NUKE Imposter KILLSTREAK in Among Us

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all right boys this video is gonna be the ball [Applause] i don't get boxed don't get boxed up dudes welcome back to among us we have a nuke literally you will not miss it just wait for it as always do me a favor hit the like button down below if you turn the like button below you'll win the like button what just hit the like button if you're enjoying these among us mods thrown away and also guys hit the subscribe button around here so i can have friends i need more friends so hit the subscribe buttons and you and me can dab together you know what i mean i have reason to suspect koran and i don't know why do you have any reasons i have i've reason to suspect oh wait where is it where is it where is it where [Music] where's the radiation don't walk into the radiation henry if i'm green i'm like the radiation oh there's the radiation no it's there it's there wait for walking can we don't get closer don't get closer proof it's not you never stopped why do you think it's me this is getting intense please don't please don't box this please don't box this please don't boxes please don't box us please unbox this it's low it's low it's lower i saw you shoot the canister at me loaf the freaking radiation dude all right no more oxygen okay that's cheating you cheated that was way away yeah cheaters that was so you're you're a cheater you're a cheater okay so i'm gonna try guys stick around i'm gonna try to get two or three rounds as the imposter hopefully at the end of this video i don't know we're usually here for like eight hours recording these videos so you know we get stuff done [Music] yes us amber lights were off how did you see that [Applause] okay go go go go go go go we vote amp around i just want everyone to know that i survived a nuke blast and sigil's glorious abduct wait you survived it are you a cockroach he put his body in front of me and he did his abs house um it's an electrical oh look at that coming down my dad am i dead am i dead i didn't die i died [Music] and i don't say that often all right boys we got the nuke this thing is going to be insane okay and i want to try again this is my first round i want to try another round as the imposter but this time with two imposters i want to see if that'll work we'll stick around after this round okay let's pull the gun out and put it away there we go okay listen listen listen listen i have a theory i have a theory uh okay but i can't see i can't see so i can't talk about it i can't yeah i can't i can't talk about it literally can't talk about it okay all right getting lights getting lights [Music] oh i think it's only whenever it drops this is just kind of like a mushroom cloud all right so i won't okay we were doing lights and i said yeah you're telling me dude where oh some wait correctly go down when you reported the body did you see the other body no i i actually think karan might have been stabbed that's what i was saying so whenever whenever the the screen lights up white maybe he got stabbed then oh no so i was so he's like he's like near the radiation but not in it you know i mean like he's pretty close right so i'm with i'm with ambrew so it couldn't be me amber i think zod i was with loaf as well so it can't be me hello you get your name out of my mouth gary what does that mean wait what he's guilty i saw him not even he was faking a task was a download it was downloaded by guns well maybe he has slow internet maybe he has slow internet like he's going over here he boxed us scary boxes scary boxers scary boxers hi hey oh the lights are going down again gary okay don't worry we can i can hey hey i have a question i have an answer do you think that there's a possibility if you step in the room this body was in the upper left uh so that was a kill that was a sword kill so it couldn't again again me okay spoilers spoiler ladies okay so it's not me zod or amber because we were with each other after that first one where karen was stabbed i was with you just now i have two you gotta ten minutes and it's exactly the same because gary was suss and pitfall now gary is dead well if i could kill him that is true you guys know what the wiki says you know what the wiki says if there's seven seven left on your laundry detergent what yeah he speaks for all of us on that one yeah so just use some drift you know what ian if you can tell me what dress is i will go buy it it is laundry detergent no it's not yes it is isn't it no what is it no never heard of drift it's launcher detergent for babies i hope i'm right am i right i don't really know are you guys doing that you guys doing some interviews i didn't find them anomaly i had to find the monopoly oh hey you didn't you didn't ian listen ian and now i boxed you what no no no no okay and there's all the radiation okay oh no i just saw that oh no this is real bad oh wait no wait wait biffle sigils and ambrew died me and loaf can clear each other and you guys can clear each other so somebody's clearing this gun no no no no no no no you are the only one weak wait how can how henry how can you clear yourself and i were together on the phone together we were together was the first one zod i don't i don't know i don't know if i trust henry dude but but here's no no no no no one kill four i love if we decide stick together as we win so i'd skip skip focus on skip votes vote zad vote zod zod skip vote skip vote i said skip yes we win right it has to be no zod is clear no loaf is clear no it's not then we lose is wait did that get him no i didn't get them [Music] okay oh no they got through dude that is so fun that nuke is opie i love it said it let it forget it dab on your dad with guys it says i'm a nuke imposter yeah what's a nuke imposter mean does anybody know we got two nukes do they stack i don't know okay you shoot yours that way i'll shoot mine this way okay all right shoot use that one wait it won't oh no are we good are we good oh we did it oh it was right there oh god oh god oh dying i went what no i win oh no he didn't move hey we just killed him wait how did both died dang it i don't know if we can put two nukes down at the same time that'd be broken it wasn't me he just died okay did we get one of the imposters out did we get one of them out [Music] here we got one wheeze out of here all right boys we got one of them out get out get out ease easy clap easy clap okay sizzle center schedules keep hold on why is it boxed like a fish can it be like unboxing a hot dog oh no oh no i wouldn't touch it [Music] just just come over here i want to see if we shoot the nuka oh i'm going to shoot my noob what if we shoot it at the exact same time i don't know i think it literally only drops one no no like at the exact same time we press it at the exact same time that would be white my new came off cooldown instantly okay that was a lot of new kids the very most important information that i have is that when the nuke went off when the screen was all completely filled it can't see anything i card got it first tried second information not as important i i heard two nukes so i think that was two different i think that's there's wait so henry wasn't a killer no that's a good call that's a good no no no gary gary was safe i saw gary run onto the grenade and he's like i'm gonna touch it then he ran away that's true we do have to vote here if there are two left joking i voted for gary right i don't know why why me oh no he wasn't paying attention because i forgot there were two i forgot all right do we lose did we just automatically lose because there's two left she's got to work together work together yeah work yeah okay work together work together work out together let's all work out work together okay okay everybody follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me oh i get i like it no over here over here over here all right okay okay ready ready ready in three two one shoot oh um [Music] i know [Laughter] oh i tried to shoot the nuke at the exact same time so we could have two nukes going it didn't work though guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed hit the subscribe button for new rounds you click this next video to watch the next video and uh be sure to nuke the dab button what
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,085,842
Rating: 4.9423265 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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