Not Your Average Car Salesman-Frank Crinite

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welcome to the success ascent my name is pat mancuso i'm the creator and host of our show on today's episode we interview an incredible talent his name is frank crenitti now frank is not your average car salesman not only is he not average he's one of the top car sales people in the nation the average person in the automobile industry sells about six to eight cars a month frank sells over a hundred cars a month with his record month right now at 173. ladies and gentlemen i know you're going to enjoy the episode so on to the ascent good afternoon facebook friends youtube friends friends from all over the world this is pat mancuso the creator of the success ascent and we are live today for a podcast interview and i am very excited about the guests that we are bringing on today and uh first i'm gonna uh share with you if it's your first time with the success ascent uh i created this podcast in the show to help entrepreneurs small to medium-sized business owners to uh walk with us on the journey of success the ascent means is that it's always up and yet there's always some setbacks along the way and today is our first go live if you made podcast so we've been doing the traditional way of podcasting and uh gentlemen that's a mutual friend of frank's and mine uh ken walls encouraged me to go live and so i am going live from now on with our podcast so frank welcome to the show hey pat so i'm glad to be here man sorry i was running a minute late here but i love it man this is awesome i'm so blessed and honored to be on here and uh thankful i'm glad i'm glad that you're here so let me do a a short introduction for those of you that may not know frank and i'm not sure who may not know him because in my research oh my goodness so first of all frank has been in the auto business i believe for about 18 to 19 years he works in uh springfield pa at a dealership uh piazza honda of springfield i love that name and uh frank has mastered and i i know master does a strong word you guys but he has mastered uh this this process of uh helping people uh take on a new vehicle and so i want to just give you some numbers and frank you'll have to correct me on this if i'm not exactly right the average the average car auto salesman sells about three to six maybe seven cars a month if they're a top salesman they might sell 15 to 20 and if they're super tops maybe 30 like maybe 30 and they're just like you know the the super top and yet you traditionally are selling a hundred plus cars per month and you've been doing that for 18 years and so frank what i'm excited about is hearing about that because as an entrepreneur and i consider you to be an entrepreneur you're doing something special to be able to do that type of business and and i'd love to have you share that with our listeners so tell tell us frank who you are that i left out and and let's just get to know frank a little bit no i've been doing this it'll be uh 21 years this march and uh it's a i'm inspired every single day um because i don't sell cars i solve problems for people um i'm in the hospitality business i am not in the car business a lot of sales people don't understand this right so you know if i walked into the nicest hotel in the world doesn't matter what it is the grand floridian the rich whatever and that concierge made me sit and wait for four hours to get my room like i don't care how nice it is or how great the people there were i'm never coming back to that hotel ever again for the most part right i mean i might if i have to but i'm probably not going to have a bad taste in my mouth they didn't make me feel like i was important to them right so to me i try to get everybody through the process as as efficiently as possible and i'm all about hospitality it's you know i i've taken the word no out of my repertoire and replaced it with no problem and that has changed the game uh for me immensely nobody wants to come in to spend money and being told no so can it always go that way not always but every chance i get it's no problem okay because we're going to figure out an option for you so i love that that's that's the first nugget is instead of no it's no problem so frank how did you get into the the uh automobile industry seen an ad in the paper my dad said go get a job or get out of the house and uh no it was um uh i was i was working for a company called green mountain energy green mountain energy was a uh a company that uh when the electric companies deregulated that uh you know you could you know switch your your friends or your neighbor everybody had to switch their electric company you know you had to do you had to give a certain portion to a different company rather than uh just the one electric company so i started there and uh just wasn't really what i wanted to do it just didn't feel right even though i was really really good at it i only had two people uh the entire time i was doing it actually tell me uh tell me no so uh it worked out really well financially but it just didn't feel right it wasn't what i wanted to do and uh you know like that so why don't you go sell cars you like cars you know you have a have a honda at a honda prelude time i'm like yeah you know i went look found an ad in the paper called up and i'm like i got bob my buddy bob burns who's uh he retired a few years ago but i said i said hey looking for a job why are you coming for an interview today i'm like ah i was gonna go golfing uh later this afternoon because you