HOW TO BUILD CONFIDENCE | Powerful Motivational Speeches | Listen Every Day

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the hard thing brought me through hell but also to that which exists on the other side the hard thing prompted me to question and doubt [Music] but also provided the pieces i used to build my confidence little by little it made me ask the tough questions the ones maybe i didn't want to hear the answer to but also gave me the power to transform those answers i didn't like the hard thing meant forfeiting being the expert in my world in exchange for the role of student in a foreign arena gave me new ladders to climb new possibilities to reach for it showed that true growth requires a willingness to be the beginner it took some people out of my arms my circle my work and in some cases my life altogether but always seem to open the door to those souls better aligned to those conducive to the journey and the process let's remember what the hard thing is beyond the pain because we all know it does bring that beyond the challenges because there are certainly many beyond all that exists the hope and the change and the promise robert frost says the best way out is always through through because it's the chaos the haze the darkness of night that shapes us it's in being broken that we learn to rebuild our world with the pieces and perhaps most importantly we learn that such a rebuilding process is possible to begin with that the now is not mandatory or permanent the hard thing as it turns out is nothing more than a transaction turbulence for the view above the clouds fear in the moment for confidence in the future it's learning that although life sometimes appears to paint a picture of conformity and helplessness there's always a path leading to the very place we need to go it just asks we find the courage to walk it churchill has said the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity the optimist sees opportunity in every difficult and this beautiful message rings true because from the difficulty is the advantage and sure our first instinct is to see the problem our eyes tend to initially fixate on that which is unfortunate but beyond that is where we get the most incredible things life provides is if one is removing the shell or outer layer in order to get to the nutrients in the center the ingredients required for growth the pieces necessary to experience life at its fullest and so we must be reminded that those opportunities they're not rare they're not reserved for everyone but you they just tend to disguise themselves as the things we're most inclined to disregard or walk by but if one finds the courage to move into them through them if one can see the difficulty not as a deterrent but as a bargain they'll be given everything on the other side reality is not changed with the magic wand or the granting of a wish it's from staring down the hard thing and moving directly into it one little step at a time [Music] [Music] there have been times in my life when i've been down i've been out i've been afraid i've looked up at the road ahead and been completely unsure and i can say first hand when you're going through a situation like this that it essentially consumes you right it's all you see it's all you think about to the point where the good stuff [Music] the opportunity all around you it becomes transparent you see right through it it's the negative it's misfortune for a period of time that becomes your narrative becomes the story [Music] what if this is forever what if i'm not as good as i want to be or as they are what if things don't work out never mind the fact that you've been here before and you've battled back never mind how far you've come no that takes a back seat to the discomfort that we feel right now and that's the irrationality of the human mind we forget we forget that the lows create the highs that temporary isn't forever that you can't stand with any type of authority if you've never before fallen accomplishing anything is never just walking up and reaching a goal it's about getting back up over and over again taking the bad breaks in stride and seeing the losses for what they are necessary what if i told you that the difficult times weren't just manageable they were what you needed those moments when you felt helpless bridge to something better a demonstration of just how capable you are and how strong you can be [Music] feeling lost feeling defeated sure it's unsettling but it's also a reminder that you are exactly where you need to be in one form or another your struggle becomes your answer life isn't always calm seas and sunny skies but if you let it it will teach you to weather any storm to come out on top never lose sight of the opportunity it's there hiding behind the struggle immersed in the ups and downs and when you know that you will not let yourself stay down that you'll get up struggle becomes a building block not a weight around the ankles with each stumble you become taller [Music] with each misstep you step forward [Music] the problem will never be tough times it will be refusing to find that next level for fear of their materialization regret is a choice and for those who refuse to stay down it will be a choice that they'll never know [Music] sometimes i wonder [Music] why [Music] why does this season of life feel like it's one undesirable outcome after another what happened to the law of averages when is the win where is the light at the end of the tunnel why would i continue going in this direction when it feels like that spot on the horizon i've been chasing has eluded me why why are my results not aligning with my output it's hard to wake up and do this it takes all of me to give this much sometimes i wonder where is the delayed gratification everyone speaks of where's the fruit of my labor the arm on my shoulder that says this is why it was all worth it why hasn't the payoff shown itself why and why does it seem like every curveball materializes at