What I Eat In A Day KETO #49

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel keto with sammy good morning it is currently wednesday and we are about to get our full day of eating started i woke up this morning i got ready it is a gloomy day out i'm so tired of this weather y'all i'm so ready for spring weather i was excited it had been so pretty and now today is cold and gloomy over it but this morning i woke up and i quickly ran to heb real quick i got ready and today i am supposed to be going out to eat for lunch with my friend nancy it is currently 10 30. um we were supposed to go around 12 she hasn't really messaged me back yet i don't know if something came up so for now those are still the plans we're going to be going out to eat for lunch hopefully nothing changes i'll see within the next hour so we're supposed to be going to like a little it's kind of like a little tea slash like flower i don't know it looked like a little tea place but in that tea place they have um keto bread and their menu is very simple it's like just for lunch they have sandwiches and salads and soups but you could replace any sandwich with some keto bread i've never tried it before i've never been there so i'm really looking forward to it um and i will definitely see if you know she is up for that if nothing has changed but for now we're not going to be having breakfast since the plan is to go have lunch i'm just going to be having some coffee while i was at h-e-b i just picked up the super coffees i love these things i always have the mocha if you've never heard of them this is super coffee it does have mct oil on it so it gives you energy positive energy um and this one's a mocha flavor they are sweetened with monk fruit it has zero grams out of sugar 10 grams of protein and 200 mgs of caffeine they have different ones they have like the bottle ones they have canned ones they have expressional shots this is my favorite one the mocha um it does have a little slight taste to it like not in a bad way but because it does have mct on it you will taste the difference in it if y'all know what i'm talking about if you've ever tried mct oil you know what i'm talking about but um this does have two net carbs for this one i'm not sure if they range and yeah they do range in the flavor um i always get the mocha one you can find them at heb kroger um walmart in the wellness sections maybe other sections they'll have it but that's usually where i get mine um in the wellness section and this one i already grabbed it was cold but they have like packs that you could buy so i grabbed two because i've never tried their caramel flavor they have a hazelnut the mocha one and then this one and i believe one more but i'm not sure um but i've never tried their caramel so this is the one that we're going to be trying today this one is three neck carbs um so i really wanted to give it a try i guess it'll be kind of a meal replacement this morning since it does have mct on it but charlotte really know i need my coffee i'm gonna go ahead and just scan this into my car manager so we can have this this morning let's just open that up i have been drinking my water all morning too so that's why i'm kind of full so y'all know that i got this big gallon water bottle and yesterday i finished it all i stayed on track and honestly like yeah i'm getting my water in but it keeps me more full too so i wasn't that hungry yesterday so if y'all are like the person that's starting keto and you are just like getting hungry all the time drink water it holds you over you need to drink your water um and it would definitely keep you full longer so i really enjoy this water bottle i had somebody ask me if it keeps a water code it doesn't um it keeps it for like a good amount of hours but by the end of the day it's already like not hot but you know not cold either so but i still like it i really enjoy it and it really keeps me on track so far okay so we're gonna have i scanned it into my cart manager three net carbs 10 grams of protein three grams of fat and 70 calories so we are going to add that in and this is going to be my first meal of the day my drink because i need my coffee i don't care i was gonna warm up the coffee and then i went to hvb and i saw these i was like i'll just grab these because i haven't had one in a while so hopefully this caramel is good i have never tried it let's give it a try i'm going to open it speaking of heb while i was there i saw next to these so if y'all go to heb a lot um if y'all notice like every holiday that comes around hue puts out like cute little holid holiday decorations like for valentine's easter of course but they always have their cups and i absolutely love their cups i got one for valentine's and it's a tumblr and it has like the little valentine's hearts like those little candies and in there they have texas things so it says like barbecue um barbecue bluebonnets y'all like all these little texas things in the heart so i thought it was really cute and i got one but today i got another one so fiesta is coming up and look at this cup it's so cute they had another one i have a picture of it they had another one that had the texas on it it was like a pink color like i took a picture of it because i put on my facebook so this one right here is like a pink color and on it it's a texas and then it has a fiesta colors but then they had a plastic one just like this one and it had like glitter in it and it was clear but it didn't have a straw and i really like this one so i got this one and they're so cute heb always comes out with the cutest cup so i think like every holiday i'm going to be collecting hb cups and it's only nine dollars well ten dollars it's like nine dollars and change but isn't this freaking adorable and i love it and they're really good look the stainless steel comes with the long