HOW To BUILD a THANOS NUKE in Minecraft (Insane Craft)

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so dude you guys remember last episode right ah listen i got some good news man i got some bad news you guys remember like i said last episode look at my hearts right i can press this button here and i figured out that fandy can go into creative oh gosh the admins they told me that they want to have a conversation with me here in a minute i got to do something really quick yes say nothing say nothing say nothing nobody say nothing no let me take this oh god please nobody kill me put this there put this there while i have creative i'm gonna do something guys listen if you think creative is too op if you think creative is broken hit the like button down below the video i think we broke the server i'm in creative okay okay what i'm gonna do i wanna go to creative okay let's type in a applied energistics i can't believe i'm doing this um wait is there a creative energy cell yeah there's a creative energy cell for an me system say nothing all right i gotta hurry okay i gotta find everything before the admins get on grab some cables grab some op storage cells this is so bad guys if you think i'm too strong just hit the like button i broke minecraft now let's go ahead and set this up we got our creative energy cell our me drive and let's go ahead and put all these op drives in here and like you guys don't understand if i wanted to craft these energy cells it would take forever okay there we go there we go there we go okay let's do that and then that and there we go now we have a creative energy cell [Music] i can put everything in here okay let's just let's get some more energy cells shall we let's just fill this thing up with energy cells all right now we have infinite amount of storage now if we get out of creative break this all right just put everything in there yay and we have infinite energy all right let me fill this up act like nothing happened i'm getting a call with the admins all right you admins where are you at this is my server now you already know this what do you want from me oh your server is our server it's me wait where is everybody else what do you guys think power server it's not your server it's literally my server okay what do you guys want what do you guys want i'm from the sandy pool so we realized there's a little issue there's a little broken thing in my pack where the the infinity gauntlet can access creative mode and we're going to fix that we just want to make sure that you haven't used that yet you know you have and have you have you have not abused that right wait the infinity gauntlet can go to creative yeah we found that we didn't we didn't tell you we no it doesn't well you haven't been using it right no no no no no wait no i wouldn't do that i wouldn't no what are you doing where did you get the information from from my from my illuminati pet dude no i would never go to creative i was really lucky listen i would never ever i have never once gone to creative never i don't believe him he doesn't i don't know about you show us your eyes yeah that's a sound very honest i would never ever go to creative not once i'm not i wouldn't are you it okay listen listen listen wait you just did you die trying to kill me oh okay listen listen listen i admit i went to creative once but check this out check this out i will give you the goods that i took okay come in here come in here come in here look look look look you see the emeralds i took like two stacks of emeralds and two stacks of gold that's it no not all the emeralds oh you took all of them you probably didn't no i didn't i promise can i we have to make sure that you can't shoot anything in the meantime so we'll quickly kick you from the server fix it and then then you can come back okay we'll talk kind of like bribe though okay uh uh can i do one thing before you get me kick him [Music] so the admins want to challenge me okay okay so here's what i don't i mean i need a chest i need a chest i need some chest i need some chest i need some uh pipes yep there we go okay grab wait no i need the other pipes crap let me make those boys i need to set something up we are going to strike back strike back at those admins they will wish they never took creative mode from me even though you know i still got all this creative stuff i still got my armor don't say anything okay hold on let me get the pipes going uh ah crap uh pipe all right we got the pipe we got the retriever the chest okay let me go set this up all right this should be working so i have this uh getting all the items from these things dying the the uh witches whenever they die they drop gun powder right and i have gunpowder filtering into this chest all the books and stuff filtering into these chests right and all the experience so we're gonna sit here afk i am gonna get a ton of eye gun powder next thing i need to do while that's doing that let me go find some sand i need a butt load of sand perfect let me grab all this sand ah crap i forgot i have auto smelting let me get another shovel all right let's take these enchantments off okay i think what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get in a call with biffle my minion i'm gonna see if he wants to help me with this project we will get back at these admins all right before i fix my my my shovel i know you don't know what i'm doing i'm okay i'm coming hold on let me grab the number i'm crying i got information