know what buddy this job's probably not for you don't don't even bother and hung up on me i'm like what like that just happened and uh so i called right back i'm like listen i said you might have misconstrued what i was saying i was basically saying i could put my goth off and i'll be there at two o'clock he's like all right great come on in two o'clock that was a friday afternoon and uh i started i started the next day saturday and um my first full month in the car business i sold 18 cars and i've never lost a month uh yet at my dealership and as far as i can remember my organization we have about 30 dealerships uh right now so doing pretty well good for you congratulations on that so you know i've i've been in real estate for a long time that's kind of my background where i started and coaching and consulting in in you know the auto industry and we we probably rank there in popularity right as far as you know where do they rank on the top of sales people and how people uh you know appeal if you may so what are you doing i know you talked touchdown a little bit what are you doing different in that experience and how are you doing it i mean i've watched some of your videos and and you got people coming in and you're spending quality time with them and and so how are you doing that like what are you doing different and where did you pick up the the strategies around that well they're always evolving and they're always growing because if you're just set and hey this is the way i do things well it was like the same thing like covet hit for our business same thing like your business and you know when things like shut down and then open back up like everybody was trying to figure out what are they doing like how do we do this well i've already been being upfront transparent giving people numbers up front um you know offering at home deliveries or giving all your paperwork up front we'll have everything ready for you so you're not in the dealership for a long time so my strategy has always been to speed up the process um be transparent by giving everybody all the information up front pricing payment trade-in um whatever it is you have a question if i can't give you the answer i don't deserve to be in the position i am as a sales professional right and if i can't give you the answer i'm just trying to evade the question for some reason right and so why would i want to come in and spend my time give somebody my credit information tell them all my personal life story and sit in the dealership for hours if they can't give me the answers that i'm looking for because they're scared that sales person in that dealership's scared that they're going to take your numbers and go somewhere else well that's your own fear that's not my fear my fear is that i i don't give you enough information and you don't feel comfortable coming in and doing actual business with me so you know my whole thing is just give everybody all the information up front like just think about it if you logged onto amazon right to buy whatever right you you log on to buy a to buy a mouse okay and it says hey you know the mouse could be anywhere from uh 13.99 to 39.99 we'll tell you once the package arrives how much you actually have to pay for it are you going to click buy now on that mouse no you're not going to do that right you so it the car business is like one of these like old school you have to do it this way force through a process i don't ever want to force anybody through a buying process this is their process they get to dictate to me how they want to do it not how i'm going to force you through to make it do it our way and uh it's been a revelation for people for the fact that sometimes they don't even want a honda but they don't want to go anywhere else and put up with you know what they know they're going to have to deal with um buying a car somewhere i'll say just come get a car for me it works out great well honda is a great car i mean lots of our car and is that where you've been the whole your whole career 21 years at the same dealership with the same people same ownership i got phenomenal owners they support me phenomenal management staff i mean um you know i i couldn't ask for a better uh a better scenario than what i have right now so you know i'm very blessed i know that to be able to run my own business inside of business people like frank why do you buy your own cardio or something like well you know i don't want to part with you know 14 million dollars is to put my name on the building right and then have to deal with inventory managers employees insurance is i get to run my own business inside my business the piazza supply me with all the inventory supply me with uh you know with all the employees it'd be like you know pat going out and buying all these houses just to sell them right no that's not how a real estate agent works or real don't you love technology at the at the height of the technology there you go there you go and listen if it's not what happens to you it's how you react to it right absolutely right right so so you were saying you were you left off with you know why would i own my dealership i'm running a business inside of a business and and that's that's a great mindset right and and you know i'm i'm guessing if i know anything about the auto industry i've got a few friends that own some dealerships you're probably the longest tenured person there outside of the person who owns the dealership pretty close well i mean some of my management has been here my general manager ray mancini has been here