How To Calculate Your Macros on KETO

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel keto with sami for today's video lately i have been getting a lot of comments on how to calculate your macros i have a lot of new subscribers and since we did go into the new year we have a lot of people wanting to start out on keto for the first time so a lot of you are asking how to calculate your macros on keto how much protein should you be eating how much fat you should be eating and stuff like that now it's going to range for everybody everybody is a different way everybody has a different body size so nobody's macros will be exactly the same the only thing that will stay the same is how many net carbs you are supposed to eat on keto you are always supposed to stick to 20 net carbs on keto and your fat your protein and your calorie intake will change now i am going to show you how to calculate your macros for keto meaning the fat and the protein you're going to go to a website and enter all your information about you and then i will take y'all into the app that i love to use i personally love to use card manager there is different apps out there that you could choose from but i'm not sure on how all the different apps work all the settings might be different and all that good stuff but card manager is what we're going to be using today so i'm going to show y'all how to go into that app go to the settings and input all your information and then how to input what you eat throughout the day so let's get straight into this video so now what you want to do is go to road dot me on the internet this is what the page is going to look like when you first get in you're going to scroll to the bottom and it's going to give you these options it says your guide to keto the one that you want to click on is keto calculator you click on that it takes you to this page and you are going to input all your information about you don't change this where it says metric and apparel i just leave it like that you're going to click your gender i'm going to be inputting my information today so i'm going to put my height i'm a little shorty papa so i am only 4 11. then you're going to enter your current weight currently i'm 142 pounds and then you're going to enter your current age my birthday is coming up i will be 27 in a couple days but currently i am 26. then right here this is where you're going to try to find out your body fat percentage now it does tell you bmi and body fat percentage are two different measurements you want your body fat percentage now there's different ways you can do this you can look it up but personally i have a scale that keeps track of this i will link it in the description below for y'all it's very affordable comes in handy and it keeps track of your bmi your weight how much weight you lost your body fat percentage and all that good stuff so um currently i have mine on my app because you download app to your phone and currently my body fat percentage is 32.7 so that's what i am going to put and then you're going to scroll right here and this is where you're going to put if you work out or not now it tells you if you're going to be not much active you're going to click this one if you do some daytime walking less than 20 minutes you're going to put lightly active if you're moderately active you're going to put a likely active day job with physical labor or scheduled exercise you you ride your bike or you lift a few times a week then you're going to put very active if you're very active you work like a construction job and you have intense amount of exercise every day so me personally i lift weights five days a week only for like an hour or so a day so i'm going to put moderately active then um you're going to go down and it's going to ask you what are your goals for the end of your ketogenic diet if you want to lose weight if you want to maintain or if you want to gain muscle currently i'm still trying to lose a few pounds so i'm going to put lose weight for now um now it says how much deficient do you want i just leave this here i put on 20 percent if you want to change that you can do that now the net carbs it already has 20 net carbs because that is what you want on keto it is always 20 net carbs a day say you want to have room for a little bit more net carbs you can change this to whatever you'd like you're going to leave that like that then you're going to go down and right here it says how much protein do you want to consume now this all depends on how much you work out throughout the day or what you do so the first option it says if you sit in if you're like um don't do much you're going to suggest you're going to have 0.6 grams through 0.8 grams of protein then if you're active we suggest 0.8 to 1.0 grams of protein and if you lift weights we should just 1.0 and through 1.2 grams of protein me currently i do lift weights i lift weights five days a week so i'm going to just put 1.0 grams of protein now once you have all this information inputted you're going to click this orange button right here where it says calculate click that and right here this is your macros um for me it says how much you'll be eating a day it's going to be 1 393 calories 103 grams of fat 20 grams of carbs which is the 20 net carbs this is just staying the same all the time and then i'm going to be having 96 grams of protein so this is my macros so i'm going to take this information take a picture of it write it down save it and i'm going to be going to the app called car manager and this is the information that you're going to input there and that's where you're going to calculate all the food that you eat throughout the day now these macros will change as you go into your keto diet say you've lost some weight i suggest recalculating your macros every 