the worst possible time why won't my body cooperate now when i need it most why does my mind play with the worst case scenarios why does an already challenging path have to be more difficult than it is now how many ways do i have to feel pain why does discomfort follow me around why won't life let me shake this why well maybe just maybe it's to show you how strong you are what you can endure because deep down in your soul you know you are the one percent because if you can push through this you can push through anything [Music] and i don't know why life gives us its lessons when it does why the world seems to stack it on when we're at our most vulnerable when the ground beneath us is most unstable but if you can find the courage to step back and see this for what it is if you can hold on to the idea that this is happening for you you'll come out of this a different person you don't need to perform a miracle when you're at your lowest no the courage the power the strength is in showing up you need to continue forward let go of the week the month the year sometimes we are tasked with pushing through the moment the hour surviving the day and sometimes there is nothing more courageous than that nothing more powerful than seeing what it turns into down the road when we look over our shoulders and are grateful we never stopped so yes this season might seem like a non-stop barrage of obstacles and misfortune why perhaps because it's life allowing you to plant your seed now so that when spring comes around you are provided something you've never had before you arrive at that spot in the horizon you've been aiming at and yes the results might not feel like they're aligning with your output why perhaps because when the compounding reaches that magical point that point of statistical significance and the desirable things happen then as quickly as the difficult ones do now it'll all make sense you'll appreciate it value it and be equipped to handle it and yeah life might seem to be throwing you curveball after curveball why perhaps because if you can trudge forward now when your body's tired while navigating the trials and tribulations of life when you can bring greatness into existence under duress just imagine what waits around the corner imagine how you'll perceive those seemingly impossible obstacles that slow everyone else down there'll be nothing more than a cool breeze and a sunny day as you move towards your best self look it's hard to understand when we are in it it's hard to make sense of the dark and the chaos and the hurt but find a way to remember no matter how hard it seems that this life is happening for you and not to you this is the seed in the palm of your hand that will mean something that matters so hold on hold on to see that seed begin to rise from the ground hold on to feel the warmth of the sun hold on through the storms of life they will be why when you look back years from now you'll have gotten from life that which was once merely a dream [Music] you were made to rise to take your pain and convert it to purpose to take your struggle and transform it into meaning in a world of concession of self sabotage and defeat you were made to rise [Music] and so it's critical that you look around at where you are now and adjust your lens it's critical that you see the present moment not as an ending the culmination of wrong turns or broken plans but as the beginning of what all that will be turned into the start of the next chapter a new road because you were made to rise life has an interesting way of not pushing us to be more until our backs are against the wall until we've fallen or found ourselves where we don't belong but it's down in the ashes that were presented this blessing that were given the chance to be more than we've ever been you weren't made to look around and call this diminished reality home know you were made to rise life is about decisions what to accept and what to cut away and it's in our moments of distress we must find our calm when we feel low that we must remember the heights we're capable of obtaining look our greatest invitations they often feel like defeat like hopelessness but see beyond that narrative look in the mirror and know that what looks back at you isn't the problem it's the reason you'll succeed someday you'll see the present as the moment that made you the days that shake you just as a sculptor arrives at his masterpiece so stand up brush yourself off and look up because that is where you're going now is where it begins you weren't made to accept what is [Music] you were made to rise [Music] when it matters most when the odds are against me when precedent says no there i will be when the right path happens to be the lonely path and victory is separated by a drop one million feet deep or a cliff two million feet high there i will be when they expect failure anticipate defeat celebrate each setback there i will be standing tall and ready when there appears no way in when my demons push me out when my senses advocate retreat and the path forward is cloaked in doubt there i will be standing tall and ready when i feel alone in my pursuit of tomorrow or tempted by the comfort of yesterday when pride whispers of their relentless criticism and my legs cry out in exhaustion there i will be standing tall and ready when hell rains down when faith lets up when my reason for beginning is replaced by a million little reminders of all that can go wrong there i will be standing tall and ready when the sky looks like a ceiling when the floor feels like home when every light dims and every fear illuminates when eyes roll and doors lock when the sun submits the clouds emerge gravity flexes and my knees tremble there i will be never will i back down never will i cower or settle for the present when our future is limitless i will get back up until i've made my point won my battle secured my fight the world is simple moving forward is not without its tests or lessons but as long as i continue