How to catch STURGEON! - IF

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how we're rigging up this salmon roe fleet sir so why here is the leader that will yeah keep the baby hey [Music] hey what's up guys NIC the informative fishermen here and today we're out here fishing for white sturgeon we're out here with my buddy Joe John and Vince Borgess now Joe and John these guys are captains of this boat you can come out here and book them I'm gonna put the information down here what's the name of your business legal limit sport fishing legal limit sport fishing I'll put all that info down here you guys can check it out we're using Phoenix rods today we're gonna put the hurt on these sturgeon and we got Joey jr. right up there behind the camera guys now Joey's vicious so we're keeping him on the rods he's not gonna miss a lick us little guys you know we're a little bit behind on our step but not this guy future we got them on it no but we're gonna break it all down for you show you the rig and show you the line reels rods break down the methods the tides we're gonna get autumn show you there all the different baits hopefully put some big fish on film for you guys so stay with us we're gonna get on some action what this is all about is so we can get the rods close together so we can see all the tips all at one time the way we do it here on our boat is we like to keep them here in these quick-draw rod holders what it does is it allows you to not have the rod on a balance beam like majority of the sturgeon fishermen do it just stays in place so the rods ain't moving around like this and it's kind of hard to detect the bite so we you know purchase these things actually changed up changed it up a bit we actually added a stainless steel tube to it so there to fit our handles so it's a lot comfortable for the people we bring out fishing we like to keep the rods as close together you know so when you're stepping back watching it it's all in front of you and it's not spread out like you know a lot of other fishing boats out there know right off the bat we started getting strikes but we just couldn't hook up I want you to look closely at my rod tail that's how subtle though sturgeon it strike so on our first spot we got a few nice strikes but really couldn't hook up and then the fish started disappeared on the graph so we're gonna search out some better water try to get over the top of some better arches and put back down on them it's good if you're in one area and you're soaking too long get up move over and get those baits back down get fresh pick fresh bait back down get your morale going again and get on some fish alright so now I'm gonna have Joey jr. show you guys how we're rigging up this salmon roe for these searching today once you go ahead and rake this down for us Joey alright guys well we got some fresh king Roe from Sacramento River so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna put it on the TK 14 trial car Cayley saw hood we're gonna get your silly shred magic string or whatever you'd like to call it I'm going to slide it up the hook a bit get your point out wrap it up it's more it's best to have more than less I'm gonna wrap it up like that more better a little bit bigger than a golf or sizable golf balls for it but the hook sticked out like that so in that fish grabs it he just sucks it right up yeah use more thread than little thread better more thread you got on there the better Oz is just gonna stay on there you're gonna pound them let them pound it for a little bit longer you get time over there to set that hook now the nice part about these Cali style hooks like this is they get a deeper bite on the fish and that's actually imperative for sturgeon fishing they got that big sucker down there you need that hook to get back in there and grip good we're gonna break down the rig that Joe set up for these and to show you guys it's a different style we gotta use single barbless hooks nowadays out here you know we're out here on the California Delta so we're gonna break that down shortly here and hopefully get some fish on film and show you guys exactly how to do it yourself I know I can borrow some good fish here these ones right here I bought on the string for the beaters we got a dream 4.6 this we're actually marking some good fish here in this deep Bowl yeah hopefully these fish will blow out of this hole and come right into our baits are here comes another one here hopefully that's his head hanging towards the bottom but now as you can see he's got the arch here we've got another one right there on the bottom so Joe I know we're using all Phoenix rods out of here today what is it about this rod in particular that just suits your sturgeon fishing needs well you know it's not just the look of this run but it's the feel of this run it actually has a beautiful tip to it right now this is the 807 of this you know it's it's a great rod it's we've used a bunch of different rods in the past and we've had problems with the eyes break-in or busting off and as you can tell these eyes are wrapped really nice oh yeah you know in and the way this rod is made you know being a 70/30 it's actually really good for sturgeon it's got an excellent excellent tip on it that's a composite rod right yeah it's composite and you know 30 percent glass yeah so I know a lot of people in the past we're not really aware that you were fishing glass rods for sturgeon because you need a good rod that's gonna load up and not just coming an instant connection we're used brain nowadays this 65 right pound 65 pound braid so what that means is you got a direct connection to that fish to that heavy leader and if you don't have a moderate or a moderate fast action rod and these are moderate fast something that's gonna build into that rod and composite it's just a glass graphite mix that loads up really good it's a lot better and it's a little bit faster in those original old