How to Boardslide Transfer!!!

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hey guys welcome back to just keep skating so how to board slide transfer a double-sided curb well obviously the first thing you want to do is find your size find yourself a nice painted double-sided curb [Applause] painted helps because generally you can actually board slide a painted curb without even waxing it too much although i do have this beautiful piece of watermelon shaped scented wax except i can't smell anything because i've had the sniffles but this wax generously contributed to the channel from mango wax supply but anyways yeah first thing you're going to want to do is know how slick something like this is so it's not too slick yet i think i'm going to try waxing my board just a little bit here so yeah that actually made a pretty big difference all right what do we want to think about when doing a board slide transfer so i kind of think of these like if you're going really fast it's kind of like a power slide in a way because the faster you're going the harder it's going to be to be able to plant that front down and keep going because what tends to happen is it gets stuck so if you have the ability to power slide then as you put your front down you're able to kind of push through and push that front forward we're getting a bit of ahead of ourselves though so what are we doing here i mean basically you need to be on the board side of parking block with an end for starters and hold a comfortable board slide if you can do that then it really is just as simple as you know jumping on and then going like that [Applause] so obviously you have to get your front foot onto the nose and do that yeah it's it's that simple if you've been practicing some of the things in my last videos or maybe you already have the skill set because obviously if you're going to be trying this you should have some of the basic skill sets of you know like crab walks and tic tacs and stuff again if you've been kind of figuring out how to power slide or working on things like this those are the kind of skill sets you're going to need to be able to do that and then pretty much i mean my guess is this video is probably just going to give you the inspiration to try it so uh without further ado let's get into a little board sliding montage i think i'll start with maybe even putting a little bit of wax on this to get some distance not much though just a little [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whew oh [Applause] well you guys what else can i say boardslide transfers and a bunch of variations are super rad go learn them because you're missing out if you have the capability and you're not doing them yet i urge you to try it so thanks for watching just keep skating and hopefully you guys are doing well and if this video is still going it means that this wicked new spot i found worked out and i got some clips [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh so [Applause] [Music] well you guys fully thought our session was over there a minute ago but it almost is because it's time for me to pick up my kid ah anyways yeah i'm pretty stoked on this little find again just want to say thanks for watching just keep skating and until the next video you guys
Channel: Just Keep Skating
Views: 20,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboard, beginner, tutorial, ollie, trick, kickflip, skate, grind, fifty fifty, stall, 50-50, miniramp, skateboarding, lesson, ben degros, noseslide, slappy, best, easy, popshuv, shuvit, slide, treflip, 360 flip, boardslide, board, thrasher, heelflip, hardflip, frontside, backside, tailslide, fakie, axle stall, axel stall, smith grind, feeble grind, crooked grind, disaster, rock to fakie, trucks, wheels, bearings, fast, nose, variel, varial, indy, laser flip, curb, stairs, handrail, switch, no comply
Id: 0k_Qfvvvr4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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