How To Build An Affiliate Marketing Website in 2023 (Step by Step Tutorial)

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hey everybody my name is nate and in this full tutorial i'm going to show you step by step how to build an affiliate marketing website so i'm incredibly excited for this video we're going to go through everything that you need to know about not only building the website but also some really important affiliate marketing tactics with your websites uh and so we're going to go through everything a couple of things to note here first of all we've built a number of different affiliate websites we have some that are making a few hundred dollars a month and some that are making thousands of dollars per month we've been doing this for many many years and this is one of my favorite topics to talk about and so i'm incredibly excited to make this video here today now something to note uh i'm not selling you some like course you don't have to pay somebody to learn how to do affiliate marketing i just think a lot of that is garbage you can learn this for free like with videos like this or other resources that people have out there so just be careful you don't have to pay somebody two thousand dollars to learn how to be successful at affiliate marketing i know we didn't do that and so we have a number of channels a number of blogs uh and different websites and so that's what we're doing here today all right so let's go ahead and get started with this the first half of this is really going to be focused on building the actual website and then the second half of the video is going to be focused on getting into sort of like the tactics and the strategy ways to increase conversions uh ways to just make more money overall how to automate these websites and everything else in between so if you're new here to the channel make sure you subscribe and let's get started with this tutorial now i do recommend you take out a piece of paper take out a pen and write some of these things down or just follow along here you can watch this on your phone while you maybe do this on your computer if you wanted to follow along the steps of building a website now there are a lot of reasons why i love affiliate marketing but i do think that the main one is that anybody can do it you don't have to have some level of intelligence of like being a smart person you know to be honest uh i'm not very intelligent uh but we have been doing this for years and it's been working out really really well uh so you don't have to be incredibly smart uh there's not something where you have to know how to code you don't have to be an incredible writer even hell i'm a terrible writer most of our articles are written by somebody else i've like haven't written an article in many many years on our websites but we still put out really great articles so just keep that in mind that you don't necessarily have to be like really skilled in any particular area especially when building a website you don't have to know how to code i'll show you how to drag and drop and use all these different features uh within this okay so let's talk about building the actual website now we have a lot of options in 2022 for how we want to build a website we can use the ones that maybe come to mind at first like squarespace or wix or godaddy or even on shopify or something along those lines we do like those and we do have tutorials on how to build websites with squarespace and these other different things but generally speaking there's two problems with some of those website builders one is that they tend to be more expensive uh you know you can pay 20 30 40 a month for squarespace or wic sometimes but also uh the other problem is that sometimes they don't load as fast and they're not as customizable as something like wordpress so today we're talking about wordpress this is what actually most of the major websites in the world are built on wordpress or have some form of variation that have used wordpress in the past so it is the most common place to build websites uh it's not there's a difference there uh i'll walk you through every step so don't worry if it gets a little bit confusing you can just slow down the video pause from time to time because i know when i first watched one of these tutorials it was a little bit confusing so we're gonna make it as digestible as possible so the first thing we're gonna do to build this affiliate marketing website is we're going to go to hostinger so you can go to you can click on the link down below in the description or you can go to hostinger if you want to follow along in this tutorial so there's a couple reasons why we like hostinger they work with wordpress so we'll explain all that don't worry if you just want to follow along here it'll make a lot of sense but we like hosting here because it tends to be relatively inexpensive so we can see here just looking at the page if we scroll down we have different options for web hosting and for wordpress hosting so we're going to click on wordpress hosting and we're going to look at our options for hosting our website let me just put this into full screen here so we have a couple of different options for hosting our website but you can see that this is really really cheap uh to consider that you can start a business for 3.99 or even 1.99 per month to have your website up and running is ridiculously inexpensive especially compared to some of those other website builders so uh you know you can sort through this and decide which one that you want to use i think for this example we'll probably just go for something like this right here right we'll go for the one which is the wordpress starter at 3.99 per month you you can get the more expensive ones if you want you can read through the features that they have but generally speaking you know you can upgrade these as you go along so i wouldn't recommend the base model because you're not gonna get anything like a free domain you're not gonna get some other things that are important like jetpack for free so you want to at least get the middle option here and if you have the budget obviously you know going for something like wordpress pro option for hostinger is probably going to be better if you have that budget but for this example let's let's go with something like this which is going to be the 399 per month uh package here so let's go ahead and get into this a little further and we can see the different options for the period obviously uh if we get longer periods of time it's going to be cheaper per month that's how most businesses work so if we want something for 48 months that is four years that's how we get it for 3.99 per month for this website you know that might be a little bit excessive for some people maybe they feel better going for just 24 months it's going to be cheaper the total is 143 uh versus if it was for four years we paid 191 for four years to have this website but you know four years from now that's going to be what 2026 man i'm going to be old by then but either way you can kind of decide here maybe you want to just go 12 months it's totally up to you whatever your budget is is going to work for you for the purpose of this video because we're making a tutorial uh we're just going to go for say the 12 month option here 6.99 per month and then we can scroll down and we can start to create our account so let me go ahead and fill this information in uh you're just going to put in your email and your payment information they have a lot of different ways you can pay we're probably just going to pay by credit card you can't even pay by crypto if you want to um but we're going to go ahead and just pay with credit card and then we're going to move on to the next section here now also if you get a 12 month plan or longer you will see that you're going to have this for free here which is the ssl we'll talk about that in a minute and also a free domain which is basically like what your website is called when people go to or dotnet or dot org that is your domain so for example the domain of this is um and so we're gonna get that for free as well uh if we get this plan so i'm gonna fill this information out real quick and then we'll move on to the next page all right so now it took us to a page where we're gonna have to enter uh some information uh to create a password for our hostinger account so let me do that right now and then we'll move on to the next step after this it's going to get very important that you follow along in these next few steps because it's going to get pretty confusing so trust me yeah you're just going to want to pay attention here so let me just put in a password real quick all right so i entered a password and i clicked on continue and now we are in our hostinger dashboard so what they're going to want to do is they're going to try to funnel through here like if we click start now it's going to ask us a bunch of questions we're just going to skip over this because you're watching this tutorial and i'm going to help you through this rather than you know clicking