glass rods but it's just enough to get a good load on that fish with the hook set without slamming your terminal just BAM instead it's the instant surge which prevents all that gear from bending out hook spinning out swivels breaking you name it so that composite blend is just a perfect thing nowadays when you're fishing for sturgeon yeah you know it has a great backbone all under here you know and it still has the sensitivity for a sturgeon fisherman's to detect the bite now what's the length of this one here this one's an eight foot it's an 8-footer you know yeah I know a lot of guys were going too long in the past to they get that really long rod they get it too close to the boat and they can't get out there for that fish and you know we can't snare these fish anymore we got a net oh yeah yeah we got a net and we got a measure mixed to the side of the boat so you got to be a little bit closer and that eight foot is about the perfect length you get a lot of pickup when you see Joe reach over and swings this home you're moving a lot of line you're moving that hook if we cast out there a long range and you got a short rod you're not moving much and you need to bury these hooks with sturgeon so that eight foots a killer length that's an awesome setup man plus it's got these pretty little purple wraps on there yeah you know the what people like about the this series of rods is a price point price point falls in at about one seventy nine to two hundred dollar price point range they come 8 9 10 foot models but the most popular on the sturgeon is 807 808 a lot of times what we like to classify the difference of which model you use depends on the current how much weight you have to get I'm cast if you're out here casting a 12 ounce weight you want to go with something like the 808 we're getting bit here here that's quick it's coming in but if you're you know if you don't have a lot of current or you're fishing shallower where you have a little less current if the fish are feeding shallow and you're going with an 8 ounce weight or even 6 ounce or something maybe you can drop down to the 807 and it's not so much the rod can't handle the weight it's in the casting ability of your of the rod right the way low so the lighter weight the 807 the heavier weight the 808 is Oh a correct okay that's cool and all the rods all fenix rods feature a lifetime warranty so if anything happens to the rod it does have a no-questions-asked warranty $60 you send it in and get a new rod coming back so you're saying if Joe got ticked at Joey and broke it over Joey this is still within the warranty it's still within the warranty doesn't cover Joey's medical Joey's medical is not covered rot is come out is covered so even if you want a hunt deer with this thing it's got a nice little lot where you can mount a scope you bet you bet you can mount a scope on it upside down like this you really want to go with the whip cast if you're going for deer top waters usually the best the back the back of the deer if you're going for deer I recommend a 20 ounce weight that way you could wrap the neck what are you thinking like a three trouble super scooper actually probably the rope is pretty good lately for the trocar trouble with the one else pretty good this just lead into them you got a load up to them don't don't when you first get them don't just you know snap just lead in yeah you have to when you're when you're snagging did you set too quick you know it doesn't give that point enough time to start working you're not snacking you're not bragged yeah that's right go it over over the Joey jr. was the first one to hook up with the sturgeon that boy he set the hook hard while keeping his rod tip upright burning as real as fast as he could to load up that rod into the fish it's absolutely crucial to never give these fish slack since the state law says we have to use barbless hooks now and single hooks so keeping the load on that fish is imperative they can easily come off if the load comes off of that rod it's like the first version hooked up today it's a shaker the underside sturgess's referred to as a shaker just like the stripers but still it's a nice little white dinosaur not bad looks like he was you know a bit on row look at how light that guy is yep didn't even kind of trigger all the way through and he did get a good hook set on right in there these are trokar hooks these are about as sharp as you can possibly get and Joey buried that hook you can see that hook point just barely coming through there and these these guys have extremely tough mouths so you really got a jam that hooks at home don't gallivanting around with the thing just bury it see how easy that came out yeah I love gotta love it guy little buddy oh don't what happened to stop it on that spot okay so we're looking for right now is some deeper water that's holding fish we have a smaller title water because the water I'm on the deeper tide moves a little quicker so we'd get some more action with the bait down there so we found ourself a sixty one football and it's hold them quite a quite a few fish actually you can see there's some fish inside here we got some fish that are suspended that are just traveling through but what you want to do is if you're tied to ripping you want to go a little bit shallower so your so your weights are able to hold and if the tide isn't going pretty fast like it is today we got like a two-foot tide so we're you know you got to go deep for your baits to work so this is what we just did right now as you can see this line coming down right here this is our anchor and this is the way we normally catch our fish right there on his head slightly backed up River just a hair from and drop down our baits so we can get there in time before they passed us and just like that I hope this little over here little shaker Oh almost big fish of the day but you know Joe just edged me out a little bit there we go a little