BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHES OF 2023 | You Are Your Only Competition

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[Music] is today the day where you make excuses or is today the day you make a decision a dream without a deadline will become your nightmare and that nightmare will haunt you for the rest of your life if you wait until you ready you might be waiting the rest of your life you can't keep doing what you've been doing and expect to get different results you're not going to feel the process all the time you're not going to see it some days you're not going to want to write about it you're not going to want to talk about it you're not going to want to think about it you're going to have migraines thinking about the sacrifices that are required to get to this next level but just don't stop so let the dream destroy you tear you down redefine you that most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad you just kind of want it you don't want it bad it than you want a party you don't want it as much as you want to be cool you most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep let this be day one of the beginning of the new you death to the old you show the world everything that you got inside show the world that you can become something that nobody ever thought you could become I have to execute I have to give it everything I have like I know there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow everything that has happened to you and I want you to look yourself in the mirror and I want you to recite these three words I made it when others burnt out when others gave up you are still here and that counts for something make this year the first year of the best years of your life be extraordinary the world is waiting on you take the year with everything that you have so prove them wrong but prove yourself to be right I dare you to take a little pain I dare you I dare you not to go home go through it you ain't going to die at the end of pain and success you're not going to die because you feeling a little pain you got to change that mindset [Music] people that are hungry are willing to do the things today others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have to have a special life you have to do special things and that usually means putting in the work and loving it no one is going to create the future that you want for you we get one opportunity to come this way we get one shot we got one life to live life is too short to make excuses I want you to close your eyes and visualize your dream I I need you to get out of your comfort zone if we all woke up ordinary we all off to the same start you've decided that you're not going to allow the events the things the people life determine who you become it is a decision that you have to make within yourself no one is responsible for that stop waiting to feel like it stop waiting until you see it failure is only permanent if you choose not to get back up and what you do today will determine in your future and I'm asking you what do you see in the future for you what brought you here today what caused you to get up you're closer than you've ever been before you have to do me a favor those 15 minutes are not worth the rest of your life it's not easy but it's worth it you woke up this morning to chase your dream until you catch it you're going to have to sacrifice who you use to be when you want to sleep you have to wake up so don't run from difficulty run to it because it's always darkest before the dawn Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday give it 120% every day every single day is a new beginning so take a deep breath inhale exhale it's a new day a new opportunity the reason why you're so frustrated and angry and bitter is because you're functioning on an old software internally and life is demanding an upgrade and you keep pushing off the alarm saying remind me tomorrow it's time for the next version of yourself snap out of it you're going to have to sacrifice who you used to be sacrifice is what's going to get you in the door sacrifice is what's going to have you seated at the table college is not high school and the real world is not college and so you can't keep showing up the old version of yourself yourself and so you got to learn how to sacrifice your time you got to sacrifice when you want to sleep you have to wake up when you want to watch that movie you got to read that book if you want the future got to sacrifice your time time where we spend our time is what we value most get out of this 30-day mentality and commit for the rest of your life I I need you to get out of your comfort Zone you can't be successful with the companion of comfort comfort and success cannot walk together boss up and admit that you are afraid you are afraid to fulfill Destiny you are afraid to manifest you are afraid to evolve you are afraid to give it everything you have because you are afraid that people will reject you you are afraid to change you are afraid to move boss up and admit that you are afraid and I'm just believing that today is the day that you break through I need you to tell yourself I am not afraid I am not afraid of pursuing my objectives I am not afraid of focusing I am not afraid of sacrificing I am not afraid of giving it everything I have I don't care what anybody thinks I don't care what I look like I'll look crazy if I have to to fulfill my destiny this is my time late nights early mornings sometimes no friends no family I don't know what your sacrifice is you just may have to give everything you have but in the end it'll be worth [Music] it you see happiness is an emotional response to an outcome if I win I will be happy if I don't I won't it's an if then cause and effect quid pro quo standard that we cannot sustain because we immediately raise it every time we attain it you see happiness Demands a certain outcome it is result Reliant and I say if happiness is what you're after then you're going to be let down frequently and you're going to be unhappy much of your time Joy though Joy is a different thing it's something else Joy is not a choice it's not a response to some result it's a constant Joy is the feeling that we have from doing what we are fashioned to do it is just as important where we are not as it is where we are look the first step that leads to our identity and life is usually not I know who I am I know who I am that's not the first step the first step is usually I know who I am not process of elimination defining ourselves by what we are not is the first step that leads us to really knowing who we are south of New Orleans uh a few years ago and I went to a Voodoo shop uh and they had this this this wouldn't partition against the wall