through all these things that are going to just taking time so we're going to go down here and click on skip and then what we're going to do now is create a wordpress account so make sure we make this very clear we just created a hostinger account we just signed up for hostinger now we have to create a wordpress account this is where we're actually building the website so the website is hosted through hostinger but we're going to build it on wordpress and they work together so they work in conjunction with each other but we need accounts for both so now we're going to go and make a wordpress account so let me just enter a password here and i will click on continue all right and so now we have this option um for different themes that we can pick uh for hostinger so we can scroll through here if we you know want to choose something here um but for now we actually don't want a template we will do this in just a minute we'll find better templates to use if you want like the easiest option ever you could just click on one of these you know save a little bit of time but we're going to skip this for now as well we don't really need a template right now okay so now we have three different options available to us we can claim a free domain which we get included with what we just paid we can buy a domain or we can use an existing domain if we already have one and so let's go ahead let's claim a free domain uh for ourselves and let's see what we want to use here um so let's say for example uh let's go central farms so my affiliate marketing website my affiliate website is going to be a agriculture some type of agricultural affiliate website i'll explain why i think this is a really great niche but this is just one example here um you know you we'll talk more about niches later on the video but that's just going to be an example here now in regards to the domain you can right we see all these different ones dot net dot online dot we have tons of different options i highly suggest you go with dot com um unless you have absolutely no other options but i i almost never go with and this is for a couple of reasons but mostly because people trust dot com the most uh sometimes people get sketched out when they see something weird like you know like dot email or dot click or dot x y z it just looks weird to people we've actually seen conversion rates drop when somebody lands on a website like that they get a little bit sketched out a little bit skeptical and they end up clicking off the website it hurts the website so try to use dot com if you can and in regards to the domain name you want this to be as short as possible there's actually statistics on this there were studies done that show that the shorter the domain uh the more traffic it tends to get so you don't want this to be like central farms pennsylvania blah blah blah blah and like you know go all the way out like 60 characters long you want it to be relatively short in something easy to spell if possible so we're going to search for this and see if it's available and it looks like it is so that's perfect central we're going to click on continue and i'm excited to build this agricultural uh affiliate website and i think for this you know we're going to think about selling maybe grass seed different types of gardening products and everything else and i'll show you how to target those terms and everything else like that so let's go ahead and finish this setup we can set our server location i want it to be in north america because that's where i'm located you can change this though if you're in a different country another great thing about hostinger is that it's available in most countries so this is why we love it this is why we're making the tutorial with it uh you know most countries in the world you can use hostinger and they have a lot of different languages as well so let's choose an option for our country we are in the united states right now and this is for my company and then we're going to enter our contact information so let me fill out this information real quick all right and then we're going to finish the registration here and so now is being registered and we are just a little bit through the process here look it says it's going to take about three minutes and just like that it's already almost finished so you know this might be a great time to like go get up walk around a little bit get some water whatever else you want to do get a snack when you come back it will be ready but this honestly took only like 15 seconds sometimes though i've seen it take you know five or even 10 minutes so don't worry if that happens to you so now we see three different options here we see wordpress dashboard we see view your website and we have control panel and so we are going to go into our wordpress dashboard in just a minute but first i want to take you to our control panel because i want to do a couple of things and show you some settings that you might want to modify so we're going to click on manage site here when we go to control panel and this is going to open up a new tab and this is our hostinger control panel so there's a couple things that i want to do here and one thing that i want to do is i want to set up backup so if we scroll down we're going to see this option for backups and this is to basically make sure that if our website crashes if we have a problem with it we can add backup so we can add daily backups here and this is actually going to cost us a little bit of money uh you don't have to do this option if you're not worried about your website you know going away forever but i like to have this as an option it just gives me some peace of mind and you can see that the pricing is the same as well so you know i'm just going to go for one month here and i'm going to add this back up all right and once i add that back up then i can just go back to the dashboard and then the other thing that i want to do is we want to enable ssl so if we scroll down once again and we look for something called ssl we'll see it right here when we scroll down on our dashboard in hostinger we click on ssl and we want to enable this what this is right here is you'll notice this little tiny lock up here when we're on this website right um and so that's what this is going to be um and so there are some websites that are unsecured and this is generally a red flag if you know anything about cyber security you want to make sure that you have this ssl and people will sometimes get scared when it's not secured and even google sometimes will tell you like hey this website's not secured so you want to make sure that you go through this step definitely and install ssl for your website this should be included with your hosting and package so you can just click on install ssl and it's being installed right now so this might just take a minute or two and it looks like it has finished okay so now we're actually going to start building our website um and so the way that we build our website is on wordpress so we hosted it through hostsinger now we're gonna build it um so there's a couple ways that we can get to our wordpress dashboard where we can start to modify our site and build it one we can just on our hosting your dashboard click on wordpress here and it'll take us there so we it'll take us to our dashboard or if we go up to google and and we go up into here and we just type in our website's name so backslash wp dash admin just like that wp-admin exactly how it looks like right there and we click enter it will take us to our wordpress login where we just created an account remember a few minutes ago we created an account here so let me enter that information so that we can log in to our wordpress dashboard and begin building our website okay so i entered our information and now this is our wordpress dashboard it's going to look very cluttered very confusing but please don't be intimidated i'm going to walk you through all of this on building the website okay so we see all these different options we see all these different things going on here what we can do here is first of all just dismiss some of this stuff so we can clear out the clutter right let's click dismiss on this and we can delete some of these other things as well if we want to so what you're going to notice here just as like a basic outlay here if you want to take a look at the website that you have right now you can go up here and click on visit site so let's do that this is what our website looks like right now it looks absolutely terrible i'm going to show you how to clean this up but this is this is absolutely basic um but you know don't worry we're getting there so we can click on back but that's just how you view your website at any given time you can just click on that we're going to see some different things up here as well like we can moderate comments we see things we can add new we can add new posts new images media new pages users and forms we'll talk about all of that and we can look at our insights and a couple of other things that they already have installed for us