uh i think close to 30 years now my general sales manager just retired he was here since 1986 you know so i mean this place is uh yes we are hustle bustle this is a legit dealership but we treat it more like you know a family atmosphere which is great so you get the best of both worlds you know you get the the advantage to having you know five 600 cars on the lot between new and used and you get the same down to earth family atmosphere that people really respect uh and love about this dealership you know so um i i've been head hunted many of many of times to other dealerships and it's just like there's no reason for me to ever want to go or be anywhere else right i mean i have it really good here and uh and my customer base is here and i get to run my own show basically it works out works out phenomenal so so let's talk about like the the operations in a normal day i mean some of the videos that i watched before uh we came together today i mean you're you're there's such a strong relationship there before they you know as they walk into the dealership so how are you cultivating that how are you you know kind of cultivating that in that process like what are you doing with your database with your past clients so that they walk in and it's like your brother's walking into the dealership i humanize myself every day on social media like you see everything i do so all my clients are my friends for the most part on facebook instagram linkedin we stay connected right so at some point i've become hey the guy that sold me a car and we took a picture with right to hey there's the guy frank with his three kids out doing you know at the zoo today out at uh you know kalahari out of wherever at there's frank eagles fan you know what i mean down in the down in the tunnel there's you know there's frank you know doing his charity stuff here's frank on here you know giving out as much knowledge as i can to try to you know get somebody inspired or level somebody up to you know be able to to do great things like you know and you humanize yourself to your customer base too many sales people whether it's real estate agents whether it's you know car sales people whether you're selling uh uh you know mlm whatever it is it doesn't matter like that's all they do all day is shove that in your face show that in your face you know hey buy from me or hey you know look at me i'm celebrating you know another sale no your celebration has to be about the client has to be about the customer and then unless you need to tell a story and show people who you actually are like who would you want to buy something from doesn't matter if it's a car a tv a house right you don't necessarily want to buy from a realtor you don't necessarily want to buy from a car salesman you want to buy somebody you feels like you're your friend because they are and and that's the secret to social media that like everybody doesn't get like you have to be social media right meaning you have to be social you have to people like well i'm a very private person but i want to have this business on social media it doesn't work that way right i mean obviously you got to keep some things private right you know this isn't an open book right we don't put everything out on social media most of the stuff is is the good stuff but that's okay right there's enough bed stuff out in the world if you want to turn on whatever news channel that it is right so put all the good stuff out put all the good vibes the good quotes the stuff you're doing in the community um you know the stuff you're doing with your family uh just humanize yourself to people that's that's really all it is well and you did that i watched a video and it was kind of funny because i'm out of the twin cities minnesota we had a snowstorm last night this morning and i watched one of your videos where there was a snowstorm that morning and you've got eggs and bread and milk and you're telling them to come to the dealership to pick up their eggs and milk and bread instead of going to the grocery store and i just thought that what what a great idea right i mean just hook everybody up right i mean you take care of your clients it might seem goofy but legit i don't i mean i don't get it like i don't i don't eat white bread really that much unless it's on a turkey sandwich the day after thanksgiving right with some tomatoes and mayo but yeah the milk i don't know i guess my kids eat cereal every once in a while and you know but everybody every time i walk in a hackathon there's there's no bread there's no milk and you know there's no eggs anywhere so i'll just go out and buy everybody bread milk and eggs and people they love it when they come in they're like man let's just go see frank let's get a car today let's go get a picture like let's go have fun buying a car right we're buying a house like you know we don't realize sometimes yes this is our job but this is that client's moment right i know they might not seem like uh you know this is the fun thing to do it is it's celebration celebrated have fun with it enjoy it embrace it like this doesn't come around all the time and if you make it feel like that because that's the way it is then they don't mind buying a car if you make it a bang your head against the wall gotta sit at the dealership for hours wait for this wait for that you know uh we're going to go to lunch we'll come back you know we're ready for you like why would you want to do it it would be like going to the dentist to get a tooth pull why would you want to do it like you don't right so we