How to Change a Dirt Bike Tire - Episode 170

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hey guys you're watching dirt bike Channel I'm your host Kyle Brotherton and today we got a special treat here I've got a guest host for today's show I've got Jay Clark with Dunlop here and he's going to take some of the mystery out of dirt bike tire changes I know that a lot of you guys have struggled in the past this is something that I've struggled with a lot as I've kind of come up in dirt bikes and there was a time there where I couldn't get a tire change without pinching and ruining my tube and it was super frustrating but I think if you got the proper tools and you've got you've got some technique involved you can really take some of the mystery out of it and Jay changes a lot of tires a lot more tires and then I have ever done Jay's forgotten more about tire changing than I've ever known so I thought I'd bring him in and we'll see how to put some new skins on this dirt bike so let's get to it well Jay go ahead and take it away here so we need to know well first off we're working on an 18-inch wheel which is a little bit easier so for all you off-road guys it's a little bit easier than a 19 inch rear wheel so when I start with is the rim lock I'll back it all the way off I'd leave just a couple threads and on these KTMs it's a little harder to see what that ends but about like so I'll just back it off to where there's just a thread or two holding the nut on take the cap off your valve stem here and then the valve core inside we remove it completely some people just let air out you don't want to do that you want to get it all the way out more sidewall here so it's thick a whole lot easier to wear the 19 is a lower profile tire so it can be a lot harder so I'll start just a little ways away from the rim lock I'll get in here and push down on the tire like so about six to eight inches away from the rim one yeah just then I'm now I'm knocking it off the bead now we're all the way off now some and some people will just push their hands down it can be hard on your hands so now I get down and I push the rim lock and now I fill the tire over we're using motion Pro tire spoons as you see here again I just get a little ways away from the rim lock and and instead of going right here in between the knob I go kind of right on the knob and that'll push make it a little easier and this one come off the bead pretty easy being an 18 inch and now at this point I'm going to start about about eight inches away and I get the tire spoon in there and I pull it towards me and then lock it under the under the disk and have the disk up for my first night so I start with the sprocket up on the other side and I just pulled that spoon out and I keep going like so and if you start getting where it's a little tight you can push down on the bead on your opposite side yeah and then just work my way around like so and now I'm down to just where I just need one spoon I got my left hand kind of keeping down on the tire and so much of the stuff you do you just kind of forget so as I'm working here I'm kind of trying to tell every step so my tires off this side at this point a lot of people will pull the tube out of the tire we don't even bother because it can be kind of a hassle so and and tough on your fingers so we'll start here I just picked up on the tire with my left hand and I got the spoon under the sprocket here and I just work my way around just like I did the other side and I'm kind of keeping my body against the tire race it off there now I can be down to one one spoon and I push with my body against the tire and now you see the rim lock and the valve stem er away and I just push it off like so completely now at this point one of the first things I'll do is inspect that everything's good here and this is a newer bike so we're in good shape here everything's nice but if you have a band here that's torn away or broken you're the spoke nipples here will be exposed you want to cover those back up with tape we use that gorilla tape works really good or duct tape or a bit yeah duct tape right across this strip some people have it up onto here you don't want to do that you want to be just the same distance you see this blue tape right now you don't you don't want to be up on here or the tire won't be able to to fit properly in here so stay right in here you know a pretty simple deal so this one's all in good shape good time to inspect that and we're ready to go with our new tire install yep so we've got our new Dunlop 8081 - good all-around tire for trail riding is this the best is this the best tire that Dunlop makes for our area in the western United States yeah for most across the entire country really for roots and rocks now it wear will wear a bit quickly out here where it's rocky and all that but it has a tremendous grip it works really well so that's one downside of a tire that works well is it tends to wear out a little quicker so there's a trade-off there so with that with this tire works really well in those conditions it's a better tire for most off-road conditions than say our MX 3s or MX 52 is it's a better all-around tire and so we throw a little baby powder inside this tire to keep the tube from chasing we have a new ya so what will happen is that you get the tube and the tire will kind of bond together if you leave it on for say a long time and