Pouring Concrete Footings | Building The Nantahala Retreat #2

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it's the next day and uh there's a gas shortage in western north carolina i'm going to step back a little here show you what's going on jason and i are saving a little fuel by carpooling in his mother-in-law's minivan and we got the generator in the back everything we need and we're saving saving some fuel because i don't know if i can get any more is the problem and i live like an hour from the net hillary treat and let's let's get to work then buddy driver then halo retreat please check all the cool lights on the dashboard oh it's everything and it smells like gas in here this is a ticking time off you know see hey don't tell me where to go i want to see if i can do this on my own i'm going to tell you if you take a wrong turn i'm not riding in this minivan one more second than i have to i know but i think i got it dude i paid attention yesterday we'll see what why are we reversing shut up i forgot about that last lap [Music] today's project is to put this number 5 steel in the footings this 5 8 rebar will reinforce the concrete footings and it's not required by code around here but as a builder this is super cheap insurance to make sure the foundation will be rock solid forever concrete does pretty well under compression which is a stress that squeezes but it's pretty terrible when it comes to tinsel strength which is a force that would want to pull the concrete apart the steel helps the concrete footing bridge over any soft spots in the soil and gives it that tensile strength it needs to do that we don't have power out here but we need power because we need to use our big metal chopper saw so we're going to be using a new tool from northern tool and equipment this power horse 7000 es generator with electric start i've always wanted my own generator and up to this point i've always had to borrow my dad's this makes me feel like less than my brother who has his own huge generator so thank you to northern tool and equipment we're going to really enjoy having a portable power station that we can take with us anywhere and use on our job sites all right man let's fire this thing up i thought you said it was electric start oh it is i i just didn't get a battery yet so um over here you can also pull start it which is really nice [Music] whoa first pull [Applause] we got to do this sewer clean out we're going to go right here because it's the softest soil we won't be in front of the door we don't want to clean out in front of the door and we can go right between these footings and into the end of the tank over there only problem is you know what yeah tracco keys in my truck not the minivan so sorry right here we're going to put that we're gonna dig that in and that's gotta get done before the concrete we're using a six inch sewer sleeve here because we need to run a four inch sewer line through this thing later since we have three or more toilets that's the code and it needs to be down deep like this not for freezing or anything it's just so that we can get the fall we need from the far end of the house down to here and make sure everything runs downhill you're good how long this thing is stomp it in there i didn't know you spoke spanish what's going on oh celsius 19 degrees celsius what is going on my father-in-law tried to fix it he made it spanish did you catch that i did not retro is right is that what you missed it yep really yeah wow [Music] the next morning started early at five in the morning i had to get down to bryson city and prep some j bars for our concrete pour which they like to pour concrete early in the morning if you didn't know i want to take a second to thank one of our title sponsors of this series jennings builder supply and they service all of western north carolina with any kind of building material we've been working with jennings and the same guy jerry for over 20 years they've been hauling us lumber to some of the most remote and rugged locations in all of western north carolina thank you to jennings builder supply [Music] [Applause] once i made it down to jamie's shop in bryson city we started working on our j bars what we're doing is adding a foot to the bottom of these it's a number six j-bar which is basically a piece of steel with a 90 degree bend in it part of the steel will stick up into our wall now i'm usually able to buy these pre-fabbed with the foot somewhere and it makes them a lot easier to dry set the j bar instead of sticking it in the wet concrete where you need it you can stick it before you pour concrete people aren't going to pay you to wear their stuff i know it's going to cover that you hey guys make sure to bring some extra zip ties just in case the whole welding thing didn't work out cause eric was just gonna zip tie that leg on the thing okay but you know just case the welds break i don't know what's wrong with zip ties zip ties can do anything in duct tape pretty much do anything get some coffee coffee noc [Music] our first step for setting these j bars is to actually locate the structure again with our reference pins and our string lines once we had that done we could actually start locating the j bars and they need to be placed really exactly actually they need to be four inches in from the outside of the walls and then four feet on center from that and that way they come up in the cores of our block that's really important that it hits the cores the shorter horizontal leg of these j bars will be poured into the concrete on the footing and then the longer leg sticking up will be tied into our wall with the concrete grouting this will help the wall not get pushed across the footing with the weight of the unbalanced field that's going to be behind this wall aren't irish people known for being really good at like driving stakes like for the railroad or something isn't that kind of thing i think it's irish they're really like if you're the guy holding