now we'll also see all these different things here it's kind of cluttered so what i want to actually do is i want to declutter this that's what we're going to do right now so if we go to plugins we click on plugins here we can go ahead and basically just delete some of these plugins that i don't think are really necessary they just came like auto installed when we downloaded wordpress here so let's go and actually just get rid of some of these so i'm going to get rid of this anti-spam the seo some of these other ones like google analytics for wordpress get rid of that one we're going to keep jetpack i like jetpack it's really helpful but these are the ones we are going to get rid of for now we can always add them back later but just for now like i think you only need things um at certain moments so we can go to bulk actions we can click on delete click on apply and click ok okay so that got rid of some of them but not all of them and so if we want to get rid of all of them actually we need to go over to deactivate and then click apply on that and then if we go over to the ones that are inactive we click on that now we can go ahead bulk click all of these and then delete them from there sometimes they make you go through that extra step i don't know why they make you do that but they do so okay we just deleted all those and now it's going to just look a little bit better just you know there's less stuff on here less garbage on here um but we can still you know let's let's x out of this i'm just trying to clean this up a little bit so it doesn't look like total confusion and a total mess but basically what we can do here from this point um is we can go to appearance because now let's start to build out our site and we can click on themes so if we click on themes after we hover over appearance we'll see these different options um for themes for our website if we go up and we click on add new so once again we went to appearance we clicked on themes and now we're going to add a new theme for our website to make it look better so we click on add new and we're going to see tons of different options my favorite is to just go with astra a lot of websites that are built on wordpress use the astra theme it's very versatile you'll notice like a lot of websites actually look like this um so unless you're trying to go for something very different or you're you know trying to go for something like like this one actually looks pretty cool for example we can just click on details we can take a look like this one does look pretty interesting i like this layout uh quite a bit so maybe we wanted this one right we could just uh install it and this is free so not all themes are going to be free but uh the themes that we see right here are going to be free so for this one let's look at astra this is the one that we're going to install you don't have to do this but this is what it'll look like in the beginning here so we're going to click on install up here in the corner okay so now we are installing the astra theme it's going to take just a minute or so sometimes it can take even longer you'll notice that with this but it looks like it took about i would say maybe 60 seconds or total and then after we install it we do have to click on it again to then activate the astra theme so let me go ahead click on that again and now it is active what this means is that if we go to our website let me just open up a new tab so we can keep uh tabs on our website so let me go to and this is our website this is what it looks like it doesn't look a lot better than what it looked like at first but we're starting to get there where we're moving along a little bit and we're on the right track for building our website let's so let's go back here to themes so we've just added the astra theme here okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to go over to back under appearance here we see themes we see customize widgets menus and then we see astra options so let's click on that right there and then from here what we can do is we can install this thing called importer plugin trust me this is going to make it really easy they have 180 starter templates that we can use on astra so let's click on that here install importer plugin okay so now we've pulled up this page and then we can just click on build your website now okay so now we have three different options here we have a block editor which is like the wordpress standard we don't want to use that that's like really really basic and then we have elementor and we have beaver builder elementor is free to use they have a paid version but you don't have to use it we use the paid version but you know it's really not necessary for building a basic website so we're gonna click on elementor okay and so then we're gonna be able to pick uh from a number of different options here and if you see a blank screen you can just go and click up on this logo up here this is what happened to me and so go and click on this in the upper left corner this little logo here and it'll take you to this page here where you'll see these different options for templates that you can use for building your website so now let's go ahead and let's pick one of these so we can sort through them i mean it's hard to pick like there's so many cool ones um but for my website you know we're talking about a farm blog right the website is central farm so maybe we can find something that kind of aligns with that maybe you fitness products you know this one is simple like it's already kind of made for you but basically the point of using these templates is it saves us a ton of time uh from having to build this from scratch or from having to know how to code so let's go ahead let's sort through this let's see what we have here okay so i think i found one uh let me scroll down here i actually kind of like this one for my santro farms website we can see the example of it right we can see how it looks i kind of like the layout of this this one is a premium template though i just realized so it looks like i can't use it unless i pay for it you know what i don't want to do that let me click back here and let's find one that's not a premium template i mean we can actually sort that we can see all we can see premium and we can see popular and latest so let's see if if we can't go with that one then you know what we're going to go with the first one here this one can also be pretty nice and this one is not premium so we don't have to pay for it so if we like the layout of this and we think it'd make a good thing for our blog so we're going to proceed with this one here and so you know you can add your logo right here i don't have a logo made right now so let's not worry about that we don't absolutely need that we can just skip and click on continue uh we can change the colors and fonts of everything right so here's the default color i really like this for the farm for the agriculture site like look at these nice earthy colors yellow brown green i think they look great but you know we can click through and see maybe something else that we might like but i think for the most part i actually really do like what it already came with as the default we can change the fonts i wouldn't go with anything too wacky or something weird i would stick with stuff that's pretty simple and pretty basic so let me see i actually really like this one i think it looks good let's click on continue and we just have to fill out some information here so let's put in our information i am let's say you know what let's say that we are intermediate um our email and i am building this site for myself um and then we have different advanced options as well like if we want to import customizer settings uh widgets content all these other things we can leave these on if we want but you know i don't want them sharing my non-sensitive data like why would i want them doing that um and then also like importing content if we want them to do this or not i think we do want this we can have these widgets imported and everything else it's going to make things a lot easier for us so let's go ahead and click on submit and build my website so this is where it gets really fun they're building a website seven percent done it's going to take a few minutes uh this is also once again a time that you can take a break if you want uh maybe walk around um and this i found can take anywhere from you know like two to five minutes sometimes even a little bit longer um but so i'm just gonna wait for this and then we'll continue on with the video okay so i just took a quick break i was waiting for it and it looks like it has finished here so our website is ready to go to set actually only took 1.5 minutes to build i guess i didn't take that much of a break so let's go ahead and let's go on to view our website so this is our website now we're going to start customizing this it's going to get really fun so you know this doesn't really look like a farm website let's let's go ahead and fix this all right so if we want to edit this site what we're going to do is click