How to Be More Feminine and Less Intimidating

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hi guys I am cheerful don't click my other channel so that y'all can come okay so how to be more feminine and lessen to dating when you're out and about or on the phone or trying to meet guys online or just in general first of all you got to look feminine you know you can't look like you can't wear pants all the time you can't curse a lot you cannot speak slang or Ebonics you must smile you must smile you must smell good you can't stink um you must not be allowed speak in a softer voice less loud don't be all like this high or low and I hey excuse me waiter don't be like that B's being so quiet that the man has to get the waiter if y'all are out to eat like excuse me can you get the waiters attention for me you know don't be all way this ain't the right order you got this wrong I see an extra wrench don't be like that and don't ask for extra ranch okay mmm unless you're eating alone unless you're dining and you're not on a date and you can get whatever okay um your breath okay your breath should smell good at all time keep some mints on you brush those teeth are you doing you can be the most beautiful woman in the world but when you open your mouth and that breath is stank you just went from a 10 to a two okay so keep breath mints breath strips don't chew gum its ratchet she's gone with your kids chew gum with your friends not on dates mm-hmm someone says limit the alcohol that is a good idea because some of you guys when y'all get a little tipsy y'all start acting crazy so keep it to wine no no liquor don't order no hard liquor and if you do if it's just the festivities that are going on like everyone's taking shots sip your shot be uh I can't you know or maybe only have one shot and don't shoot it like a man you know I know it might seem cool and they might want you to do it in there egging you want but subliminally and their subconscious mind if you can't do it you're more feminine okay I know you can do it because everybody knows we can do it but just pretend you you can't be like nice too it's too strong for me you know you'd be drinking like that at home whatever but just act keep your nails did don't go out with no chip nails okay I don't care if you gotta buy some press-on nails and superglue them things on do not walk out the house with ratchet nails okay men look at your nails whether you know it or not they look and your toes you're gonna have your feet out make sure your toes look good as well okay don't forget dilution soft skin the appearance of soft skin is very feminine so make sure like you put some type of lotion on anything with a glow to it that makes you look healthy and vibrant is what you want to go for they have lotions with you know illuminating properties now or you can get that Fenty Rihanna liable or that vehicle and put that on okay a smile is very important yes yes always smile because it makes you look more friendly and inviting frowning and resting face is what intimidates a lot of guys from coming over like if you're sitting at the bar like this they don't know what you're thinking they don't know if you're happy upset if they approach you are you going to dismiss them quickly because you're in some type of mood but if you're sitting at the bar like this you're already smiling you're already in a good mood so when you cook when they come over there you're going to be happy to see them you know and they feel invited so that resting face I know a lot of people think that that's cute or oh that's just my personality then you need to act like I said you need to be like laughs you know body language as well like your body language needs to be very feminine like you have to act if it's not natural I know it's not natural for a lot of ladies because we're so used to doing so much these days that we just forget about that and we just need to get the stuff done that we need to get done so work on your hand movements they have to be like fluid you can't just be like this you know just be like you know don't be like that Wow I love her dress don't be afraid to compliment other women it also shows that you're mature you're not the jealous type and that you appreciate beauty when you see it as well okay that's another feminine quality that you can compliment other females and that you're not so possessive like a man or jealous or have huge ego like a man Oh her hair is really pretty don't ask him if he agrees just a car so pretty oh you were saying play with something y'all know I'm always playing my hair play with them get their attention on what you know because men don't play with their hair man don't sit there and go or they play with a chest hairs so play with your hair let that perfume fly let that let him wish he was touching it be like don't do it too much because it could become annoying as y'all know it's just a habit for me because I'm like I'm petting myself with a cat but pitch a week and you know if you have nice hands show them off like you're so silly accentuate your lips like touch them so he wants to touch them okay it's so funny you know get that attention on where you need it to be you know who don't just sit there like this so what do you do for a living so why did you leave your ex so it feeds me waiter I want a strand this ain't right take it back so you don't do that because I know some people that will