How To Boardslide On Transition

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hello all you beautiful people today's video is going to be my perspective on how to backside boardslide we're at dallas park here in san diego and i only got about an hour and a half before it's going to start raining that's what the weather is saying so it's going to be a short video just on my perspective on how to do backside board slides on transition first thing is going to be cleaning up some of this park to make sure we have some nice transition to roll on i've been doing board sides a lot lately so i figured why not make a quick short video on some of the tips and some of the things that i've been taking away from recent board slides hopefully you guys can use them and improve your board sides or maybe not [Music] looks like mother nature is not on my side today it is raining try number two day number two this time about the squeegee so before we get into doing backside board slides the only tricks you really need to know how to do before doing backside board sizes are just backside kick turns and backside rock and rolls i made a full video on how to do backside rock and rolls i'll leave a little link up here one of these sides up here i think how to get into backside rock and rolls but i'll briefly scan it today something that i was thinking is there's this nice bank at this skate park and what i did is just went up kick churned and went around and when you're doing kick turns on a bank like this there is that split second where you're just kind of in stall mode and you're you're basically peaking on your momentum going up so you have to turn back around and at that moment is when you're doing your rock and roll so you can kind of practice them on a bank and just getting it on top of the bank getting your wheels over the bank and getting back over that's one way to test it without having to worry about locking up and it's just a little less scary so if you're just kind of tinkering this and you're just getting into backside board sides i definitely recommend just kind of testing your waters on a bank now when we get into the actual board slide we're going to start on some super small transition i do have some rails on my board and i think having rails on your board will definitely be a benefit i want to be able to be doing these backside board slides as good without rails i think rails are super crucial for something like this you could do it but you just have to go faster there's more friction so the rails allow you to have less friction and you kind of can worry about your technique of the board side a little more than the actual sliding aspect now the first thing to doing backside board sides is going into them at a really really harsh angle and when i mean harsh i mean a sideways angle you're not going straight up the ramp you're going very diagonal at the ramp and you're going to use that to your advantage once you get into the actual board slide so yeah just going up to the transition you want to hit it at a very sharp angle and then slowly you're going to use your back foot to churn and pivot your board at that point and to lap it into the rock and roll so you're going at an angle and then you're kind of lapping into the rock and roll it's almost imagine like you're going at an angle and you're power sliding but instead of power sliding you're just using your back wheels the power side into the rock and roll just so that you can get that friction to kind of push yourself and your body forward and then once you're doing that you're into the rock and roll try to lean towards your back trucks and keep the slide sort of pinched in between your back tracks and the board because there's a way to keep more momentum and you're kind of guiding into the transition where if you hit it straight on the deck it's harder to slide because then your wheels are hitting the transition and honestly all you want is just the board hitting you don't want the wheels or anything else as soon as you tap your wheels down your trucks you're gonna start you're gonna stop sliding so definitely it's a little bit of balance teetering acting just keeping it in that back pinch spot and if you can keep it in that it works in your favor when you're sliding back in because just like when you're doing a kick turn on the bank you basically use that pivot point in your in your concave in your board and use that to to pitch your board out using your back foot to lean into it and let over the coping so you don't hang up and you turn back in now all this is easier said than done but i'm definitely going to slow some of these clips down so you can just kind of see the process of how i do backside board slides trying to board side on a flat wall is much much harder than trying to board slide in a corner because the corner you're going to come into it at an angle and then you're going to slide and then it's going to kind of push you out of it so a corner is definitely a really good opportunity to learn board slides it kind of pushes you around it it might seem harder in dairy when you're watching it but i definitely recommend finding a little bit of a corner or some sort of you know angle in your transition because if it's just a flat wall you're having to really you know really balance things out where if it's a corner you're not having to balance so much the corner will balance it out and you just have to find that sweet pinch spot all right hope you guys enjoyed this super short video on how to backside board side on transition just a short one because of the rain weather and everything something i've been having a lot of fun on those backside board sides on transition lately so i figured why not share some of the tips that i have experienced lately sharing with you guys let me know what you think make sure you smash that like button if you enjoyed this video subscribe if you're not already and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Zack Dowdy
Views: 20,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to skateboard, how to boardslide, how to boardslide transition, how to skate transition, transition skateboarding, skating transition, how to skate a bowl, how to skate bowl, skate transition, boardslides, bowl, skate, skateboarding, braille, How to skate transition better, how to skateboard a bowl, bowl skating, rock n roll, skating, how to boardslide bowl, how to skateboard for beginners, skatepark, skatepark skating, trick tip, board, slide, skateparks, transition, ramp, vert
Id: hqUCQ9rh90Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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