on edit with elementor and so we just click on this right here and what this is is it's basically like a drag and drop feature that allows you to edit uh in a super easy way so you don't have to know how to code so let's say that uh for our title here we wanted to just say something simple like instead of saying we all love nature i just want to say maybe um in all cat oh no not in all caps central farms and so the intention of this uh site in in my mind right now as i'm making this tutorial is that uh we're gonna have this as like a farm where it looks like a family farm where you know i actually do used to have a lot of farm animals everything um so i understand the agricultural industry um but i want this to be like a a farm page where we can you know promote different products like we can promote uh like like grass seed uh animal feed like all kinds of different things and i know there's good affiliate commissions with that and a lot of people a lot of farmers are using the internet a lot more than what they used to especially you know like 20 30 years ago they're getting products from that there's we could go on a whole spiel about agriculture but i'm sure that's not why you came here um so let's just fill this out a little bit but you can see how easy this is to use uh this whole drag and drop feature you can kind of just explore around here so we can change things within here on the left-hand side if we want like if we type in a bunch of things we'll see that pops up we can click backspace get rid of that or we can do it directly on the screen as well uh we'll also see everything is within these big blocks here so like this is one big block and we can move it around right we can move this whole section around if we want we're going to leave it up there though and so each one is a big block this is another big block our services this whole white thing is a big block and we can delete it right here with the click of a button we can move it around or we can add a section as well by clicking on one of these now within each one of these blocks we're going to have like sub-blocks so a sub-block within this big one here is this text box here and then there's a sub-block within that sub-block as well so that's the way that it works and so let's say that our model is going to be something a little bit different than this right so let's say for our model it's going to be farm product but let's make sure we have so yeah so farm product reviews that you can trust and for if we get started maybe we'll change this up a little bit and maybe have some type of free guide i think it's actually really helpful to have free guide so i just clicked on this and when and i can edit it here right and we can decide where it routes to uh for this site like it routes to a services page i'll show you how to build pages in just a minute here but instead of get started maybe we want to see uh we want to say something different like perhaps you want to say um full guide or maybe we want to see uh shop now or um reviews so let's actually just look at reviews and maybe this will take them to like a full review page of like different farm products um so i'm just kind of making this on the go here like on a whim so you know if everything doesn't look absolutely amazing don't hate me please like i'm making this to show you the basics of how to build the site not actually you know like making a farm website but um so let's say that we want to change the picture in the background how do we do that well let's go ahead actually first and click on update so we make sure that this saves so any change we make we want to make sure that it stays updated so if we want to change this picture we have some options here if we go over click on style you're going to see some things like uh you know like border we can change the shadow everything else we go over to advanced we see even more options here it looks pretty confusing but you can just click through each one of these and see that it actually you know makes a lot of sense here okay so now let me show you how to edit this this background photo here so we can do a right-click we can edit the section all right now once we're on here we can go over to style and then we'll find the background photo that's being used we can choose an image here looks like a national park we want this to look more like a farm so we click on choose image and from here we can either select like free images for example right so we can find ones like let's type in farm let's see what comes up so there's some really cool ones here and these are all free that we can use this is courtesy of i think pixabay but let's say that we want to find something different we can go over to a site like pixels and paxos is a free website that i've used for many many years and let's say that we want to search for farm and see what comes up i really like this image i think it looks really good make sure that we can use it it's free to use here we can see but make sure that you read the licensing to make sure that you're not you know stealing somebody's work now we can click download but actually go over here and this is just like an example if you wanted to use something like pixels here but what you want to do is make sure that your images that you're using for your website are relatively small now what people usually think is that you want really good high quality images for a website but that's not necessarily true if you have really big file sizes on a website for your images it's going to make the load speed the page speed of your website really slow and people don't like that so when you click on a website you expect it to load very quickly and if it doesn't load very quickly it takes time and you see the thing loading loading loading people click off and they're not going to go onto your website and it takes a long time to load if you have big pictures and big files so generally speaking you want images that are going to be somewhat small without ruining the quality of them so we're going to go for a small image here this is 640 pixels by 426 that's about a good size um you can certainly mess around with that but just don't just like make sure that you don't have an image that's like 8 000 pixels and it's like absolutely massive it's like a gigabyte or something because that's that's going to be really bad for your website so we just downloaded that let's go back over and we can click on upload that file so so let's select that file here it is right here click on open and we've just uploaded it here so now uh once we've added it here and we can add more media as well uh we can actually add things like a description for it right so maybe we want to describe this as like farm home page right and we can uh maybe title it something different like like farm one right and then we can click on insert media and there we go just like that our site it's starting to come together we still have a lot of work that needs to be done but it's starting to come together here and so this is looking good so far if we think it looks a little bit too blurry we can up the resolution of it we can change some things as well we can change the color the gradient we can make it a video a slideshow so many different options the options are really endless when building a website especially with wordpress and with elementor right so you know just clicking through here like there's so many different things that we're not even going to to touch on here that i would love to but every now and again we want to make sure we go down here and click on update to make sure that our website stays updated okay and if you want to see what the site looks like in full size you can click on this little arrow right here and this will uh remove this tab so this is what it looks like right now central farms this is the home page we still need to go through and edit all these other things here on the home page and then we're going to talk about these different things up here like home about services contact we probably want to change this up i want to maybe make something like reviews or maybe something like farm equipment we're going to change up a bunch of things here for the different pages so let's go back and let's click to get this thing back out here so that's the basics of building out the home page right so let's say maybe here for this section we want to say like reviews okay and i think you're starting to get the the idea of this in how easy this is to build like this um so you know maybe we want to change this image to something about a a tractor so let's say let's look at some free images see if we have anything here tractor do we have any good ones we have lots of great options for this so maybe we want to do something like a tractor review i don't think we're going to do any like big affiliate stuff with that so actually let's go with something more simple like seed review right so seeds like different types of wheat and different types of grains and everything else so maybe that's one that we want to do that could work really