make it a fun process make it very easy for everybody so what's one thing in the in the the the system if you make because it's clearly a system i mean you don't sell that many cars and help that many people in a day without having some type of system so what would you share are are some things that you've learned from a system standpoint whether it's insurance agents real estate agents you know you anybody in sales what what have you learned i partner with every single one of them right so you need reciprocal business to grow to more than average levels um when i say average i mean i think average is around 30 cars a lot of salesmen out there that think they're they're doing great they're selling 30 cars a month and that that's awesome like you mean maybe that's just your your level of success right and i call it leveling up and then leveling out right at some point you just level out because you don't know where else to get your customer flow from so in businesses like you know real estate or business you know uh like an insurance agency the the number one thing that's important to a business is cash flow having that cash flow come in right so you can spend it put it out there put money on the banks pay employees payroll stuff for a sales person the most important thing is customer flow you need flows of customers coming from all different angles not just your own self-generated business people say all the time oh you probably just work off of all your own customer base at this point well if i did then eventually i level up and i level out meaning that like my some of my customer base dies off some of my customer base you know they don't want a honda anymore they want to spend double and go get an audi or you know whatever it is so you need to constantly be regenerating that customer base so where do you do that well i partner with real estate agents i partner with insurance agents i partner with local pizza shops i have reciprocal business that comes in from all these sources because i also send out business right i use my my my power in the community my influence to send business to people that do business the same way that i do i know they have the clients best interest is first that's number one right i'll never send anybody just to send somebody somewhere i have to know that you you truly care about your clients or i'm not going to put my name on it so um reciprocal business is one of the biggest ways that you're going to be able to grow your business yeah and and that's it you know that's a great point frank where you're you're really surrounding yourself with people who do business the same way that you do so um i think i already know the answer however is there anything that you would share about asking for referrals from people i mean one of the things i noticed on your social media is you're not posting the okay sold another car and there's a picture of that i mean that might be on occasion but you're you're really posting stuff of value and impacting people so what what are you doing to get referrals other than that is there anything else any little thoughts or strategies first of all you have to earn the right to ask for a referral so just because you sold something doesn't mean you've earned the right to ask that customer that client for a referral right you have to actually give them the service like red carpet service like we literally have i turned it into a blue carpet but i'd literally have a red carpet outside do we give world-class customer service and hospitality to all of our clients once you do that and once you get them through the process you celebrate it um and i ask every single client uh after you know before kovid shake their hand they'll come right in the eye and say you know did i do a good job for you and you know overwhelmingly you know everybody's like man i actually can't even believe that i bought a car like this has never happened this fast you know sometimes i can't even get a pizza at the local pizza shop on a friday night this festival we just got you answered all our questions and got us through the process and didn't waste our time and we appreciate that you know and i did that by being transparent and and being straight up with somebody not beating around in the bush and you know not giving them the information they need to be able to make an educated decision so um at that point i earned the right to ask for a referral now we have plenty of stuff that we teach in a lot of our sales classes with uh how you ask for a referral and how you get referrals and how you get that person to actually introduce you to all their family and their friends there's a lot of ways to do it that would take us you know way more than longer than we're going to be on this uh on this podcast for but you have to earn the right to ask for a sip for a referral so so let's talk about your past clients if you made that database of people and you've sold uh over 13 000 vehicles since you got in more now i think we're about 16 000 i got to update my social media 16 000 vehicles so you have a database a lot of people why and i watched it again in doing the prep i i've read you get up about 5 30 and you know you go through your routine and then you're you're touching base on social media and different vehicles whether it's tax how do you keep track of it all uh there's this really unbelievable software that i have like mind-blowing software i can't believe how much that it actually keeps me organized it's uh it's called a uh a pen and a notebook and i write down absolutely