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what is up everybody it is life's apprentice and today we're going to be running some dumpsters it is a Tuesday after Labor Day um I basically have the week off from doing construction so I'm going to be filling in and running some dumpsters as needed today I was needed Laura is out all day um I know we got a couple drop-offs today um as of right now but it's a lot of pickups after the weekend so this 20 yard here is uh was full and on the trailer from Friday I got that to the dump I'm gonna drop that off grab a 15 yard and go pick that up um today's topic is going to be how we are advertising um this year I had a couple requests I I've made a bunch of videos about advertising and really not a whole lot has changed um as far as our advertising but I'll do an updated version of uh exactly what we're doing and uh I guess how it's working but we're we're gonna get this one off and get a 15 yard on we gotta drop a 15 yard up by the dump and then we gotta pick up another 20 yard up by the dump so that's what we're gonna do first and we'll get into today's topic and then stimulations oh we got that 15 yard dropped and now we got to pick up a 20 yard and I was added to a 20-yard drop off and again the more dumpsters and trucks you got on the road the more efficient you can be um I would imagine Laura must not have had a 20 yard pickup so then I ended up with the 20-yard drop off it worked out that I was going back to the yard to get a to drop off that 20 yard so I was able to pick up this 15 and now I'm only a few miles from this 20 yard pickup so no wasted time there um but to the subject at hand um we're talking about marketing now the first thing and the main thing that really really helped our business for one when we I bought my dumpster business it was a small dumpster business so we already had somewhat of a presence um but as soon as I took over the business I wanted to grow it the first and only thing we really did at that point was Hometown dumpster rental um and you guys have heard me talk about it before that literally doubled our business we went from 10 to 20 dumpsters as soon as we did Hometown dumpster rental and uh it continues to work for us to this day and how do I know that because a lot of people Hometown dumpster rental if you know the whole history change the way that they do things a little bit but the way that I know Hometown dumpster rental is working is because we are sending dumpsters to areas that we do not advertise to in any other way um so we get calls from all these little towns that are you know usually a lot of the hometown dumpster rental got us really expanded our area um out to about 50 miles and I know that Hometown dumpster rental is working because we are still sending dumpsters to these little towns and there is no if you Google in those little towns dumpsters near me we do not show up the only way we show up is through Hometown dumpster rental so if you guys have not tried Hometown dumpster rental I would highly recommend it I've heard mixed results it works better for some people than it does others I'm telling you firsthand in the two years that we've used it we have had great results and a great Roi using Hometown dumpster rental that is one of the ways that we advertise let's go get this 20 yard we'll talk a little bit more oh you got that 20 yard picked up and we're I don't know that was about seven miles from my drop off and now we're probably about seven miles from the dump so we're gonna get this bad boy to the dump and uh uh we got a 20 yard set right after this but it is on the opposite end of our range so we're gonna have to get some fuel and uh get this dumped get some fuel and then we got a nice long drive when we can talk about all the other advertising that we are doing oh there's a 20 yard dropped off pretty tight I'm gonna try to get out of here now see if we can make this turn I doubt it thank you anyways there's two waste management dumpsters out here and uh both full in this Construction Company this Construction Company needs more dumpsters and waste management just I know they're a huge company and uh not trying to talk crap but we we hear horror stories about Waste Management all the time and uh sounds like we're gonna get some dumping returns at this place because Waste Management cannot keep up um with their job so I uh on the way out here I actually saw Laura on her way back so she was empty so she must have did a drop or a dump in return out here um and there you go satin right next to the waste management because they can't do their job [Music] um the construction manager says probably going to be calling us tomorrow to uh have a dump in return so that's cool and sounds like he's going to be using us from here on out because we are able to do same-day service and we have a dump uh transfer station very nearby which makes it nice we also have empty dumpsters so we can bring out an empty and pick up the full if needed so that's cool um so the next thing I want to talk about and this town's a perfect example um is as far as advertising um a guy reached out to me about a year and a half ago and he wanted to help us get more calls and uh get more leads and I've been in construction and business for long enough to know that you're going to get calls like that every single day but this guy sounded sincere so I worked out a deal and I said the only way I will do it is if you will prove to me that it works and you will do it for free and he obliged he said yes I will do it for free for x amount of time and if you think that it works then we'll come up with a negotiation and how you're gonna pay me now this is a really good lesson for all you guys out there trying to get leads and stuff like that there are 10 000 companies out there that can get you on the first page Google and guarantee leads and guarantee you all this stuff if you want to find out if they're really legit and they're willing to prove to you that it works try to get them to do it without paying them at first but then you got to stick to your side of the word too and if it does work then you pay them um most most people are not going to allow you to do that because most of these companies are scams um so what this guy does is he does SEO um for himself and then he so he basically built landing pages for and I'm not going to say the towns and the name of the landing pages but this town has one and about four or five other towns have a landing page that go to him so he can track the phone calls oh and then um that phone call gets transferred to us and we are the only ones receiving these leads and it works out really good so we worked out a deal where basically he's getting five percent commission on all of our sales and we averaged it out to four hundred dollars per dumpster which equals twenty dollars per sale not per phone call this is based on results so the only way he gets paid is if we actually convert his phone call into a sale which we do a lot and he is making some money this is a creative and easy way for you guys to get leads and there's lots of people like that out there but beware there are a lot of snakes in this