How to Boardslide

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so you want to learn to board slide today I'm going to take you through the simple steps of how to board slide and hopefully by the end of this you'll have a pretty good idea of what you need to do to be able to master board slides the first thing you need to do is find yourself a double-sided curb now we have right here exactly what I'm talking about a double-sided curb so the reason you need something like this is in order to board slide you need to be able to slide without your wheels hitting the ground on one side or the other so instead of just rushing right up to the ledge going full speed and trying to board slide it there's some steps you can do that'll help it be a little bit safer so before you put any wax on the ledge the first thing you're going to want to do is come up to it perpendicular so riding up like this so you're just going to ride and you're going to lift up enough to get onto there and don't worry about how you're going to come off the fact is you're just trying to get up here so you have to be able to do a short manual just long enough really just KCK down enough that you can get your wheels over this so once you get comfortable doing that the next thing to do is change the angle that you come up to it so next I'm going to try this right at the end and I'm going to come whatever I feel comfortable 45° or so and you're going to lift your board 45° or so and you're just going to go right off the end just like that real quick just right off the end and the reason you want to do that is because if you come at this full speed from way back here and you try and do a long board slide right off the bat what's going to happen is you're going to be surprised how slick it is if it's got lots of wax on it and you're going to slip right out so I know it doesn't look too spectacular like that but you're lowering your wrist of jumping on and just zooting right out because that happens a lot when First Learning board slides so as you get comfortable just doing them off the end slowly what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to start to get closer to parallel to the ledge so just you know slowly get comfortable and eek your way to more parallel to the ledge when you're more parallel to the ledge you're going to have to actually turn when you lift up so that's what makes it a bit trickier because when you lift up you now have to turn and at the same time as turning your board you now have to be able to lean forward so as you approach coming closer to parallel to the ledge you now have to at the same time as being able to turn this way you also have to get your shoulders and weight forward so that you don't have that nasty Zoot and land with your back and your head on that ledge and I would recommend if you're trying to straighten out and come parallel still just do them right off the end just a little one and it doesn't matter which way you come out it doesn't matter if you manage to turn your board back and come out it doesn't matter if you swing your should airplane okay it's gone it doesn't matter if when you come up to it you swing your shoulders around and you come out like a 180 so you just keep working on those until you're comfortable and the trick about this to doing these safely and not landing on your back and your head is just build up slowly and get comfortable as you get get comfortable with this you're going to incrementally start going longer and longer each time so I'm going to try it just a little bit longer this time maybe about a foot and a half or 2 fet of slide let's try that just a little longer maybe from this crack okay so I'm feeling pretty confident been warmed out for a bit maybe I should try the second crack back there it was sticky another really important thing I haven't mentioned is you got to keep your knees bent when you jump on that what you don't want to do is jump on have your knees locked and land with your weight on your heels you want to stay over the balls of your feet balanced with your knees bent and that's going to stop that's going to stop you from pitching forward or going back but let's be honest you're going to slam sometimes learning this that's skateboarding let's see if I can get the whole thing little tip I got lots of wax on that curve but I'm going to get a little little extra help so sometimes I come back out regular sometimes I come out fakey it all depends on how I feel when I'm on the ledge which way I come out should we do a few bonus curb tricks let's see what works [Music] ow ow my knees just do it oh first one I've ever landed I don't care if it's on a curb all right you guys I really worked hard on that kickflip board slide for you it was for me but check out my slide marks yeah yeah take that primitive graphics anyways I hope you found that helpful and I hope with hard work you are able to achieve Wicked board slides stay tuned for the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Ben Degros
Views: 90,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to boardslide, tutorial, easy boardslides, railslide, beginners
Id: 2sOTMLy1jrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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