with these columns and and in these columns were all these vials of these magic potions right and the headings above each potion defining what they would give you were things like fertility Health uh family legal heal energy forgiveness money guess which column was empty money let's admit it money's King today it's what make the world makes the world go around it is Success the more we have the more successful we are right now I would argue that our cultural values have even been financialized humility is not in Vogue anymore it's too passive it's a get rich quick on the internet richest 15 minutes of fame world that we live in and we see it every day but we all want to succeed right so the question that we got to ask ourselves is what success is to us what success is to you is it more money that's fine I got nothing against money I don't maybe it's a healthy family maybe it's a happy marriage maybe it's to help others to be famous to be spiritually sound to leave the world a little bit better place than you found it continue to ask yourself that question now your answer may change over time and that's fine but do yourself this favor whatever your answer is don't choose anything that will jeopardize your soul prioritize who you are who you want to be and don't spend time with anything that antagonizes your character don't drink the Kool-Aid man it tastes sweet but you will get cavities tomorrow all right life is not a popularity contest be brave take the hill but first answer that question what's my heel there's a responsibility to freedom and that there is freedom in responsibility you know and that earn your way there we remember the stuff we earn the stuff we experience more than what the teacher tells us or what someone gives us for free we just do we broke a proverbial sweat on it whether it's mental or physical or whatever we we we we built it we we understand we felt how we got it how we achieved it how we got what we wanted those stick with us whether we forget them intellectually they were written in our lineage and they build resilience and they and and and they build a healthy true optimism going forward to know that oh no I've I've I've worked for something before and achieved it delayed gratification oh there are choices I can make today for myself that will pay me back later in life so there are choices we make if you're going to say right now I'm going to lie cheat and steal to get what I want and I got it I got an immediate green light for me that's just a battery powered green light that's not a solar powered green light why because now everywhere I go I got to look over my shoulder to see if someone's there that I lied cheat and stole from and when I'm doing that I'm stealing whose time my time I'm not free I don't have the freedom I didn't create freedom in my future because I chose to be IR make an irresponsible act that I left crumbs I've now got reasons to look over my shoulder and the more things we do to create in our in our future that we got to look over our shoulder the more of our most precious thing we have in our life's time that we're stealing from ourselves so it's not puritanical it's just like it's actually self- Ser it's a very selfish choice and and I'm a fan of the word selfish I've R helped redefine it um but I believe that there are selfish choices we can make that are the most selfless that there are self-less choices that we can make that are the most selfish choices those two are not a contradiction and we see them that way responsibility is is appreciation of a past it's building of a lineage it's investing in ourselves it's investing in something we started to build yesterday that we want to take into [Music] tomorrow you only have to ask a stupid question once you ask a stupid question and if you're in a crowd and you ask a stupid question 80% of the people in the crowd have the same question they're just too cowardly to ask but you ask and then someone actually tells tells you you never have to ask that question again you're no longer stupid what stupid thing am I doing that I could quit doing that I would quit doing cuz those aren't the same thing right cuz you know there stupid things that you're doing that you're just not going to quit doing cuz you like them but there might be something on the edge there where you could stop that if you want to know something about yourself sit on your bed one night and say to yourself you got to mean this like you got to be desperate this is no game this my life is not everything I want it to be and perhaps it's not everything that I need it to be and by need I mean my life is so unbearable that the suffering that's attended upon that has make me nihilistic cynical bitter resentful driving the proclivity to see evil everywhere except within my own Heart Like These are problems man and you ask yourself you sit on the bed and say okay man I'm ready to learn something what's one thing I'm doing wrong that I know I'm doing wrong that I could fix that I would fix it's like you meditate on that you'll get an answer and it won't be one you want but it'll be the necessary one you know and it it's often something that will point you to small things like that works you start making those micro improvements like real micro improvements real on the ground actual micro Improv movements to things you know that are wrong you'll improve unbelievably rapidly the the great people I know are brutally truthful to themselves and other people and they have insanely adventurous lives get rid of everything you say that you only say to impress other people and just see if you can say what you believe to be true that's an adventure that's the thing about the truth you know well you got to ask yourself if you're not speaking the truth who is it that's talking if you're saying something that you do do not believe to be true it's not you talking it's something else it might be the part of you that wants to manipulate the other person into delivering what you think you want from them well what is that Spirit of manipulation that you've allowed to possess you it's not you let's say you decide to live your whole life in that instrumental manner you're going to craft your words like the student who says well I'm going to write what the professor wants to hear so I get the grade it's like well you just turn yourself into that well who is it that's doing that manipulating it's not you cuz those aren't your words so even if you get the great it's not you that got the great it's the false you it's the manipulative you so you do that your whole life you don't have your life and then you think well God that was a miserable life I manipulated everybody they were so damn stupid they were sucked in by it they're all contemptible everyone does it you