on i evolve with each step i win there's no running away or white flag or surrendering to the man in the mirror the only conqueror capable of bringing me down no nothing will tell me what i can be i will always be there standing tall and ready not because it's their will but because each day is mine and not theirs look i'm tired i'm worn but i'm here and i'm ready for anything that waits ahead [Music] our lives require failure like our lungs require oxygen and when i find the world around me lacking in the resources that i need it's because in so many ways i have forgotten to breathe to step out my walls of comfort and breathe in lessons waiting to be taught by the greatest of teachers life life the unpredictable and often unremarkable miracle the book that reveals itself through experience that tells tales only in hindsight our world is a book in which we choose our own ending and so we must fail because failing means living and we were meant to live we must fail because every failure is the mark of a poet an artist or an author bringing this story one step closer to its resolution continually walking up to a blank wall and making a mark a single trivial mark a mark that's misunderstood at best but likely scoffed at ridiculed but each mark gives meaning to the one before it these marks they become chapters become narrative chefs become stories every failure you throw against this wall becomes part of a mural it's an element of beauty before the work can even be deemed beautiful yet we continually misunderstand when you hang your head in disappointment when you see only the smudge of paint you threw against that wall you are oblivious to the fact that you're making something meaningful so here is my challenge to you i dare you in the midst of the mona lisa you are creating to see it before it's done i dare you to be strong enough to fail not just once but over and over and over again i dare you to keep your eyes focused locked in on what's in front of you when everyone you know hides their failures when they scream of every little wind for all the world to hear i dare you to understand what they do not to cherish your failures to maintain trust in the unseen and when all you want is to get there i dare you to see your greatness before you arrive i dare you to look in the mirror and see the hero inside you right now i dare you to do that i dare you to take your struggle and see amidst the pain your purpose your purpose that will lift you up when you've fallen and will carry you forward when you're lost i dare you to see light when there appears only darkness and when none presents itself i dare you to light the spark to be the answer you need i dare you to stand up to the human tendency to embrace security over adventure and predictability over growth i dare you to walk into the darkness of night knowing that today's unknown becomes tomorrow's foundation and when it hurts like truly hurts when you look around and can't remember why you began or what's pulling you forward i dare you to close your eyes and imagine looking back and thanking yourself for taking this path every low is a courageous step towards transformation and if you've forgotten that i hope this reminds you why it all matters i hope you remember why this mark the one you're making right now is part of the masterpiece you've been longing for it's taking you exactly where you need to be [Music] there's a quote attributed to seneca that states no man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity for he is not permitted to prove himself meaning it's in pursuing the difficult thing that we obtain meaning recognition that we prove ourselves but prove ourselves to whom [Music] this is the same seneca who famously stated that we suffer more in imagination than we do in reality that he is most powerful who has power over himself and that's one of the beautiful things about stoicism it makes us ask a very simple but often overlooked question who's really the adversary here who's the opposition we're dealing with as we fight our battles what is it that must be transformed is it the outside world or the way our eyes view the outside world what's really holding us back the circumstances or our own personal thoughts about the circumstances and i think this is where we misunderstand the challenges before us i want to delve into this power of perspective to explain that we are the gatekeepers between ourselves and our ideal lives and very often we do a good job of ensuring that gait stays closed we sabotage our own goals our own dreams our own happiness while simultaneously pointing the finger at a million externalities see when we look at the difficulties of life and there's no doubt that life can be a very difficult thing it's easy to look at the world as this binary playing field right me versus the world and in fact we often visualize the world as the enemy pushing back against us as if its motives were counter to ours but so many of these narratives these stories they actually say nothing about the outside world and when we look deeper it becomes apparent that they actually say a whole lot more about us it's the one viewing that gets to decipher what the circumstance means and so all narratives are reflections of the observers jim rohn used to tell a story about two brothers who had an alcoholic father he'd come home drunk he'd abuse his sons they had a terrible childhood and as they each grew up and had families of their own their paths kind of diverged right one became abusive and the other was kind and loving and caring and when confronted the now abusive brother stated well look how can you blame me don't you see how i was raised but the kind loving and caring brother stated of course i'm like this i could never put my family through what i went through as a child same circumstances different lenses interpretations which means different real world result and the idea here is to emphasize how one of the most important abilities a human being