really well so this one's coffee beans let's find one that looks pretty good this one these are grains of wheat that's perfect so we can insert that media there for that image all right and then for this one for example maybe we want to change this to something like animal feed right and so i'm just kind of like going through here through the process to kind of speed things up but i think you're starting to get the idea of this so let's say like um or let's say chickens not chicken i want chickens not cooked chicken that's kind of sad now like this one oh like that one here we can insert that media right there and then for the third one you know what let's actually say we want to do like wheat grass so wheatgrass is really interesting or like micro greens there's a huge business in that and people buy a lot of things i used to do this myself i think this one's really good just download that real quick and a small version of that download and we can insert that media so now we can change the names of these right so let's say seed reviews and of course you know you want to like tailor this to um like the the specific niche that you're in uh we're gonna talk about the affiliate side of it in the second half of this video but you want to make sure that you know it it's tailored to what your topic is about you don't want something like like all over the place for example you wouldn't want like agricultural products and then a sport review page and then like you know like some other thing like reviewing candles you don't want all those different random things you want to make sure that the entire website is aligned with like one specific topic or at least something where you can say that you know the person who's interested in this might also be interested in this you don't want like two completely different things um so just remember that okay so let's say for for this one it's going to be like you know maybe like um livestock and then for this one here maybe perhaps we want this to be like micro greens um tools right and so you can see how this site is coming together once again go down click on update make sure you do this routinely but this is going to give you the basics of it hopefully you're seeing how we're going along here and just adding things and we can change this font we can change this text we can do all that we can change this here we can delete this if we wanted to so it's it's pretty simple from that perspective i think you get the basics of this so let me show you how to do some other really important things like change the different pages on your site like for example we want to change these like we have home we have about we have services contact and a phone number we want to change that up so how do we do that what we're going to do is let's go back and once we make sure that we up we've updated it and saved everything we're going to go click on this bar up here in the upper left corner here and we're going to see the option to exit to our dashboard takes us back to our wordpress dashboard so we click on that exit the dashboard and now we're back on our wordpress dashboard we go back up here again and click on the w all right so now it actually took us to our pages and this is where we can change this up here so we have our pages we can change these up it's just by clicking on this right here okay so we don't you know maybe we can have an about page i think that's important a contact page that's also pretty important uh privacy policies are important to have you want to make sure you have that also an affiliate disclosure page you want to add that we have a sample page and a services page so i don't really want the services page let's say we want to delete this and delete the sample page we can just click on both of those boxes go up to bulk actions and we can move to trash all right so we just move those to trash click on apply then we got rid of those pages now let's say that beyond just the home page the contact the about and the privacy policy we want to add a new one so we go up to here and we click on add new and we're going to add a new page here and so the new page here is going to be maybe um reviews or it can be specific reviews like for example let's just say for this one it's going to be just reviews we can click on publish click on it again so now so now we added a review page we want to go back to our wordpress dashboard we go click on this w up here so we have a review page and maybe perhaps we want to add one more like maybe we want to um add something like a free guide right i think that's always good to have we go once again go up to add new free guide could be something like that or like farming guide right or micro greens guide like farming guide for example or something like that right and we can just go and click on publish go back to the w so these are our pages now if we go to our website click on visit site we're not going to see them there and this might be a little bit alarming you say well what the hell i thought i just made those where is my new reviews and my new farming guide tab up here i thought it would pop up don't worry we're going to click on back and what we need to do is we actually need to go to menus so we have pages here and these are the new pages that we've made but we need to make sure that they actually appear on the top there so what we need to do is we need to find menus and to do that we need to go to appearance so we hover over appearance and then we scroll down to menus and we click on menus right here okay so once we click on menus we're going to see some problems that pop up here but what we can do now is we can add these to the menu so we can add farming guide and reviews contact and about we want to have all of these on the menu but about and contact are already there so let's just add farming guide and review and then we click on add to menu so there we go we've just added those to the menu and then we can decide how we want to organize them so we can just drag these around for example maybe i want the home page and then all the way on the left side i want reviews so i drag this up here and i put it right there and then maybe i want farming guide i drag that up and i can have about and i can have contact and we see these red ones here this is because this was ones that we've already removed in the previous thing so we can just click on remove for the one that was in red so now we have this right here and if we click on save menu we've just saved it now let's go back up here let's visit our site and you'll notice now we have these tabs up here we have home we have reviews we have farming guide we've about and we have contact we're making some progress now let's say that you want to create something where you can have a drop down menu when you hover over something like reviews or farming guide that's what i'm going to show you how to do right now so go ahead and click back and if we want to add something else beyond that we can do that right here so let's add a page so we're going to go back to pages here let's add a page and have specific pages now so let's add something perhaps like um seed reviews click publish click back on the w let's add another page maybe this is going to be um livestock equipment click publish and let's just do one more here add new this one's going to be micro greens supplies right click on publish go back up to the w so now we've just added these new pages we want to have them sub pages of the reviews page so we go back down to menus which is under appearance we click on menus and then we can add these three right here seed reviews livestock equipment and micro green supplies so we check the box for all three of those and we click on add to menu and now we've added them but we don't want them to show up at the very top like what the all the other ones do we want them to be like a drop down menu so we just put them underneath reviews like you can see if we put it here it's just a regular menu but if we move it over to the right now it's underneath reviews as a drop down page so super cool how that works we're going to do that for livestock equipment as well and micro green supplies as well and then we can click on save menu so we've saved that now let's go back to the website click on visit site and we can see that there's a drop down tab super cool right and it's really nice to have so now we've done all of that let's show you how to build a page uh this is the last important step before we get into the actual tactics of you know making sure that your website runs smoothly so uh you know if we click on this right here nothing really pops up it just takes us to the seed review page and nothing happens here so how do we make this look good so let's go back to the wordpress dashboard and from here what we can do is we can start to make posts so we can make a post and we can make pages now pages tend to be like the big overall thing and a post is going to be like a specific review so we're going to make a post here so we can click on posts and we want to get rid of this