know which they don't by the way and so that's a pathway to bitterness partly because if you're a manipulator and you use your language falsely you don't live your own life you live the life of whatever possesses you when you think it's you manipulating and so you live the life of the spirit of manipulation first rule the moment you start to slide you're shoveling against the tide what you need to do is what take a break and here's what's cool about it you can study for a half hour it doesn't take a half hour break to recharge your batteries for most people about 5 minutes we always dread sitting down to study for extended periods of time but what you may not realize is that you are hindering yourself from studying effectively if you do this as Marty Lobdell explains in his lecture things that are reinforced we tend to do more of things that are punished or ignored we tend to do less of this can transfer to how we study as well if we dread sitting down to study for 5 hours straight we aren't going to study nearly as well as if we break up our study into smaller chunks of time according to London's Global University five of the benefits of taking study breaks include improved memory reduced stress improved health and boosts to your energy as well as boosting your performance and creativity the main point to take away from this is to make sure to break up your study time from longer periods to Shorter ones with scheduled breaks as a bonus add on a well-deserved treat at the end of the study time it'll help motivate you to be more productive during your allotted study time and this is where you go away do something fun for 5 minutes call a friend talk to a child talk to a parent a roommate enjoy some music do something you enjoy and actually say this is my treat for having studied for 30 minutes effectively go back and here's what happens your efficiency is nearly 100% study a half hour take a break study study a half hour study a half hour I got three words for you shut it down log out of the social media get off the internet unplug and evaluate where you are and where you're supposed to be you got One Life to Live the question is why are you here and what are you going to do about it because the truth of the matter is you have survived the greatest traumas of your life life has hit you life has knocked you to the ground there are people that have tried to bury you alive and you survived so I need you to disappear for 30 days I need you to disappear for just one month though worry about the prize you worry about the process you don't decide when you're born you don't decide when you die but you got a whole lot to do with that in between stuff listen to me whatever you put your heart to do whatever you put your mind to do whatever it is that you want to accomplish I don't care if you don't have no support with me you alone we can get this thing done baby all right who am I talking to I'm talking talking to that person that's tired of where they are and you are bold enough you are crazy enough you are corageous enough to shut it down for 30 days the window of opportunity and sometimes the window of life it closes quickly so I need you to do me a huge favor man I need you to get busy living the future is very expensive and it requires sacrifice now can you depart from instant gratification and suffer now that you live the rest of your life a champion all you need to get where you going you already got it right you already have it all I need you to do is believe in yourself disappear for 30 days come back and shock the world can you identify what has kept you broken what has kept you broke what has kept you defeated what has kept you covered under the blankets of anxiety and stress and overwhelm but you're trying to make business moves with people that don't think like you they don't walk like you they don't sacrifice like you they're not willing to put in the Blood The Sweat The Tears behind closed doors a man is rewarded in public for what he does in private I need you to disappear for the next 30 days what does that look like 720 hours dedicated to the future I need you to disappear for 30 days just 30 days can you walk away for 30 days can you silence the doubters for 30 days can you tell everybody to be quiet for 30 days so you can focus on you who you are today has gotten you as far as you're going to get if you're going to get any further you got to reinvent yourself and if you're going to reinvent yourself you've got to shut it down for 30 days I need you to pursue it I need you to go get it all right I need you to go get it don't wait for it to come to you all right greatness is not going to come knock on your door there's some opportuni that's not going to come knock on your door you got to go get them without even knowing you if you watching me I already know you got something within that you wanted I already know that cuz I already know you can but my question to you young people this summer will you already know what you capable of doing but my question is will you reach your potential you've been too focused on who was not there for you and who did not believe in you and the people that just said it but didn't do it you've been too focused on that the trauma the anxiety and I and I'm wondering if you can begin to shift that focus in the next 30 days if you can begin to shift that focus on what's working in your life what's within your control and not what's outside of your control what can you control who can you influence the first person that needs to be influenced in your life is you it's you you can't lead anybody you can't go anywhere unless you have awakened yourself on the inside to follow a specific plan write it out I need you to disappear for 30 days you know what should happen when you go to university is you should learn how to think and formulate arguments you should learn to think speak and write that's what the humanities are for they're to make you dangerous right because if you can think and speak and write you're deadly in a complex job you're exactly what's necessary there's nothing you can possibly do to become more deadly than to improve your facility with language and the way you do that is by reading especially great things and by writing and by thinking and by speaking for that matter but how how could that not be viewed as absolutely Central to what education is about you want to be inarticulate and stumble over everything that you try to think and communicate how are you going to get anywhere you don't even know who you are under those circumstances this massive feeling that's expressing itself you know maybe in violence because you can't find the words yeah you you stumble around and bump into things and you're clunky and dull and you're not witty don't