white surge in there not bad at least we're getting some bites now hopefully we'll be able to put a big one in the boat and show you guys alright but this is our target fish right here beautiful fish come on Nick you get this oh thanks man yeah you get this I appreciate it now I got past the rod here I just want to clarify I'm no poacher but it's been years since I've been out sturgeon fishing I always did it as a kid you know I got some big greens some good whites but they never documented it before you know the the show became a hobby later in life this one might be close oh yeah dude I love the way this rod just loads up man you check that dragged oh yeah we're good coming around coming around when it comes to bait selection oftentimes you're gonna hear the usual like brass shrimp go shrimp lamprey eel but oftentimes sturgeon are in those areas where salmon or spawning or herring spawning so row becomes the bait of choice um the real key is with picking your sturgeon bait is to have fresh lively bait if you don't have that option you can get the frozen bass you can add some bait set tone you know and still get the job done before handling the baits try washing our hands with products like the fisherman's soap to help prevent those you know human oils from getting onto your bake because the surgeon will Detective trust me all right look at the rod make sure nothing pull up over here watch see guys this one's been on some ghost soon these trokar hooks are sharp dude they penetrate very well you know we do use smaller hooks it seems like the smaller ones for the way these fish are biting right now or doing excellent for us so we got this guy right here he's not actually a keeper but they're still fun to fight still a pretty fish yeah still a pretty fish check him out dude how is it it's a good fish pretty good oh yeah I turn this on so I can monitor okay come on I just didn't want it to open no no we need to get into it a little bit more if he is not in it they load it in this fish it's not a fish there we go double hookup yeah doubles no I might be in that one hey where you going don't cut it don't cut it no no I caught up to him yeah he's good thank you your finger - dude if it gets clogged up on while I'm watching I'm watching I'm watching okay hey tank hey come give me a hand real quick just hold this and let line out when his fish runs cause this one's on it yeah there's a better fish now we're talking what are you up to just hanging that's cool famous Raj best leaning post in the business that's right abyss 808 look at that they can just hold up all 240 of me you're holding up to 40 au and 242 fish kid bees the reason why I put the clicker on is because I can't tell if it's running no no that's trying to control the bottom and the people watching this know that a lot of people call it Hollywood in but I just like to know how far you're running out and stuff in case we gotta pull anchor or whatnot if you take a look at this rod right here take a look at this rod I know it might be a little bit silhouetted for you but the Sun right there but this is a moderate fast and that means just been and just up from the middle and this is what we're talking about we're barbless hooked on so it's absolutely imperative to keep the load in this rod at all times because if we don't there's a weight working down against this fish that's going to turn that hook that weight falls down on slack line or if he runs towards me they can potentially start working that hook out because there's no barb to hang on to it so I'm trying to keep this rod into its action point right here once I'm here I don't reel if I start gaining I reel if that line that I'm gaining and try to maintain the load in this rod I'll reel into it get back into that action and let the rod fight the fish for me I think this one may be you know over we'll see it's just a little shaker in the tail little figure in the tail shaker in the tail that number I put down in the front of the video guys about coming out here and catching some big sturgeon do yourself a favor and call it and have a good time like I am the only thing I'm really trying to avoid today is the sunburn everything else is working great and the grill is about to be fired back up shortly gotta fire that grill back up you guys give me some burger what would you like next one you would like a water or a soda or some chips we like some apple you look like you might be a while right oh wait a minute oh I forgot I'm to blame gaining some ground on him now I thought yeah that will come in look like this is that way in you trap one time yeah gaining some ground on us these chairs will move everything that way how's it feel in there Nick make sure you go ahead and check it out lying on the dirt we're okay yeah pretty cool fool what I'm gonna need you to do is once this this fish comes up just keep cool and slide yourself backwards towards the front when it when it comes up what I gained is now leaving that this hasn't come up okay now see she's coming up right here we're gonna find out what this is how big it is I say that we did I hear Sam all right keep it right here give me that net I can't write what on the wrong side okay Nick yeah all right shall we do yeah he's arcing good times baby not a long one yeah that's that ghost shrimp action there now I'm gonna tell you what that is that's legal limits for fish a baby legal limit sport fishing guys yeah buddy right there that's a two-man deal two-man deal fatty McGee this one's going in the box folks are you still shaking I always shake chief but what we need to do now is we need to get your stirring tag and fill it out by law we got to get that done right away get your tags fill it out guys let him know what's going on out here that's right hang with us guys we'll be right back attention Northern California anglers head up in the boat country and Escalon was one of the largest selections of welded