straw for like ten dollars you can't beat that and always has cute little things on it love it i had to get it had to let me try this caramel flavor because i've never tried it before see how it tastes this needs to give me energy this morning because while i'm waiting for nancy hopefully she messages me back i don't know i know she had something come up last night so we'll see but um i need the energy i'm about to put up some clothes while i'm just waiting me my baby are here and he's gonna be going with me for lunch if we go so i'm really excited to try that place if we don't go we're going for sure next time but let's try this caramel flavor it's good i was expecting more caramel it kind of reminds me of the mocha one a little bit different slightly different but it doesn't have too much caramel flavor i mostly taste the mct oil on coffee so i think i'll just stick with the mocha that one's my favorite but this one's not bad if you if you like caramel their hazelnut is pretty good too i want to say they have a vanilla one but i don't know i didn't see it there i don't think they they have to i think they do but all right guys i am just going to be sipping on this getting some stuff done around the house before we head off to lunch all right guys we are headed on our way to lunch with my friend nancy hopefully it's delicious i'm excited to try this new keto place that we discovered hi say hi hey dash has gecko today so we are going to head on out first we gotta put some gas and be on our way all right y'all we just pulled up let's get down and eat my baby is crashed out he's gonna have to wake up but he will wake up for food this is the place it's called garden of edna floral okay y'all we are inside say hi this is their menu so you could sub any bread for keto low carb bread for 225 extra and they have chicken salad they have a trio they have a pickle witch which instead of the bread you get pickles clubhouse egg salad everything sounds really good they also have salads and i know they have keto desserts so i can't wait so nancy brought this cucumber limeade fresh sauce for the water it's sugar-free she says she got a heb and it's really really good and they have the strawberry also strawberry limey this place is like really cute it's really it's like a little lunch place that you just come and have some tea but we got some fresh sauce sachi's eating a grilled cheese is it good no yeah is it good with his kettle chips you got the baby eating grilled cheese yum okay y'all our sandwiches are here we have the keto bread this is a turkey and cheese with the lettuce and tomato we got side salads with ranch and we're gonna split each one so this one over here is an egg salad sandwich with the keto bread as well and everything looks so delicious and they were only what like eight dollars each with a side salad and they also have cheese crisp if you want to get cheese crisp on the side but everything looks really delicious and i'm excited to dig in okay y'all i'm gonna get a taste test of these sandwiches this is the egg salad with the keto bread [Music] the bread is good it's a little dense but it's really good it has good flavor you can tell it's home like home cooked and it has a little nuts in there and the seeds mmm there she said they're their hands the branch the ranch is made here so i'm gonna give the wrench a try but this is really good this would be our new little lunch spot right and it's right here by nancy's house it's like nancy we gotta go you got you like it it's good right i'm gonna taste our wrench oh yeah oh that's good ranch let me try their their turkey and swiss i just really i really like their bread this is what's going to make the sandwich their bread you like it yes now we can enjoy sandwiches again their breads are the same on each but this one's not toasted and then when you get the turkey and the swiss this one's toasted it's really good really really good look i had lipstick on my chin and i teared up that sandwich was really good the bread was really good i highly recommend this place um i'll tell you all the address and the place for it here in a bit but i am going to check out the keto desserts because i'm ready are you ready for some keto dessert okay guys we are trying dessert nancy got a keto brownie this looks absolutely delicious and then i got they have keto cheesecake but i've tried enough keto cheesecakes before i got a keto lemon bar that's funny because i'm actually going to do a video this week on some lemon bars so i'm going to try this one out you want to split it okay we're going to split them i'm excited okay here's yours okay i think i'm gonna try the lemon bar first [Music] here is the keto lemon bar we have a dessert right now at lunch it'll matter oh oh that's some good lemon flavor the crust is really good too and it's like cold right this is really good very tart okay let's go in with the brownies okay here's the keto brownie got the drizzle on top or fudgy in the middle it's slightly bitter right i think i like the lemon one more too the brownie is good but it's bitter it's definitely cocoa but it's actually really soft and fudgy in the middle not bad but you definitely need some almond milk but overall i really like this place they have some really good options here especially for their sandwiches and they have a whole list of stuff that you can buy that is keto go mateo mateo [Music] oh my god he's so cute all right guys we are done with lunch everything was so delicious you enjoyed everything yes yes i really liked it definitely we'll be back here very soon all right guys lunch was absolutely delicious the bread the keto bread was really amazing and you can pretty much turn any sandwich into a keto sandwich because mostly all their sandwiches are all keto like all everything that goes in the sandwich is keto approved so i