Sparkle so let's say you take the example of a seal who's got at all but this literacy what happens to him compared to someone who has all those skills if he can't write well and he's in charge of six guys and one of those guys works hard or does something that deserves to be recognized this is the responsibility of that leader to write that person an award okay so he can't reward his he can't reward his his good workers his good soldiers he can give him a pat on the back but a pat on the back isn't going to get him promoted an award is actually worth some points towards your promotion and the people that are on that board that are giving that reward they're never going to meet that leader and they're definitely not going to meet that guy there's no there's no bias it's based on this piece of paper that you hand in you hand in this piece of paper they read the piece of paper and they say award approved or award not approved or you want to do a mission and you send that up the chain of command and it's the same thing it gets to a certain point where they're just looking at it and reading and trying to decipher this pile of junk that you put together and by the way if I'm in charge and Jordan sends me a concept of operations that doesn't make any sense why would I possibly let you go out and execute an operation that I can't even understand what it is you're trying to do because what I observed in my own career and it's so interest the parallelism is so interesting but not surprising is that nothing nothing can stop you if you can write and it's for the reasons you just laid out it's like when you write you make a case for something whatever it happens to be and if you make the best case well then you win and you get whatever it is that you're aiming at and so you're adventurous you want to make a mark is you bloody well better learn how to write cuz if you learn how to write well then you can think and you can communicate your thoughts so not only are you deadly strategically you become extremely convincing and then you can go and do anything you want and no one will stop you and that's never told to people and I I I I don't really understand why you know you hear the pen is mightier than the sword which is just a cliche unless it's fleshed out if all you want is Success you will not have it and so if all you want is the success if all you want is a trophy but you don't want a story a process if you don't want to be made into something and you you've already missed it you've already failed you've already tanked and so once you get this Everything Changes what have been the biggest obstacles in your life what has stopped you what has hindered you what has provoked you to get lazy when life pushed you down when everybody said you are not enough when you told yourself I quit because I can't finish and you got back up the next day and kep going sacrifice is going to have to become your companion and no longer your enemy too many of you think sacrifice is your enemy sacrifice is the curse word sacrifice is bad I don't want to sacrifice well guess what you cannot have success without process without sacrificing you cannot have [Music] it get up wake up there's always another level and it's not about beating the man or woman that's standing in the room with you it's about beating the man and the woman that's in the mirror can you do better than you can you do better than you did yesterday that's all I want to ask you can you do better this is the day come on say this with me this is the day day I learn like I never have this is the day I invest like I never have this is the day I take it seriously I got one window I may not be here tomorrow I see all things working for good I see you stepping into everything that God has called you to do I see you stepping into purpose and stepping into the plans that God already has laid out for you this is your day get up and Conquer your day I'm just wondering what are you going to do in this next 24 hours that you did not do I'm just wondering if you're going to level up 2 mm more than you did yesterday are you going to get better are you going to get stronger are you going to get wiser are you going to pray differently are you going to see this thing differently I'm just wondering when are you going to see the power of 24 hours I'm just wondering when are you going to seize the opportunity you can have journals full of dreams you can have vision boards from from your front door to your bathroom but if you don't count up the cost of what it's going to take and if you are not willing to pay that price you cannot have your future I want you to get this mentality in your head every day you pay you pay forget waking up at 2:00 in the morning you may have to lose sleep for a week you may get 2 hours of sleep in 7 days so that you can accomplish what it is that you've been destined to accomplish what you were born to contribute to humanity and so I know it hurts and I know it's expensive everything you need to get to this next level is inside of you there's always another level to stand up I'm just wondering if you're going to rise and see the opportunity rise rise above what they said rise above what happened get up get up get up you've got a day to conquer I know you don't feel up to the task I know you've got some doubt and you've got some fear and you've got some uncertainty and you hate the image that you see in the mirror and you hate the way your money looks and your relationships look and people that you've given your all to keep walking out on you I know you feel stuck in Reverse I know you feel like you're underpaid and undervalued and overlooked but listen get up this is the day that everything changes get up rise and grind get up and get after it get up and get after it you are here by Design you are listening to this talk by Design get up and beat yourself from yesterday I don't have time to walk in unforgiveness I'm focused I don't have time to think about who doesn't like me who's who doesn't agree with me I'm too focused get focused get focus and you got two options you can give up or get up the measure of of trauma and misery it doesn't matter if you are alive you have another opportunity to begin again and every day every single day day gives you that new opportunity so if you don't have a to-do list get a to-do list if you haven't planned the day start planning your day the night before if you don't have a morning routine get a morning routine start your morning with prayer and meditation if you're not tracking your progress start tracking your progress if you don't have accountability Partners you need to get accountability Partners if you have not identified the roadblocks if you have not identified the Kryptonite if you have not identified the