do that oh give me the steak and lobster please thank you I know it's only lunch but no I don't want the lunch guys give me the dinner portion and put extra garlic butter on there extra scampi bring me some seasoning on the side cause I don't season y'all food here mm-hmm and bringing some of them wet wipes when you're done cuz my hands gonna be smelling like fish I mean some women really don't have a clue on that you're not supposed to do all of that on a date it's fine to do when you're by yourself but you want to date this man is sitting here like I know I just used to have my stuff I'm just used to having my food a certain way I can't help it yes you can so this yes no profanity no loud talking I already said that I know a woman just like that it is so embarrassing I bet it is you're choking at Starbuck her a lawsuit tell me tell me it was something that coffee you choking I hope they're not hearing this sorry Starbucks I love you mm-hmm can i order a lot to see if he will spend like champagne I'm order a glass first order a glass of champagne and if he is smart or economical and he knows you're gonna get another glass eventually or he trying to get you drunk he will suggest the bottle but only order a glass that's more ladylike if you try to order a bottle and you are not a couple yet it's kind of rude so let him lead that's another thing you got to let the man lead you give them a little hint and then you let him lead so if you like champagne you just asked the waiter Oh type of champagne do you have I love champagne it just makes me all giggly inside and it's you know it's a great drink for a brunch or you know it's not too heavy so what kind of champagne do you have or ask him if he suggests any type of vessel champagne that he likes Oh what kind of champagne do you think I should get I mean I'm just gonna get a glass well why don't you get the bottle okay let him leave just put the idea in his mind don't push him but plant the idea that's more feminine than masculine okay I know I've had a lot of conversation with ladies who can't let their man lead even if the man is a good provider and having you know it makes good decisions there's some women that won't let them lead and that is important to let a man lead as far as like him feeling like the masculine part of the relationship plant ideas in his head he will go with him if he thinks you're gonna like it but let him decide let him leave because if you try to tell him everything to do how to do this how to do that he's not going to feel successful he's not gonna feel accomplished in front of you he's gonna feel like you told him how to do everything and that's why he is the way he is and you only appreciate him because you created what he is today and he will eventually go seek another person who doesn't know all of that and be that man that you built for her okay because you can't truly appreciate him because you pushed him to that person his new self okay let yes acrimony yes so don't do that stop being their mother that is not feminine that is it is more mmm maternal which is which is a little bit different okay maternal is for children feminine is for ladies okay for women who want to seduce and you know get that extra attention by men when you walk through the store if you're single you need to be giving a walk if you were trying to pick up go to the nice grocery store go to Whole Foods go to a nice area put on don't wear heels though because that's a little bit too much you know that's a little bit too desperate thank you we care a lot I appreciate you for the donate we're like you maybe kitten heels maybe some nice you know if you're just coming off of work that's understandable but don't get dressed up like you're going to the club to go to the grocery store okay I don't do that but dress cute and walk with a walk walk have a feminine walk when you walk so that you catch all the attention you know what I'm saying like you don't just walk like this don't just walk down the thing pushing the basket take small take steps and like move your body like practice like you're on a runway and the best thing it's like if you're short especially you can't reach ass whoever's around man can you please get that money or try to reach it and I've done that so many times and this like tall do you came like 65 oh good for you and I know Meerut but I couldn't really reach it and Lela and Sasha were like not I was single I couldn't thank you can you come follow me around and reach my other things um in a joke of course he's not gonna follow you around he might um tell you would I'll give you my number if you can't reach something I'm gonna be in the store of about 30 more minutes you can text me tell me what all your on okay anyway Oh Thank You Keith Franklin Shira what are your thoughts on a woman ordering two gold plates for her children while she's on a date with the children at home oh it's alright I would say that it's super-dee-duper to get it and that super duper but super-dee-duper ghetto why because like you can order your kids a pizza okay that is why I don't like it I would never call that woman back if I was a man I'd be like I know you better get it you better you just gonna be your last meal with me I'm sorry that it's just ghetto um I also think it's unladylike unless the man makes you do it or suggest that you do it to take to go like leftovers I think it's unladylike to take leftovers