really enjoyed that they have great options on salads as well yes okay bash that he wants to go home but i know they have soups that are not um keto friendly they also have other options for desserts but their desserts were really good the ones that we tried um the lemon bar was awesome but the place is called garden of edna floral and tea room it's here in laporte if y'all live nearby and y'all want to give it a try i highly recommend just for a cute little simple lunch with you and your friends but now we are on our way home i have to pick up my kids from school here shortly and i am stuffed it really hit the spot okay guys i am back home i went to go pick up my kids from school they're fed their after-school food as always and now it's time for mommy to work out lunch was awesome i feel great i don't feel like overly full the sandwich was definitely hit the right spot it was really really good but today i am about to do i'm gonna warm up with a little bit of cardio just like 15 to 20 minutes i do it real quick with cardio and then today i am going to be doing some arm workouts so i'm about to get this quick workout in for about an hour or so and then we will get started on some dinner today i'm going to be making some cheese shell tacos i actually haven't had those in forever and somebody brought them up the other day and i was oh my mother-in-law she brought them up the other day and i was like man i haven't had those in a very long time and i used to eat those all the time when i first started keto so i'm really looking forward to dinner tonight after this workout but let's get straight to it i'm about to do some arm workouts and get my sweat on okay i got my workout in i did my arm workouts got the muscles going let me just do a little quick run down on what i did so i got on my elliptical right here i just did a quick warm-up for about 15 to 20 minutes just burned off about 300 some calories i just do it real quick just to get my blood going i also do have a treadmill but i don't know i kind of like the elliptical more i kind of just you know switch whenever i want so i did um my last workout i got on my weight bench right here i have only 40 pounds on there you know i work my way up as i go um i do a couple sets of that as much as i can and that's all i do i just lay on my back and lift and then i did a lot of arm workouts with some dumb dip dumbbells these dumbbells i use two of them they're only eight pounds and you will work out with these right so i just do a couple sets of you know different workouts i want run through them i usually do like three sets of 15s with different workouts and let me tell y'all the more you know you do that all the time even if it was just with the dumbbells eight eight pounds it doesn't have to be like overly heavy you will see the difference you know the more you get into it five days a week or three days a week whatever you can even with those little weights you will see the difference you just have to get into the routine i'm definitely feeling the difference in my arms lately and it feels really good it feels really good to get back on track with these workouts so i am pushing and i am trying my hardest all right i am about to shower get nice and cleaned up and let's make some dinner all right y'all i am showered excuse the hair but you already know my routine if you watch i'm about to go in with my electrolytes after my workout since i'm almost done with my gallon of water i'm just gonna mix it in here gotta open this baby up oh my god since i have been drinking this gallon of water y'all i have to go pee like every 15 to 20 minutes it's insane but i use the perfect keto daily electrolytes and pink lemonade i'm just gonna go in with one scoop this just helps you um replenish rehydrate rehydrate and recover after your workout so i like to take it all the time after a workout put in one scoop i'm just gonna mix it in this water and we are about to get started on our dinner because i am ready for some tacos it's not taco tuesday but it's okay we still gonna have some tacos today let's get started i'm to drink this all up while i am cooking i want to have a little bit left first thing you're going to want to get started is preheat your oven to 350 degrees because we're going to melt the i can't push it we're going to melt the cheese um down for our taco shell so what you want to do is get a baking sheet on this baking sheet i'm going to put a piece of parchment paper on here we're going to wait for the oven to heat up and make our ground beef and it's just very simple and easy to do it's just some tacos i have my piece of parchment paper right here on my baking dish now my baking pan sorry now what i did is we're making our cheese taco shells you want to take any cheese that you like that's shredded you want to put it in a circle on the parchment paper space it out a little bit it's going to melt and i'm just using some mild cheddar cheese so this is going to make our show when we pop it in the oven and once it's a little bit melted it's going to harden we're going to shape it and it's going to be just an easy cheesy taco shell that you could stuff with so very guilt-free if you don't want to use low-carb tortillas this is another great option to do we're popping it in the oven now you don't want it crispy you just want to make sure the cheese is nice and melted okay so this is fresh off the oven right now it will literally take about five minutes for it to melt down like this you want the edges nice and crispy but you don't want it completely crispy i'm gonna let this cool for about 30 seconds and we are going to shape them so i don't have no taco shell shaper so i always put a paper towel and i just laid the taco shell over these seasoning things and it just hardens and it stays there and we have ourselves a nice taco shell okay so while my