hurdles what has hindered your forward progress identify those things get up and get after it people that are hungry are willing to do the things the day others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have I need you to ask yourself a serious question how bad do you want it and every day every single day gives you that new opportunity get up and get after it every day every single day is a new beginning so take a deep breath inhale exhale it's a new day a new opportunity there is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one that you are capable of living rise and grind no one is going to create the future that you want for you just needs you to be 1% better than you were yesterday if you can be 1% better than you were yesterday you're making progress you're not putting forth 120% you're not all in if you get to that point where you do exactly what you say you're going to do you're going to get to the next level all right so let's get started let's get started let's get started see people who have something to look forward to don't need an alarm clock at the end of the day todayy you can listen to a million motivational speeches but you are going to have to wake up and make a decision to get it done it is not life that's holding you back you just got to be a little bit tougher than your circumstances there are going to be times that you're going to want to give up but you don't have the permission to do so those 15 minutes are not worth the rest of your life those 15 minutes are not worth you slipping down the chart th that is not worth it you're focused on the risk more than you are the reward you're focused on the pain of the process more than you are the glory on the other s everybody wants to have to be and do what they feel they've been called to do the challenge becomes that most of us when it's time to do what beasts do we don't do it and I'm asking you what do you see in the future for you what brought you here today what caused you to get up you see how you do anything is how you do everything and the fact is it all comes down to one thing that one thing is choice and what's the easiest choice to make well the easiest choice to make is to choose what you've chosen before and if you always do what you've always done then you'll always get what you've always got ultimately your attention is your superpower your attention to focus on now what needs to be done and this is the difference between success and failure if life was a garden then what sort of state is The Garden of Your Life in because the natural state of the garden is Decay and if you don't look after the garden then you know what happens right it gets out of control you have weeds and then there can be a lot of work to do the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago the second best time is now but I would say it's not now it's right now it's really all about just playing the game playing the game of life and making progress and maybe now it's time to wake up and realize the ultimate Choice the choice of who are you listening to and I don't mean my voice I mean the voices in your head and I actually said the voices because maybe there's more than one when you woke up this morning these voices started did you hear that voice that said stay here it's lovely it's it's warm it's comfortable or did you hear the other voice that said hey come on let's get up let's go which one of you you listening to it's the same challenge for most of us it's who we're listening to and I'd like to introduce you to someone is the voice of your future self and you could think of me like a lawyer who's come from your future self to say hey your future self is talking to you it's just maybe you haven't really been paying attention most people today are actually living a future they don't want it's called a default future and what's the hardest thing to do to create a new future it's to build a compelling relationship to your future self and just get started but I know sometimes with the things we've got to do they might see seem really big so just doing it might seem like well there's just too much to do but the real key is to just get started because our brain will always favor what is easier our brains tend to focus on taking the easy path anything that grows comes up against resistance so the resistance that we have to start work the resistance that we have to start engaging in activities that will create the Futures that we want always require us to move through resistance and right now I'd like you to imagine that you go on a journey and in the distance in the Horizon you see someone and you think that person looks familiar to me and as you walk closer to that person you realize hang on hang on a second that's me it is you but it's you in the future and as you get closer to your future self imagine that that future self opens his arms up and gives you a really big hug and you realize the possibilities that exist for you to become your future self is today the day where you get distracted or is this the day you just get started stop being afraid to go to college cuz your daddy didn't go and your mama didn't go stop being afraid and be the best Aromas you can be but listen to me it's going to be hard it took me 12 years to get a 4-year degree but I got it and guess what on a degree it don't have dates so if it took you four and it took me 12 it don't show up nowhere I need you to study like you've never studied before I need you up all night long studying getting about 3 four hours here hour and a half here two hours here you hear me say this all the time for some of you this is it and even you say Eric look man you don't understand if I put everything in I'm still going to get a 1.0 I'm telling you to do it anyway because you know I told you flun English three times like when I was in college right flunked the first time and I quit when they told me I couldn't pass the second time she told me you going to flunk I stayed in there anyway and guess what as stupid as this might sound even though you flunk you learn you know A New Concept right so that's one of two less Concepts I got to learn the next year right and finally that third time I CT it which means you just take a test and I took the test and I passed it you don't get it you have to give everything you got to get what you want you have to give everything you don't even realize you have to get what you're trying to go go don't you get it when you do what they want you will have what they don't when you do what they refuse they won't have the options that you get to choose because those are reserved for those who choose to move when others choose to stand still those are reserved for those that choose to get up when so many others couldn't find the strength