home mm-hmm a doggie bag don't take that home I know some of y'all grew up poor I know you're not used to leaving food behind but just do it do it okay save your reputation and do it okay leave that food on the plate if you can't eat it don't take it home unless he suggested are you gonna take that home oh I don't know um I don't like microwaved food so I don't know if it would taste you know great the second time around but it was so delicious next time I should ask if they have a smaller portion you know if I suggest like what would you like to take it or take it and say oh thank you or you know if you suggest that you take it if he doesn't say anything don't take that myth the whole cars don't stink like that food if you are riding together and then if you're going somewhere else after dinner you have to worry about it spoiling or getting bad or you know getting growing microorganisms and stuff on it um should we intentionally leave some food behind yes don't eat all the food on the plate don't sleep don't don't lick the plate basically leave some food on the plate I don't care if you want it leave the stuff you don't really like okay but leave something otherwise you look hungry and they will know you want some more I know nice restaurants they give you smaller portions that's fine because usually they give you more than one course if they ask if you want dessert don't answer let him answer and look at him and if he asks you if you want dessert it's like oh well I don't know if I have room but if you want if you get one maybe I'll take a taste you know but don't order yourself a dessert it is greedy and learn some table manners before you go out to eat so that you're eating correctly go on YouTube and find some table manners idios and don't just be like pulling the fork out off your teeth and like putting your elbow on the table and stabbing the food with me like you know don't be scooping with the fork like this and you um don't do that please I don't I wouldn't even do that at home if I can't get it it ain't meant to get in my mouth okay because I know some people that scrape with their thumb and I've seen them out and I'm like what no um don't chew with your mouth open don't talk with food in your mouth if they ask you a question politely say I'm you know I'm chewing like and then answer the question don't be like oh um don't lick your fingers that yes don't like that put your napkin in your don't set it on the table and then do like that sure what if what if by she takes you to meet his friends or family and they offer offer what oh thank you Firestar for the donation uh-huh yes what if the waitress starts flirting with your date okay you can't fight in the restaurant you can't act ghetto you can't be like sharkeisha you can just call it out like he is handsome isn't he he's great in bed too or oh he's handsome isn't he I got good one dinner like you know what she's doing is she you're calling her out and letting her know I see you but giving him a compliment at the same time making her feel stupid like I know you wish you was sitting here instead of working maybe you should level up pick out it if you if you want to be nice nasty pick out a flaw on her be like oh you're so pretty who's your dentist like like she has messed-up teeth you're so pretty who's your dentist oh okay okay yeah well you know I used to have I used to have that and I got like Invisalign so you should ask your dentist yeah you I mean it changed my life yes like but give it but be nice be nice nest Oh who's your dermatologist oh my god I love your eyebrows I saw that same look on name a drag queens Instagram or YouTube I saw oh my god I love your eyebrows I saw the Saint like Patrick star you know who he is mm-hmm yes on YouTube he does the same type of brow oh my gosh you're so good yeah I gave the new waitress a dirty look oh my date wasn't looking she got scared you got to be nice nasty that way he doesn't sense but you're jealous but that you're friendly and embracing and just you know in the South in the south that's how women like classy women and salt other women they give them a nice nasty compliment and they'll go back and forth smiling oh I love your earrings I saw those at the Dollar Tree they're so cute I almost got them but I'm allergic to fake jewelry okay give them nice nasty compliments that is the feminine way to shut someone down okay okay I can give you all a hundred of them because I do them all the time so and then you know let him if I mean if you live in the South a lot of gentlemen will pull out your chair just sit down in the restaurant or the waiter will if the waiter doesn't you just stand until the man does you know it lets him know that you're used to a gentleman you know and struggle with the chair if you don't pull it I was like she's heavy that way he'll know next time pull that stuff out okay I'm scared to do that what if they spit in food um usually there's too many people around for them to spit in your food especially at a busy restaurant and when the plate goes out it's sitting in a like a place that keeps it warm the chef puts it out and then the waitress carries it to the table there's people all around her she can't just go spit in the food you know I mean I'm sure they could but I would be more worried about that at a fast food place than a restaurant mm-hmm because there's too many people around there's cameras and that's it