possesses is the ability to interpret the world around him i think of us as subjects navigating a world of objects as though the things around us don't have meaning until we place meaning upon them that's what humans do create narratives out of objects and that often overlooked seemingly insignificant ability places a lot of power in our hands very rarely is it what we see it's what we think and what we do about what we see you ever hang out with people that just tend to be happy upbeat positive energy i have a a very good friend like that where his first inclination is always to find the positive [Music] in moments where i've sort of trained myself to pause take a second sift through the emotion uncover the value in a tough situation refocus and take a strategic step forward i look over at him and he's already arrived there right he's been there for three minutes right eliminated the negativity it's his first instinct he's the metaphorical kid hopping around in puddles whistling at the top of his lungs while everyone else is hiding out from the rain or at least trying to find the courage to run out onto the street with then there are people who seem to always find the negative it doesn't really matter what the situation is happiness is fleeting only to reveal the negativity that never seems to go away right the kind of person that if they won the lottery their first thought might be oh no but what if i lose it all both examples are people projecting themselves onto the world around them same way that smoke covers and consumes an entire room it's not the room that's the culprit here's another example from jim rohn since we're on a jim rohn kick he's making a similar point and this is all from a collection of speeches he has on audible comparing humans to oranges which is probably not a comparison you've made recently but he said there's consistency to an orange and then it can be filled with one thing when you squeeze an orange orange juice is coming out period it will never be apple juice or grapefruit juice it will only emit what it has inside which is orange juice and while here's the connection when life pressures us challenges us or metaphorically squeezes us we only emit the emotions that are contained and available that are alive and well within us if there is no jealousy contained in our thinking we're not going to project jealousy out into the world if there is no hatred within us we will not project hatred onto others why is that powerful it's powerful because again it's one of the most important things you can do certainly one of the most important things i've learned to do is take that finger pointing blame at the outside world slowly turn it around and point it back at myself and ask what thoughts what emotions what ideas am i letting live inside my head that's altering the narrative the story i'm telling about myself and the world that i live in and while one might think well that's uncomfortable that's unfair a little extreme why should i point at myself it's not my fault i would challenge you at least for the sake of the next few minutes to see such a change as empowering as your advantage as the bridge from where you are to where you want to be see if you always have feelings of let's say jealousy around a particular person that feeling in your stomach like oh they have it all they're ahead they live how i want to live they're this and that and i kind of hate them for it [Music] you're naively giving the external world the power you're saying i feel the way i do because of that out there some cosmic injustice [Music] you are powerless because you're neglecting your personal agency as a factor but when you turn that finger around [Music] and say i only feel this way because i'm allowing myself to then you can ask the question so many never think to ask why [Music] why do i feel this way which lights a path to how can i fix it see the key to a better life is realizing you don't have to be in the passenger seat pointing at and blaming the driver complaining about the road being taken no you can get into the driver's seat you can take the wheel you can take control inherit responsibility and there's more at stake there's greater vulnerability but the upside is unfathomable and i find myself thinking all the time man people are blaming the wrong things they're shifting blame to the wrong adversaries the real villain here [Music] is not the driver or the road or the weather [Music] the real villain is the voice in your head pleading with you not to take the wheel pleading with you to ride shotgun and complain as the world passes you by and of course it makes sense to qualify that with the inevitability that there are some things placed upon us that are just bigger than us that we can't control and you can make a list however long you want to natural disasters decisions and actions of others health problems we don't often get to choose the landscape so as the stoics would say understand that understand what you can't control and what you can because the beauty is that you can control how you navigate that landscape and that is power that is what makes the difference see the two brothers i mentioned a few moments earlier same landscape different navigational tactics different view of what it all meant one took the wheel and one did not so that seneca quote that states no man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity for he is not permitted to prove himself well it's perfectly clear as far as i'm concerned the the question is not whether or not to face adversity i think we all understand that what i hope we take from today is a better understanding of what the true adversity is a better understanding of the fact that in front of us there is always an answer a key to every lock some people just don't think to look they're so busy peering around every corner for external enemies and scapegoats that they don't give themselves permission to succeed may be unfortunate but it's true you can hit the