20 pounds that you lose you want to come back to this website come back to real dot me maybe you got an odor change your age maybe your body fat percentage went down as you lose weight you're going to change this maybe you went to not um having much activity to lightly active or maybe you became very active you're going to change this as well as you go into your ketogenic diet as you go throughout the years maybe you've already lost all your weight and now you're trying to maintain you want to change that um or you know your protein intake so change your macros as you go into your journey they are not always going to be the same that's where people slip up a little bit they're at a stall and they've been eating the same macros for a while you need to change them as you go along your journey so now what we're going to do is take this information and head on to over to car manager so now we are on the card manager app this is where you're going to input all your macros so in your play store right here in the left corner this is what the little icon looks like you just want to search card manager in your play store and download it to your phone now when you first open it up you will have to sign up either for a free um experience or you could do the premium i currently have the free one it works just as great so do all that stuff and then when you get to this page all this will say zero but i currently use card manager so it has some of my input already inputted but what you want to do is go to the left side go down to settings right here and it will bring you to this page you're going to click my profile enter all your information um your height your your birth all that good stuff then you're going to click i've been doing keto for two years so my starting weight was 193 um and then my current weight is 142. now if you're just starting out all you do is put your start weight if you don't have a current weight just yet then you're going to go back up you're going to go to macros this is where you're going to put input all your information that we just got from so make sure you have that information handy right next to you you're going to click lose weight if it's already not there i think this was already set so that's what i have right there then right here you are going to input their calories that it showed you on mine was currently right it's 1393. so i'm going to leave it right there then you're going to go down right here it's going to give you some options on what you're trying to aim for on your diet so we'll have low carb high fat keto high protein keto no carb carnivore say you're switching around your diet somewhat and you have different options so these are all the different options to give you also gives you bodybuilding but what i like to do is just click custom because sometimes it changes things around when i click keto i don't know why even when i calculate right now it kind of changes something you will see but it's not too bad so my net carbs will always be 20 grams on keto if it's not you can change that then right here it gives you where you have to calculate your protein intake so from ro dot me mine was 96 grams of protein so i'm gonna enter that right there okay and you see how i entered 96 grams of protein it changed my neck carbs to 17 i don't know why it does that sometimes but it does but just know that you still have room for those 20 net carbs so when i go down to fat now you're going to enter your fat that it gave you on road me which is 103 grams for me so this is what it says um that you should i should be having so now i'm going to click apply macros and you want to make sure it's to every day right here just apply and it'll adjust some things i don't know why it does this but it does but just know that it's still good it just made my protein one more higher so it made it to 97 instead of 96 and then my fat is right on but it did put my net carbs at 19 grams um which usually honestly i say under 20 net carbs every day so that's okay so now you have all your input your information inputted um that's how you input your macros on here now what you want to do is just go back to my daily log now it has everything right here off to the side and as you input food throughout the day all this is going to change this will change it'll start telling you how much net carbs you've had for the day so far so it gives you breakfast lunch and dinner snack options if you need that what you do to input all this stuff you click these three dots right here then you go to add foods so say for breakfast i had some eggs um sometimes or most of the time it already has in stuff that i've already scanned throughout right here it'll save it so you can just click eggs right here or you could scan it so say you i'm not gonna do it right now but you click allow usually on your phone and it will bring the camera up and you can scan like your thing of eggs and it can do it that way or you can click search right here you can click egg you can just type out egg and it'll bring up eggs so say i had eggs just cooked or you had some fried eggs or scrambled eggs or some hard-boiled eggs it'll give you different options i'm just gonna click eggs and it'll bring it up so right here you can click if you have jumbo eggs medium egg slice small um all that good stuff it'll give you different options you just click what you had so i had um say i had large two large eggs you can change how many you've had as well and you're going to click add today then you go back to your breakfast and it's inputted right here and you're going to add maybe some more items that you want to add in you're going to click the three dots add foods say i had some bacon for breakfast you're going to search bacon or scan it usually i scan items i just feel like it's