mm-hmm so make sure you know if you have a deep voice if you sound if you are just naturally deep voice like I am like I think my voice might not be deepest voice but it is pretty deep when you speak to men either soften it or lighten it or do both so my man voice like when I talk to him in trying to sound feminine I'm like oh okay I'll raise it to one octave oh okay thank you so much I really appreciate that that's not my real boy this is my real voice right here hello how are you when the when the the telemarketers call they get hello who is this you know mm-hmm when when the husband or someone calls a masculine voice is on the phone and they're you know I'm trying to get some free stuff hi how are you I always start with the greedy not just hello but ask a question with it hi how are you that way they have to talk back and you start the conversation how do you curve a mark coming down from you're out of town to see me as far as sleeping together um I love your wording um suggest that he gets a hotel room and don't spend the night tell him you'll meet him for breakfast then tell him it's that time of the month ok ha ha ha ok men tell me I talk very sexual like I'm moaning you all should try it it think it works true is a brunch date a big no brunch no because you can order alcohol you can order food brunches ok lunches ok coffee no good unless he is giving you money beforehand or bringing you some honey okay he just don't have time to eat he just want to get into get out give you your money say hi or whatever but brunch is good ok our bright pink nails ok in um it depends on your skin tone because bright pink on darker skin tone will might look a little ratchet compared to bright pink on a light skin tone you know you want to keep it not so bold you know what I'm saying if it's too much that's all they're gonna focus on the contrast oh my God look at those nails oh my god what the hell you know keep it so it's not all that they see they're not seeing a laser light show when you're talking they just it's subtle like like see mine it's subtle it's nice you see it but it ain't just zoom in on me okay if you're gonna do something like that it should be on your eyes so that they're looking in your eyes or your jewelry so that they're looking at your skin okay how do you attract guys to ask you on a date not sex attire letter um you be what most men want you classy feminine smiling make subtle eye contact then move away letting them know it's okay to come over and don't have the resting face keep your smile you know giggle laugh when they talk mm-hmm they like the giggle they like the laugh um I used to wear neon pink nail polish and I was a teenager yeah I mean teenager do what you got to do but when you are trying to secure a wealthier man they can't take you in public with that crap on you no they can't take you to nice places with that honor okay remember you have to fit in the class that they are in and that does not fit how do you know you're holding power in the conversation with Shira um it's not about the power it's about the seduction okay so they should have they should feel like they have all the power but you should feel like they're trying to impress you okay that's the true power when they're trying to impress you that's how you know that they like you because they're gonna keep trying to impress you by talking and bragging on themselves and telling you things to make you laugh or smile or be impressed um thank you this is elf actually I did a video on my beauty channel a Shira star of this palette in this little Shira most men prefer light skin the dark can what can I do actually that's not true because I know a lot of men who won't even talk to light-skinned chicks especially if they're white white guys they don't like light in women okay it's just like datin a white person with black hair white guys will date you with no problems black guys have color issues because it is you know talk to them so you know you got to deal with that that's just how it is can't change it that's just how it is so you you play the hand you're dealt that's all you that's all I can say you just play the hand you're dealt you can't make somebody like you you know so you got to play the hand you're dealt that's it um and it doesn't matter we know this so play the hand you're dealt go get you somebody else I mean I would if I were dark-skinned if I were darker if my skin was dark I would definitely go where I am most celebrated I don't care who it is I will go I'm definitely most celebrated and put on a pedestal I am sorry I don't care who don't like me I know who do like me and that's where exactly where I will go and I will flaunt it rub it in everybody's face posted everywhere and be happy okay I'm not gonna focus on what I can't have or what I have to struggle to have I'm gonna focus on what comes easy that's smart so y'all need to start doing it I don't care if you find them attractive if you find black men attractive but they don't find you attractive then that's a one-way situation and you're gonna be paying their bills so go for someone who thinks you are attractive remember I just play the hand I'm dealt okay I make it work and it's not about light skin or dark skin it's about gold where you are appreciated in every way I don't care where it is at out of that I think someone posted this in a group one of the groups we need to get out of you know only