okay okay and i got it i got a task for you should you be dead barefoot i have bad news and good news oh i like both of those things okay okay listen listen listen so i i didn't tell you this but i was able as fandy to go into creative could you give me some armor can i get some of that armor i didn't get enough armor for my minions but the admins kicked me from the server and took that ability from me how could they biffle what is this this is sand i'm getting sand i am getting gun powder oh biffle go to the go to the menu go to the menu type in nuclear nuclear how do you spell that is that n-u-c-l-e-a-r nuclear tnt look at the crafting recipe tnt times tnt times 1 000. we need 4 000 tnt and we need uranium blocks we will nuke the admins do you accept the task i accept it i will nuke this entire server if i have to anything for you suddenly anything for you thank you i have information about the listen listen i want your information i had some at the meeting with the avengers but before that i might or might not know of someone that made a tnt farm just a small one in the beauty one so wait has a tnt form if you don't want to yoink that yeah okay okay i have a gunpowder farm okay where are we sneaking let's go sneak in to get tnt it's that sizzles it's under his base literally right under his face but i can go invisible i can go invisible look go vessel come on let's go okay okay let's go [Music] you're not invisible oh yeah i forgot they trust you yeah they trust me i did literally i just had a whole avengers meeting about like literally everything okay you know what they did they made a dragon farm for some reason to get a million xp or something they made a dragon farm they killed poor dragons oh no okay yeah yeah scissors basically okay i'm in i'm in yeah i see it you're so quick hold on all right go downstairs over here that's the owner pass me on there down here oh yeah apparently this is his fart yeah look at this place i think it's like some of these chests or something let me find it find the chest okay he's got a lot of emeralds redstone redstone emeralds wheat and redstone diamonds there's 19 000 diamonds oh look look look oh he's got sand he's making tnt that's got so much ged look at this oh my god you wake home we should probably store this in one of our house come over come over to my house i'm going to put it dude i have an emmy system i totally didn't cheat it in with uh with did you use did you stay in those powers to create an emmy i didn't go to creative i promise okay we got one more trip again we have six thousand that's enough wait you already have oh i'm staying at your house what the heck we only need four thousand right i'm gonna okay okay how many tnt times one thousands eight right can we can we can i just ask to use one of those i just want to use one yeah okay so we got the nukes now we just need uranium to make that we you need uranium rods to make that we need uranium dust which comes from ore underneath the ground we need to drink a lot more water so we get more uranium i don't care that's urine oh sorry i get this mixed up sometimes oh gosh all right bible we need to find uranium oh oh there's an octopus does that count oh yeah just pick it up pick it up and love it literally nothing in this entire cave can even touch us like what no absolutely not no we remember everything all right find uranium let me know when you find some biff we have a task to do yeah it's called blow up everything yeah this is a uranium ore well let's grab this oh how many of that give me 14. oh i need like 90. all right we got more is this gonna give you 14 again hey 27 okay i just need 90. need nine just keep looking i mean this stuff's spawning pretty good this is kind of everywhere all right that wasn't too bad okay so we should have 90 if i did my math correct right is that 90 i don't know let's just do that and do that do that there we go we got the rods all right 34 rods let's turn these into the blocks three 12 seconds later well i need a lot more give me a minute i'll be back once i get uranium this is boring eventually there we go how did i do it new killer we did it and now we have two nukes those admins will pay they want to take things from me and kick me from my own server that i own this is my server okay okay so i think jerome and henry want to fight me right then i'm gonna go nuke them let's do this all right you loser avengers what do you got against me today just today it's just me and jerome oh this is super losers wait why are you wearing his head what do you mean i'm i'm jerome what are you tweedledee and tweedledum what's going on here what do you guys want jerome jerome jerome he doesn't know you know what that's it i'm taking this chair hey that's my chair you get out of here wait we're taking this out of here okay okay okay well i just threw your chair out now now you don't have a chat okay what do you want wait remember last episode you burnt everything i had ever made correct my main weapon all of my armor and then i had to resort to being being like him like him correct okay what do you want what do you want we've gone ahead and made ourselves a new little weapon uh and you know that fancy cool army are those raffias yeah that negates armor yeah it does if you know anything about that goes through armor through your armor oh no oh no he's gaining health how true you have your slime pet and no it literally negates your slime pads how did it not even so you just