to lift up and give more and when you get to the point where all you want to do is be successful uccessful as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful and I'm here to tell you number one that most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad you just kind of want it you don't want it bad than you want a party you don't want it as much as you want to be cool you most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep some of you you can make sacrifices when Monday Night Football is not on you can make a sacrifice but when the game come on for some reason you just attached to it you can make sacrifices on Sunday when ain't nothing going on but when your favorite show comes on Monday bam some of you you focus into the phone ring and then you like I got to answer it if I don't answer the phone I'm going to die I'm saying to you today that there are some of you if you give up your cell phone you will be successful but your cell phone is more important to you than your success you have to give it everything you got no more TV no more parties no more playing if you don't have a 4.0 what you need to be doing is studying get off the phone I'm sorry I'm not available until the end of this year no I'm for real you reached the right number but you called me at the wrong time call me back January 1st I'm about to get busy now every time you ever got in trouble somebody in your house got you out of it every time you done something you're not supposed to do people say Eric your mother's was a tyrant you're right she kicked me out you're right she's mean but she developed a man because she put me out there and said you going to have to grow up and some of you have never learned to grow up and so every time something get hard you quit you call Mama I dare you to take a little pain I dare you I dare you not to go home somebody said I I don't go home I feel bad go go through it you ain't going to die at the end of pain is Success you're not going to die not because you feeling a little pain so let this be the time that you lift yourself back up you've did it over and over again Why Stop Now you're too close success is right around the corner and even if it takes a little bit longer to get there it's okay it's coming I got to commit my very being to this thing I got to breathe it I got to eat it I got to sleep it and until you get there you'll never be successful in life life but once you get there I guarantee you the world is yours you already know sometimes you got to disappear for 3 months sometimes you got to disappear for 6 months sometimes you got to disappear for 9 months sometimes you got to disappear for a whole year two years and then emerge the new you the new and improved you on an entirely different level see your dream is like a muscle and sometimes you got to let that muscle get broke down the Great they don't even start counting the Reps until it hurts because they understand that pain is what's going to lead to that future gain so from this day forward excuses are for the week so starting right now not tomorrow not next week I need you to vow to keep going it's when you have nothing left it's when you depleted all your money when all your energy gone when you have nothing left that's when it's showtime when you want this thing as bad as you want to breathe that's when you find a way listen to me very closely you got to change that mindset every single thing that you do you are casting a vote for your future self so don't wait to feel pain don't wait to get yourself in a place where you're desperate to take action because to really win it's not a destination to win is that constant striving and struggling for you to become your future self do something today that your future self will fall madly in love with you for sometimes you need to go find a mirror and tell yourself with tears in your eyes I am the problem once we stop accusing everybody else for our inconsistency and our lack of execution all of a sudden the world opens up drop the frustration once you discover your why won't you to spend the rest of your life take your time your talent and execute many influencers and speakers will give you a grocery list of things you need to buy into in order to be successful I'm going to give you three things if you can just get these three things then I wholeheartedly believe that the infection the disease the dysfunction of inconsistency will be literally eradicated out of your life what your why you're going to need discipline to do what you do and you're going to need perspective you might get tested today but you were born with mental toughness to fight through there is absolutely and never has been any give up in you so it's Champion like you you going to do what you got to do to make sure the day comes that you rewrite the history of your family that you leave a legacy either you do what you should be doing right now so you can live like you want to be living in the future or you don't do what you should be doing right now and I guarantee you your future self will hate you forward is it possible that the greatest thing you ever do in your life will be the person that you become that every single day you have the opportunity with all of the decisions that you make to create a future self that is better than you that is more courageous than you that is someone that has achieved all of their goals and dreams and Ambitions it's time to get out of the way it is because of you that you are not not where you want to be you are the issue it's you your issue is you every year we go through the same cycle I'm going to eat better I'm going to exercise I'm going to cut off all negative people I'm going to be optimistic come on we say all these things two weeks later everything hits the fan if you study history you will find that the men and women that turned the world upside down where the ones who got out of their own way your insecurity has been in the way too long your jealousy your Envy has been in the way too long the fear you've been wrestling with has been in the way too long get out of the way I need you to do something today that your future self will thank you for don't you get it get busy living get busy giving all of you give the best of you not for you right now but for the you in the future please please do yourself a favor and dispense with the excuses that you don't have time dispense with the excuse that you're not good enough dispense with the excuse that nobody will show up if I build it that too many people are better than me drop out of the I tried it last year and it didn't work no you didn't work I get it I get it if we pull up your history we'll find a lot of Brokenness we'll find a lot of trauma we'll find a lot of empty places if we pull up your