everything so anybody text me calls me emails me instant message i just write it down boom boom boom boom boom boom and i just go through during the course of the day i know i have to get back somebody cross it off cross it off i gotta get back to him again i'll just put it on the next page so it carries over it's so simple right like there's all these apps and all these things that are supposed to make your life so much easier but the problem is you got to put so much information into them and then tell that app to remind you at a certain time and like right like today our podcast like i you know you sent me the reminder great sort by calendar i never look at my calendar i wrote down thursday 3 p.m boom i had a you know jump on the podcast here with you and that's the way we do it so it's it's it's simplicity especially at these levels you need to keep everything very simple well and i knew that it was the yellow pad and that's why i wanted to pull it out because you talk about that and i just i just love that so frank we always talk on on the show about um setbacks and challenges what's one challenge or one ceiling maybe that you hit that you had to break through and how did you do that uh 50 cars was a real challenge for me so um at 50 cars a month my desk looked like a bomb uh hit it there was papers all over the place my general manager was very organized person used to come over to me and he would just shake shake his head like you know like i'd be like it's organized i know where everything's at it's my own system it'd be like okay i don't think so but okay you know he would be on me about stuff like that and i would kind of just brush it off at some point i had to get organized right so getting organized helped me get a little bit past that level um stopped making excuses for myself and reading my own press clippings meaning like all the bank reps that were coming in honda itself tell me how great i was doing some of my sales managers my friends um just people around me saying that a boy and actually listening and believing that hype that i was actually doing good where deep down inside i knew there was another level i just had to unlock it and had to figure out my own way to get to it because at that point there was no sales trainers out there teaching how to sell more than 30 cars 30 cars like the the pinnacle like how to sell 30 cars like if we got you to 30 cars boom you're a rock star you're making you know x number of dollars they're they're the hitters they're the people that you leave alone in the dealership well um once i stopped believing my own press clippings and actually came up with a marketing plan for myself to get out in the community start using social media when facebook was towards the beginning stages um start actually asking for referrals after i earned them start going into businesses reciprocal business explaining them who i do i am if they didn't already know who i was doing where to mount the community actually introducing myself going to community events and showing up and caring not going there to sell a car like people go how do i sell a car when i go to uh this charity event you're like you don't that's like saying hey i'm gonna go my cousin's wedding and i'll probably sell six cars well you don't go to your cousin's wedding to sell anything you go to your cousin's wedding to celebrate you know him him getting married or her getting married right you go there to socialize and have fun right whatever it is that you do you know dance drink have fun whatever it is a wedding you do now the end result of that could be yeah you meet some people and and you do some business but you can't go in with it with the intent of hey i'm going to this charity event i'm going to this uh this community event to actually sell something so you actually have to care about the things that you show up for the things that that you support that helped me immensely to start growing you know myself and my own emotional intelligence and then also in my in my sales career so what's the best biggest car sales month you've ever had what's the number uh 153 it's too low not enough i love it i left my i let myself down that month that should have been a 175 to 180 months so um and and that's really my mindset like people are this guy but no no that's that's that's the truth like that that's really what it should have been i slacked off for a couple days you know and uh it it it won't happen again let's put it that way and you're not working seven days a week i mean this isn't like you know is a week doing this you you have about well um uh right now i'm back to about almost five days a week because i'm i'm uh i'm changing my business model a little bit here about how we do things i recently hired uh my first i call her my teammates not my assistants he's my teammate she's on frank's you know we're we're team customer that's that's that's all it is we're taking care of frank's fans and frank's customers right that who's next is all about who can we help next who can we serve next who we who are we next in line to make sure it's getting getting taken care of properly right so um uh she's with me five days a week so right now we're doing five days a week my goal is to scale this back to about four days within the year and then even maybe even more and increase the productivity of what i'm doing and you can only do that if you change the process not not just keep doing the same old-school sales process that that people have been doing for years in the car business well i'm gonna i'm gonna