How To Bait Fish Delta Stripers - IF

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there we go first begging in the morning right there Wow super colorful take 30 JP I don't like suits oh this is a nice hey what's up guys meet the informative fishermen here and welcome to bait fishing for Delta stripers now the first thing I'm going to show you is the setup that word use in with the setup that we're using is a basic slang rig often referred to as a Carolina rig for bass fishermen but a bait fishing it's a sliding rig that is a slider going on your line your main line we slide that slider up generally without the weight first when we're first rigging it up then we put on a bead just below that to a barrel swivel and then I prefer about a two to two and a half foot leader out to a circle hook and I'm actually using a double surgeon's loop not to tie on our circle hooks which gives it that freedom to move around and function more and I'll talk a little bit more than about the circle hooks throughout the film and explain a little bit more for that the baits that we're going to be commonly using when we're bait fishing for stripers is the threadfin shad the mud sucker often referred to as the goby and chicken livers so let me go ahead and show you how to rig these up real quick and then I'll break it all down as we go through our fishing trip and really fill in the ins and outs and that all the scientific approach to how you need to be approaching these baits and how you need to be rigging and using them to successfully put fish in the boat now first we're going to do the cut plug threadfin shad now if you look at his top fin right here in his dot all we're going to do is line our knife up exactly in between to the back edge it edge of his gill plate right there and instead of coming straight through we're going to tilt the knife at about a forty-five come through you go ahead and disregard his head at this point and now we have a nice little angle and once we get the hook through this is what's going to cause the spin to our bait so now we take our shad into this position and we go to the inside Bend of our hook and almost directly through the center of the bait and under that fin we're going to come right through with the circle hook turn it over and then we're going to come right back down towards the front of the bait bring the hook back through to where the tail in comes up to the back of our hook and you're going to see that crank in the shed just like that to where when it's running up to your line it's you're going to have a nice real dominant Bend in there so that will rotate and spin around in the water now instead of using a egg loop knot or a bumper snail like a lot of people will use to loop around the tail and fasten it down I have that loop nut so instead I'm going to rig up some magic thread right below the eye of the hook so it doesn't affect how my loop knot works now what I have here are some sticky thread you can buy this at any local tackle shop I have it pinched in between my ring finger and my middle finger and I'm going to go right around my bait right down here probably you know eight to ten times relatively tight but below the eye and I'm going to grab tight and I'm going to pinch it off and what that's going to do is going to give me that a nice Bend into my shed just like that so when I put it in the water it's going to rotate around nice and fast so now what we have here is the mud sucker now it's a really simple way to do this if he's alive you pull up this little back fin and you basically want to go right directly in the middle we're going to use a much smaller circle hook for these you're going to go right through the meet right in there and if he's alive it's perfect when the striper takes them by the head the circle hook ends up right in the job if he's dead the thing you want to do for rigging is come up towards the middle of the body basically right in the upper part of the back and what that's going to do is when there's current it's going to twist the bait a little bit round and often draw more attention for those stripers to hone in on that dead mud sucker okay now last but definitely not least is my opinion the most deadly bait fishing rig there is for Delta stripers is the chicken liver which I like to call the brain rig basically they just loosely come through your circle hook a couple times just to where it's going to sit on there and allow you to start threading it on and this is when I take this magic thread and I pinch it right in between my index and my middle finger and I'm going to loosely start winding it around my liver and I don't want to come in behind my liver otherwise what that's going to do is going to get down behind there and try to cut in behind it so I'm just going to keep it right on the shank like that keep loosely going around and you can see as I shift it around it's going to start looking like a brain is on hook this is why I call it brain rigging and you come around just like so and you don't want to pull tight otherwise it will cut in there and then put it back in between your fingers and break it off just like so to wear your hook tips exposed you got a full-on brain on that bad boy this is ridiculously deadly they smell the protein they run it down but if you drop a lot of fish it's good to switch out to that plug cut shed or the mud suckers at that point but this will definitely draw them in let's get out there get deficient and I'll break it all down on the water for you okay so today we're starting off on the Sacramento River just a little bit south of Rio Vista Frye towards the south corner of Decker Island but more to the west side of the river right there on the edge of the shipping channel where we draw up a lot of stripers they tend to follow that ship thank you guys enough yeah welcome welcome there we go first big in the morning right there very first bit of fish off Ben hopefully we can fill up our bags with guys like this we think JP should we take this one home and put her in the box I think so it is a