GUARANTEED | How to SOLVE Wet Soggy Yard, How to Install a French Drain

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hey good morning Chuck here at Apple drains let's take a look at what we're going to solve today in a backyard and this is from the estimate this is walking the estimate taking a look at the low spots and all of the water and you can see all this water in the backyard there's tons of it this is a small section but there's tons of water here even though you only see it on the surface there is lots of water underground and we need to decide are we going to put a sump pump in here or do we have enough fall for gravity to go out to the street you can kind of see there's that's really uphill you can see that area here in the back it is quite low so we're going to put in some yard drain and we're going to put a sump pump in and if you take a look here on the side you can see all this water between the yards tons of water let me show you how to install a really simple system that's going to pick up this water and work and work and work and keep this area dry for many many years to come hey good morning Chuck here at Apple drains today we are installing a yard drain and a little bit difficult something the homeowners could do themselves would suggest that you use a trencher let me show you what's going on here this between two properties and of course there's lots of irrigation you know lots of cable electric water sprinklers all those things take a look so if you've watched any of our videos usually I show you the problem area first but let's go ahead and start the trencher and start a trench and let me show you the ground water so that you can see it will widen up this trench and you'll see this ground water just begin to pour into this thing and then you'll see how the easy flow the yard drain actually works to collect the water and the sump pump will lift it up and send it out so we're gonna widen up the trench a little bit because that easy drain the quick drain it's like eight and a half inches wide so we need to be a little bit wider you can see we're quite deep you can see how far I'm stepping down and boy is it muddy it's really wet really wet this will take care of that suck up all that water a couple cats basin for surface water but you can see how how muddy that is so I would suggest that you get a trencher if you were going to do this yourself save you a whole lot of time and effort we're going to go ahead and connect this line you know from the back over where Chuck's at bring that line over to here we'll start with the catch basin in the low spot more easy flow coming down and somewhere up here we're going to put a sump pump and then lift it up and send it all the way out to the street so basically with the trencher this entire trench was dug within about 20-25 minutes and it makes really quick work of digging the trench don't let that fool you there is lots and lots of soil to move widening the trench of course laying the pipe and of course back filling these are the things that really wear people out and make the job very tiresome but hopefully you can take a look at this video and get some idea of the whole project pictured in your mind before you even start okay so we've got a real nice trench these guys have cleaned it out and you can see the water the groundwater already starting to come up in here can you see it down here this is groundwater it's rising up and there's basically no place for this water to go and you can see even more of it over here the longer that we you know lets us set the more water that they'll be this is all yard drains okay this is all going to be the quick drain of styro Rock as I call it and that stuff works so good it picks up that groundwater instantly and will send it down then we're going to change the solid through this section right here they just need to clean the trench out this will all be solid pipe comes over same thing on this side you can see I see the groundwater already coming into this trench there's so much water back here so we'll pick up with the easy flow and basically up there were chances that that lines coming this direction and this line is coming this direction will tee it in here and will over here where the shovels are is what we're going to put our sump basin to lift that up then we'll use some of the same trench and you can see I drenched it all the way out to the street that's our inch and a half of discharge so really a straightforward job as we put it together you'll make one so up here at the front this is the fun part as you can see we've got you know all kinds of cable we've got irrigations we've got water meters over here and we're gonna go ahead and trench through here you can see there's old cables hopefully that's the old cable just cutting the sod off takes that off but we're gonna be right along this yellow line right here or this orange line as we come through this section a little bit of stress if you do it yourself but that's why you get things marked okay so we've got our yard drain ready to install you can see the easy flow the styro rock ready to go into the ground some cat spaces these guys are just wide enough to trench right here so that we can just get the four inch pipe in there so we're putting in a quick and easy easy drain you can see it's coming down it's going to turn and come into our sump basin you can see how much ground water there is right here there's tons of ground water and we've got another line that comes from this direction you're coming down we're just going to use a tee because we've got really good fall to bring it over to the basin then we've got a section of solid pipe as it came across the high section of the yard we don't need them to do any type of yard drain there we've collected the water back here you can see where the easy flow ends right here we got our catch basins installed and we'll go ahead and cover this up take our excess soil out then we'll put some risers on here and I'll show you how we do that to extend those catch basins up to the proper grade but looking really good looking really good water's already flowing through the trench coming all the way around over to our sump basin which is right here okay so we've got our sump pump installed Zoeller m-98 got the check valve line comes up remember we're underground so we're drilled through the side of the pit to bring our inch and a half out you can see the inlet line coming in we're in the same trench as the ez-flo until we get to the end of it down there and then it's just inch and a half all the way out to the street so a really good job for the do-it-yourselfer you know there is some plumbing here so a lot of you know different connections but we've starting at a catch basin it's a nine by nine you can see it down here it's in the lowest portion of the yard and we're digging through grade to bring that line over to a tee where it ties into the sump pump and then this line actually comes downhill but it floods right here so we put more yard drain in here all over to the pit sump pump lifts it up we're using the same trench for the inch and a half until we get past the end of the easy flow and then it's just inch and a half all the way out to the street this solid pipe this is a real high spot in the yard so there's no reason to put the yard drain through here we collected the water over here you can see we're still setting the catch basins if you can see all that water down in the trench this thing's picking up water really fast and sending it already sending it over to the basin you saw the sump basin is already full so it's gonna work really good but a great project for the do-it-yourselfer something that you could do I would suggest you get a trencher and the reason why on this job is we've got all these