grass so be very very careful when picking and choosing somebody like this because you can totally get screwed but that is a very very good way for us at least and has helped us get a lot of leads and it's also very localized so I had him make these pages in specific areas that I wanted to get phone calls in um and this being one of them and if I had to guess this job that I just set for would have been a direct result of his work um so he's a private guy I'm not going to give his number out to anyone like that I don't know that he would want that um but there are other guys out there like that and uh you guys need to do a little bit of research and um find these guys but basically it's a paper lead service with a local guy who creates landing pages them to rank well in the areas that I want to work um so that's one of the that's one of the ways that we're marketing and we've been doing that for about I would say this is all we're coming up on almost two years of doing that with him we're in the park on the island picking up this 10 yard and it is full of bees so I'm gonna get this picked up and get away from here before I get stung and we'll talk a little bit more about uh advertising but while we're here we're at our big city park setting a dumpster in places like this a well-branded dumpster is a great way to advertise I don't know how many people were at this event but they all saw this dumpster so this is not a direct way to advertise this is branding but they kind of tie themselves together um and I see a lot of guys with their dumpsters just are branded not at all or terribly and this is something that you really really really need to get right all right well me and Laura are both backed about two o'clock this 10 yards she's taking tomorrow she's going to take it to the dump and she has a place to set it you gotta go back a little more so anyways I picked the 10 yard up and she's gonna take it to the dump and drop it tomorrow is that correct yes how many drops did you do today you did too and I did too yes that's four [Music] this thing was so full of bees at the park I didn't smell it smell the beer and the like food yeah yeah I've never seen a dumpster with so many bees that's what it was like when we did that soccer tournament was it oh I picked one up up there in Nina yep because it was all food and soda and beer yeah but I can smell it it smells like Carnival in there yay but not a fun one I'm gonna do gravel tomorrow [Applause] yeah we got some fresh gravel probably be spreading that out tomorrow I'm just going to top dress everything and try to make things look a little bit nicer we got all this stuff out of the dumpster you guys saw um been over it a couple times with magnets and whatnot and I'll probably top dress it a little bit with this but I actually traded the gravel and the delivery to a local guy um I installed a couple of doors for them and uh basically my labor for the doors I think is like 300 bucks he brought me two loads of gravel with his uh dump truck so um so the next where do we leave off with the marketing the next thing that we do and we didn't do this in the beginning but we do it now is um Google and Facebook ads um they're definitely working because we're doing it in certain areas and we're limiting and that's one thing that I can suggest that you guys do to to know that your stuff is working is maybe just try Google ads in an area that you don't normally advertise and see how it works out so that's what we've done with Google and Facebook and we know that that is working they do have some analytics Google and Facebook but it doesn't really show you how much of that converts to sales it just shows you how many clicks are on your website how many clicks on the ad and things like that but it doesn't necessarily translate to sales so the data on it is a little bit mixed um let's see what is uh well one new thing that we're doing is um we're starting to work with some dumpster brokers and what a dumpster broker is is basically they sell the dumpster they collect money and everything from the customer and then they subcontract the dumpster rental to other companies like us so say our dumpster 20 yard is 470 dollars maybe they sell it for 570 dollars and then we do the you know the dumpster for them get our 470 and then they get to keep the hundred um that's actually that's something that I avoided at first but I figured we'd try it this year and especially being a little bit slower this year and that has actually worked um 100 percent the other thing is just you know like I was saying before just your presence having a presence people seeing your trucks seeing your dumpsters asking questions um is huge um that is a that is a big deal um when you have dumpsters out they're branded correctly your truck and everything like that even maybe your trailer or you know whatever you're running around with is branded properly is going to get you a lot of sales and uh yeah I think that's pretty much it so we're doing um the SEO work with that guy we're doing Hometown dumpster rental we're doing Google and Facebook ads and we're working with some dumpster Brokers that is all of the paid advertising that we are doing every month and this year is definitely slower but I know for a fact that all of those things are working to some degree and those are the recommendations that I have for you guys that are maybe slow or starting out you have to understand that in this business unless you have I don't know that's it'd be just super rare but you have to advertise or your business is going to fail I don't care if you have one dumpster or a thousand dumpsters advertising is extremely important and do not Overlook advertising a lot of people that are failing are probably not advertising enough and I know that it's a cost but that is part of this business and it is a cost of doing this business so that's what we're doing for advertising if you guys didn't watch the last video um I made an announcement that I started a second channel on my second Channel on YouTube is Wisconsin outdoors and I will be moving all of my hunting and fishing and uh outdoor type events Adventures over to that channel um so if you could go to that channel And subscribe over there if you're interested in that kind of thing because all the future videos outdoor type videos are going to be over there so it's a new channel I'm working on transferring old videos from this channel to that channel but I'm also coming out with new videos right now we're in dove hunting season pretty soon we'll be doing duck and goose hunting and deer hunting and all that kind of stuff here in the later in the fall and then eventually we'll be doing ice fishing and and stuff like that so if you guys are interested in that go to Wisconsin Outdoors on YouTube look that up and subscribe over there there's also a link link down in the description to the to the second channel so I appreciate you guys for watching we will see you on the next one
Channel: Life's Apprentice
Views: 1,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TvzNvK_sysI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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