10 Best Ideas | BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF | Dr. Joe Dispenza | Book Summary

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what you doing today is nothing short of amazing get this do you know that on a given day you generate more electrical impulses in your brain then all the world's cellphones can bind your brain is made up of over a hundred billion neurons and if you took one sheet of paper for each one of those and stacked them on top of each other no high that stack would be over five thousand miles high or the distance from LAX to London but what's not so amazing is how most people don't realize their power and they're just living on autopilot in habits it's been said that routines low the brain to sleep getting caught in those thought loops that are disempowering how can you make the changes you've always wanted to do you need to break the habit of being yourself and we're going over the ten big ideas from dr. Joe Dispenza book on exactly that it's Clarke with diffusion settle let's go we're gonna get right into this book got a lot to cover it's a big meaty book with lots of quantum physics and big fancy words I can't pronounce to state the obvious I am NOT a quantum physicist nor am i a neuroscientist I'll do my best though to quote what's accurate in the book and what I've researched if you like these videos the ten best ideas you can support it by hitting that like button right now smash it takes half a second leave me a comment if there's something that sticks out to you and if you really like this book I'll link down below with an affiliate link that you can support this channel on where you can get this book for free on audible I want to open this video up with this study that blew my mind from the book researchers took a group of people and split them into four categories these four groups were getting shown how to play the piano they said hey look we'll scan your brain before and we'll scan your brain after the two weeks of us teaching you how to play piano for two hours a day none of these people have experience with piano and so they were completely fresh and they wanted to study what actually happens on the brain when we learn new things and here's what happened that was shocking group number one they showed how to play scales and what they found they scan the brain before they scan but after and they found a whole new pattern of neural connections makes sense you learned something new that's the process of neurons firing and wiring together and creating new connections learning is creating new connections sustaining them is what we call memory so by the end of the experiment they memorize new patterns group number two they send the same thing hey two weeks two hours a day they scan their brain before they scanned it after but they instructed this group play whatever you want you get free time with the piano and what happened is no neural connections happened it was essentially the same person the same brain because it was random and there was no pattern so no memory happened group number three was the control and they have the easiest job researchers told them hey look just show up and don't actually play piano because we need some people to just prove that we have a control group so nothing happened nothing grew it's the same where it gets really freaky and why I'm telling you this study is group number four the last one researchers told them the exact same thing two hours a day show up we're scanning your brain before we're scanning it after but here's what they did that no other group had they said listen this group is gonna be kind of mentally straining your actually going to play the piano we're just gonna teach you how and we're gonna have you rehearse in your mind for two hours a day we know you're gonna get tired so we're there to push you but please show up for the two weeks and just think about what we're teaching you so they would run through patterns of scales then hitting the keys in their mind they would rehearse this over and over again for two hours a day two hours a day two hours a day what was crazy when they measured the brain at the end of the study the exact same centers as Group one who physically played and memorized and learned patterns group in group number four who didn't even come in contact with the piano they had similar neural connections just by mentally rehearsing that over and over in their brain you might be thinking what does this even mean Clark like cool story cool study well this is why it's so important because you can extrapolate from that study that proved by just thinking about the thing actually develops new parts in your brain that your thoughts have the potential to rewire your brain even if you can't physically experience it in the present but just the act of imagining your future and what you want it to look like can actually change your brain and attract it to you if you don't believe me look everything at some fundamental level is created twice we know this it's freaking foam right here the iPhone you think they just pulled this out of thin air no they had a blueprint for and then they made that happen but it started in their minds this book started as thought started as research and then he compiled it he had to think about it and then put it in physical reality so I know it sounds kind of woowoo to talk about manifesting and thoughts create your reality and everything is energy mode like some hippies with dreadlocks and a Whole Foods will back this up even more in this video this is game-changing stuff Joe Dispenza calls it remembering your future even before it's happened you can remember your future in the present moment and then you're much more likely to take action on that same thing with the iPhone when they have a vision for what they want to create and they believe they can they're actually motivated to do it okay make sense you're following the second thing I wanted to underscore that blew my mind and it's so simple but like it stands out a lot it's not enough to just do it once that you have to train your mind to do this over and over again to get results because remember that group two we practiced and nothing happened Group three didn't do anything and nothing happened that Group two and three is how most people are operating through life okay