How to Build a PVC Window Trim on the Exterior of the House

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okay the last step in the window installation is the window trim so this is the finished product and now we are going to make it alright so let's take a look at the materials that we'll be using for the trim and basically what I decided to use is a PVC trim now I like the PVC trim for a lot of different reasons number one not like wood it doesn't deteriorate it doesn't chip it doesn't crack it doesn't rot it's not susceptible to carbon they're ants or termites it doesn't fade if you try to paint it all you have to do is power wash it now it's way more money but in the long run it's a lot better so the two different ones that we'll be using is a three and a half inch and a five and a half inch the five and a half inches for the header and three and a half is for the sides and for the apron I decided to go with the one inch thickness they come in two different sizes or maybe a couple more but they have a one inch and then they have this one which is the 3/4 I originally was going to do the 3/4 but I like the 1 inch thickness I'll get a better reveal after the siding is installed all right so that's the materials list now what we need to do is measure the window I also forgot to mention about the crown now this isn't your typical crown this is brick molding but I decided to use this one because looks like a crown but then also it's not too wide which is what I like so when I put it on the 5 and a half you know I still get the shadow depth but I still get a nice header as well so I'll show you how to assemble that so let's go measure the window now re so I know my windows are 36 by 42 but that's not the actual so let's go ahead and measure width and length so here this is actually 35 and a half and this is 41 and a half now what I like to do is go 1/16 larger so we're gonna say 41 and 9/16 and 35 and 9/16 okay let's draw the window so we know the length is 41 and a half the width is 35 and a half now we want to add 1/16 to both sides so this is going to be 41 and 9/16 thirty-five 9/16 now the first cut is going to be the apron and that's three and a half inch board so that is first cut 35 and 9/16 now the next piece of trim it's going to be the sides they're going to be like this so that's 41 and 9/16 but we have to count for the three and a half inch on each side so that is going to be 45 1/16 so second and third cut equal 45 1/16 now the header what I like to do is the five and a half inch header now what I like to do is account for two inch overhang on each side so now we have 35 and 9/16 plus three and a half and three and a half so that's seven plus two and two so that's four all right so now that leaves us with 46 and 9/16 for the header so fourth cut on the five and a half is 46 9/16 so these are cuts now let's go cut them [Music] [Music] so this is remember how the window was going to go now what I'd like to do is I'd like to join them on this side don't ask me why it's the way I've been doing it so that's the way I'm going to do it so I'm gonna join it here I'm gonna join them here with pocket screws all right so what I've got is the Kreg jig analysis this is one inch thickness make sure that you adjust it to one inch which is there then I'm not gonna really get into it but this you have to adjust and I'll just show you make sure that's one inch which it is then you can make your pocket holes I like to secure it on this side then move it over the same thing on this side all right now you'll notice I have the stickers facing on this side and really just want the bad sides where you're going to be joining them together then what you do is color should have set this up before okay your bit and your bit comes with the Kreg jig get your clamp make sure then it's tight that looks good now for one-inch thick materials you use one and a half inch screws now you don't just want to dry them in you just slowly want to burst them in and that's tight right there and that's tight there now just do the same thing on this side that is perfect [Applause] again don't just drive a man just take your time and purse them in alright now we got to do the header now let's see if my math was right 42 42 and 9/16 plus 4 we want to do 46 and 9/16 laughs so now we'll get our 5 and a half piece maybe this one [Music] awesome so to say six I've been cutting so many things I sometimes forget so I just want to confirm it's gonna be 46 and 9/16 that is right now this one doesn't have to be as perfect if it's all 5/16 that's okay and so if I succeed but let's just fix it and that's on the money I'm just trying to see which is the side I'd like the least I don't know why it GoPro shut off automatically but basically now what you want to do the way I do it is do my two inches which is right there and then I mark it this is going to be approximate then I make sure that this is my two inches and it is so now what I'm doing is I'm marking where I'm gonna do my pocket holes so I'm gonna do my pocket holes in this area Nasus this is a wider piece I'd like to do three holes so we'll do three holes on this one all right oh so I have my one inch block here it's easier this way everything is level so the first thing I do is [Music] here [Music] make my second one here third one just right in the middle let's move it a little bit in the same thing on this side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I've got my holes now so what I like to do is line up the first one then you see the gap