie that started and ended now it's quite possible that story or that ending is disappointing or it hurts to look back on perhaps a reminder of something that wasn't ideal something you want to break away from so the question is why do we give that old story power why do we relive it create this self-inflicted wound see the past undoubtedly played a critical role it brought you to where you are now it in many ways shaped your world view constitutes your beliefs it was the very road to this moment and there's value in that but imagine this scenario imagine stepping into your car turning the keys and thinking to yourself that you can in this very moment only drive down the roads you drove on yesterday only associate with the street signs you know the places you've already gone your reality now is determined by what you've already done so adjust and get used to it you would say that's outrageous right yesterday's path has nothing to do with where i'm going now just like a boat's wake trailing off behind it has nothing to do with where it's going next the person holding the wheel controls that we are saturated with freedom there is so much opportunity and possibility and potential in front of us that we fail to see because we can't stop thinking about that fictitious story we call yesterday we confuse the path we took then for the one we need now the wake from the steering wheel what is and that story about what was the gateway to change is unshackling ourselves from those imaginary monsters and more often than not the answer isn't in finding some solution it's in cutting ties with those things that no longer serve us then we see the world as it truly is then we see the magic laid out before us and i get that it's easier said than done leaving a part of us behind hurts looking in the mirror and being vulnerable enough to say i can be more than this it's not easy but it's possible and everything starts with how we see ourselves and when we remain captives to the past everything about who we think ourselves to be is outdated we're neglecting one of our superpowers the perpetual ability to restart one of the most important conversations i've ever had was on this topic seemed trivial at the time but i was having lunch with a friend and we're talking and i mentioned to her that i was full and she goes well then why are you still eating and i'm like because i paid for it right i wanted to get my money's worth and she says in a very you know pragmatic way eddie just because you paid for it doesn't mean you need to eat it right it's a sunk cost why don't you move on and the whole thing seems silly right it's like yeah if you're not hungry don't eat move on but in the grand scheme of things how many of us keep on consuming that which doesn't serve us how many of us stay too long when we should be letting go we let the path behind us dictate the one before us see there's a tendency to overvalue what we know to feel so invested in how things are even when we're not happy or it's not healthy that we'll take the pain of now over the potential for something greater that's precisely why the unknown is so terrifying it's not concrete it's a world unsettled and man do we hate being unsettled but what we fail to realize is that every time we close our eyes take a breath and work up the courage to step into that unknown to leave yesterday behind us life gives us new pieces it resets the stage it provides new tools to build something incredible something more ideal more conducive to our goals our hopes and our dreams and the thought is well but but what if things become worse than they are right now what if i move forward and i find myself more confused more lost what if things are are more chaotic and that may for a moment be true but what we do is we adjust we learn things we never knew we see things through a lens that we never could touch things that we never thought existed it wasn't in staying but in leaving that we rediscovered who we were meant to be that we allowed our truest selves to flourish and worst case scenario contrary to popular belief it's not the world ends no the worst case scenario should you find the courage to move forward is that you end up right back where you started a little more confident a little bolder and better prepared to live this life like you never had all that's needed is for you to convince yourself that there is more you just need to taste the fruit step into the sunlight that's the difference between reality and the story in your head reality is that this world has for you everything you need to change to grow explore build a life that means something it has the support structures and the resources for you to pull yourself back up every time you fall to say okay that hurt but now let's try a different angle there is undoubtedly what you need and the question is never whether the x on that treasure map exists trust me it's there the question is whether you can pause that story in your head the tales of a dark mean and scary world trying to hold you down pause the idea that you're nothing more than the you of yesterday you're nothing more than how people knew you to be pause the idea that you're nothing without that job title or that relationship pause the idea that you need him or her or them in your life every day you wake up you are a blank canvas who cares about yesterday what do you want to paint now when you walk out your front door where do you want to go now step outside that circle of familiarity see how artificial and in some cases ridiculous these boundaries are that we place around ourselves life is an invitation not a set of requirements and when you free yourself of that not only will you feel like someone new not only will you experience life as it was meant to be experienced but you'll see that this world will conform to your new definition this world wants to support you it wants to lift you up and yeah it may be challenging and strenuous it may force you to work harder and be braver than you've ever been but it is at the end of the day you're an ally you just have to see your future self before it materializes when no one else gets it so move on from all that does not serve you break away from the old rules regulations and guidelines maybe you exhausted time and energy into creating this reality maybe it feels like a monumental piece of your identity maybe right now is the only security you have fine but my hope is that you can respect it and walk away see it as the sunken cost that it is just because you paid to get there doesn't mean you need to keep paying to make wrong decisions just because it took your time doesn't mean it's entitled to keep stealing your time just because it's part of your identity now doesn't mean it must be tomorrow just because it creates security doesn't mean it's right jails and steel bars are also incredibly secure no today we are breaking free leaving the past in the past and setting our sights on the horizon today is the end of yesterday and the beginning of the rest of your life you
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 440,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, motivational speech, motivational video, letting go, how to let go, how to move on, let go of the past, how to let go of the past, best revenge is moving on, best revenge, leave your past behind, let go of the past motivation, letting go motivation, motivation to let go, leave your past, leave your past behind and move on, inspirational video, best motivation 2021, best motivational video
Id: YJ04oRIV3qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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