nice bit man whoo all right here's the other half of the team showing up today does MacArthur for King MC fishing guide service out here have some fun with all the boys I can now yeah you go Nets baby send it out bring it back here we are fishing the set another keeper for the box welcome to the Jaypee show hmm now a lot of people that are bait fishing for stripers you're generally just getting into striper fishing and they don't know much about tides tides are really crucial because it's on the last hour of each transition of the tide let's say it's the low tide the last hour of the low tide becomes before it becomes slack and starts coming back in is really crucial as the same is the first hour of the incoming tide and the same thing goes for the top of the tide the high tide the last hour just before the transition point in the first hour once it starts heading back out those are those key times for the stripers are going to want to actively feed so it's important that your baited up and you have your bait down before those transition times come that's usually a two hour window so you could have a four hour window throughout the day if you have many tides you can have a six hour window with three title changes so it's imperative that you make sure you find fish on the graph before those tidal changes happening and you have a bait down because that's the crucial window for getting bit by these big stripers Wow you didn't peanut butter or jelly down that's another 20 plot venture grows from around here so we asked another another nice striper to come up and bite just so we can show you guys about this ego net these are pretty cool press the foot right here you move forward and it retracts out the back and out the front check that out there you can reach out there get the fish you just don't want to lift them up on your way out there you can come straight back and then retract the net like that once he's in there it's pretty awesome you know when it comes to choosing a bait I'm often looking at the tides and I'm looking at how the striped bass are position if I look at the graph and I see shad balls and I'll show you example right here check this picture out that's a shad ball there if I see that I'm often going to use my cut plug shad at that point and you know I'll fish it down on the bottom and if I'm not getting bit I'll suspend it a little bit I'll drop down to the bottom take a few Craig reels of the handle and get that shad back up off the bottom and key into them at that point if you're not seeing any shad on the graph and you're seeing a lot of stripers on the bottom and you have a good hard rolling tide that's often a good time where a big striper is gonna bite so then you would use your mud sucker at that point you're using a big bait for a big fish if you see scattered fish out on the bottom you know small arcs big arcs you want to concentrate and pull those fish in so right then is when I use the brain rig to really get all those scattered fish to come in and you know they're all scattered out they'll smell that concentrated protein they'll move up there and start eating on it if you get a lot of small fish picking you off on that that would be a good time to go back to your cut plug shad drop it back down there on the bottom or put a mud sucker right next to it but if you're getting big fish consistently on the brain rig stick with it that thing is phenomenal I tried there's an item I pull I just keep pulling it about a foot there you go he's on nope nah they took a warning let them take it real a little bit on here on oh shut up oh yeah thank you that guy's a beast and I once read books about JP started off Jay NP many went into this Inlet fish catching yeah oh oh hold it hold it oh god I'm simple got uncle all right here take that there's about to be a fish on here stood up oh here oh yeah left hand left hand hand it back that's the big oh this is the judge okay here come on that's a big one on yours Nick sorry nice fish on your feet Norwich it up drag about a foot now let it sit baby can't be giving up secrets you know Joe we're on here yeah you go don't you go think we might have a another double digit fish here now when you're dealing with the fish of this caliber when you feel them really start pumping and whacking down at it don't reel only retrieve the line that it gives you burn out my drag here just reel down to them and come up to about that 10:30 position reel down keep that loading your rod the whole time just like that here we go there's about a maybe ten full pounder right there another really good fish so we almost just pulled off a triple on those finish right there it's just I missed the one over here I got the shrink Doug Doug Doug fish fish fish keep on he's on he's on he's on Arius and just like that we got another fish on moving close to the mark and think he's just under them the reason why we're not even bothering to measure fish that small we're on such quality fish right now realistically that could have been a keeper but the best thing to do aren't we hitting fish you know that are high quality that we're going to keep is to release those little ones instead of trying to pull around with them and you know end up harming the fish and him not making it he'll go on to be a few more years older we'll come back and get him when he's bigger and let him do his work and spawn successfully and come back with the rest of the gang and let us have some fun you know I have a lot of people ask me hey Nick how can I tell when there's going to be a good time for their stripers to bite you know and I tell them just like I said a minute ago with the tidal changes you know there's always those windows throughout the day but if you have a giant tide a five a six foot tide versus a two or 3 foot tide the transitions around that tide meeting the outgoing or the top of that tide are always going to be much better on those larger tides and the small tides for getting bit also along with this you can look at your 10-day weather forecast and if you see that there's going to