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hey guys retired at 40 I just bought another storage unit to try and redeem myself from that last stinker of a storage unit that I just bought and to be honest the the bad ones almost keep you going as much as the the good ones because the bad ones just make you want to get to that good one again so this storage unit is actually at the same place as we bought the abandoned storage unit that had the 34 Ford in it so I'm hoping that our luck will stay good at this facility let's go check it out I just got the unit paid for and I don't know hopefully this isn't a sign of luck on on today's purchase but it's on the third floor and it's a pretty big unit and the elevator just happens to be broke of course so that's just my luck I guess I better be some good stuff in here because this sucks it's too dark to tell right now there's a nice KitchenAid mixer I see a bunch of vinyl back here there's a Coleman pop-up shelter this just caught my eye cuz I know that blue color nope it's not a Yeti I was moving this box though not sure if it's worth anything it's a 35 millimeter so it's probably not There's three or four of these wine boxes they're full of movies a lot of blu-rays box is really cool too all right I like it so far very little trash lots of boxes which means good stuff they're all neatly stacked low amounts of garbage I see this little crate up here it's got my interest bring this out here so you can see it the lights in here light in here is really bad it's an iPhone and of course it's not in there nothing right home keep taking some boxes down three flights of stairs really great stuff so far even the stuff that's not sellable can be easily donated to Salvation Army it's all real clean it's not full of dust and garbage like it usually is mystery boxes mystery boxes mystery boxes this is getting old up the stairs down the stairs up the stairs down the stairs well I think the elevator guys here I think he's got the elevator fixed and that's good because I'm really feeling my age right now so much easier why did they have to wait till the last 10 items to get the elevator fixed but I did find something good it's a new car just kidding so hiding behind the mattress is a big-screen TV very nice yay last trip so I made it back home I actually got the whole unit in one trip which is great and even though I had to do 90% of it up and down the stairs maybe even more than that but it's a really nice day out today so I think I'm just going to kind of lay everything out in the driveway and sort stuff in the driveway and that way you can get a picture of what I end up with so this is the entire unit there is a really nice bed frame and head boards over here there is a ton of boxes which gets me real excited because it's just neatly packed and it's a it's been cared for so I'm guessing there's gonna be some really good stuff in there there is a nice set of golf clubs some other odds and ends luggage whatnot things you'd expect in a in a house there's a nice recliner there is three huge crates full of vinyl which is right up my alley I'm guessing there's some good stuff in there there's a nice a coffee table and a couple end tables that match so those would be worth a few bucks but mainly what I am real excited about as this whole big pile of mystery boxes so let's get digging so when I go through a storage unit and just kind of spread it out like this I separated it into a few different piles I separated it in to keep garbage and then I separate it into recycle and donation so with any luck our garbage pile will be smaller than it was in the last one shouldn't be a problem I don't think all right so I went to that first box and actually found a couple good things already I found a one ounce silver coin it's double eagle and then I found a bunch of Las Vegas chips I'll add to those in a second an iPhone I've got a whole bunch of gift cards and believe it or not most of the time these have the balances on them I don't know why people don't use them but they don't I found some more pieces to that camera that I found earlier and another iPhone I found a little iPod and here's the rest of those chips so it got kind of cold out I'm gonna bring some boxes inside and kind of go through them in here and make a mess in my house all right next mystery box a little Bluetooth speaker another Bluetooth speaker and then it looks like a lens for a canon camera might be able to use that a tripod for a camera I can praise that too and a rode mic same one as I use so pulled this box out and it's full of DVDs and another one was full of CDs and this is just one of many so just tons and tons of media all right I'm ready for something good I need something to WoW me it says kitchen utensils on it and I think it probably is all kitchen utensils yeah that's what it looks like you got a feeling this boxes not gonna Wow me this one is also full of Xbox games and DVDs so we'll add those to the pile so added quite a few more Xbox games lots of box sets of TV shows and stuff like that will fit into this next box and see what we've got and this mother lode someone's changed collection there's got to be a couple hundred bucks worth in there so anytime I get a whole bunch of coins like this I actually take the time to sort the dimes the nickels and the quarters and it sounds crazy but anything that was made before 1964 has a certain amount of silver in it and it's actually worth quite a bit more than the face value so a quarter that's a pre 64 is I think about 70 to 80 percent silver so if you think about the silver weight on that it's probably I don't know seven or eight dollars this next one I'm real excited about because it says blu-ray turntable right off the bat I see an xbox and blu-ray player and looks like a really nice turntable and then a receiver at the bottom that was a good one this next one is books and I found quite a few books already and they're not just average books they're they're very they're good ones that you can sell it's not like the Walmart books so some books are very sellable very collectible you just I just use the Amazon so I'm gonna add these with all the others this one's pretty cool it's a it's Anthony Bourdain the guy that recently passed away but a lot of these books are signed which has a really cool so now we've got these empty wine boxes and they are also just put full of media full full crazy good crazy I'm just gonna add them to the pile I've had a chance to go through all of the vinyl now and I've actually been listing it already and it pretty much sells as fast as I can list it most of this stuff is the hundred and eighty gram stuff which is the newer releases it's a it's really desirable a lot of it's real limited-edition stuff but there's just there's tons and tons of really good stuff in here really cool vinyl there's Pink Floyd there's the dead there's fish just all kinds of really cool stuff and then you'll get one every once in a while that's like a box set that I just sold one for $150 so all in all there's probably a thousand or 1500 dollars was the vinyl in here really cool I'm trying not to keep it all well I think we made it I think we made it through everything a really great unit it was super clean really organized just a ton of media and stuff that really keeps your interest going it makes you want to keep opening those boxes but really good quality stuff and the other stuff that I'm not gonna keep or sell it'll go to a good home I always donate it and this is good stuff that'll go to someone that can actually use it so anyway I will catch you next week this is retired at 40 remember to live life simple we'll catch you next week
Channel: Retired at 40- Live.Life.Simple.
Views: 11,767
Rating: 4.8602619 out of 5
Keywords: garbage can full of money, storage unit garbage can full of money, retired at 40 storage unit, vinyl collection found storage unit, abandoned storage unit vinyl collection, abandoned storage unit record collection, storage unit finds records, money found in storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, storage unit mystery boxes, most money found in storage unit, abandoned storage unit they left money, Finding money in abandoned storage unit
Id: mK_-VmWft8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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