then it'll also help prevent a little bit less likely to have pinch flats as well you know with them not as bound together so we stuff our tube in here once we get our tube stuffed in here we're going to add a little air all right perfect Kyle's got us some air out of this nice cool blue hose so we're going to what I like to do is we fill this up like so now this is one of the most common questions we get is how much already put in it you put just the right amount it actually doesn't even register on a gauge and so with an 18 you have a little bit of floppiness I actually get a so I get a little bit less and you're just trying to keep the tube of you know firm so there's no folding around or anything it's ready to go just like this and this is how I start so now with our tire on our - our tube in we're ready to start we have our nut for our valve stem we have that ready I actually stick that in my mouth of all places probably not a good good habit to be in but I got this tyre paste I'll put this on here I'll tell you about this tire paste here as we go so I get that on there real nice and yeah and it doesn't stay wet I'm like some guys will use w4t and stuff and that can stay wet and you don't want that if you're getting especially if you're going straight to ride so we find our hole here in the rim then we drop our nut and put our nut on here and put it on like 3/4 of the way or so like so now with this wheel with the rim lock being right next to here it makes it real easy it's not opposite so at this point we just slide our we see how where you watch the tube right here it's real easy you could pinch you could get the tube in here you're going to make sure your tubes on the other side of that rim lock like so like this and you're ready to start putting the tire on I think for the for the help of this video and showing guys how to do this I'm going to kind of do it the hard way and so right now I'll pull this off and I'm going to leave it off the rim block and what we're going to do is we're going to tend its opposite like on a Yamaha or about half the brands out there the Honda's you had so some bike the concept is if they have the stem here in the rim lock over here that it's distributing the weight of the sitting down more balanced so when you sit Kawasaki and KTM and some never ends have them right next to each other I think we can all agree on a dirt bike it's not that big a deal one bit Bend on one side or a clump of mud on the other side and your weights all off anyway so I I kind of like this setup it's of course it's easier to change tires on so as I'm taking these bites all around I lift up underneath with my left hand here and I pop it on so now my rim lock is stuck underneath No and I'm just doing that for demonstration purposes since you show you guys kind of the hardest situation so now I've put the tire over now my rim lock stuck right there and I get a spoon and my motion is going to be like this back and forth back and forth and I tap the rim lock and I walk it over the rim lock push the rim lock up like so flip it back over and now I'm good to go so I'll start I pick up the tire with my leg and now I've got a gap right here just about five or six inches away from the stem usually I get by the stem in our work from the valve stem and work my way around so if the I'm usually start about four inches away from here because this is one of most common places people will pinch or tube as close to the stem seat I don't ever want to end at the stem because the tubes pulled up higher right there so I'll start for five inches away from there now I pushed up on the rim lock so it's in here you can see I'm pushing down with my left hand and my bites are about two to three inches away now when it gets closer this is the hard part so right here I now I move over closer to my my bead buddy and I'm knocking the tire off the bead see how it just went down all down now that's the biggest problem people have is just taking the time to go back and make sure it's all the way up now on 19-inch wheel this is even a little bit harder now I left me just enough to where I can slide in here without scratching my rim too bad and I'm lifting up on the tire and I pop it in push down on the tire the same time I can pull my bead buddy out and now I'm going to air it up obviously airing it up with a compressor is really good not having to use a bicycle pump or something so we'll just pause okay okay so so now I filled it up on one side I'll wipe it off real good now flip it over always make sure to flip it over and make sure you're beat it on both sides if you don't flip it over chances are then for whatever you want to beat it up on the other side so you want make sure you're all the way beat it up what do you do what do you do if you if the beat hasn't popped then just put more and more air now if you get to a situation where say you didn't didn't use a good lube and it's real dry then I would let the air back out to add of the tire knock it off the bead and try to drop something in there some glass cleaner or something and get it wet and then fill it back up with air with a good compressor with a bunch of air one time so it can pop back up in there and usually you're fine so now the first thing we'll do is what tighten our our rim lock usually I have a little ratcheting cool wrench but we got a little old school may can do up here while I'm visiting