aluminum fishing boats from Wellcraft low and his craft chances are they've got the right fishing boat for you and did I mention they have a full service center to take 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gets into his mouth and you go to yank it out the snail kicks out when you apply pressure right there see that just started digging into my hand and that'll grab that fish real deep it'll get a good bite on the fish so it's the killer system that Joe's got going ok guys what we're gonna do here is show you how to fill out this report card so when you're by yourself so you could fill it out so what you want to do is you can see there's three sections right here so that's your three fish taking just cut along this dotted line and what you're going to do here is put them on the date and the location on this report card here the locations are right here so since we're fishing and the sassoon Bay it's going to be code 18 so what you're going to do is write the date the month code 18 and the length of the fish and also on the top of the report card it's the sturgeon report card retained so you're gonna write the date the month the location and the length and if there's a reward disc on there you got to write that number all so that's about it he's gonna want to go trough he's gonna go under he's coming under all right everybody line up right here and let's lift these rods up if he's gonna run the connector I don't know yet deeper like Joe stated earlier the better fishing on those smaller tides is in that deeper water and the opposite stands true for the shallow water on the big tides often times the first hour of that title transition you know what it first starts going out or just before it ends here's those key bite windows and you want to be anchored up and have your baits down and ready to go at those times yeah locating the sturgeon can be as easy as searching out holes or following the ledges until you run across them and you start graphing it you know when you're graphing the bottom trying to go about four or five miles an hour and that's gonna give you a good look at the bottom and give you those good clean readout so you can mark those fish you definitely don't want to drop down until your graphing clear marks and you can tell that you're on top of those sturgeon you have to remember that classic fishing term that hook sets are free oftentimes sturgeon is not gonna offer you up a good look at a clear big old strike - so if you see any subtlety in the line that you might think some fish pick up that rod and swing it home and burn into them because you're not gonna get many chances throughout the day so make sure you capitalize on the ones you do get the best times to target these fish in the Sassoon Bay or the Delta waves for that matter any of the bays around here in Northern California is in the fall the reason for this is it starts raining and we get a lot of fresh water running into bay which forces out a lot of those base-stealing fish it's not that the sturgeon come in or at that time since what happened is your fate can be presented a lot easier to those sturgeon without having those smaller fish trying to pick it off contrary to believe you know the sturgeon would like to live their life in brackish water so you can catch them year-round it's just some areas are a lot better than others if you want to make sure you're in those brackish areas if you do want to find them outside of the fall but you know in the fall all the way through the rainy season you're gonna find them in the Sassoon bay area all the way up through the Sacramento maybe we get an oversize [Music] [Music] [Music] that goes down again wait wait okay this one's over this one over that way beating on your forearms yeah that goes to a free now like yeah now oh well that slides it another walk backward [Music] [Music] how's that feel there buddy looks like a good fit keep it definitely another nice caper sturgeon unless I've got a hundred pound striper on so FAFSA how you liking the trip so far loving it [Music] good day efficient you're that phoenix Rocco yes sir another Phoenix ride it's a good fit here look at that rub that direct pipe man yeah I mean you're hardly putting any lower my luck fight no that's that that's the H talking right there you guys double hookup that's how we do it baby double hookup [Music] double hook us okay what I'm gonna want you to do but is walk towards that way once he gets up here we got shaker on the other side guys double hook up right now hey so so we walk walk to the door to the door a real deal then he pops up I need your him walk walk backwards straight back buddy how we do it go yeah right on so we got here again guys you know the Kayleigh hook from TroKar salmon roe and ghost shrimp and got to use these small hooks these small hooks guys for on these fish come off real easy they love this small hook just blow it up that's funny is that goop you just told them follow yeah see Carol I'm Joey handle them double the weight what's that noise what's he saying no kidding with that size good yeah okay well this little sturgeon has a lot sharper scoots right here I'm up a little bit a lot sharper because he hasn't been in the water for a long time he's just a baby so excuse are very sharp sharp you just really want to hand them like that put your hands in the dorsal fins and have your hand back here so you're very secure and this one fortunately has two - uh birthmarks well they screaming I mean thinks he wants to go back in good in everything so Joe why don't you break down a little bit of the terminal tackle the rods and reels that were using to better educate them on exactly what we're using and why okay here you go well earlier one over the rod what was what we're using is the Phoenix 808 abyss we're using an Abbott and SX Abbott was 65 pound test braid and all we do here is we like to use these sliders hook to a straight swivel snap