that's okay the pocket screws are gonna close that nice and tight I'd like to do one in person in the middle so you see how that got closed in now I like to do is when I do the second one don't use the lines as a reference because that wasn't perfect what you want to do is make sure that that is the same distance at the bottom so here is we're gonna say 35 and 9/16 now we want this to be 35 right there that's we want to be you see the lines are really off and that's actually way to off just want to see what time that's really off yeah what is what it is done right get off right there [Music] that was a tough one [Music] yo what the okay now off 35 and 16 well underneath 35 and 9/16 in the middle should also be the same 35 9/16 35 and 9/16 now this is done now we need to do is so what I like to do is make the first cut [Applause] that is the way I do it I like to mark it so that's my first one now my second cut it's good to be right here now what I've done is made little templates it's just a lot easier when on the lighter ring so now this cut I already made my template I'm going to line it up against the fence I'm gonna say there that's gonna be my second 45 [Music] so now let's see and that is tight right there I'm gonna take a little off this side I'd rather take a little off instead of having it too short let's see now that's good that's good now I've got this piece now I need to make my returns um again I've made my two templates my right and my left so the way the return is gonna work is it's gonna sit on this side like that and then the left we're gonna sit on this side like that so now the way I like to do it is it's a little counterintuitive but when you're making your right one you have to make a left cut and then vice versa so what I like to do is start with my 45 first right there [Applause] and then using my templates lining it up make sure it's up against the fence so now this is where I'm gonna make my straight cut now let's see how that looks that is looking nice so I think this one here so now I gotta make my left cut so now this one's on here that one is straight so now I line that up do my 45 bring it here I like that [Applause] okay now let's join these pieces now what we'll need is wipes just to clean the glue this glue this is cellular PVC cements this is different than PVC cement you use for your plumbing your drain waste and vents this one is specifically made for this PVC trim and then what I do is a doubling up is I use rapid fuse 30 seconds so now I have a little bit of a advantage because it's cold outside it's about 40 degrees outside so that means the glue isn't running all over the place it's a little bit more viscous so what I like to do is put it in the middle don't go crazy just put it in the middle because when you joined the miters it's gonna spread and it'll spread and then I do the rapid fuse decides to come out on the perimeter all right let's do this and that's why I have this wipe to wipe off the excess okay so now it doesn't bond instantly you have a little bit of time but don't squeeze it right away just slowly work in the miter there every once in a while I just start cleaning off some excess and slowly start pushing it tight there we go that's looking good right there then just hold it okay well that's pretty good see it's not coming off anywhere now I do the exact same thing on the other side does this this okay now I have my returns on both sides now the last thing to do is join the crown that is a very very nice tight fit all right so now what I do to join these together is from the back side get your clamps now what I use I like these when I'm joining this exterior screws one a 5/8 star heads and they actually recess and they tap all the way in so you just do it from the bottom I like to do four just like the pocket screws don't just jam them in just slowly here okey-dokey now see if it fits all right there we go Ness I do your trend so this is it the final window and what it looks like after installation and after the siding is up came out really good the one thing that really bothers me and I'll fix that in the springtime are old holes you could see for the screws and that's everywhere and the reason because of that is now where you're supposed to use are these cortex screws the way they work is it the bit does the automatic recess for you you put in two screw and then it comes with the plugs and everything it looks great then it actually works now the reason why that I work for mine is these are tooling screws and remember the material list that I was showing is this is one-inch PVC and then I have a half-inch insulation and then it's the half-inch sheathing so the screw just wasn't long enough to penetrate the 1-inch and the insulation and make it to the sheathing so it didn't actually create the recess so what I ended up doing was I have my own bit i recessed it myself and just put in some deck mate screws now it's a lot wider than the plugs that this comes with so like I said in April I'm gonna have to probably pull out all the screws and just figure it out just to make it look nice but yeah that's the only thing that's bothering me about the window frame everything else looks great the j-channel came around on every single angle I think it looks nice [Music] yeah so that's it [Music]
Channel: Michael Abelaj
Views: 10,629
Rating: 4.6326532 out of 5
Id: tbHFigMmbPg
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Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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