being attracted to one race we need to be attracted to a class okay because it's not about in the future is gonna be about race anymore is gonna be about class what class system are you in are you broke are you in the broke classes to you know get with the class system not the color system okay and the only and the great thing is but when you are with another race and a black guy that you would normally find attractive sees you with that other race they're gonna be like dang what am i me might go start dating driver chicks because he sees that someone else who makes more money than him probably maybe someone who can provide and someone who's probably you know more more educated can have you and you're their prize now they're gonna be like maybe I need to see what's up with that you know in them and they might go and try to change themselves but they can only change themselves you can't change them you have to lead by example in like okay well you don't want me you guess we'll do ok CEO of this corporation who just bought me a new Range Rover that's it won't me ok I don't have to sleep on the mattress on the floor ok so that's how you do that just go just go make yourself available to whoever will put you on that pedestal that's all you have to do if you can't do that if you have low self-esteem and you don't think that you're able to conversate with other races then work on it work on it or suffer your consequence level up or stay where you are that's just it I noticed light-skinned black guys love them a chocolate sister and a lot not dark ones love dark I don't I think people just think about what's popular or children when they oh thank you I don't know how this pronounces za know is the X pronounced as a Z thank you birthday coming up how do I tell him the gift I want tell him shoot my birthday is coming I want you know what I want then tell him that's what I did to James we were dating I see maybe three months four months and my birthday was on around the corner I said I want this new Louie Vuitton showed him the picture and everything this is what I want I want anything else this is what I want mm-hmm sheer I should I give him a birthday gift we've been dating for four months okay how much money has he spent on you if it's not a lot give him something less than $50 less okay don't go all out get him something meaningful but not expensive maybe an engraved pen maybe a money clip just something that he has to carry with him and remember you buy that sentimental but not expensive that way he's always thinking of you when he pulls it out he wants to date exclusively and I don't just lie say you are dating exclusively what thank you BJ who cares as long as he thinks you're dating him exclusively great you don't have to just lie just like they do well I mean what were these morals coming from why do you have morals but they don't mm-hmm then BJ for the nice donation good morning someone says good morning thieves it's not these if they give it to you voluntarily it's not thieves sheer I wanna thank you I have a sugar pop that gives me whatever I want and he paid six months I hit on my rent and my car not thank you car note thank you so much you are welcome that is the life you deserve and so do other women most women don't know that they deserve things and that they can get them and have them so they don't even try society has told you that you're supposed to be this and you're supposed to be that but when you go out and do the exact opposite you get more you get more yes you do when you act feminine and demure and you date older guys and you tell them oh well you have to provide for me they will you know they will you can have it okay there's so many women in the group who have are writing me Karl I just got my first Louie Vuitton and business and that no man ever spent over this much money on me ever I'm like congratulations more to come just keep going and just keep doing what I'm saying just keep doing it you're gonna get more what is immanent energy having feminine energy is having a feminine essence the exact opposite of a male essence soft quiet demure slow sensual versus loud obnoxious egotistical you know I'm trying to impress it's the exact opposite of that being the receiver and not the giver not dominating the conversation but why why would they want to give it to me and why should I expect it because they probably want some sex and if you're not giving it up easy and acting like you like sex more than they do then they're gonna they know that they have to impress you to get to that next level so they will invest in you it's called an investment how to be more feminine and less intimidating give us all your tips I did in the beginning of the video but I shall go over some more don't be loud that's number one soften your voice or lighten your voice make sure that you wear dresses feminine colors perfume smell good look good have some makeup on your face you know nails done soft looking skin that they want to touch if your skin looks crusty and ashy put some like highlighting drops in your lotion or buy some of that lava by Rihanna Fenty or get you some Becca and rub it on your skin so you look healthy and glowing men will look at that and be like how much she looks so soft you know I bet she smells good I just want to see what her hair feels like you know if you play with your hair a little bit I want to she smells so good you're