bullseye over and over again but if it's the wrong target it won't do much for you might as well have missed by 50 feet and i think that is what we overlook you can't always fix the outside world [Music] you can't change the unchangeable but you can always change yourself you can always fix you his tolstoy said everyone wants to change the world but no one thinks of changing himself you're capable of being both your greatest adversary and ally so choose wisely [Music] because the world around you will do nothing more than respond accordingly to your decision [Music] what motivates you no not when things are great not when you have momentum and you're feeling good but what motivates you on your down days when things are a little off not going the way you want them to you took an l angry with your progress maybe even having a hard time remembering why you got into the game to begin with [Music] what acts is your rope to latch onto and pull yourself back up to a good place [Music] because after all that's what it's all about right the difference between a good day and a bad day it's nothing more than the thoughts in your head you're walking down the street something comes to mind that you know we've all been there you're happy about it you're excited about it kind of lifts you up for a second you know your day didn't change nothing around you changed your mindset and that particular moment that feeling is worth diving into because it's incredibly relevant when we're talking about big picture pursuits working towards something that is a long way away [Music] i was just talking to a friend of mine lives in nashville incredibly talented guy and he's working like crazy to get his music out there we were talking about our similarities as creators you know and the idea that no matter how much time you put into something how hard you work you never really know how the next song video speech or whatever piece of content uh you know how it's gonna be received you just never know and that can be tough right but where we got to in the discussion and this is really my message to you uh that same rationale can and should also be the spark that keeps you moving because yes you're uncertain but you are also always one creation away from your life changing and that's the reality we are all only one creation decision or action away from altering our current trajectory and that i'll speak for myself during my difficult times is what i latch onto that excitement contained in the infinite possibility ahead maybe i haven't seen progress for x amount of time but guess what that says nothing about tomorrow and i've talked about that a million times tomorrow can change faster than we can blink but you have to see that consciously be aware we all know how easy it is to look at our losses and think they're indicative of our potential or ceiling but they're not the loss is the struggle they are the seeds to growth and i wish every single person that's accomplished anything of significance had all their risks setbacks periods of self-doubt and struggle documented somewhere so the world can see that avoiding pain and loss is not the formula it's knowing that pain and loss are part of the process and continuing through it not taking it personal failure is not personal it's the water that makes the plant grow see 90 percent of the game is tricking yourself positioning yourself to feel momentum feel that progress the little steps in the long journey you know setting up appointments projects events creating visible benchmarks even when they're tiny because when you feel like you're progressing you're empowered when you're empowered you win remember this the only way to lose in life is to stop it is to stop growing stop progressing stop failing stop taking risks that's it [Music] and yeah that might sound simple might sound easy right just don't stop but it's not and anyone in pursuit of something greater knows it's not when you're beat down when you've written 200 songs and none of hit when you've spent money you don't even have on a film or a video when it doesn't get good reviews when you start a company or invest in a product that doesn't meet expectations the act of moving forward it feels impossible but that is the magic i had a coach that used to always repeat this saying success is often simply hanging on when others are letting go yes you want to be great you should we all do but being great comes with time it's skill it's ours it's commitment moving forward takes no skill no talent just self belief and that can be accomplished right now that is a win you can pocket right now immediately and what i tell myself during those rough stretches it is quite simple any future step could be the one that changes my life as long as i continue forward i am one creation away from everything changing and so are you something can come to life because of you when you're digging deep when you feel like all the work the energy is not paying off remind yourself that momentum right the wind at your back the flip switch that changes your life as you know it is one step away and when you fall short it is one step away and when you fall short it is one more step away because one of those steps will be it one of them will open that door you've been pounding on and it won't be because you did the impossible it will be because you convinced yourself to move forward when your doubt and your insecurity begged you to stop you knew you knew one of these at bats would be the one to change it all and you didn't stop until one of them did [Music] when our backs are against the wall we're forced to become more when the clock is ticking we are tasked with finding answers that hide among us it's in the darkness we find light and while lost we find ourselves the paradox of life is that from our pain comes our purpose our evolution and our greatness i love thinking back to about 2014 making my way around boston having just quit my job essentially purposeless clinging to a youtube