they're randomly doing things and hoping for change or they're just not showing up and they're sleepwalking through life right groups of one in four this is a more active process especially group number four because you actually have to think about it so it's not enough to just do it once sporadically remember memory is systematizing things over and over again so let me ask you a question is it better to read 20 books one time or one book 20 times well you know I've read I don't know how many books I'm not gonna flex on you here but I find the most benefit in rereading the books over and over and over again because then those are your more frequent thoughts and then those patterns happen in your life and you're more likely to take action on it so how I've applied this knowledge to my own life is rereading the same books that I like over and over and over again I'm also a musician so I've noticed this pattern in my life too when I'm practicing music I get more benefit from playing one song 20 times over and over again and fixing things and getting a cleaner and cleaner and cleaner then you do playing along to 20 songs one time remember that learning is making new connections and memory is retaining them your brain works just like communication and anything like a relationship right the more you communicate the more bonded you become and the stronger communication is the same thing internally even if you don't have the life you want right now you might be in a job that's um fulfilling you might have home that you don't like you might have something that you want to change if you do this over and over again communicate with yourself internally like well tell you in this video you've a much better chance of attracting that and manifesting that in your present moment Joe Dispenza talks a lot about your personality and that your personality becomes your personal reality love that play on words and he says your personality is made up of three things and we're gonna talk about these three things and how you can flip the script and get changed fast in your life your thoughts your actions and your feelings another way to look at this is your personality think do be this is how most people operate on making change they think I have to think about something I want then I have to do it and then I can become the person who did it I have to think about all the reasons of where I need to lose weight and you know become okay think about the best diet for myself then I can actually do the work and then I can become the healthy person right makes sense now stay with me here I'm gonna set this up and geek out a little more this is actually backed up when you look at your brain okay and in Joe Dispenza book he talks that you don't just have one brain you actually have three that works together as one neocortex all right your frontal lobe this is the most developed part of your brain it's biggest in humans believe dogs and cats have like three or seven percent of the capacity that we do bigger animals like dolphins and elephants and whales they have a much more developed neocortex as well that's why they're smarter what you're listening to right now and why you're understanding this video is with your frontal lobe your conscious mind right here next up we have our limbic brain this is the emotional center of your brain this brains job is to regulate chemical order it's about the size of a lemon in your brain and it's the emotional brain okay so this sets on the emotions or turns them off lastly I'll translate this for you for the chicken scratch this is your cerebellum this is the reptilian brain it's the oldest most primitive part of you also the seat of your subconscious mind those impulses those habits that comes from there a lot of what we do on a day-to-day basis is to survive right now let's tie this together and then I'll set it up with a couple points and then you know tie it all together stay with me here so thinking to doing to being this is the way we process now we think about something right then we can do it then we can become it but this is really hard because have you ever heard that you have 60,000 thoughts a day yeah well that's what researchers study and a majority of those thoughts are the same as the day before so when we're looking at this a majority of your thoughts are actually here that you're not conscious of they're in your subconscious or your unconscious mind good example of this is you can drive the same route to work every single day over and over again and get there and you kind of zoned out the whole time and you're like oh my god how did that even happen I don't even remember driving there that's because a majority of those thoughts are in the unconscious their habitual and if you want to form new neural connections you got to step out of that to fully understand this we got to understand two more calm okay this model right here is Newtonian and we're gonna talk about the quantum one as well up until the last hundred years we operated from the Newtonian model of physics again I'm not a physicist but this basically in layman's terms says that it's only what can be weighed or measured that is true this is what the atom looked like according to Newtonian physics right here that we kind of understand it we know there's particles you know those atoms neutrons electrons all that stuff floating around and we thought we knew everything right we thought this was how it worked yep seal the book close it and we are good but I want to apply this to our life when we're talking about that model I showed you of thinking doing then being that is the Newtonian model of change it basically says that something outside of our self has to happen to internally feel good to internally feel successful to make a change something outside of us happened and we internally change but then something crazy happened around the 1900s this is the rise of quantum physics and it shattered pretty much everything we knew about Newtonian physics and really changes the game kind of just like we thought back in the day the earth was flat I guess some people today still do believe it's flat and then we discovered it was round and it totally changed the game and we accept that it's true just like we thought everything revolves around the earth and then we realized oh no we're just narcissistic