How To Carve on Skis | Perfecting Your Turn Shape & Avoid This Mistake

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g'day your wonderful skiers in this video we're going to learn how to find our perfect turn shape for our abilities and skis let's get started [Music] it feels so much better foreign let's learn about turn shape because there's more to it than just the radius it says on your skis first one up is that long turning radius this is very fast because it's been a long time at the fall line and turning it's not only dependent on your ski but also your edge angle today I'm on a Slalom ski so it makes it easy for me to do a short radius turn but to be honest it's more than just like a half circle to turn but a turn is a parabola where it has the shortest radius where you have the highest edge angle and pressure helps a little bit too and this type of turn is a little slower here's an example of a decent turn shape radius approximately 13 meters perhaps at a pretty long Arc Length meaning I'm following this circle along it for a long time next bit to turn shape is Arc Length so a long arc length is slow because you see a long time across the hill where you're slowing down and you can think of it if you're like following a circle Halfway Around the turn or only like at the middle quarter or so a short Arc Length it's obviously going to be very fast because you're facing down the forward line at all times and in the rest of this video we're gonna explore how to achieve like the perfect Township for you and this can feel something like this The Arc Length sweet spot is the place where you hold on to the edge long enough and that you get to achieve really high Edge angles and you hold on long enough that you really feel some g-forces as gravity is crushing you against your skis and you're swooshing out into the next turn it feels great so it's worth exploring if you really want up your skiing join us at stomping camps we combine the latest technology from Cobb so we measure your progress together with level four instructors push your skiing as far as possible I bet some of the people skiing down here behind me are doing what I call the straight line incliner uh yeah red pants yes a red jacket yes it might be carving cleanly but they're basically just tipping from one side to the next having a turn shape that has a very short arc length and a very large radius making them skid too fast for their abilities Blue Jacket yes but skidding not carving really and I bet all these people are lovely people and they deserve to feel how rare the carved turn can be uh black white jacket green to have the amazing feelings you need for culture you need to keep inclining like you are ah and the other green there too but then you need to crank in that angle relation that the Apex and your skis are going to go send you into the next turn and it's one of the rarest feelings there are I'd say about four out of five are doing this so pay attention to it [Music] oh I hate it ever again for you miss a straight line in Kalina let's have a little tactical fix all you have to do first is to know what I've been teaching about Arc Length yours is Tiny right now so make it longer and that's going to slow you down a little bit and this simple change to your skiing is probably going to allow you to both incline and angulate a little bit just making the Arc Length longer it's probably making it better but we still got to add some technical fixes to your skiing to make it a whole lot better with a swords drill you're going to grab your poles like that and then we go so you already got a good habit of starting to Incline into the turn the incline and then you start dragging the outside hole and remember I have quite a long hard length and they feel amazing disaster detangles are increasing so are the g-forces and they're tingly tummy feelings yes ah such a good little drill that one but you look a little silly like that although the sewage drill is ideal you don't want to ski around like that all day long so the other way to do this is just for holding your poles normal and then try to drag a little bit of the Apex to the lower third of the turn like this the incline drag it here are the Apex it does feel so much better than a straight line incline attempts are so good [Music] to wrap up the straight lining liner knowing the theoretical stuff about increasing the Arc Length so you get to feel those amazing g-forces in combination with continuing doing the inclination on the top third and then cranking in some angulation I think you can up your skin a lot now to the next common mistake which is the angry related I used to be one of those even if it sounds cool it's not that cool to just rely on angulation you know where you kind of get this Kink between the upper body and the lower because if you only have that without inclination you also cannot get maximum edge angle and feel this G forces go swoosh and it's not only angulation that's easier is that they make a very large turns with very really close in the turn but like stuck on the same position all day long oh there's a straight line incliner again untangilation stays there spam engulation staying there all day all right so I'm satisfying I have to stop staying like that immediately I understand a lot of people ski the angulated way I used to be guilty of it too and still am sometimes I guess because it limits you from really getting higher Edge angles because if you incline first then angle it you'll achieve much greater Edge angles but I understand many do it also because of speed controls and you'd be surprised what would happen if you shorten the Arc Length a fair bit and you start declining and angulating you'll achieve greater edge angle meaning shorter turning radius which means that will also slow you down but also the shorter arc length is gonna make you do a larger number of turns for a given length of slope we need to learn how to topple or incline into the turn which yep not so good at yet the minute I'm finishing one turn here I'm done here angulated nice this is the easiest to feel if you're standing up tall do a circle cross over where I go up really high and then really tip down the mountain before you crank in that angulation let's combine the topple or inclination angulation which will give us a short turning radius it's easier to do and have a really high position and then you just four top floor like a tree it's a forest foreign [Applause] a little bit as well for other benefits now for the second drill we're gonna make it a little bit more challenging but actually lifting up the outside leg at the top to force us to really topple down the hill and then put it down gently roughly at the four line with some angulation so it's going to do two things it's going to remind us to Incline and it's going to remind us to angulate all right let's do it up and down [Applause] in pursuit of the perfect turn shape I suggest you with a friend can go and do some video analysis yourself and see what looks good as an example I'm going to use carv's video mode and we're gonna see how my ski IQ looks different for the different turnships we get a straight line incliner the angulator and then I'm gonna try to do that's turn shape that's around above my sweet spot for these skis so you can see in the beginning how my turns but I'm doing the straight line incliner I think I got a 120 inch gear Cube perhaps it looks boring and then I start doing the angulator moves and yeah the score is really plateauing at like 130 it just doesn't go up much more and then here when I start to be more Dynamic that what carved wants to see more like the way to see on TV incline and angle it you see that I'm never really in the same position for an extended period of time I'm just influencing the radius of those turns so I'm like incline angulate meaning I get those nice Parabola shaped turns so that's what my turn shape looks and ski IQ a fantastic way to find your perfect turnship for your skis and your ability is to do a classic funnel drill where you make large turns and then gradually make them smaller and smaller and try to feel for a turn shape that you feel comfortable and where you feel increasing and decreasing the edge angle it feels great you need a large slope like this one to do it well there's not so many people to make it easy there's a second cool funnel drill you can do which is called The Hourglass funnel just like it says you start like the last one and then go narrow and remember to stay in the middle for a while and feel the tighter one and then you ease into a larger turn that feels good so it's on the second half of this drill that's where you might find your perfect turn shape funnel top tip have a large amount of space so you really have time to make both large medium and small turns this is crucial funnel top tip remember what we talked about earlier in the video incline lamp boost on with that angulation it's also crucial while doing these funnel drills funnel top tip have a cameraman stand at the bottom of the Run ideally in the middle of the slope so you really get the shape of the funnel then you can look for little clues for where do your turn look really nice and you have a flowing performance where you gradually increase and decrease that edge angle hope you enjoyed this video and learn a few useful tips if you want to continue learning check out the videos up there or join a camp where we got amazing local instructors teaching you to carve and shorten everything basically write a comment if you want to learn more and I'll see you in the next video ciao [Music]
Channel: Stomp It Tutorials
Views: 351,970
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Keywords: how to carve on skis, carve turn, carve skiing, how to ski, ski carving exercises, carving tips, learn to ski, ski technique videos, ski instruction, ski carving, ski tips, improve skiing, common mistakes skiers do, intermediate skiing, how to carve, how to turn on skis, como esquiar, ski training, ski tutorial, carving on skis, carving ski technique videos, expert skiing techniques, ski carving drills, ski carving tutorial, ski carving tips
Id: 1u90Tke_5Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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