talk to you about that before we get off the show i always ask my guests what's the best advice you've ever been given what's the best advice you've ever been given by mentor coach friend parent wow what's the best advice um like legit there's like so much advice that i've gotten and and just recently but uh my buddy ali rita says like you know there is no beginning and and there is no end which basically just means like you need to just do it to your fullest like every single month right so you know i come in every month and it's it's the 31st of the month every month even if there's not 31 days right we treat everything as it's the same so i don't ever run to a finish line like in a lot of businesses it's quarterly or monthly right i don't know how real estate business reports are ours is monthly which is kind of weird most most businesses are quarterly and you'll have sales people that have this great month and they get there and then they pull up i mean they run to the finish line right you're in a race and you run you hit that you hit that ribbon and you pull up and you look back and you want to talk about all the success that you had you wanna you want these trophies and celebrations well once you realize that it's not about the trophies and the celebrations it's actually about the journey like that's what fuels me not that trophy at the end right you get that trophy you stand up on a stage and a couple people clap that don't even know you're right and they say great job congratulations like at a 42 years old do i really need a trophy no i need to get back and get myself focused on helping my clients grow my business and get my mindset right to where it needs to go so there is no beginning there is no no end my buddy ollie rita like you know that that meant a lot to me when he said that and you know he's right because you got to run through the finish line not to the finish line let's let's flip that upside down what's the worst advice you've ever been given that hopefully you didn't follow and if you did you tell others never to follow it just all these negative connotations that are in the car business right just you know go out and just tell the customer well if i could get you to today would you do like if you're asking questions like that like you're the only one that actually doesn't know the answer to it right so um people are here usually not because they want to hang out at a car dealership they're either here to get information uh or or you know have you solved their problem and they don't let you solve their problem until they feel comfortable with you so you know to to be comfortable people a lot of people already comfortable with me because they see me on social media right they know who they're going to get like i'm the same person here as i am if we're hanging out in the showroom if we're you know out of a at a eagles game maybe i'm a little louder and maybe a little more obnoxious at an eagles game but i'm the same person you're gonna get so um the the best like the greatest thing that ever happens to me like when i really am like wow like this is actually working is when people start referring customers and clients over to you and they've never met me they've never bought a car from me but they see everybody here celebrating their their cars they hear they hear all the talk on social media about how easy of a process it is i can't believe we got a car that quick like that's when you know you're starting to make headway like that was my aha moment like wow i got five referrals this week from somebody that's i've never met i mean i know who they are on social media but i've never sold them a car i've never met them they just know friends of friends and they said i trust using my name enough to go see frank he'll be able to help you he'll be able to solve your problem so you know that that that was it for me well and i noticed you have a ton of reviews as well and it's like five you know fives all day long and i know that again that's one of those the things that doesn't happen a lot in the automobile world so frank i wanna i wanna shift gears and i wanna prepare you for to give us one final thought um a great book you've read or you're reading recently that you would suggest to entrepreneurs or business owners anything that jumps out the magic of thinking big um huge um turning point in my life like just to open my mind to how much that there actually is um the pinnacle that you think is the top yeah is not right there there's always another there's always another level and if another human being got there then why can't you get there right so um that book really opened opened my mind it was one of the reasons that uh that we formed um our pinnacle society so we have a training platform that we that we train all the top sales professionals in the country you have to average close to 30 cars a month you have to make you know above six figures a bunch of criteria to get there because a lot of those sales people in your industry in my industry they get left alone right the managers or the people they think oh man that guy's he's killing it they they got it figured out don't bother them and to a certain extent somewhat true but the same point there needs to be somebody that trains them for the next level shows them how to grow up through the levels right because i did it the hard way right i didn't have anybody teaching me so it was trial and error and i made a lot of mistakes trust me i made a lot of mistakes trying to grow my business that's why i got stuck at that 50 