history we'll find a lot of failures this must be the year that you are not defined by your history but you fulfill your destiny why are you here what will you place here to do get to work this is the time that you must recognize that you have something that is special and it is time for you to show up and give it everything you have within yourself you can do all great things within yourself if you just have the faith you got to be the one to prove them wrong and let the world know that you do matter in this society that you have something great within you that you have power that you have will that you have strength don't accept defeat don't accept excuses don't accept the fact that you think that you don't have what it takes when you know deep inside yourself you have it they didn't realize that every setback of your life they didn't realize that every bad day of your life they didn't realize that every sad day of your life they didn't realize that every so-called failure disaster missed opportunity a tragedy was just a building block of strategy and the agony the pain the heartache the misery was put in place to give you the strength to rewrite history therefore it should be no mystery when you make a special delivery to the doorsteps of Victory when the rest of the world shut you down you got to be willing to open up your mind and your heart and accept the fact if you're going to do it then you got to be the the one to do it and you got to be the one to believe in it you must understand that we all have unique qualities within us but we have to apply ourselves day in and day out yes there are people out there right now that doubt you and no matter how hard you work at your craft they will still find some folk in [Music] you but when will you begin to realize that all of the hard work all of the struggles all of the mistakes all of the setbacks are just a part of your growth maybe everybody is not going to accept you but can you accept yourself can you trust in yourself maybe you're going to be the only one left standing but at least you're standing and maybe you feel that you're standing alone but you're really not alone because you got so many ideas so much greatness within you right now that is flowing through you right now so how can you believe that you are alone how can you believe that all of these things that people have doubted you on everybody that's been saying that you're not going to make it that you can't push forward that you're not going to be the best and you trusted them and you believed in them you believed in the answers that they had for you instead of answering your own question am I good enough can I be the best of myself the time has come for you to understand that you cannot depend on the opinions of others you cannot just trust in the opinions of others you cannot allow other people to validate you cuz you are just who you are nobody is going to be like you nobody can be as strong as you nobody can walk the walk like you that's What Makes You Different That's What Makes You unique so prove them wrong but prove yourself to be right for so long you've known you had an inner Beast inside but you were scared to bother it for so long you've known you had an inner Beast inside but you were scared to bother it that's just like planting a seed and then never watering it never making sure it's provided with exposure to sunlight basically just squandering it but that version of you no longer exist because from the depths of your inner soul comes your inner beast and you are now honoring it that seed that was planted in your soul has been patiently waiting that seed that was planted in your heart has been laying low for the perfect time that seed that was planted in your spirit has been storing energy that seed that was planted in your mental has been digesting and processing and when all of these forces came together they created The Perfect Storm that set the stage for your inner Beast to be born that set the stage for your inner Beast to take form that set the stage for your inner Beast to transform that set the stage for your inner Beast to break through and swarm like a large group of bees and now you're ready to sting anyone that stands between you and the stamp of greatness needed to make your successful transformation efficient it must happen this way because this is the only way you're going to know what you must do to get better at whatever it is that you are seeking in your life no one said it was going to be easy in fact nobody's really going to hold your hand but you got to have the ability to hold yourself up don't put your future into someone else's hands you're not going to feel the process all the time you're not going to see it some days you're not going to want to write about it you're not going to want to talk about it you're not going to want to think about it you're going to have migraines thinking about the sacrifices that are required to get to this next level but just don't stop What If today was the day that success had your name written on it procrastination is the thief of destination today I want to remind you that you are not average I want to remind you that you have what it takes all you have right now is today so give it your all you've got this you missed the energy there are no more tomorrows and you have to live like today is the last day that you have a chance to achieve the things that you want to achieve today not tomorrow stop looking back at what happened yesterday don't let that deter you no fear no doubt no reservation see success is reserved for you so what's your hesitation so if you've been doubting yourself stop if you've been doubting your abilities stop if you've been putting yourself down stop because doubt is the enemy of progress you can get to a place in your life where you are so tired that you can hardly move they said if you look up you can get up and you can be so so fragmented so beat up that you can't even open your eyes and so every opportunity that comes every person that comes every Wind of Change that blows your response is I do it tomorrow when I'll do it tomorrow he can wait it can wait and that's because we've lost the urgency see tomorrow is Promise to No One But you already knew that this is your life I need you to own it it's got to start right now this very moment you got to be willing to put in the work when you feel like it and you've got to be willing to put in the work when you don't feel like it you've got to be willing to show up when you feel confident and you've got to be willing to show up when you're feeling uncertain my future ain't at the game My Future Ain't at the mall my future was in me giving every else on my soul every else of my being everything I got no more tomorrows give everything