seducing him and smiling the whole time you're not frowning someone says long hair yes the longer your hair it's been they've already done surveys men like long hair so quickly they get some weave we grow your hair out but they like longer hair at least past the shoulders you know you're gonna do anything at least go past the shoulders like maybe to here at the shortest you know this is a week but I'm going mine out because I cut it and I'm gonna back out but about this length it's pretty good or you can go a little longer but not too long because then it's trashy okay so what about a deep raspy voice as a woman if you're if you have a deep raspy voice you got to be extra feminine everywhere else and you got to quiet your voice and then you got to be like yeah okay you're just gonna have to be extra flirty feminine wear dresses and everything else has to pop okay I'm not saying it's not sexy but it you just soften it and be extra feminine everywhere my hair is naturally curly I let my curls is that too immature men who are wealthy and are going to take you to nice restaurants in nice places and spend money on you they need you to fit in okay and sometimes the curly hair look does not fit into that class you so you need a more polished look so if you don't want to straighten your hair just throw on a wig and take it off when you get home okay you gotta fit in for them to feel comfortable around you for them to be attracted to you for them to want to show you off to their peers in their class you can't be like you won't accept me as I am you it you know men are just like women they have preferences and if you don't fit into their preference or if you don't fit into their standards they're not calling you back okay that's just it if you want to buy my look on YouTube it's too pretty to put not YouTube Amazon too pretty to pay bills just type that in when you get on Amazon and click on books sheer on 510 I feel masculine how do I feel feminine Walter I'm tall I'm 5 9 and a half we're dresses um wrap dresses are cute sheath dress cheap what sheath dresses are cute [Music] most men like short women will find some date taller guys or date guys that are at least maybe 511 or 510 and if you're extra feminine with yourself you won't look masculine you'll look like a model you know so especially if you're slim you'll look like a model if you're if you're bigger then you need to dress more feminine you know that's it have a song says baby voice any tips on online etiquette when trying to land a sugar daddy also how do oh dang I can't find the question here um I just say be original and say something different and don't put the same type of pictures I put classy pictures up not [ __ ] pictures classy pictures okay classy pictures how do you wear your hair to be a scarf in a week how do I wear my hair to bed I put it in a bun or a ponytail okay I don't wear scarfs I don't to be it like there's they make satin pillowcases now so you don't have to do that you know and I just wake up earlier and do my hair that's all I do now if you sleeping with a man you can do that if you don't sleep with the man do whatever you want if you're not sharing a bed with the man it don't matter you know what I'm say if you're not in the same house as me and he's if you snatch it off before he wakes up I don't think it matters put it on after you go to sleep shoot I know they don't like that I know for a fact they don't like it so don't do it they tolerate it and that's different didn't like it thank you someone says they got my book and it's worth buying thank you you're 69 no I'm five nine yeah wish I was i if I was 69 I'd be like in the Guinness Book World Records or something I'm for the tallest woman my book too pretty to pay bills on Amazon it's a book you can download too pretty to pay bills yes what if you're insecure about stretch marks on your stomach on it then hide them they make spray foundation now you know Sally Hinson get that spray it on put some foundation you know people can cover up tattoos you can cover up stretch marks get the kidney they make that waterproof foundation that covers up tattoos you can just slip it on put some powder on it let it air dry with some highlighter on it so it looks like real skin and go about your day or don't show your skin right off the light it's time to get to getting you know I'm fast I'm five seven and a half think I'm so tall guys think I'm so tall well you and your dating short guys and if you're wearing heels you might be super tall but someone's gonna like you they don't think you'll own your model new tall sheer is it okay to date a man from seeking arrangements when you want to get married well how are you gonna meet people if you don't date I mean I meant James in a bar I don't think he was looking for marriage Shh right to make you feel better Beyonce's five seven and a lot of men think she is attractive that's true all the supermodels are tall and billionaires like them and they wear heels our jeans and a lacy top camisole feminine in the daytime for running errands not for dates I say wear dresses our skirts for dates why unless you're going to like a place where you have to wear pants it's like if you're even like most places you can still get away with wearing a skirt or a dress but I say always wear a skirt or a dress on dates because it looks more feminine and men are always wondering what's under your dress and they