taco shells are just cooling and hardening i'm cooking up some ground beef over here with just some taco seasoning for my very simple size today i'm just going to be steaming up some broccoli my ground beef is ready and i just i did drain the fat as well okay everything is pretty much ready it was real simple all we have to make is ground beef some taco shells we got some broccoli steaming up these are going to be my taco inside things that i'm gonna be putting on top of my taco i'm gonna try the salsa out i usually love the green one but i'm gonna try the red one today this is really good get it from hub or the green one i haven't tried this one and we're gonna put some shredded lettuce a little bit of avocado in my tacos some sour cream some tomato and some cilantro all right guys i'm already sitting down to eat dinner i literally just threw everything in the taco so i have my sour cream my ground beef my lettuce my avocado my salsa cilantro tomatoes and then we didn't put cheese of course because the shell is already cheese i literally just steamed my broccoli with water got it nice and tender drained it i put salt pepper and a little bit of lemon pepper or it was salt lemon pepper and a little bit of garlic powder and i just tossed it up very simple and easy dinner i like to also have these with some jalapeno poppers like i made in my last what i eat in a day video that's a great side as well but if you are craving tacos this is a very great option it's very quick i literally made it in about 20 minutes so it's not that hard you know if you just want a simple dinner they hold up pretty well and they're just really good [Music] that salsa is good i've never tried that salsa oh spicy really good i haven't had this in forever when i first started keto this was like one of my go-to meals i would always eat this my husband be like what are you eating like some cheese shell tacos this is like a great option if you don't want to have low carbohydrates all the time because they do have like hidden ingredients you know they make you bloated sometimes so i just like to make a cheese shell and it's just delicious so y'all give it a try if you have never tried this before i've seen a lot of people try it it's like um one of probably like one of everybody's first recipes that you make on keto this was probably like one of my first recipes and it's just so good so y'all give it a try and if y'all do come back to this video and comment below how y'all enjoyed it i devoured my tacos and my broccoli it was delicious i definitely haven't had in a while so it really hit the spot i could probably eat like three more of these tacos i'm not even gonna lie but i'm pretty good right now i'm gonna finish the rest of my water it's gonna hold me over and sam do not make more tacos do not make more tacos so what i like to do since it's like only me really here um i have some extra ground beef left over and then tomorrow for lunch i'll just make like a taco salad you can just take the ground beef on top of some more romaine add the same toppings and you have yourself a light taco salad for lunch which is also really delicious all right y'all we are reaching the end of the day is already going to be it's like seven o'clock it's 7 20. i gotta get my kids ready for school tomorrow do all those mom things and get ready for another successful day tomorrow of keto eating i'm not exactly sure on how many macros that i've had today because i know some of you are gonna ask i do try to strictly track but shady you y'all see what i mean y'all see what i mean the shady has no personal space i cannot sit down on the couch without shady okay shady i'll show you love right now she goes away oh my god so y'all know i try to strictly track every day but when i go out to eat um i know we stayed about 20 under 20 next i don't know what she's doing shady is having a heart attack over here okay i think she's done there's bella you i can't sit down guys it's either my kids or my dogs like there's no there's no like bella's crying to get up there is no just no personal space for me at all but like i was saying um i'm not sure exactly how many net carbs i had out to eat the bread was awesome and stuff you know it's kind of hard to track when you go out to eat unless you really look up their menu and they actually have the nutrition facts on there and stuff but but i know we stayed under 20 net carbs it's okay not to strictly track every day off we're only human it's hard i can't it's hard to like strictly track every day you know especially having kids and just dealing with life every day but i try my best to track every day but we still had a very successful day of eating we got our workouts in i finished my gallon of water and we had a very good day so ready for tomorrow but i hope you all enjoyed this what i needed today video and i was thinking i know i have a lot of new people to my channel if you stay towards the end of this video comment down below if y'all have any questions that y'all want to get to know about me any any questions that y'all may have and i will answer a few on my next what i in a day video just while i'm enjoying dinner just so y'all can get to know me a little bit better so comment down below any questions y'all want to know about me but if you enjoyed this video please hit that thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe to my channel and i will see y'all in my next video
Channel: Keto With Sammy
Views: 4,458
Rating: 4.9895287 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketowithsammy, ketorecipes, ketoweightloss, weightloss, ketolowcarb, lowcarb, ketodiet, whatieatinaday, ketowhatieatinaday, ketovlog, vlog, fulldayofeating, ketofulldayofeating, ketofood, ketolunch, ketodinner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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