the the rod you want the guy hitting it to be irish i mean i could be wrong [Music] i want to say this is one way you could do it in residential construction you can actually just wet set the j bar into the concrete you can't do that in commercial because the inspector wants to see it you can also just tie these j bars to your horizontal steel that's in the footing and then brace them with a number four steel across all the tops to hold them vertical so this is one way you can do it we were just beating those stakes into the rock you know and i was like man why did we even weld these we should just use zip ties it would have been fine yeah i think so what a waste [Laughter] whose side are you on here zip tie or welding uh i i i thought zip tape would have been better well so you sound like you're on my side i mean zip zip you know about five minutes after we actually got ready for the concrete the concrete was here unfortunately for the drivers they had to back about a mile down a single lane road in their concrete trucks because you can't turn around on this site in a truck as big as a concrete truck these guys from southern concrete are pretty used to this i gather from working in the mountains and they did a great job since there's no good way to actually get the concrete truck down the hill to where the footings are we had to use a concrete pumper to get the concrete from the truck down the bank into the footings and they're pouring this on a number six slump and a slump is a measure of how stiff the concrete is number six is nice because it actually flows just a little bit like water it levels nicely but it also cures super hard and that's what we're looking for pro tip of the day is we like to actually use a screed board on our footings to ensure that they are actually level with no humps low spots or high spots so when we lay the first row of block it goes down nice and easy and a great tip for safety even if you're just a diy-er use rebar caps on top of your vertical steel and that would keep you from getting impaled if you fell on it which is a good thing the concrete we're using here is a 3000 psi pump mix that means it's made to go through a concrete pump like we're using it has smaller aggregate than regular concrete we used 12 yards of concrete here and a yard is a measurement of cubic volume it is 27 cubic feet came on two trucks [Music] you know it's hard to believe that thing fit in there it's a sponge bro it's like a square peg and a round hole we did go around and double check the placement of these j bars because like i said if they come up in the wrong spot it's a real hassle the front part of this house that does not have these j bars sticking up is not getting a basement wall we'll simply pour the slab and then frame an exterior wall on top of that we will have anchor bolts coming out of the slab to tie that wall down to the footing [Music] after letting the concrete cure for just a couple hours we were able to actually get out on it so we decided to go ahead and pin the corners and set up our speed lead poles for laying the block on a couple of the corners our string lines were actually close enough down to the footing where it could just set a block in the corner and then use it to plumb down and mark the corner on our footing we also pulled tapes checked all of the numbers checked all of the diagonals to make sure that everything's perfect because it is way way way way easier to build a house on a foundation that is perfectly square and level that's right on it 44 4 and 7 8. after all the corners were located i pulled up the blocks and marked the corner by just pushing a nail into this green concrete we can actually use that later to hook string lines on to lay the one row of header block across this front on the back two corners i mark the location for our speed poles which is outside of the corner then our string lines will get run on the inside of this pole in both directions at varying heights to basically give us a straight line to lay the block on on every single course [Music] each of these poles is held plumb with two braces that are just c-clamped to the top of the pole and brace down to stakes on the ground in case you're not familiar with this type of setup the advantage is that you don't have to lay up block corners to hook your lead lines on to fill in between the two corners with the rest of the block using lead poles like this also makes it easier to run horizontal steel in our block work like we're going to do because we can run one row at a time all the way around instead of building up corners than having to weave the steel back into the corner later in our next video you'll see us going around to mark the height of each corsa block on each one of these poles so that we don't have to do any thinking at all while we're laying block we just lay the block to the line [Music] a couple of the stakes for our braces actually came down right in the footing but since the concrete's green we just drove the stake right through it and that'll hold fine another advantage of doing this right away hey you know what mountain that is with the pole sticking up yeah that's a tater knob what tater knob tater knob yeah you're making that up no peek finder says that's jackson lawn mountain you're not from here are you bob no but peak finder don't lie dude pig finder don't know that's that's tater nob [Laughter] all right let's go home [Music] with our concrete in the ground and our speed lead poles set it's time to kick off enjoy some good company and good food down by the river thanks for building with us today and we'll see on the next [Music] one [Music] you
Channel: Perkins Builder Brothers
Views: 237,638
Rating: 4.9408464 out of 5
Keywords: Footer, Footing, Pour, How, To, Speed, Poles, Block, Construction, Building, Start, Learn, Perkins, Brothers, Build, Construct, Step by step
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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