be a big front movement in heavy rains cold weather like on Thursday and you have the option to fish Wednesday a lot of the time mother nature is telling these fish to eat up before that storm comes because conditions can become murky so it's designed into their genetics to know that they need to eat up before the storm comes otherwise it's going to be twice as difficult on them to find a good meat now when it comes to my line I like to use a line with a good amount of stretch and a strike bass or extremely fast to where if you hook one these out 50 feet behind the boat he decides to run a hundred foot in front of the boat lightning-fast it's good to have a lot a good amount of stretching it in a very strong line I choose p1c xx and I'm fishing the P line see xx clear in this episode and the reason for this that stretch is when I leverage up on that fish if he decides to swim up lightning-fast my lines gonna X orb a lot of that run and I'll still have the load in my rod if I was using braid that virtually has no stretch if you swam up real quick for me and I was missing a spinning rod it's not fast enough to pick up line so therefore it's going to develop slack and that weight is not going to be throwing against the hook and possibly throw the hook at that point if I'm using a lot of weight I'm always making sure that I'm using a line with a good amount of stretch in it and something extremely strong because these stripers have a very abrasive Mouse the one that just come up from the ocean like this they have some good sharp teeth in there and the really not your line up if you're using something too supple okay let's take a quick commercial break and when we come back you're gonna watch one of our buddies battle a sea lion literally and we'll see how big of a fish Doug's got on the other end of the line stay with us guys hey what's up guys Nick the informative fishermen here and when it comes to spooling up my reels I choose nothing less than the best and that's why I use P line each and every time are you fishing the best hey ray baby disappear did you ever wish for an RC boat do you have a passion for fishing would guess what it's time to do a both at the same time with RC fishing robot comms RC fishing pole it's time to be a kid so visit mined out more by visiting if you have the chance to fish the baddest hoochie on the market today that's right I'm talking about the Shasta tackle wiggle whoo G one of the most dynamic reaction trout and salmon lures that run second to no weather for pulling and triggering fish into striking so I guess the real question is are you catching all the fish you should be catching alright now let's get back to the show and watch Doug pull up this big I think this one here looks bigger now the rods that I like to use if I know I'm going to be fishing dead bait a lot of the time off is just spinning rod if I'm fishing deeper offish the spinning rod just because I can detect that lighter bite with the spinning rod if I'm using live bait I'll go to those bank casting rods and use something like a 6500 series reel with a bait clicker so I know I can let them run with it a lot of the time in the shallow water I'm going to be using the bait casting rods too because I can use a heavier line and I don't have to worry about line twists and the real deep water you know sometimes I'll go back to this bending rod for dead bait but if I'm fishing live bait I'm always on the bait casting outfit the rods that I like are 20-pound rated rods meaning to handle 20-pound line that also is going to tell you a lot about that rod about what size and class fish that rod can handle and if you look at a rod that's handled you know for that twenty pound test line striped bass in the California Delta those rods when I'm fishing off a boat like a seven-foot rod still get leverage on my hook sets I still have a lot of leverage on the fish if I'm fishing from the shore I'm going to switch over to like an eight or nine foot rod at that point so I have a lot more leverage on the fish because I'm not vertical on him we're out to the side so longer rods from the bank shorter rods from the boat the action is crucial that means where the rod bends up torch the tip and the ferry tip is an extra fast in about a foot back from the tip as they're fast and then it becomes you know moderate fast and moderate as it goes further back into your rod to where it bends more towards the mid-range I like the fast action for striped bass machine and it gets a lot of backbone on the rock with the tip just bending you have all the power in the back of the rod to leverage up a big fish plus you do have a sense enough tip to detect that bite he's growing yeah you throw a little bit what's the net only gonna be a while you know this this is what it takes 90 he's okay another five pounder we're done okay we can design hook him we have to click the leaf to threaten the corner of his job before you got a Mick planning hurry up okay release yep hey Doug what are you up to hanging around yeah that I can spend yeah you did anything good today to do be kind of nice catch some fish today though huh yeah I get a little frustrating yeah and everybody else around us do it oh I guess they're not either now when it comes to the circle hooks like I was telling you earlier in the video when I'm using a brain rig I like to start off with a 6 aught circle hook if I'm catching stripers consistently around the 5 pound class I'm gonna stick with that 6 aught circle hook if I'm catching them in that 5 to 12 pound class and bigger I'm gonna go up to the eighth circle hook consistently this is not too big of a hook it gets an extremely good bite on the fish and when you're assisting it like I'll explain here shortly it's a phenomenal hook up ratio and it'll definitely out fish nej hook on the market when it comes to rigging your mud suckers what you want to use is that smaller circle hook because you can see how I went through the back of the tail so the hooks completely exposed the hooks not hidden by anything and that smaller circle