How to Break a Fast For Women [Female Fasting Instructions]

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what is the most important part of an intermittent fasting regiment believe it or not it's not the actual fasting part it's how you break a fast when you break your fast your body is sensitive and it's ready to absorb whatever you give it good bad or ugly you have the potential to build a lot of muscle or store a lot of fat at the end of an intermittent fasting day so let's talk about how to break it but for women you see I've noticed that there's a huge void out there when it comes down to information for women and intermittent fasting now truth be told there's not a whole lot of things that we have to change in terms of breaking it fast for women versus men but there are some very important little things that I would recommend so we're gonna touch on them so a lot of this is going to overlap what I would suggest for men but there's going to be specific pieces that I think are gonna truly help women especially when it comes down to hormones and thyroid okay so we're gonna talk about all that so let's go ahead and let's dive right in but first make sure you hit that red subscribe button and then hit that little Bell icon so you can turn on notifications let's go ahead and let's dive into this it's easier to start with what you should avoid than what you should eat because quite frankly what you should eat is gonna be pretty simple and you'll see as I go through this video ok the main things that we want to avoid first of all we want to avoid what are called fruit tans and galacto oligosaccharides now before you turn off this video because you think i'm gonna go super in-depth in the science i just had to start off with some fun $10 words okay all those mean are that those are types of things that don't break down easily so we're talking about garlic we're talking about onions we're talking about specific kind of fruit cans like in inulin things like that so the point is is don't use garlic and onion and don't use seasonings that have garlic and onion don't even use garlic powder onion powder why because they don't digest in the small intestine they go straight down into the colon and they ferment normally not a huge deal because that's a prebiotic fiber right but at the end of a fast that causes sort of a redirect so your body is not working on absorbing the nutrients that's working more on drawing water and attention and fermentation down to the colon so keep it clean keep it simple you want to assimilate whatever you take in right out the gate now the other thing is you don't want to be having any kind of prebiotic fibers right so we're talking about the things like asparagus we're talking about any fibers honestly you kind of want to keep out of the equation especially prebiotic so artichokes asparagus stuff like that here's why when you are intermittent fasting your gut biome sort of resets back to ground zero which is a great thing but it looks like this you have your bad bacteria here and you have your good bacteria here and more than likely I hate to say it your bad bacteria is probably elevated so when you fast everything kind of comes back down okay but you still have a higher ratio of bad bacteria to good bacteria so what happens is when you eat prebiotic fiber which is its job is to fertilize and grow existing bacteria in your gut it's going to grow the bad bacteria more because you already have more of it so it's feeding what you have and if you have more it's going to feed that one more so what happens is you can actually cause gut dysbiosis so when you break your fast you actually want to avoid those veggies because you want to just bring it down with simple proteins and things like that so that eventually everything just balances back out and then once you've been fasting for a while you have a little bit more flexibility of adding those veggies in but quite frankly on a fasting day within the first couple hours of breaking your fast you shouldn't be having those veggies the other important thing to note is dairy it's very easy to want to just consume a whey protein shake at the end of a fast because it's easy and it gets in your system and I commend you for it because it's controlled and I appreciate that but dairy causes some pretty big surges of acid in the body in fact the annals of internal medicine published a study that found when they took a look at people that had ulcers and people that didn't when they had dairy there was a much higher prevalence of acid because the protein and the calcium in dairy ends up causing a big surge of acid you don't want that from a digestive benefit but more importantly we don't want the inflammatory effect remember you're sensitive at the end of a fast dairy as much as we might love it is inflammatory we have to accept that so when we consume dairy at the end of a fast we put ourselves in a highly inflammatory State which is a stark contrast to the highly anti-inflammatory state that we're in when we're fasting why would we want to ruin it so just save the dairy for later or just don't even do it at all on an intermittent fasting day trust me you'll live without it the other things you want to be careful of again it kind of ropes back into the veggies is gonna be the cruciferous vegetables you can have those but I want you to have those two hours after you break your fast okay everything will make sense when I put it all together cruciferous vegetables are hard to break down generally and they also have something called raffinose in them raffinose is a sugar that breaks down very strangely in the body and causes you to be bloated so let's just avoid that lastly when you break your fast avoid combining fats and carbs at all costs I don't care if you are keto I don't care if you're not keto fats and carbs together are not the answer especially when you break a fast