we think we're the center of the universe but we actually revolve around the Sun this is kind of one of those things and enter quantum physics in the 1900s is when people really started discovering this full transparency we're still learning a lot about it and there's still new research coming to the forefront because we don't fully understand it and it's a really technical and even if you watch 50,000 YouTube videos on it there's still questions one of the studies that explains quantum physics because people can talk about this and then it just makes you more confused but I've really tried to dumb it down for myself and explain it in layman's terms I think I just appreciate that explanation the double-slit test this is one of the best experiments proving quantum physics it went something like this I have Joe Dispenza book and I'm gonna throw it across the room right there and over there on that side off-camera there's two doors okay so I have this book and I throw it what do you think would happen you're like well of course it would either hit the wall or go through one of the doors stupid question Clark yeah well that's how the Newtonian physics works this book throw it goes through one of those options right there that's when it makes sense simple and so in the double-slit test that's what they expected to happen they had a particle hey we have two doors gonna go through one of these but what happened blew their minds they had this book they took it and they threw it and it went through two doors at the same time and when they study it it would actually change sometimes it would be one sometimes maybe two sometimes they actually act of studying something would change how that particle behaved people are like what the heck is this a magic trick is this a Houdini this isn't a Criss Angel Mindfreak trick it actually happened but think about this this isn't too crazy when we actually think this through if I have a song playing right now what is that that's a sound wave and if we're playing the sound wave it's floating all around us it's going through multiple doors and so what they found is that at the quantum level energy behaves as a wave not as a particle and that waves are not just physical pieces of matter but they're actually energy this is the quantum model of how we operate and it backs up the hippy saying that some smelly didn't whole food is saying everything is energy man I mean I had a certain level he's correct it's just more complex what we can extrapolate from this and what Joe talks about in this book is that we're all connected that the collective energy field influences us all just like those radio waves and 5g floating out there right and cellphone waves and it's going all over it's invisible we can't see it or electricity floating around at some level that's colliding that's meshing that's like the quantum field and we have that within us and our thoughts and each other everything is mostly empty space at the quantum level when you look at it it's 99.9 in and--and--and a nine empty space now let's go back to the whiteboard and really tie a bow on all of this and bring it home for you what if there was a way to ditch this Newtonian way of being which goes from here to here to here think do be if there's a faster way that faster way is to be you then think you become what you want then you can do and then you your thoughts change in tandem with that act as if you know people say like fake it till you make it dress for the job you want not the job you have right so wear a suit and then you'll become successful and become rich the problem is sometimes when your awareness suit or whatever you've already feel unworthy and so it doesn't change you at the core so even if you're wearing suits it doesn't really matter so once you become the person who's worthy enough of that then you can do then you can think and you get the results you want your life starts to change so the Newtonian way again is saying what's outside of me to feel good internally and with the quantum way of doing this and what this book is saying is what's inside of me represents what the outside is that I can feel good internally and then my life starts to change that once I become happy then I do happy and I think happy not the other way around logically I'm gonna think myself happy I'm gonna read thousands of books on happiness and then I can do stuff that makes me happy and then I can finally be happy the people who try to figure everything out and logically think think think their way through stuff like philosophers a lot of them killed themselves and we're super depressed no matter how much they learn if anything you ever know people who are just blissful and they're kind of I don't mean this offensively but they're beautifully ignorant right like they don't really realize what's happening around them and they're happy okay or kids they don't have all this knowledge of how the world works right they just are they're just happy they're just being and so they're happy but once we become an adult and we learn about bills and we learn about taxes and we learn about you know all the stuff happening politically in the world then we think think think dududu bee bee bee and naturally we become less happy but kids they go be do think they're happy and then they're doing and they're thinking and it reinforces that behavior right here is changing the way you look at things and as the great Wayne Dyer once said when I was scrubbing spots broke depressed living in my mom's basement 30k in debt and I was a janitor scrubbing toilets I would listen to these audio books over and over over again and the one quote from Wayne Dyer that stuck with me and resonated at the core is this when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change when you change the way you go from being doing thinking everything around you starts to change your thinking changes your habits change and it starts by becoming that person by stepping into your faul power fake it till you make it is wrong become the person you were always born to be an act as if is right trying to force the things you look at to change and be like no this has to be a certain color this blue right here I want it to be red I want it to be red it's not gonna happen changing the way I look at things maybe this doesn't have to be red maybe I