How-To: Change Your Off-Road Motorcycle Tire

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everyone I'm Jeff with motion pro today we are talking about changing off-road motorcycle tires and we brought in our friend Anthony of Ascencio from Dunlop to show you the way what's up guys so yeah I've been fortunate enough to help out Dunlop the past few years with tire fitment at the Supercross and motocross events so I'm glad to be here today to be able to share some of those tips of what we do on a weekly basis from weekend weekend things that make my job easier and keep us safe to you because we do change quite a few tires and you don't want to get injured and you want to make sure you're nice and consistent so we're gonna go over a few of those things today and I hope you learned something now typically whenever we do this out of Supercross we have 30 to 40 tires in front of us so the first thing you want to do is lay out all of your tools now I have my tire paste my cornstarch baby powder my motion Pro tire gauge my motion Pro B buddy which is critical you need this if you don't have this trust me you need it we've got our spoon type tire iron this is just a preference thing there's a couple different options that you have this is what I like to use and then have my ratcheting wrench here for the rim lock and the core remover which is very important so first things first on this I want to find the valve stem remove the cap as well as the lock nut so we popped those two bad boys off I don't know if you can see it very well but we'll get you a better angle and I'm gonna go ahead and release the air the tire stage those there then I'll take my ratchet and go to the rim walk and we're going to go ahead and loosen this up almost to the end of the threads but not quite and just leave that right there now when I work on this I usually like to start off with the rotor side up and reason being is I'm gonna be using a little bit of leverage here to go ahead and to try and get the bead over the wheel and when I do that if my hand happens to slip I really don't want to be busting up my knuckles on on the sprocket so that's just a preference thing for me and also on my stand I don't usually use that little Rob that sticks up here I like to have it where it'll move around freely because if I have if I go and I push up with my thigh against the tire it'll catch on the sprocket here and that'll be like an extra hand that will give me a little bit of leverage when I'm going and working around the tire all right now that the air is out of the tire what we want to do we locate right here this is where the valve stem is going to be and typically the rim lock is either going to be right next to it or across from it when I do a try to change I like to start right next to the rim lock and I'll go ahead and break down the bead so I dig a spoon in there and I usually do it on a knobby so that way it gives me a little bit more leverage and I push this up against here so it's catching on the sprocket there and I'm able to start pushing down this one's gonna be a little snug holy smokes let's give it away around see what we got there we go once it starts to go it gets a lot easier now we got the first bead broken down I'm gonna go just to the side of the rim lock and when I do this you'll notice I have a fist here and as I apply pressure I open my hand and that's gonna prevent if my hand slips it's gonna catch like this as opposed to me being committed to it and boom hitting my knuckles so that's a huge tip right there so we got this one going let's get our spoons in perfect and then you can see the rim lock right there I'm gonna go just next to it we're gonna get the entire bead over that RIM lock and you'll notice here I have my spoon underneath the rotor but I keep my forearm here to keep that from popping up and hit me in the mouth which has happened so now I'm just following this all the way around and we take small bites no matter how many tires you change it's always small bites otherwise it turns into a bear so I'm going to do the same thing on this side to get the bead down there we go so now the second beat is down and I'm going to do the same thing on this side the valve stem happens to be right next to the rim lock so I'm just going to start with the valve stem and same thing when I do this notice hand stays open I can't stress that enough it'll save you in the long run and now we're going over the rim lock there we are and when it gets tight like that notice I'm not trying to strong-arm it because you'll strain yourself a bit you just want to kind of put your body into it that way it's a little bit easier it gives you a little bit more leverage now one thing here if you notice I started off over here and I started to take it off up until about this point then I stopped here went to the other side and took the beat off to about the same point on the other side so you'll notice that the the rim lock is right in the center of what's taken off already and this is what remains because I want to end here and I'll show you why in just a second once I get to this point where the beads completely off on both sides I'm going to go right here across from the rim lock I'm going to put my spoon all the way through to the very bottom across both beads and I'll get a little bit of leverage so that way I create a gap like that and now when I go to take this off I'm just going to press down and then push forward a bit and that's going to pop right out just like that so now what I need to do first thing is put my valve core back in we'll set this aside then this is a good time where you want to inspect your wheel make sure your rim strip is good this one's pretty good pretty clean too now I'm gonna go and take my cornstarch baby powder and I'm gonna put some on the inside of the carcass of the new tire which happens to be at MX 53 it's our new hard pack tire from Dunlop then I take my tire lube and when I lube this the part I want to get is just from the bead to the outside not so much on the inside so get this on here now I get my tube we'll set this here and I want to start with the valve stem and follow this all the way around before I put the tire on okay then I want to get this little lock nut for the valve stem I'm going to pull a little bit of the tube out and I'm gonna fish it right through the hole in the wheel and then thread the lock nut on just a little bit just so it holds it in place and then we're gonna take our spoon and I'm gonna go underneath on the bottom bead I'm gonna get it in between on the rim lock in the wheel so when it starts off it's going to look like that underneath and I need to make sure this stays above the wheel this bead stays above the wheel on this side that I'm working on now some people like to either push or pull when they spoon on a tire you'll see guys that change tires this way you see guys that change tires this way on this process or on this part of the process I like to push the bead on and then once we get to the next side I'll show you that I cool now one thing you might notice that I'm doing I'm leaving my spoon in the entire time when I'm working on this reason being the more times I have to take it out and then try and push the spoon back in its it could potentially damage the wheel we don't want to do that and in case you maybe have a habit of doing that we do have the