you got today there is absolutely no tomorrow that needs to be your new mindset that needs to be your new mantra I need you to get it through your thick skull no one knows what will happen tomorrow but today you have to achieve more than you did yesterday so take action today go after your dreams today get out of your comfort zone today come on you got to stop overthinking like you're thinking this thing you're thinking yourself out of it and you're negotiating your path out of this obligation this opportunity this moment in time where you could really become something really accomplish something we've got to get to the place where we have non-negotiables like yo I'm not I'm not negotiating myself out of this this is not a conversation I'm available for I'm not going to keep thinking myself out of Destiny out of purpose out of connection I don't have time I'm completely unavailable and every single day I'm living like it's my last I'm putting it all on the table [Music] the future is very expensive I I don't know what it is that you want to do but everybody's got something they want to do everybody's got something they want to become everybody's got somewhere they believe they've been destined to go and often times we don't hit these targets because we're not considering the cost that I I just want to share with you things that you need to start sacrificing right now number one your time you got to get used to sacrificing your time if you're going to achieve it if you're going to become it if you're going to go somewhere then you're going to learn how to have to sacrifice your time you can't have the future and you don't know how to wake up at 3:00 in the morning 4:00 in the morning 5:00 in the morning you can't have the future you will not be able to manifest if you're sleeping when the world sleeps so you got to learn how to get up when everybody's sleeping you only have 24 hours in a day you got to learn to manage the time that is given to you this means that you can't binge watch your favorite television show every day this means that you can't be on social media every day this means that you can't do whatever you want all day and think you're going to manifest and become this person and achieve this feat it's not going to happen number two you got to surrender Comfort I I need you to get out of your comfort zone if you're going to be successful if you're going to achieve it if you're going to become it you've got to break out of your comfort zone some of you you have financial goals you have relational goals you have health goals but you're comfortable you're comfortable in the current toxic relationship you're in you're comfortable being overweight but I'm just wondering if there's anybody that's listening to me that's just flat out tired of being comfortable number three past versions of yourself there is an irritation there is an anguish and a pain that we all carry when we show up in a new season the old version of ourselves every season requires a new version of yourself another version of discipline discipline and focus and intentionality so you got to sacrifice the old you I know you keep celebrating small wins and what you accomplished 5 years ago 2 years ago what you did in high school I need you to find a mirror and I need you to say goodbye to the old version of yourself in the next 3 to 6 months you're going to make you proud the next thing that's got to go is fear pride and ego for many of us fear is disguised that's rational and practical and and fear is disguised as a planning agent I'm just planning out the process and I'm just going to wait I'm just kind of walking myself through everything and and and processing everything and so fear cloaks fear disguises itself as as process and and I'm talking to you I need you to find a mirror and I need you to bind up this spirit of fear and I need you to tell yourself I am not afraid I am not afraid if you were to ask me what do I fear I don't fear starting I fear never starting and sleeping on my potential I'm terrified of not manifesting and becoming the version of myself I was destined to be so the next thing you're going to have to sacrifice is that Vice now listen I I don't know what your advice is if you're trying to lose weight your viice could be ice cream chips cupcakes cookies if you're trying to be financially fit your Vice could be splurging on clothes and entertainment and food and Recreation sometimes you're going to have to surrender that month that quarter that year it takes a lifetime of discipline can you surrender what you have possessed can you surrender what is possessing you some of you are possessed by social media it's no longer a servant in it is a master social media is a beautiful servant but it is a terrible Master can you surrender social media can you surrender your time can you surrender yourself can you surrender your mind can you surrender your will can you stop choosing what's killing you if you're going to achieve it if you're going to manifest if you're going to do this thing then you're going to need some stamina come on believe it come on you got to start speaking that stamina over your life speaking that endurance over your life believe it believe it if you're going to be extraordinary and you can't make ordinary sacrifices there are levels to sacrifice there's sacrifices that everybody makes sacrifices in every scene of our lives and then there are some extraordinary [Music] sacrifices you can't have the future if you can't surrender something that's no longer serving you you cannot manifest you cannot become the next version of yourself you cannot experience a high quality of life unless you sacrifice there are some things that you love too much there's some people that you've kept in your life they are toxic they add no value they are no longer serving your vision it's time for the next version of yourself snap out of it this version of you is not going to carry you in this next season you're going to have to sacrifice who you used to be [Music] e [Music]
Channel: Motivation2Study
Views: 188,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivation to study, motivational, motivational speech, speech, success, best motivation, 1 hour long motivation, don't quit, motivation for success, speeches compilation, motivation compilation, best motivational videos, 1 hour, motivational video, best of 2023, motivation for 2024, 2024 motivation, 2024, motivational speech morning, best motivational speeches, study motivation, m2s, motviation2study, best of 2023 motivation, you vs you, you are your only competition
Id: Xn4L-vpn3e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 23sec (4163 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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