channel and a podcast idea that i would name your world within and why why do i think back why does this mean everything to me well because at the time i knew nothing i understood nothing nothing about speaking or media audio video nothing about running a business but more importantly i knew very little about life and what's truly required to progress in a world with infinite moving parts i didn't know that my lack of understanding is what made everything feel overwhelming and complex and that it was up to me to simplify [Music] i didn't know the extent to which i'd have to befriend failure and that was the most eye-opening realization because when you gravitate towards a risk-free existence and you box yourself in as i had for so long of course you don't get the upside but you also don't fail as dramatically either life was a simple game of cause and effect do work get results not much room for more than that and so stepping outside that box in the way that i did uh changed some rules i learned some things first you can spend time on something you can exhaust energy on something and get nothing in the short term for your effort and i mean nothing unless you count getting your pride stomped on unless you count your friends uh disappearing when you need them most unless you count self-doubt in a constant uh worry about not amounting to anything i mean these are very raw very real human emotions [Music] they tend to arise when we start something new but in them is also the power this is where the light bulb turns on and the path emerges it's where i learned that we only get what we want when we endure or what we don't and what a foreign concept when you think about it right it's like eddie take this mic go stand in front of this audience and pour your heart out your knees are shaking chest is pounding but dude trust me it'll be good for you and funny enough it was it was because the fear in my stomach became the indicator that something new something exciting something more was around the corner like pavlov's dog hearing that bell anytime the fear kicked in i could feel myself getting closer to something meaningful to a higher version of myself the pain is an invite the sheer terror and let's face it that's what it feels like sometimes it's an upgrade disguised as the monster that you think you should be running from when it is as i recently mentioned the adversary you should befriend we have to change our relationship with discomfort because our initial understanding the one that comes stock in our minds is never sufficient to build anything of significance its default setting is to preserve the now not expand it and so just like those stock speakers that came in my 1999 ford f-150 when i was in my early 20s let's rip it out let's customize let's upgrade the quality of the sound we hear and the things we say to ourselves what an advantage it is to know that the hard things are what make us level up to find that awareness what a blessing that when life's difficulty startles and scatters the masses you could be the one that remains standing tall seeking out the advantage amidst the commotion [Music] every little act of courage becomes more and more meaningful powerful but we must lose ourselves to find ourselves we must embrace our fears if we are to become courageous we must fail in order to succeed ensure sometimes the price seems steep but i promise not going costs more wishing costs more if only more so maybe for you it isn't a youtube channel or a speaking career maybe it's something totally different but it is something and should you bring yourself to pursue that which your heart pulls you to pursue you'll have those moments of defeat where you're mad at yourself for leaving the comfort and safety of your previous world you'll have times where you have no idea what to do where you feel alone or stuck or unsure the difference will be whether you see this as the invite you've been waiting for or the reason to turn around and settle for less that's the question how do you internalize all that emotion that will feel like it is consuming you i couldn't believe how strong that temptation was to go back nagging at me every day just come off the edge just be comfortable again but as my old coach would say in college when we're doing wall sits or something physically taxing 15 seconds you can do anything for 15 seconds and is in life just a culmination of 15 second windows it's compartmentalizing the process it's turning the difficult into the advantages you have the ability to not think like everyone else you have it within you to rewire your previous conceptions of the world to see darkness not as your reason to hide from conjured up monsters but as your invitation to become the light remember that the best way to be more is to have the courage to put your back against the wall and you won't want to in the moment there will never be a perfect time but committing to that vulnerability will release from within you the power the strength the greatness that has been for so long tucked away by moving into the chaos you are simultaneously creating the calm you always dreamed of you're realizing the possibility that just needed the door left a jar to make its way into your world [Music] [Music] there's a substantial disconnect between what we envision and what we actually experience and we make the plan we think it's perfect we're ready to go i'm sure i have my race plan i'm going to sprint the last mile yep i know exactly what my career is gonna look like here are the steps i'll follow this plan in the morning this one in the afternoon but then you're in the midst of the battle right and when you're in the trenches you quickly realize that you didn't take into account a variety of factors and funny enough these factors are what make victory so difficult to begin with the required patience the persistence the instinctual desire for routine to know to predict [Music] and sure enough that time comes you go to sprint the last