trees and there's a ton of roots down here so the trencher makes quick work of that it cuts them out really quick it takes 20 minutes to trench most of this is actually backfill and we were lucky we've got a space over here in the neighbor's yard where we're gonna put all the excess and grade it out and fill up that low spot for them that's just a swimming pool when it rains okay so now we're going to go ahead and cut an extension a riser for catch basin and just a quick note this is SDR 35 you can see it right here I know it's backwards but SDR 35 this is SDR 26 and if you look carefully can you see the difference this pipe is much wider much thicker than SDR 35 and this is what you need to extend the six-inch Basin real simple but make sure that you have the right material this is available at Lowe's probably the only place that carries the six inch pipe this is left over from a job I just wanted to show you the difference between the two so when you put your extension on this grate it just snaps right onto the top of your six inch pipe and you can see how I've made it rise up from the catch basin because our line is much deeper see how deep the line is and we brought this up so that the surface water can now drop into the basin and we are still there's grade you can see my hand there's grade so we want to be just a little bit below grade when we put that together we have one more to do okay this lines almost ready to could be completely back filled and covered and cleaned up you can see our first catch basin right here kind of bright first catch basin we'll finish cleaning that off I went ahead and put the the risers on here you can see because our trench is going deeper we want to be able to get that surface water to drop into our catch basin so we need to extend it and you can see the SDR 35 that six inch pipe there is only available at Lowe's or a plumbing supply but you know readily available at Lowe's and you can see another one here where we had to extend the Basin up so that we can get closer to grade then we're back filling line comes down all the way over a couple more catch basins one here two three and the beginning of the line is right here so this is all ready to backfill you can see our discharge inch and a half pipes in the same trench and that runs out until we get past the yard drain you can see the water still coming up through the ground but it's just Perkin right into the system and it's being carried down to the pump these guys are back filling they're almost done they're doing a great job this was a big job for just a few men but something the homeowner could do themselves definitely you need a trencher I would strongly suggest that the tree roots in here are severe and if you have a lot of roots in your yard the trencher is really the best way to get through those a couple quick questions answered here people ask you know how deep does your drain need to be well you can see the groundwater right there right so I mean you could go deeper but were you gonna discharge it to remember you either have a choice of gravity or you have a choice of a sump pump and you can see our sump basin over there with the extension cord sitting on the top they're gonna put the electrician is gonna come out and they'll have permanent power here but we leave an extension cord so those are your choices you know you can go as deep as you want but you've got to have discharge if you're going to try to do a gravity which would be you know out to the street here you can see that's really uphill so we needed to put a pump in how deep do you need to dig it all depends on your discharge so that's tip number one tip number two is I love these 6x6 catch basins they they're perfect they have the same size outlet as a 12 inch basin so regardless of how big the basin is it's the outlet that determines how fast the water flows freely so these are exactly the same size they're three and a half minutes we'll call it a four inch and you can easily extend this because they're round when you use a square catch basin and your lines deeper than you know whatever and you have to extend it you have a problem because there are insurance inserts available but they're very costly and other people even I've done it where we have no choice we have to extend that Basin we'll go ahead and buy two basins cut them off and slide one inside the other and of course that gives us the height that we need but very costly way to do it and these people wanted a nine by nine here so we put one here but the outlet is exactly the same as the round so you know that's just a couple of tips I really like these round basins I think they're the absolute best for the money and readily available at both Home Depot and Lowe's so you can see our discharge line we had to do a lot of excavation before we even trench just to find all the sprinkler and the water and of course that cable there's us all over the place but mostly we're exploring to find the water line because they do not mark the water line beyond the meter so kind of weird but that's what they do and a couple of tips you know when you do this make sure that you have tools available to shut off that water if needed because if you do hit that water line you're gonna have to make a repair and you can see that sump pump just kicked on you see that and that's just working great it's already collecting water the tip I wanted to tell you was if you're gonna do a discharge at the walk make sure that you don't have a low spot you see that water so you don't want this water to just pour out here onto the concrete so what we did we use the jetter to get under the walk that's why there's water here but make sure that you don't have a low spot otherwise that you pump in all that water it just comes right out here on the walk let's go ahead and put the discharge out here at the curb where it belongs so if you're going to use a sump pump make sure that your discharge even if you just have a gravity discharge and a pop up make sure that you don't have a low spot on the sidewalk you see that water sitting over there we tunneled this walk we use the jetter to get under there so there's you know that's just our water from that but you can see it goes nowhere much better too during that discharge out here to the curb so that that water doesn't flood the sidewalk and instead gets him to the curb and it's carried away to the storm drain where it belongs and this is perfectly acceptable almost everywhere granted it does freeze up north and you'll have to check with those municipalities but for the most part as long as that water doesn't impede or freeze you know on the walkway you're in good shape hey this is Chuck with Apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something I guarantee you can do it have a great day [Music] you know about a month ago we posted a video about the corona virus in Singapore and tried to show you guys a little bit of what's happening there and of course now here it is in our country how to stay safe just a reminder wash your hands and avoid those crowded places [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 967,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yard drain, french drain, how to install french drain, best french drain, apple drains, downspout drain, channel drain, sidewalk drain, sump pump, sump basin, how deep is french drain, how much fall do you need for a french drain, trencher, pipe, drain, drainage, backyard drain, backyard sump pump, wet yard solution, Easy Drain, NDS quick drain, NDS Catch Basin, Material for french drain, TEXAS, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, exterior, waterproofing, Foundation drain
Id: lWJ4bCisdww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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