can just accept it as blue then the things I look at change working with a limited budget here one of my all-time favorite stories goes like this Michelangelo who built the Statue of David you go there you see it in a museum it's just beautiful too miraculous it's perfection when he was getting interviewed by someone people are talking hey how did you build this how did you construct this David how did you know what it was gonna look like you know what he said David was already in the statue all I did was chip away the marble I love that and I get goosebumps every time the inside this giant chunk of marble there was already a statue of David in there and all he had to do was chip it away chisel by chisel at a time and I think at the end of the day that's what this book is saying that you already have some ideal version of you inside of you and it's just your job to chip away at the marble or step into your greatness or step into your power and that when you do this consistently over and over and over again it's like practicing those skills and the ideal version of you naturally starts to burst out but think about this what actually has to happen to make that a reality you have to think greater than your environment every great thinker knew this that you look up to rather it was Gandhi whether it was MLK whether it was Steve Jobs they all thought greater than their environment they all thought something was possible and they took action on it and they kept that vision alive that at the core of everything you want to do is that vision right there it's like a flame that you got to protect just like they protect the Olympic torch flame right continues to burn and they pass the torch on because that's precious so is your vision is what Napoleon Hill talks about and thinking girl rich right that you need this flame inside of you and as you fan it and give it oxygen and all the right environment your passion your goals your mission is gonna erupt you need to keep that alive and you can't let the world or yourself dull it down they literally train their mind with a thousand percent certainty that this was going to work and it did for all of them their visions came true it wasn't just enough to see it but they actually had an emotional charge behind the work they were doing a memory without an emotional charge that's just called wisdom so how do you actually drop this how do you break the habit of being yourself Joe Dispenza talks a lot about the power of meditation it's like the last third of the book and he gives exercises on how to do it and I know firsthand about meditation not that I'm the expert right but I've been practicing it now for consistently for about four or five months and I've seen massive benefits and at first you get into it and you're like man this is boring I'm fidgety I want to each my nose I want to get up and you have all these excuses coming up this isn't really benefiting this doesn't work for me I'm not doing it right maybe I need a thousand dollar Transcendental Meditation mantra right or whatever but I want to try and simplify it in this point in the Tibetan language right Tibetan Buddhist you know what the word meditation means to become familiar with that's it meditation is a scent cinnamon cinnamon synonym Harvey pronounce that cinnamon sugar for self observation and more importantly meditation opens the door in your brain in your body between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind all you're doing when you're meditating is just observing yourself you're not supposed to do it right no one's doing it right there is no right way you're just sitting there an observed through meditation is how you can install new patterns and break down ones that aren't serving you I want you to think about it in your meditation maybe you're sitting there remembering your future you're rebuilding it just like those piano players we talked about right they're going over the scales in their mind they're building new neural connections and then they actually miraculously what happens is the same hearts in their brain growth the final point is this it's not a point it's not a study it's an invitation I want to remind you that you are amazing and there's literally nobody else out there that is like you remember that you generate more electrical impulses in your brain alone than all the cell phones in the world combined but you have to break the habit of being yourself if you want to step into your full power in the future I want to invite you to remove those blocks that's held you back in the past I want to invite you to be here in the present right now and enjoy it more because knowing that the past is an illusion and so is the future because when you experience it you're in the present moment I want to invite you to drop the I'm not good enough I'm not qualified nobody loves me nobody wants to invite me I can't I struggle with drop all of that and the way you do that is with this the question becomes are you willing to rehearse your future are you willing to adopt a thousand percent certainty that it's going to be better that you have the power to change that as soon as you work on yourself and do the work you're building these neural connections that change your life remember that you can be then do then think you don't have to think do then be that you have the power to make a change right now moving forward so build those circuits in your mind look into meditation look into books trust yourself at the core listen to that inner voice and to break the habit of being yourself you might have to lose your mind to create a new one you got this this is Clarke with the fusion of settle stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 58,476
Rating: 4.9643459 out of 5
Keywords: dr. joe dispenza, breaking the habit of being yourself, joe dispenza, dr joe dispenza, becoming supernatural, book review, law of attraction, you are the placebo, joe dispenza audiobook, how to unlock the full potential of your mind, reprogram your mind, breaking the habit of being yourself audiobook, breaking the habit of being yourself review, joe dispenza breaking the habit of being yourself, clark kegley, refusing to settle, 10 best ideas, 10 big ideas
Id: f_i79Zn98dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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