easier if i don't have it right there um you're going to input how many you had they give you different options as well cut up thick slice slice so say i had two slice today um and then you just input everything that you had for breakfast if you had a serving of cheese if you had some berries just different options then you see right here that it changed so now i've had one net carb for the day so far i've had 16 grams of fat out of 103 grams of fat and i've had 18 grams of protein so far out of 97 grams of protein and then if you really keep track of your calories it also shows you your calories um so now say i want to have dinner um you do the same thing for lunch if you've had lunch but say i want to have dinner uh i get these questions a lot how do you input a recipe how do you calculate the macros to your dinner recipes now what you need to do you can scan each item at a time if you're making it just for yourself and put it that way but say you're making a whole recipe for several different family members and you don't really know how to break it down what you're going to go do is go to my foods um i have a lot of food saved in here that i've made throughout the years you can as you build um your food list you can just easily go to it click on it it'll add it but say you're making a new recipe you're going to go to recipes and you're going to create a new recipe you're going to enter the name of the recipe that you're going to create say i'm making um some chicken and broccoli i don't know whatever recipe you want to make so chicken and broccoli say i'm making that chicken and broccoli bake we'll name it that so you're going to input and then you're going to input the serving say it makes five servings i'm going to input the servings usually i don't pay attention to this stuff i just go down right here to where it says ingredients you're going to click that now again you can scan your ingredient you can search your ingredient or you can go through the ingredients so you already have it but i'm going to search chicken obviously we need some chicken for chicken and broccoli bake then you're going to go down it's going to give you different chickens that they have i'm just going to click chicken right here say i have three ounces for the recipe i'm going to click add then say i need more ingredients maybe i need some broccoli for the chicken and broccoli you're going to type in broccoli or scan it cook from fresh say i'm going to put in maybe for a recipe i say about two cups of broccoli i'm going to click add so we have a bake maybe some heavy whipping cream search some heavy whipping cream or scan it i'm going to search in that that's about it wrong that's okay so cream heavy whipping cream say i use one cup or maybe eight ounces or one tablespoon it gives you different options that you can do i'm just gonna put one cup whipped i guess that's the option right now click add or maybe okay now the last ingredient i'm just going to add is maybe some cheddar cheese for on top so just input all of your ingredients and it's going to break it down for you i'm going to put just half a cup grated go down click add now once you have all your ingredients into your recipe oh click no sorry save where is it at oh it's up here okay so once you hit have all your ingredients right here what you want to do is click save it's going to save your recipe it's going to save it now you're going to go to your recipes and where is it at i have so many recipes on here let's see so right here it says my chicken and broccoli bake the one i just did you're going to open it and it's going to tell you how much net carbs were per serving so i put five servings so it broke it down for me so now i'm gonna have one serving it's going to be four net carbs it's going to have 14 grams of fat and 13 grams of protein or if you had two servings it's going to go up so i'm put one serving click the check then you're going to go back to your main daily log and it will have it all right here how much more net carbs you have for the day how much more fat and protein you have for the day and it's as easy as that you could build your recipes on here they will start saving them and it will get easier as you build them and you can just easily and put them in here so this is how you apply your macros to cart manager the app and how you scan your food and input your daily log for your food it's very simple and easy so i hope this helps you out all right guys so that was today's video on how to calculate your macros and input it on card manager i hope this gets y'all started on y'all's keto journey and helps y'all out a bit on how to figure out all that good stuff so if you enjoyed this video please hit that thumbs up button guys don't forget to subscribe to my channel and remember if you seen my video yesterday i did put out some keto with sammy merch out in my etsy store it will be linked in the description below for y'all to click on i have lots of items for y'all to choose from some hats some sweaters some shirts some coffee mug so if y'all drink that coffee like me go ahead and head on over to my etsy shop and check out my items i would appreciate it so much guys and i always appreciate all the love and support that y'all show me but i will see y'all in my next video you
Channel: Keto With Sammy
Views: 2,209
Rating: 4.9802957 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketowithsammy, ketorecipes, ketodiet, ketolowcarb, lowcarb, lowcarbdiet, ketomacros, calculatingmacrosonketo, ketocalculatemacros, howtocalculatemacros, ruledme, carbmanager, ketocarbmanager, ketoweightloss, weightloss, macros, ketoapproved, howtofindyourmacros, howtofindmacrosonketo
Id: tJH7lz_ARSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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