60 car level even though i knew that i had a business that was greater than that i had to figure it out myself well now there's a blueprint you know and uh with our pinnacle society we've been you know the people that have uh the uh the members have signed up so far they're crushing it right because they don't need the base they don't need the 101 or you know how to post a picture and all this stuff they need the actual the the what we're doing behind the scenes right behind this black thing here um to actually level the game up with our marketing prospecting uh how to speed up the process and everything so the magic of thinking big and just finding somebody that's doing it bigger and better than i am so that i can learn a different way and grow my levels well and i love that and you also created um you've created courses to help you know people grow in their business and i'm going to put that up here so people can see it but you know would you say that if there was an entrepreneur business owner that that these programs would help them as well yeah i mean i'm i'm training right now on my uh not in the pinnacle society we have that's a you have to have to qualify to get in there it's not like okay you could just sign up and pay and come play with this doesn't work that way there's certain criteria but on my frank's elite like i'm training over 200 sales people right now and they're not all in the auto industry some of them uh selling sea doos selling boats um selling uh uh snowmobiles i have a guy out in uh louisiana not louisiana i'm sorry kentucky selling trailers uh they're they're using everything that i have because i'm not selling a product right i'm selling myself i'm marketing myself we're giving out uh all the hospitality to the customer like it's it's you can you can take this to any single any industry real estate doesn't doesn't make a difference yeah well you're selling an experience is what you're telling that's different you're you're selling experience and you know the thing that i appreciate about you is is and i've interviewed a lot of people and and you know in my travels over the years is you're real i can tell that you're real and i can tell that this comes from your heart and that and and that shows up i mean it absolutely grows up so so what what would be one final thought you would leave with our listeners today frank you've been amazing by the way i'm just so grateful that uh ken uh opened my mind in my ears to get you on the show what would be one final thought you'd share before we leave today well i do want to thank ken walls he's been um one of my biggest supporters he's been he's been one of my best friends is one of my best friends and uh has always been there for me no matter what it is business wise personal so he's one of the great human beings in my life and uh you don't always get a lot of great human beings that get to be in your life ken uh kim walls is definitely definitely one of them so ken first of all i appreciate you uh my final thought is listen right so everybody thinks i'm at the top of my game and yeah i guess you know as far as like what car sales people have done in the past i am but there's plenty of room at the top right i don't want to be up here all by myself that's why i'm out there giving all this information that's why i'm doing these podcasts right i want everybody up here celebrating with me not down there like just cheering me on i mean that's that's all great but you know at some point you know it is lonely at the top if nobody else is up there with you so like that's what we call it at the pinnacle side it's no longer lonely at the top we want everybody else up there with us so there's plenty of room up there don't put caps on yourself don't put limits on yourself just because you know you haven't gotten there yet if somebody else has gotten there there's a way to do it like you just got to follow the blueprint follow the process i love it i love it well frank thanks again and for our listeners remember you can always go to the subscribe at your favorite podcast source and uh frank again i can't thank you so much i i do apologize for the eagles this year um you know the vikings we're good don't worry about it we'll be fine we're good next year don't worry about it we got this quarterback we could send you if you need a quarterback but we can't yeah we're going to be fine don't don't believe all the news the news presses we're good i got the inside track we're good i love it i love it well hey have a great day go make some people's day and and put them in a new vehicle thanks again thank you so much appreciate the opportunity thanks pat bye-bye if you've not yet subscribed please go to your favorite podcast source and subscribe to the success ascent or simply go to www.thesuccess ascent and that's thanks so much for joining us today we look forward to catching you on the next ascent
Channel: The Success Ascent
Views: 760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales, self development, social media, frank crinite 100 cars, speaker, entrepreneur, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneurs, sales training, salesman, social media marketing, self improvement, success, business, sales techniques, sales motivation, entrepreneur mindset, entrepreneurship motivation, entrepreneur life, sales technique, motivation for success, sales tips and techniques, sales and selling acumen, sales coaching
Id: ZokP3XU4iIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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