hook just being skinned hook through the back of that goby like that you know this all you really need once that striper swallows it down that little hooks gonna plant into them you don't need a giant hook for a giant fish matching the hook size up to your fate is a much smarter more scientific approach to fishing and will often land you much more fish versus a big bulky unorthodox looking presentation now when it comes to setting the hook with a circle hook it's completely different than a standard J hook you know where you reel down the tip you wait for him to hit it and then you just jerk it up as hard as you can you know up to a 12 o'clock position a circle hook is completely opposite of that when the fish is just slightly biting what you do is you stand up your reel forward a little bit to where you get the slack out and as you feel him biting it you just start to gradually move your rod back if you keep feeling them pecking real forward slowly and keep moving it back as he's pecking once you feel that fish is stuck on the rod tip reel extremely fast and bring your rod up to that 12 o'clock position at that time there's no reason to jerk at all and this is a huge benefit to the circle hook because if you jerked and you're using a soft bait if you don't hook the fish you spook up and he runs off versus a circle hook if you didn't hook them it basically just fell out of his mouth maybe an inch or two out in front of them and those second opportunity chances he just keeps picking it up keeps picking it up and surprisingly enough you'll catch way more fish using circle hooks than Jay hooks and I can flat-out prove that to anybody or beat anybody sitting side by side with me that wants to show me otherwise so that's it we've hammered out our limits for strikers we got about five or six pound average in the box a heck of the day I hear now we're going to go over and troll for some salmon over an eye open and but that'll be another episode thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time yeah bloody getting it done baby team F team MC fishing woo that's how we do it around here in California Delta baby in there done so a few days later some buddies of ours talked us into taking them back out there to do some striper fishing so we're kind of out there guiding them along and having some fun it wasn't nearly as active as it was the time before we had much better tides but we still got on some really great fish here check it out so today's been a pretty slow bite so we put a pole in to where the first person to catch a keeper is going to get five bucks from everybody it looks like Doug's got the first deeper those up and it's adding a keeper needs to buy some bigger equipment heavy hot and I think he just was maybe 20 to 21 21 that keep bend in the rod keep the bend in there there we go yeah about 28 come on Mike Landess elion you know you got him now Mike he's in room it's a bigger net put some feline men no mercy Mikey yeah the real winner of the day Wow here pal haha what happened you know another thing a lot of Delta fishermen asked me as they say oh I'm out here in the middle of the summer but I keep catching these little shaker stripers and a shaker is just the striper that's referred to as under keeper size so 18 under 18 inches would be considered a shaker out here in the California Delta I know on the East Coast I believe it's 28 inches I'm not for certain but so when you're fishing for stripers you have a fall run stripers come into the Delta waist to spawn generally middle September out here in Northern California and they stay here through the dead of winter they find those deeper spots they hang out in the dead of winter when spring comes around they spawn and they leave generally towards early May all the way out to the end of May just before June what you're going to find is a lot bigger larger saltwater class of stripers that are coming into the Delta you know out from the main ocean so that's when a lot of your bigger fish are going to come in I'm a good percentage of your male stay in the Delta once they're born you do have those native fish and there is some big females occasionally in the middle of the summer but when you focus on the fall winter and spring you're going to look for a much larger class of striped bass that are in here from the bays from the open ocean that have been eating a lot and can take a much larger bait so I'm going to be much more satisfied with fishing those at fall winter and spring time striped bass in the middle of the summer and if you want to go look for them in the middle of the summer you can do a lot of these same techniques right out there in the bay or out on the coastline and produce some good trappers as well hmm oh yeah there's about a six or seven powder there baby right when you reel back down to the fish don't drop your hand there you go without going to do the weight on the leader and it contains the position turn it did at least without a counter okay now here's a couple the latest episodes that you guys can watch right here jigging for king salmon fishing for spawning kokanee uses some awesome episodes guys make sure to check out the rest of the show we got a lot of great instructional episodes out there make sure you subscribe and click this button here the yellow button there and make sure to stay on top of the show and check out normative fishermen calm thanks for watching guys
Channel: InformativeFisherman
Views: 242,703
Rating: 4.8366199 out of 5
Keywords: fish, striped, bass, striper, bait, cast, delta, river, sacramento, rio vista, how to, tip, line, reel, beginner, baitcasting, knots, chicken liver, mud sucker, shad, brain rig, cut plug, usp209, informative fisherman, Stripers, striped bass, threadfin, kvd, roland, flw, bassmaster, bobby, big, fly, palomar, knot, clinch, snell, rigging, fishing, bait fishing, casting, boat, motor, IF stripers, IF Striped Bass, How To Bait Fish Delta Stripers
Id: NBTmEvEfmFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2012
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