HOW TO CARVE ON SKIS LIKE A PRO | 3 tips and drills for intermediate to advanced level skiers

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[Music] hey guys it's Aaron here we're at the top of marabell today and we're going to learn how to carve what is carving carving is doing an entirity of a turn just using your edges this video is for you if you're now comfortable skiing parallel turns all over the mountain you're comfortable you can ski everywhere but we really want to go to that next level of skillability and really increase the performance that we get out of the ski and the performance of the tur okay one of the first things that we need to think about to really help us learn to carve is by increasing the edge angle on the skis and one of the best things that will help us do that is some lateral separation now what is lateral separation lateral separation is where we separate what our upper body and our lower body does round the turn Okay so as we enter the turn what we're going to do is we're going to start to increase the edge angle like this and as you can see my knees and my hips come inside the turn but my shoulders and my upper body are St staying towards the outside of the turn this creates some separation and we call it lateral separation because we're moving laterally into the turn and around the turn but our upper body and our lower body are going to move in two different directions a drill to help us with our lateral separation okay is what I like to call touching the outside boot what we're going to do is as we go around the turn just going to try and really exaggerate that motion again and really see how quickly and how far I can get to touch my boot back to neutral same again the other side let's go try Okay so as I go to the start of my turn I'm going to think about really coming down and touching my boots around the turn all the way down to the food really increasing the angle as much as possible and as you can you can see when I get my hand down to my boot my skis really really react and come around the corner as quickly as possible super important to still remember to bring your shoulders to the outside your weight is going to come down onto the outside ski and as you create the angle and as you create more lateral separation your shoulders are going to balance out and come to the outside okay guys step two for learning how to carve we're going to focus on the transition we focused on increasing the edge angle in the turn increasing our Lal separation and what can quite often happen when we start to look at this or start to think about it is our hips get super low and then when we want to start the next turn we forget to reenter our hips and move forwards in the transition to start the new t a great drill for practicing the projection into the next turn is called the clap okay so we're finishing one turn we're releasing the edges and finding the flat ski my hips are a little bit lower than they need to be and what I'm going to do is I'm going to reach as far forward as possible and I'm going to try and clap over the tips of my skis and as I've done that it's brought my shoulders forward my hips forward I'm in a really good ready position to start the next step what we're going to do is we're going to start off slowly and we're just going to do a few parallel turns we're going to try and get the timing and the Rhythm and the rate of movement with the clap just to get used to it and then we'll build it into some performance carving turns let's go let's go try okay so I'm going to do [Music] transition I'm going to clap over my tips going to do around the corner in the transition clap as you can see guys I'm really trying to exaggerate that movement forwards really pushing my hands as far forwards as possible and reentering my position now step three is forward pressure so how do we do it we need to concentrate on squeezing the front of our boots getting some forward pressure on bringing our shoulders forwards when what this one enable us to do is help us get the forward pressure on the fronts of the new ski of the outside ski of the 10 now what I mean by that as well is our skis Bend and flex okay now the earlier we can get the forward pressure on the front of the ski for the new turn the more the ski is going to flex the quicker we're going to be able to cve our drill to create as much forward pressure at the top of the turn is just going to be lifting up the inside ski we're going to try as hard as we can to stand on that ski as early as possible so I should if I do it really well pick up my inside ski but we get to that point let's go give that a go so I'm going across the transition and just before I start the new turn I'm going to pick my inside ski up really stand on the outside ski and extend the transition by having as much early pressure on the outside ski in a turn it gives us the best platform to create a really strong carve turn keep making those clean arcs and consistently carve every turn down the hill okay guys that's it we've covered the main areas of how to carve and if you're struggling with any of these aspects make sure you book an instructor and raise on [Music] sport
Channel: Maison Sport
Views: 15,856
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Id: 68XKfS8N6TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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