mile but you didn't realize you'd be fighting just to keep going let alone increase your speed the time comes to take that next step with your business your career you didn't realize the market wouldn't embrace your product with open arms the time comes to put your plan for the day into action you didn't realize you'd be pulled in 20 different directions see the formula isn't as simple as we want to believe [Music] why because we attack armed with the wrong idea just as much as life is about executing a plan it's also about taking the unplanned and making it work the unexpected life's curveballs you know they're not entities that lurk outside the scope of your game plan they are your game plan the idea is to be brave not perfect it's to be resilient not flawless confident not complete the best athletes don't train to be perfect no they train to tolerate discomfort because guess what if you can't adapt you die if you can't adjust you lose life will never conform to your plan and people don't want to hear that they remain stubborn unchanged and what they're left with is resentment and the feeling that they've been slighted by life the person who plans for the perfect race will always be out dueled by the one who comes prepared to conquer its imperfections the one who will reign in the unexpected not bow to it or falter in his presence but own it the pursuit of victory is not one from which we emerge unscathed it's messy it's humbling if you can't embrace the idea of being knocked down then get out if you're too proud to acknowledge that your plans aren't an instruction manual you will be defeated they're saying that you can't control the wind but what you can do is adjust your sails yeah be prepared be skilled be the best at what you do but be flexible move with the elements relish in the understanding that the obstacles will come and they will make you stronger strong minds win because they don't succumb to events beyond their control and that choice is always going to be there you didn't plan for this but the decision presents itself will it be the reason you fail or the reason you succeed you're right where you need to be sure you have your doubt perhaps you feel tired alone fearful maybe you're trying to make sense of a world that feels too complex where all you see and here are reasons to turn back to find shelter to run don't regardless of how hard it seems don't you are right where you need to be turning thoughts to things making life from dreams what makes change so interesting so powerful yet deceptive is that it comes to us in small doses not a tidal wave of transformation but a slow steady rising tide of progress no one feels the tug of erosion yet it chips away and so do you we're moving piece by piece behold you the world you're moving away from and piece by piece you unveil the promise of your becoming you may not see the whole picture you may not understand the whole story but right now in real time it's being told and you are right where you need to be we just weren't equipped to understand what that looks like it's never been what you see that makes you uneasy it's what's missing that's what hurts the solutions you wanted the changes you expected the finish lines you envisioned it's the wondering how long must i wait did i make a wrong turn is the joke on me but it's this line of questioning [Music] that causes so many to stop unaware of how close they were ignorant to the foundation they were standing on what you need is not a miracle it's to simply carry on to keep laying those bricks because not a one is wasted and sometimes you don't realize you're on the 80th floor until you look down that climb can be frustrating exhausting it isn't always glamorous but it's necessary and strength comes from understanding that truth you are right where you need to be the world it can't take what you refuse to give it and self-belief is non-negotiable it's off the table your most prized possession so hold it tight because it'll be needed when the journey feels long and the road impossible you'll know that you can always take one step forward and that is the essence of life of growth of progress think about the steps the lessons the self-discovery that led you to this intersection of now and forever this beginning of whatever you decide comes next you are right where you need to be because you are armed with the decisions that brought you to today and the courage to let them carry you into tomorrow you could be anywhere but you're here and as you strap up and settle in you'll see that right here is everything you need [Music] you have to see it before they do you have to believe it before they will you have to be the architect of your plans and your goals because no one will build them for you and that's just it in a world where victimhood is becoming currency and blame is becoming the norm we have a choice create a temporary fleeting escape or create a life that matters you know how much easier it is to project out at the world to never have to look in the mirror and address the things you could be doing better you know how much easier it is to hate him or her or them over there make up stories and scenarios about how much different life would be if it wasn't for a b and c holding you back [Music] i mean short term it's like winning the lottery right you don't have to take any accountability you don't have to have tough conversations with yourself you don't have to reflect on the painful memories or decisions no you can put your feet up sit back point at the world and say look what they made me do if only [Music] but here's what's not being said every time you point your finger away from your own chest every time you project blame you're letting yourself down why because we only grow when we take accountability yeah accountability can be painful uncomfortable but in that discomfort exists the only bridge to a better tomorrow that's it right you go to the gym you put your muscles through stress you break them down