hello world one we don't want that so let's just trash that and let's add a new post here and this new post maybe perhaps this is going to be like some of our affiliate articles this is how you make an affiliate marketing website you need to make tons and tons and tons of basically reviews or comparisons or something else along those lines so let's say for example we need to do some research here as an affiliate marketer to find topics and things that we can make right so let's say for example um that i think you know what i'm closing on a house in texas this month and so i think actually i want to know what type of grass seed should i use and i'll show you like how to you know set up all the affiliate stuff in the coming minutes here but this is just like an example here so we can do some research here and let's say that like best grass seed and we can see that the competition is not very like hard right we have some pretty easy websites to rank against i'll show you how we know that um but let's say that that's going to be our title here so like and you can actually make a lot in in the agricultural affiliate marketing thing um so the best grass seed for texas properties right or texas lawns right and we can click on publish but if we want to go more in depth on this like we can edit with elementor right so we can click on edit with elementor and now we can build this thing out a bit right so we can add a heading here we can just drag and drop and here we are building out our blog post um right and so we can just add things here so we want to add some text super easy to do that just drag and drop we can add text in there right you can see how you can just fill this out and start just filling out blog posts like that so that's going to be the simplest way to do that we can click on publish and you know i just like skip the part of making like a full thing because i'm not gonna like you know write a whole article just for this tutorial but you can see like you can just fill that out there and it's pretty simple now once we've updated that and and we've made our first blog post let's go ahead go back to the wordpress dashboard all right so that's how we make those pages in those posts and so for example we can take this this blog post and if we go back to appearance and we go to menus we can then add that under there right and so we can look at posts and we can take this we can add to menu and maybe perhaps we want to put this post like underneath something like we want to put it underneath uh seed reviews just like that and we can save it and so now we have the post underneath that so if we go back to we can look at reviews now we see the reviews right there and this takes us to a specific blog post where we will then write out a full review or explanation on like the best grass seed for texas uh environments right okay so now we've gone over a bit of that i want to show you just one or two more things in regards to the website building and then we're gonna talk about the most important stuff which is like you know the the affiliate side of things and how to make sure that you have a site that is successful and starts to gain traffic um so we'll talk about like you know how to find like uh keywords and how to do other things uh like that so what we're going to do here is let's go back to the dashboard and if you go down to settings down here so we're over on the left-hand side and we click on settings you can just do a couple of things that i think are important so for example we did add as a cell so when we do this we can add an s here so https this is going to be for the website and then also you know just looking at anything else we have here for example you can change the language you can change the time zone the location you can change all those different things like that like what day the week starts on so you can go through and just kind of modify those if you want to you can also change the tagline and the site title so you know we can just kind of add some things that that we want to there and the site title perhaps instead of saying central farms you can com we can have it look a little bit better right just like that and we go down and click on save now because we changed this uh to https uh you're going to actually get logged out and then you have to log back in so just keep that in mind we click save changes we gotta log back in all right we're logged back in now so those are some of the things that you can do here now let's go over one or two more things here let's talk about plugins uh so if we click on plugins here we can decide to add different types of plugins and plugins can be really helpful they can help us just like create an overall better looking site and make some pretty cool tools so if we want to add some plugins or we want to explore some plugin options we can click on add new and then we're going to see so many different options for plugins that we can add and you can read about each one of these and kind of you know try to understand like what they do we can look at popular ones um so we have like yoast seo i highly recommend this this kind of basically helps people to find ways to rank their website better so i would recommend downloading uh or installing yoast seo if you are selling something you could use woocommerce it's a great thing to to sell products although you know hopefully you're making an affiliate website so you might not need something like woocommerce uh contact forms for example that's also really important so it's still installing yoast but we can look through some of these other ones as well uh for example yeah contact form is definitely important one that we like is word fence so we can install word fence as well this is going to help to secure uh your website there's a firewall there uh you can block different ips say for example you don't want anybody from a certain area from a certain country perhaps to access your website because you're worried about getting hacked or something along those lines you can do that with wordpr wordfence so this is a really helpful one as well and then also we have one for google analytics so this is monster insights i believe actually this was already pre-installed but we deleted it at first because it just was cluttered but i would recommend getting this one back as well because you're going to get google analytics then through monster insight so we can go ahead and install that one as well so we're just installing three here you don't want to have too many plugins i would recommend having like a half a dozen or less just because if you get too many plugins it's just gonna get messy and it can actually slow down this your website as well if you are overloaded with plugins but keep in mind also you have to click on activate for all of these as well when you actually click on install so let me activate this yoast seo and i'm going to activate wordfence as well and the other one when it pops up which is monster insights so that's how you act you you add those and then you can uh decide if you want to do something for example we can sign up for word fence some of these different plugins are going to charge you money some of them are free so you know like word fence for example does charge you money if you want the nicer version of it so that is one downside to having more plugins but overall i think you know your website the whole process should be about 10 a month or less when you include different things like plugins and ssl and backups for your site and everything else in between that so that's the basics of building the website okay now let's talk about how do we find articles how do we decide what types of articles we're writing like what what's the process of this how long does it take to rank these articles how do we get those affiliate links inside of there and everything else in between so let's start off by doing a couple of things first of all we want to be able to get full analytics on our website so we want to use something called google search console and this is going to help us to track how our site is performing on google how it's ranking in google for different search terms and so if we go onto google we just type in search console so let's do that now and we go to search console this is free to use and i highly suggest this for anyone and everyone so we're on and we can just click on start now and you can link your website here so you can link and sometimes you're going to run into some problems with this like for example you have to go through this whole process of verifying your ownership uh with dns records this gets a little bit confusing but it's not you know terribly difficult if you just follow along with these steps here you can link to google search console let me show you what google search console is going to look like this is like an old recording here just because i don't have it on my imac right here at the moment but you can see like you can see different traffic we can see it's increasing this is from a website that we had about two years ago or so