here's what happens ok carbs spike your insulin and insulin causes the cell doorway to open and that means that nutrients can come in if you spike your insulin with carbohydrates and you consume fats at the same time guess what happens the cell opens and the carbs come in but guess what so does fat it goes right in gets gobbled up in the cell and goes to storage this is exacerbated after a fast it's exacerbated because you're super insulin sensitive you haven't eaten so as soon as you eat something your body's like gobble gobble gobble and it wants to eat it and you're combining fats and carbohydrates the other thing we have to look at is something known as oscillations stimulating protein which is indirectly increased by consuming fat so when we consume fat in an insulin sensitive state we increase ASP this ASP causes an insulin spike so we get a double insulin spike betweens double fat storage case in point you should be keeping it just lean protein I'll give you the full protocol in just a minute I have to explain something that was very important for women now it is super important for women that you have a cortisol mitigation strategy prior to breaking your fast I'll say that again it's important for men too but really important for women because women tend to have higher levels of cortisol when they fast it is very important that you have a cortisol mitigation strategy prior to breaking your fast cortisol is your best friend when it comes to fat burning but it's also your worst enemy when it comes to fat storage how does that make sense cortisol should be elevated while you're fasting cortisol should be elevated because it causes you to burn fat but cortisol should not be elevated in combination with food when cortisol is elevated in conjunction with food is when it causes storage glucocorticoid receptors and our belly fat causes us to store fat right in our belly when we eat when cortisol is high because your cortisol is high when you're fasting you don't want to break your fast with your cortisol levels being high because guess what the food you eat is going to go storage so what do we do we have protocols first and foremost has lifestyle protocols okay this is separate and aside you probably should get in the practice of doing some deep reading some meditation some yoga or something to bring your cortisol levels down but let's make this nutrition oriented have a little bit of salt or actually have a lot of salt start adding salt to your water a couple hours before you break a fast okay some people like to have bone broth right before they break it fast and that's great too because it solves the same purpose but it does technically break a fast so you want to have your bone broth closer to the end of your fast but otherwise just add some salt to your water add a couple teaspoons get a good amount salt is going to back off the production of what's called aldosterone okay aldosterone is something that regulates fluid retention and salt retention in the body if we add some salt aldosterone can decrease which believe it or not aldosterone and cortisol synergistically work together so if we have salt aldosterone can drop and therefore cortisol drops okay not significantly but enough to help us out the next piece we have to look at is add a little bit of cinnamon okay cinnamon some will say it breaks a fast I honestly say it doesn't add some cinnamon to a glass of water warm water whatever have some cinnamon tea what cinnamon is going to do is it is going to moderate your cortisol levels but it's also going to make it so that your blood sugar is a little bit lower you see it's interesting cinnamon does something known as it mimics insulin so it makes it so that the cells open up as if you had insulin in the system but you don't so you get all the benefits of consuming carbs as far as the cell opening up but without actually consuming carbs okay so it makes life really really easy for you it does this through something known as methyl hydroxy Chalco and polymer which doesn't really matter another just like expensive word that I like to throw around but all's it is is basically the way that cinnamon acts upon the cells so it's really cool so do that like an hour so before you break up fast and you're gonna be in a good spot your core so levels gonna be a little bit lower so now let's talk about what you should do when you're actually breaking the fast now I'm gonna give you some specific protocols for your thyroid and everything like that but the first big meat-and-potatoes for lack of a better term of this whole thing is you should really only be consuming lean protein predominantly from a fish source okay predominantly even better from a shellfish source take it or leave it like it or love it this is where the science points it's just easy white fish that is lean like a halibut or a cod or maybe even a haddock or possibly even the Chilean sea bass or something like that if you can get a clean one is really really good even better would be like some scallops or would be some mussels or would be some shrimp I'll explain in a second okay if you can't do that which I understand you cannot always a lean protein shake frumpy not from way very important it's not from way we don't want the inflammatory effects so fish or a pea protein shake is going to be the ultimate best next up third place is going to be a lean chicken lean white meat no added fats if you need a recommendation on the pea protein highly highly recommend Sun warriors warrior blend so it works well if your keto or if you're not keto and they've taken pea protein and combined it with a little bit of hemp so you actually get a full spectrum complete amino acid profile all nine aminos but they also have some other things in there to round out the antioxidant profile so it ends up being really good for breaking a fast in fact that's what I do a lot of times even as a male now