the rim shield right here it's a really easy tool you can use you just go ahead and lift up the bead wedge this in between the bead and the rim and it hooks on real nice and then you just take your spoon and then the rim shields gonna take all of the force so you can really beat it up and you're not going to damage your wheels really really handy if you need it so that is that there now to move forward I'm gonna go ahead and lube this side of the tire again what I was saying some folks they like to push when they mount the second side of the of the tire or they like to pull that's all a preference thing me personally I like to pull so I will show you how I do that because it's a little important with the placement of our bead buddy and I'll show you why in just a second so let's lube this up real quick so now that we have this lubricated I'm gonna go ahead and show you how I get the bead buddy in there now we're working with the rim lock here and the valve stem right next to it so I'm going to go just to the left my left of the rim lock and I'm gonna get these two spoons in here and then place my bead buddy under the bead and hook it right on to the spoke reason being this is going to be my end point and I'm gonna pull all the way around and then on this first bite it's going to be right next to the rim walk so I'm gonna get my spoon in there I'll hold a finger to make sure that the rim lock stays pushed in and then now that should be down in there pretty good so now that we're just past the valve stem and the rim lock I don't need this spoon right at the moment the beads already wanting to go inside the the wheel so I'm gonna hold my palm on the sidewall of the tire and hold the bead from from popping back out and I'm just gonna walk this all the way around we're gonna take really small bites like I said before no matter how many tire changes you do it's always small bites the bites never get any bigger and we're just gonna go nice and easy and also you don't have to crank on it really hard you just want to give it a nice little up to about 90 and cruise along with this until you start to feel a bit of tension now if you look it's starting to get a little bit tight there's maybe a third of the tire remaining that needs to be seated onto or needs to be mounted on to the wheel right now as it gets tight is a good time to go ahead and break the bead down again on a knobby for leverage but break it down so that way it gets to the drop center of the wheel and that'll give you a little bit more slack this way now a lot of times you might see the bead pop back up if it pops back up that means you don't have enough tension on this side so you need to go a little bit further along on this side of the mount in order for it to give tension to pull the bead down into the the drop center on the wheel so now I got a second spoon since it's tight and I'm gonna slowly bring these in and I'm watching over here to make sure that the bead stays down and seated and now we're getting real close so you'll notice how much is left now I don't want to take this spoon out I want to just slide it over a small amount and we want to go nice and easy here this is where 90% of the scratches happen on wheels is because someone will get to this point they'll crank it all the way over like that and you either pinch the tube or the spoon pops out and then you have to try and get it in there again and that ends up scratching up the wheel so you want to be really careful at this point patience here is gonna pay off very well for you so I'm gonna go slide that over just a little bit and if it gets difficult to slide you can just grab a spoke and then push it over with your thumb that's what I try to do and it's baby bites right here and notice I'm not cranking it over and yeah I don't even need to get that that satisfying folk as it goes over the the wall of the wheel you just want to let it inch over and see if I could get you a better shot but it's really really small really small and then right here we're getting close to our last bite so I'm leaving the spoon in last bites gonna go right in between the two right in the center of what's remaining on the bead and as I pull this last bite I'm gonna pull the spoon up so that way I don't risk biting on to the tube and potentially pinching it so we're gonna go here and you just pops right out so there you go now the hardest parts done and again I can't stress this thing enough this is if you go to the Dunlop truck every single one of us is using one of these it's a lifesaver I cannot stress that enough so now our tire is mounted onto the wheel now I want to go ahead and get that valve stem exposed we're going to go ahead and take our trick little swivel Chuck and put some air in here make sure we get the bead nice and seated so we got one for sure I'm going to pop it over to the other side looks like both of them are seated so I'll hang this back up and then before I believe the air out I want to go ahead and tighten my rim lock and it's a good habit to have because then you have less variables less things moving around before you believe the air down so you don't potentially get it pinched in here right now the tube is is really blown up against the side of the the walls of the tire so the odds of it getting caught in between the rim lock is less likely with that amount of pressure so this is nice and snug now we want to bleed the pressure down so I'll take our sweet little tire gauge digital tire gauge which again if you go to the Dunlop truck we're all using this at the Supercross races so gonna bleed the air out and you'll just bring this down to the desired pressure all right so we're bled down now all that's left to do is clean up our mess which is a detailed part that I like to keep a habit of doing flop this back over to this side and the reason I like to do this not only because it looks tricked to have fresh tires on your wheels but it also physically puts your hands on the bead and you can see if there was any error you might have made or or if there's something that you might have missed it's just one more kind of like a quality control if you will I mean looks like we're perfect now I'm gonna go ahead and put the valve cap back on and thread that on and then another thing this little lock nut a lot of us have a habit of cinching that down to the wheel that's got to come up it actually holds the valve cap on and leave it that way just because if there was any reason that the tire might slip on the the wheel of the tire or litter if the tire might slip on the wheel it can this sideways and if you have it cinched down too tight it could potentially tear the tube so you don't want that to happen you want that to have a little bit of leeway like that aside from that I believe we're finished and we successfully mounted on a tire a fresh tire fresh Dunlop on to the sweet wheel right here and I think I'm all ready and warmed up for Anaheim so thank you guys for watching I really appreciate it and keep an eye out for some videos in the future we'll have some more tech tips for you
Channel: Motion Pro
Views: 24,935
Rating: 4.9065418 out of 5
Keywords: Off-Road Tire Change with Dunl, motorcycle, tire change, off-road tire, tire tools, how-to, dunlop, DIY, dirt bike
Id: u--QR_Kh4D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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