and this one was starting to pick up traffic as we wrote articles uh months before that now something that you're going to notice is that look this isn't tick tock when you're making websites you're not going to instantly just get millions of hits the thing with google is or wherever you're trying to rank your website on which in most cases is going to be on google search you have to realize that google wants to trust you but it needs to see certain things in order to gain that trust from you so google is not going to promote a website at the top of google search results if they don't know who makes a website if they don't know how long that website's been around and they don't know like the quality of it so they don't really trust you and so the whole game of making websites is to try to get google to trust you so let's go back to the site here and i want to talk about a couple of things here and so as we build out this site and we start making some reviews you're going to notice that some of them will rank much faster than others now a great rule of thumb for writing blog articles and ranking them is when you are first starting off with a website you need to set clear expectations and the expectation is this that usually in the first three months of creating an affiliate blog an affiliate website you're not going to get much traffic okay and when i say that i mean uh if you're making zero dollars a month from when you start with an affiliate marketing website and you're just trying to rank on google i would say by month number three maybe you're getting a few hundred hits per month a few hundred people going to your site per month maybe by month number six i would say maybe a few thousand people to your website per month but it takes such a long time so don't give up on it because i'm telling you it takes just it takes time we've had this time and time and time again where people will make a site they'll give up on it they'll be like wow you know i thought it was going to get tons of people reading my articles they give up on it and then a year later a full 12 months later they're like oh you know what i forgot about that website that i made that affiliate website and they go search it up and they look at it on google search console and they say wow wow all of a sudden they're getting tons of traffic because they made it and then they forgot about it for a year you'd be surprised how many people do that it's it's really kind of funny so it just takes a really long time now i want to show you a really cool tool it's called sem rush so here it is right here i'll leave a link to it down below in the description as well i don't know if we have a promo code for it or not um but this is really really helpful for finding articles to write and also analyzing your own website so let me go ahead and log into here but what you can do here is you can look at all kinds of different websites maybe your competition and you can analyze them so for example let's say that i'm thinking about different types of articles to write right for my affiliate marketing website um and so here's an example like best grass seed for texas so for example let's take a look at like this is you know talking about the different types of grass that you can plant in austin so what we can do here is we can look at let's copy this domain and what we can do with scm rush and this is why i absolutely love it is we can see basically an estimation of how much traffic they're getting so let's paste that in there and we can click on start now they can make you sign up for an account but it's it's worthwhile so go ahead uh sign up for an account here i suggest doing this if especially if you have the budget uh sem rush can be a little bit expensive i they might have like a free trial i'm not sure uh but regardless it's going to be worth it so let me go ahead and sign in with this real quick and then i'll show you the insides of scm rush and how powerful this really is all right so now we are inside of sem rush here um and i want to show you a couple of things here so let's take a look at that site right so and we're going to enter the domain and we're going to click on search and right here look at the amount of information and these are all estimations it's sort of like extrapolation or is it interpolation either way it's it's it's basically taking a lot of estimations um and so this is like analyzing this entire website which maybe is our our competition perhaps um and so it analyzes it it says where does the traffic come from 91 of the traffic is in the united states 2.3 in canada 1.6 in the uk you can look at how it's been doing over time looks like they've had a really really great run just in 2021 here and then they sort of stagnated all time i mean look at this this growth that we see here and we can see this with a lot of other websites as well but look at the things that we can see inside of here like we can look at the amount of traffic that they get right we can look at their top organic keywords this is so fascinating and this is one of my favorite things to do this is how we find blog articles to write for our affiliate sites is we use this service and then we'll look at organic keywords that they're ranking for we'll view the details here right so what is ranking for uh their biggest one that they're ranking for their position number one here is retaining wall ideas another one is lawn mowing service weed eater uh lawn service near me bugs that look like bed bugs yeah so they rank for all kinds of different stuff right um and maybe this isn't exactly like the type of competition that we thought like i don't think we're going to be competing against these because this doesn't look like some great affiliate terms so maybe we want to find a different website but this is what's really great so what i want you to do if you want to create an affiliate marketing website once you pick your niche once you decide what you're going to be promoting and you find products to promote uh i recommend doing that through like amazon associates for example um once you do that i think you should go through and find 10 websites that you want to model after not copy but you want to kind of view as inspiration or competition and say you know what i want to kind of go after these sites you know when i want to see if i can try to rank for some things like them and you can look at things like their backlinks you can look at the for example let's do some keyword overview this is going to be really helpful as well so what we can do here is we're looking at all the different things that they're ranking for but let's say that you know we don't want to focus on this website anymore let's say that we want to think about a keyword so a keyword that maybe we we want to rank for um is we want to rank for some type of equipment like a lawn mower and we want to actually sell like promote lawn mowers on our website um so we're going to search for the term lawn mower and then we can see different keyword variations so let's take a look at this we see related keywords we say questions right people have questions and then we have related keywords so when we look at related keywords this is where it gets so fascinating we can see basically how difficult it is to rank for them we can see the types like commercial this one is informational this one's transactional we can see the keyword difficulty if it's in red it's extremely hard to rank for what i would suggest doing is you want the ones in green you don't want the ones that are really difficult to rank for like if you make a website today and you try to rank for the word lawnmower you might as well just give up because you're probably not going to rank for that it's going to be really really uh like really big websites that are going to rank for that and so you want to probably go for things that are much more drawn out for example like best lawnmower for senior citizens that's a much better term to go after uh rather than just going after the term lawn mower so when you write blog articles the whole key here is to write with specific words in mind specific phrases in mind that people are searching for and you sort of repeat those throughout the article not stuffing them in the article in the actual content of the article itself but making sure that you are writing those throughout and having different variations of those so definitely what i would suggest doing is focusing on basically making these a lot longer so that you are finding terms that aren't very difficult to rank for so even 59 is too difficult to rank for 60 000 searches per month are being searched for toro lawnmower and that's still a little bit too much for us for a brand new website so how do we do things to to make it easier we can go up here and search by keyword difficulty actually and we can search for ones that are easy to rank for or possible to rank for i would suggest the first 20 articles that you write write them for ones that are easy to rank for and then the next 20 you can write them for ones that are