it would work probably even better for a female in this case so just so you know there is a special link down below in the description if you want to take me up on that recommendation hi Lee do you recommend it it's great whether your keto fasting whatever you're doing and plus a special discount for those of you that watch my videos so can't beat that okay the reason I prefer having some shellfish and again if you can't have shellfish go ahead and just add these minerals in is because you're going to get inked women are much more prone to hypothyroidism okay so at the end of a fast your thyroid activity suppresses a little bit it's normal you're not eating so of course your thyroid activity going to suppress but it will come back to normal but let's take some extra precaution to take care of the thyroid what is zinc to zinc doesn't affect the thyroid itself zinc affects thyroid receptors in the cells if we have adequate amounts of zinc then the cells can utilize the thyroid hormone that's available better meaning we could effectively get by with less thyroid hormone because our cells are utilizing it better so right at the end of a fast this is exactly what we want by Road levels are lower so let's increase the cells affinity for it so we actually keep our metabolism revved up nice and hot again many and benefit from this too but I feel like it's important for women so add a small amount of zing maybe thirty three milligrams twenty five to thirty three milligrams kind of the tabs you see that's fine just get something like that but preferentially you'd want to be eating a little bit of shellfish you can even have a protein shake with like a couple oysters or something I know it's gross for some people so I understand if you're just grossed out by that okay next up iodine we need to do what we can to get some iodine in and the way that I do that is if I am gonna cook up some meat or if I am gonna do something I will have a little bit of like a seasoning that has some kelp or seaweed in it like believe it or not they're out there all the time just make sure they don't have the onion or the garlic okay or get some seaweed flakes or some nori or some seaweed snacks crumple them up and put them on your fish put them on your oysters put them on whatever or just eat a couple seaweed snacks that don't have a bunch of oil in them along with your protein shake pretty simple right now the big thing on any day that you fast okay any day at all okay doesn't mean breaking your fast it means the whole time of the day that you're fasting you should not consume any gluten now if you're keto this isn't gonna be an issue because you shouldn't be consuming gluten anyway unless you're getting it small amounts from soy soy sauce or something on a day you fast do not consume any gluten it's something called a molecular mimicry when we consume gluten what happens is this our body up regulates a protein known as Zhaan Yulin and there's on Yulin protein causes us to have a little bit of a leaky gut and this leaky gut makes it so that larger molecules of protein and different things get into the bloodstream which triggers a specific kind of immune response while these antibodies that are designed to attack the Sanyal in response also cross pollinate and attack the thyroid tissue this is called molecular mimicry because the thyroid tissue looks so similar to some of these things that the antibodies are attacking that it actually attacks the thyroid and slows it down slowing down your metabolism and potentially leading to some disease states that we really want to be careful of right Hashimoto other other even Graves disease things like that we have to be careful with these things we don't have answers entirely what's causing them but we do know some of these things that affect them so very very important there so case in point with this is your break fast meal should look so simple a bit of bone broth or a little bit of salt before okay some cinnamon and some cinnamon and then break your fast with a lean protein I would recommend something pretty simple if you're a hundred pounds or less do about three ounces if you're a hundred pounds to 150 pounds do four to five ounces of lean protein if you're 150 to 200 pounds 6 ounces and it's over 200 pounds probably no more than 7 ounces we just kind of cap it there because it's a lot to break down no matter how much you weigh okay then a couple hours later that's when you can have a little bit more enjoyment a little bit more flexibility with your meals what's important is that little two-hour window right before you break your fast when you break your fast in an hour after you break your fast okay that whole window is the most important now I can expand a lot more but you have to understand there's a lot that goes into this and a lot of different moving pieces so if you post your comments down below and you try to generalize them into what would be a helpful video something that's a big enough video for me to produce I can look at that and I can evaluate if it's a good video to do so as always make sure you're keeping it locked in here in my channel make sure you check out Sunwarrior down below in the description and thank you again for watching see you soon
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 412,071
Rating: 4.9361024 out of 5
Keywords: fasting for women, intermittent fasting for women, how to break a fast, how to start intermittent fasting, guide to fasting, fasting for weight loss, long term fasting, intermittent fasting for beginners, intermittent fasting benefits, what is intermittent fasting, how to break a fast safely, can women fast, how to break a fast for women, females and fasting, intermittent fasting for females, thomas delauer, keto, intermittent fasting, weight loss
Id: ZCaY8FYm2lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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