Kyle so and you don't want to over tighten the rim lock because you can blow out your rim your the concept of the rim lock is it's holding the tire in place from spinning and other normal conditions is there any sort of tutorials best yeah I don't think so we call it Armstrong and I'm not very strong so it's it's a pretty good about in there so if you get like that right there you're good yeah one little vane and then and then here one of the one of the common mistakes is people Jam this nut you could probably catch that with your people will jam this nut down here this is the most common mistake we see so you see this nut down here you don't ever want to do that because so if the tire runs low and this thing starts to turn it'll rip the stem off of the tube so what you want to do is back this all the way out here and run your cap down to it touches it so that's a comments you want to be something like put our cap on like so but right now we're going to check tire pressure we'll talk a little bit about about tire pressure well we mentioned the tire paste the tire paste I get is from Hunter engineering which is they sell it to like it you know truck stops tire shops see my online maybe yeah they're an old-school company and I have to meet up with a with a rep you know and you get it in gallon buckets it's like thirty bucks for a gallon so for most people that lasts in their lifetime it lasts me about a year a gallon bucket or so will last me like a year and and you in it's like thirty bucks for a one gallon and it's called hunter engineering it's probably the best stuff we found it there's some other stuff out there but the that's what we found works well now we're going to set this are you riding this bike today probably riding all right right this one to this we're gonna set this around fifteen fifteen is when I run around here and one of the is so if you can get away with thirteen to fourteen off-road wise you get a little better grip but of course you get a little more susceptible to to pinch flats but pinch flats on an 18 inch off-road bike are mainly going to be two guys that are going really fast and slamming into rocks which we do yeah I pinched him although although it really does help if you can get if you can get that heavy that heavy-duty tubes and make a big difference so now I got my cap on there back to the nut I set my tire pressure and and this wheel is good to go sweet now we just got to do the front it's it's the easy deal yeah well guys Jay made this look so easy standing right here by him it was pretty incredible to watch and it's something that I think you got it you've got to practice with I know I'm getting better the more tires that I change I think practice makes perfect but a lot of those a lot of those points that he was talking about making sure to go back around you know the other side when you're when you're getting when it gets tight here and you're trying to spoon it on it helps to take just a little bit extra time go back around the other side and get everything back down and then that made that look slick I think having a tire stand is critical this is having you the one you have is perfect as well but having it at your waist height here and not be bent over a bucket or something or doing it on the ground having it at your height ears and I notice this thing have is really easy to turn so it's just got that nylon I had a buddy might make this for me go ahead and put this nylon on there I like this type of stand with a center post it's quick and easy for me other guys like the ones that go around here and sit on the spokes which is kind of like like this right and and at least at least this one has a what I like about this one is it has a center post so it can hold it like so so this this this is a knife stand now you can see this stand is sitting up a little bit taller because Kyle's a little bit taller than me so that does help for mine's a little bit lower boy here and I can get over it more I like being able to get over a little bit and so that's you got to have the good tool so tell me this so so I noticed you're using the same spoons that I have but I also have some of these more pointed ones promotion Pro what do you think of these so these are okay I think for a trail bag I think these can be valuable the downside to these is especially this side can you can want to go in too far and with this this sharp lip like this one you can gouge your rim real easy if you're not totally in there and you'll pop off the rim and put a nice little gag in there where would these these we call these spoons we should be called tire irons back in the day and with with this one when it goes in you kind of get in the rim you have less chance of putting a nice gal junior in your rim and these fit in there nicely so I tend to like these a lot better very good yes help now that pretty simple so let's knock that front out and go ride
Channel: Dirt Bike Channel
Views: 159,373
Rating: 4.869091 out of 5
Keywords: enduro, motocross, dirtbike, ktm 2016, ktm motorcycles, shootout, ktm range, erzberg, graham jarvis, johnny walker, best dirtbike, 125, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 525, exc, sx, how to, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, video, review, dunlop, tires
Id: bo_V5CLvwT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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