so that they can be built back up stronger personal responsibility cannot be the muscle we refuse to build there's too much at stake it can't be the thing you avoid why because it's what injects meaning into our lives i'll never forget in the eighth grade and i bet every single person in that class uh still to this day remembers my teacher mr bettencourt walking up to the front of the classroom he had his hands in a bowl shape and was holding it up to the ceiling explaining to us that you can't go through life asking the world to give you its scraps that if you sit and you wait and you hope and you blame you will lose that's the recipe for bitterness and resentment [Music] think of it like a fork in the road where our two options are vastly different you go left at the fork and you enter a world of escapism refusing to confront your problems finding reasons you can't do that which you know you need to do hating others those who have built grown or created themselves [Music] or you go right at the fork you learn to do the hard thing to humble yourself to take control of your life and your world when things aren't the way you want them to be you look around and you immediately ask things outside of my control may have brought me here but what can i do to fix it [Music] those of you who have been listening to me for a while you probably know my favorite articulation of this idea was explained by will smith basically he said look you can't control where you start and how true that is right life's not fair some people are born into more resources and opportunity some people find themselves in social situations that aren't ideal and that list can go on and on and on right human beings are all different so there will always be discrepancy but and this is will smith's point where you go from here will always be your responsibility what happens next is all you [Music] you choose whether to complain shake your fist at the sky and blame the world around you or pick the pieces up and move forward and like i said a minute ago don't be fooled by the temptation to latch on to that fleeting moment of relief of running from accountability the only way to win in the long run is to face your demons it's that whole saying when you're riding shotgun you can dispute the route all you want but ultimately it's the driver who's in control when will you take the wheel in your own life ensure the stakes become higher right now it's on you now you can get lost now you're responsible for the maintenance now if you don't end up at the right place or i don't know you're late to a destination it's your fault [Music] but now you can also be the one overseeing the journey now it's yours and that's power and as our world becomes more and more one of escapism it's becoming more prevalent easier to avoid or not fix something but tweet about it how easy it is to not confront our problems but rather open instagram facebook tick tock and mindlessly scroll how easy it is to leave that message on red and go about our lives because that's easier than saying what needs to be said strength is being the one amidst all this escapism and avoidance to confront what must be confronted whether it's an interaction with someone else or that hard conversation with yourself a personal change that must take place life is such a gift it's such an opportunity but we have to move through it with our eyes open we have to see things that matter and gravitate towards truths that will shape us [Music] like mr b said over 20 years ago now we can't ever fall into the mentality of holding our hands up to the sky and asking life to give us anything we can't only point at ourselves when things go the way we want them to go no let's be about accountability empowerment understanding that if i don't like what's around me the transformation starts now and it starts with me i wasn't perfect i never will be but i can learn i can evolve and most importantly i have everything i need to make that happen [Music] it's all awareness right the the victimhood idea is a wolf in sheep's clothing and i know that may seem harsh maybe even lacking empathy but dropping that narrative was truly the best thing i've done in my life and i know countless others who would say the same you can't be both a perpetual victim and be in control no life is tough it knocks us down and at times it brings us to our knees but this is a reminder that you cannot stay there it's a reminder that those who contributed to the situation are now minor detail and background noise it's a reminder that the path forward is about you it's about you pushing all that aside and asking yourself what's required to move in the direction that i most want to go because you are that powerful you are strong enough to make that move and there will be a point where you look around you and the circumstances have changed the people are different the environment is different you're different and you'll smile at yourself knowing it's not because of what the world provided it's not because of what anyone gave you it's not because of what people out there did or didn't do no it's because when you were at your lowest when life was presenting curveball after curveball when you looked around and maybe even thought to yourself there's no way forward here you found a way to get up and create something new [Music] you
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 183,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, best motivational speech, morning motivation, listen every day, self confidence, best motivational video, listen to this everyday, change your life, motivational speeches, listen to this everyday to change your life, listen to this everyday itll change your life (motivational video), listen to this everyday pray first before you start your day
Id: nK3Q6ymadK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 36sec (4536 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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