possible to rank for don't even bother writing the ones that are very hard or hard or honestly even difficult until you have at least 50 articles on your website so let's take a look at ones that are easy to rank for and here we go lawnmower racing like all kinds of different ones and some of them won't even make sense you'll say what this doesn't make any sense why would i even want to have something like that and so you have to sort through these sometimes it can take some time to sort through them but eventually you will find ones where you say hey look it's easy to rank for right hyper tough lawnmower it's still getting almost 2000 searches per month easy to rank for right and and so you can analyze all this different data and realize hey i'm going to write an article that targets something like a hyper tough lawnmower and maybe perhaps they have an affiliate program i don't know if they do but let's say that they just hypothetically did um and so then you could do something like that or a honda commercial lawnmower ranks pretty easy to to get and it gets 600 searches per month and then what you do when you find a keyword like honda commercial lawnmower when you find a one like this uh then what you want to do is you want to actually go over to google and just search for it so honda commercial lawnmower because you want to see what your competition is so let's go over to google honda commercial lawnmower and this is what's going to pop up so who are we competing against well we're competing against honda their website that's not good okay let's see what else we're competing against we're competing against pro okay that might be interesting uh right some of these different ones like that so then what i suggest doing is you'll go through these and you'll say oh what's what's what's pop what's you click on it you read their article and then what you do is you say hey you know what while you're on this website see and you see how this is a rabbit hole because now i'm going to copy this proper tool protool i'm going to go ahead and copy this and then i'm going to look at what other articles are they writing because they obviously rank for this one and this looks like an affiliate website so what else are they ranking for i'm going to go back into here and i'm going to repeat the process basically rinse and repeat we don't want this to be a keyword we want this to be sorry i'm still in the keyword overview i got a little bit confused there so let's go back to domain overview and let's paste that in there pro tool and now they want us to get a free trial so we hit our 10 requests per day limit kind of stinks um so this is when you would get the pro plan um so you can sign up for that if you want to i'll leave a link to it down below i think um and you'll get you know way more options and ability to do this like all day long um so those are the basics of sem rush i think it's super cool and you're definitely going to want to use it so we talked about sem rush how you can find different articles to write and then basically from there there's only a couple of things that you're going to want to do and one of them is is thinking about beyond just writing articles and how you're writing those is you need to consider finding backlinks okay so now i want to explain what backlinks are and why these are really important for you so when you are building your website this is going to be one of the best ways to start getting traffic to your website and this is by getting backlinks from other websites so the way that this works is that if you're trying to rank in google one of the biggest things that google cares about is reputation right and trustworthiness why should they put you at the top of search results so the way that we kind of get around this problem of like credibility is we get other websites to link to our website and this is called backlinking so i'll give you an example here and i'll explain why this is so important for us so here's an article that was written about me on this is somebody who interviewed me and we talked a little bit about basically how to make a youtube channel and so in this basically she wrote this whole article about you know how to grow on youtube and i hopefully provided some value there so what she did is she linked to my website uh right there for my new blog and when she did this this is called the back link and so if her basically the way it works is that if her website is credible it then gives my website credibility so i also had like some articles written about me on cnbc and on forbes and i'm business insider and in a lot of those articles they would link to my websites and they would say by the way natal brian has his blog or something else like that and whenever they link to one of my websites it then tells google it says hey if cnbc and forbes are linking or sending people to nate's website well we trust cnbc we trust forbes so therefore we should trust this website that they are linking to that's the way that backlinks work and that's why they are so crucial uh to make sure that you get those so this is a great way uh to do this and one of the best ways to do that is guest posting on other people's blogs on other people's websites doing more interviews with people and just finding ways to collaborate with other bloggers as a whole is going to be really really good for you to get more traffic now on top of that if we're trying to grow our affiliate website and we want to start getting more traffic faster there's some other options that we have available to us one of them i would suggest honestly tick tock you can use tick tock as basically like top of funnel and then funnel people to your website this can work really well you can just make tech talks about like articles or you can make tech talks about certain topics and then say read the full article in my bio right you can do that or you can find other things like even with youtube funnel people to your blog that way or pinterest i found is really really good as well pinterest is so underrated a lot of people just overlook it but there are over 100 million people using pinterest right now um and not a lot of people using it for business and not a lot of people linking to their blogs for it so that's another idea that you can use um and basically the point that i want to drive across here is that it takes time okay it takes time i promise you that if you go through this and you do the research like what we did with sem rush and you start to analyze different search topics and you write some very specific blog articles uh that are very well crafted somewhere between a thousand and two thousand words typically is the go-to if you write 50 of those articles you focus on getting lots of backlinks you try to do at least one per week get back links from everybody if you do all those things i can nearly guarantee you that you're not going to regret it now of course you could really just mess it up and maybe you're a terrible writer or something else like that i don't know okay but for the most part i can tell you that most people are going to succeed if they go through those steps it's not a get rich quick overnight thing it's not something where you're going to make 10 million dollars by next week you know you could certainly just pump all your money into cryptocurrency and hope for the best but if you want to build a sustainable business then this might be one of your options and i can tell you this because we have websites that make money and we barely do anything we go in like once a month maybe every few weeks or sometimes even every few months and just update a couple things you know we click some buttons we have some people write some articles for us and it's all just passive and it's just making money in the background just basically pumping in the background um and so that's what i suggest doing if you want to think about different types of niches if you want to learn more about affiliate marketing as a whole we do have an affiliate marketing website or sorry we have an affiliate marketing tutorial uh that i made that might give you a little bit more information on how you can go about that and starting to just make more money as an affiliate marketer as a whole so i hope you found some value in this make sure you go ahead and check out that hostinger link we would appreciate it it just basically helps support these videos and make them free so thanks for watching i really wish everybody the best of luck you can go ahead and follow me on instagram go ahead ask me questions on there if you want we can connect and i'm really excited for this and i really genuinely hope that you go through this journey i did this many years ago and it's something that i never regret um so thanks for watching i really appreciate all the support and i'll see everybody in next week's video
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 597,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing tutorial, how to make a website
Id: A_pmR6fgF_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.