like three shot jerome yeah no but no no but you don't you don't understand he still has like golden apples and a slime pad on him through my slime it kills you so quickly it goes through this oh no and you deserve this what do you mean i just love this jerome you can't use ender pearls can we you just can we and we're all i'm gonna say and we i will watch you i will let you live this time henry uh-huh well i'm gonna say in a few minutes enjoy the show i show wait what and i don't like this enjoy this show why was it so difficult to get a set enjoy the show and jerome i'm kind of scared yeah get out of here all right before i have two nukes what the hell are you gonna say we're like psychopaths okay well we should probably go visit which probably go invisible do you think we can tank these wait i mean we can go invisible all right i don't i i have no idea i actually have zero ideas i'm invisible okay i'm invisible too okay okay so we're gonna go over to the admins house okay these jerks they wanna take stuff from me do they not know who we are bible do they not know who we are so here's their house this is their house this is the admins house right this new i'm gonna put it right there listen i might i uh just in case i'm i'm shielding you up all right bill do you think we can take it okay here we go these days i'm gonna be revenge wait i'm invisible crap i can't see revenge on the admins part one let him heaven sunday oh how long is the fuse for sunday i don't know but i'm gonna tank it i'm gonna tank exploded did it explode you're just infinitely eating an apple you're not moving you're just kind of staring at me we've got to prank the server we might have destroyed the entire planet sunny i'm going to say hello yup i just said hello and it didn't go through i'm terrified to let go of my shield ability i'm not gonna lie oh no oh god oh no oh my god oh no oh no little green suffer from radiation i have my but my fingers tingle strangely as you handle what is my fingers tingling piffle i have like two frames i have two frames i have less than that i have 1.5 frames oh no right next to me oh no before did we i didn't know this was going to be this big i didn't think it was going to be this oh my god look at the map dude i can't i can't see anything i have like zero frames i can't i think i'm taking damage i'm not sure but dude you tanked it i tanked it we both take it we're invincible nothing can stop us not even a nuclear bomb okay i need to figure out how to make this lag stop before oh oh what did we do too much radiation everywhere oh i'm lagging oh i'm lagging i'm lagging i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm leaving beautiful i'm leaving there's radiation on sichal's house [Laughter] there's radiation everywhere oh my god i'm going to my house i'm going to my house like nothing happened like nothing happened i gotta go okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh no look it's a crater on the map is that on the map i don't know oh no i somehow got a black hole tank did i steal that from the admit what happened to my paintings all right oh the black whole tank i just got 8 000 experience hold on what happened to my what happened to my thingy oh man all right hold on let me put this bag up yeah i think i put those back up wrong dang it hold on let me fix this wait why did sigils just say die fib benos what is the nose hey i fixed my map yay and i got a black hole thingy with experience hey dab you know what i'm saying 10 seconds later um why did my game crash hello so you know the surfer crashed right guys what happened to my there's henry's house wait is that henwy that's biffle it was one of them wait there's another hole back here is that my other house wait hold on hey hey hey who is responsible for this catastrophe [Music] no you know what it was schedules disturbed sandy pool this is the united confederation of defending this server no this is not my house andrew no this was just this was this is oh [Music] a spider in i'm terrified you know what i'm just gonna hug this nuke what are you doing oh oh oh it's gone off it's gone off it's gone oh it's definitely it's happened it's happened it's happened what have you done to this poor server yeah ian what have you done yeah you shot back at me don't even you're the one who started no no i shot at the admins they deserved it they took away my creative mode they totally sounded like a very reasonable thing to do yeah i have radiation i have radiation radiation oh yeah let's go guys boys it's look at the map it's just everything's just wrong everything's just oh yeah something for the head are you snapping are you oh god did i snap oh god no i'm going for an accident did i snap you literally just snapped away oh my gosh i can't even see my house dude oh sigils oh no she might want to be what did you do sigils what what did you learn nothing i'm lagging i didn't learn i can't even oh no there are diamonds all over the ground no you blew my storage oh my goodness this is this is bad this is just bad okay and this means war this means war am inevitable guys if you have enjoyed hit the like button down below hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video last next video oh no um well let's see where this goes
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,074,819
Rating: 4.9534574 out of 5
Id: utomPeM7QW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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