swivel and they slide pretty good you know we put the beads in there just to can cushion them out a little bit and so it doesn't tangle up but most sturgeon fishermen use a pyramid style sinker but we like to use these torpedoes and for one reason is when these torpedo levels I mean a torpedo weights when they're out there they're they're laying like this so when you set the hook it comes right out of the mud no problem but if you got one of those pyramids the flats with the flat back and you said you know it'll come out but you're still pushing up against mud almost like anchoring it up so it's kind of resisting against your hook exactly in a sense and with these sturgeon having extremely hard mouth this is really gonna get you a better hook set overall as well correct and so what we usually do is if you can't hold with a 12 ounce weight you shouldn't be fish in the area okay in the past we've fished with lighter line you could actually fish with with 50 pound braid 50 pound braid fishes a lot better than 65 oh yeah thinner diameter thinner diameter you know less Bo less weight less Bo but you know we prefer this taking people out you know and big my little fish that you don't notice you know we just don't want to lose them but you know a lot of people you know will use a swivel instead of this slider but we found that what that does is the line gets tangled here in the barrel part and you're got a tendency to break an offer losing some quality fish that you don't want to lose if you're not on the west coast it's just called a sliding swivel on the west we call them sliders for some reason I know back across the other side of the country they call them sliding swivels so that's some of the Riggin we're using now let's talk about the 65 pound braid the benefit of using braid here versus other lines well for me the benefit using braid is you got less stretch and it virtually zero yeah virtually zero stretch but with the mono it's going to take more weight to get to the bottom and so if I had you know this is sixty five pound if I had on say thirty this twelve is not going to do nothing it's going to let out a lot of line I'm probably going to use half of my spool and the way it's still not going to be stuck on the bottom in order to catch sturgeon you're gonna have to you know be on the bottom yeah it's gonna be a lot yeah with mono you're gonna have a lot of bow in it you're gonna set if you try to set the hook on it you're gonna have to you know set the hook you know really really hard you know another thing that the guys don't realize with braid and a lot of old-timers still tell me this oh that's just overkill this is 15 pound diameter 65 pound braid is 15 pound diameter if you put 15 pound mono it's underkill out here so you're getting a thicker diameter with mono you have more water resistance you have stretch braid is the deal to go but you need to pick up line fast and stay on these fish especially with the barbless deal yeah very true you got a lot of tension you know and another thing that I like to bring up is a real selection everybody goes to a bigger reel there's really no need to have a big room we got about two hundred and forty yards a line on here and we fished a lot of fish oh yeah we've done a lot there's no need to have four or five hundred yards of a braid on here which I see some guys coming out here with a big ol thing you know use some wider tackle oh yeah oh don't be afraid if you can fight the you know if you can't get two fish to the boat you know you're not using your drag and you're not using your go to the size of those fish we are hammer and earlier this is on this setup right here that was probably no longer than a 20-minute fight yeah it's very doable it's a better fight its quality gear it's the right gear for detecting more bites and for landing more fish yeah and one more thing when we got this rod set inside the holder a lot of people think that you know you're gonna set it in there and turn your clicker on and wait for the click click click click click what we do is we have this drag lock down almost a hundred percent so when this rod is inside the water you can't pull this out you know there's no way and up and I'm actually pulling this are this is how hard our drags lock down so when you do get that hit and you do hook set you're just driving that hook straight in there you don't have to worry about flipping your bail you don't have to worry about putting a bunch of tension on here with your thumb you just you know I'll drive that just drive it yeah drive it in a strong line strong hook yeah yeah you know that's basically it man that's how we do it right on yeah yeah we slept the whole time but so we decided to hang out later into the night since we were having so a bunch of fun and we ended up hooking this green surgeon so following the regulations we had to release this fish outside of the boat so sorry for not getting a better shot for you here guys but you know releasing that fish and focusing on the fish's safety took precedence we ended up catching a few more short fish before we decided to head back to the docks where Joe butchered out this fish voice I ended up trying that broke man's lobster recipe all day and oh man let me tell you that is good so get out there guys get on some fish we'll see you next time appreciate you watching that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: InformativeFisherman
Views: 129,360
Rating: 4.7438426 out of 5
Keywords: how to catch sturgeon, sturgeon, hot to, baitcasting, knots, fishing, delta, Suisun Bay, IF Sturgeon, Informative, Fisherman, Informative Fisherman, Joe Gamez, Vince Borges, Joey Gamez, snell, shrimp, bait, hooksetting, line, rod, reel, tips, tricks, fishing for sturgeon, Fishing Rod (Sports Equipment), legal limit sport fishing
Id: q_FT5EPtSpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2013
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