are mesmerized by dresses I promise you every time I wear a dress I get more attention than I do wearing jeans or pants or whatever okay even from women they're like men are like opening doors treating you more feminine because you have on a dress you don't wearing pants like them you know you something they're gonna pick it up because you got on a dress Oh hmm they wondering what's under it what color panties you have on you got on pants they're not thinking about that they're they're not thinking about what color panties you got on under your pants unless you got an ugly panty line but when you wear a dress they sure are they're looking at how nice your legs look they're thinking about what you have under there what kind of lingerie you have you know so that's where you want it I'm seeking Arrangements only for gold-digging I don't want to confuse that I mean make them think that I only want anyway I don't understand that question I don't know if you were answering someone does so um yes I have a lot of dresses sundresses flowy dresses a line I have skirts wrap dresses sheet dresses all kind of dresses not too tight don't worry them fashion no the dresses get you some nice dresses that fit don't try to go if it's tight go size up it doesn't matter if you don't wear that size it matters how it fits you okay just because your waist is a certain size doesn't mean your hips and your boobs are the same size so you might have to go up and either have it taken in or just let it be a little bit loose you know if you're underweight wearing a dress it's not flattering depends on your weight well wrap dresses look good on every type you know because it accentuates your waist and it covers up the other parts and it looks good on every type even skinny people there's a fundraiser at a golf place how do I get involved go there they have restaurants they have bars right mm-hmm so you're interested in learning okay mm-hmm Oh your dad golf too he loved golf he left off my dad loves golfing I miss him and this makes me think about him I was always interested in the game and I want you know I like I like meeting people that mommy and my father I don't know I get up chat um so being more feminine includes you know your manners you got to have manners no cursing no slang no willow what happened was none of that speaking correct English pronouncing every syllable in the words think of Kerry Washington she is like the perfect example of feminine woman that's that's my go-to when I want to think about a feminine woman I think of Kerry Washington she has manners she's always smiling maybe too much she's always pretty skin looks always flawless she's always dressed to impress she's always speaking correct English she doesn't curse her that is who I go to and I think a feminine lady okay there's other examples yes but that's who comes to mind with her with me Vanessa Williams yes yes I I love in this Williams child she is fierce even at her age she could still pull the 20 year old um so dainty Mike you don't want to go overboard with jewelry sometimes because it's distracting from your beauty so you don't wear a bunch maybe like I wouldn't wear these on a date okay like this is just because I'm kind of boho chic today but if I were going on a date I would wear some stud earrings maybe like diamonds pearls or something like stud but really pretty I were like a cute necklace or a statement necklace and one ring that's it or if I don't have on a necklace I wear a bracelet if I don't have on a ring I wear a bracelet or you know don't wear everything don't wear your watch don't wear your bracelet don't wear your ring don't worry your necklace and earrings and a brooch don't wear all that together unless it's super simple and you can't really see oh my gosh how is velvet velvet ran out of the house she ran she was a strain when I adopted her and I don't think we go liked her too much and she bolted out of the door I think my husband left the door open and she weighed out but we're gonna put up posters because she can't be far she's and I already told the neighbors but she's somewhere around here I put cat food outside so hopefully she comes back I thought I think rihanna is edgy and feminine as well but she's edgy because she's an entertainer you know so you know that like I know sometimes she curses and she smokes weed and stuff but she's not dating the type of man that y'all are probably gonna be dating and she's already rich so cut that out like don't tell don't ask them like especially if they're older guys don't say do you smoke weed because that's just ghetto uh do you smoke weed you know don't ask them that I know that's the typical to question to ask on a dusty date but don't ask that on a classic okay keep it classy and don't if you smoke it don't go and nut on the day smelling like it please in fact you should stop okay someone says ladies just be yourself okay yes be your feminine self if you're yourself you're gonna be more masculine than the man most likely because most women are doing the man's job these days so being yourself might not work out okay don't listen the man they don't know so does he have a good y'all are talking to each other so why do women smoke and especially we come on y'all when's that hanging around to be dusties mm-hmm growing up with Dusty's I know it's weed day but if you are living in a state where weed is legal and you like to be high opt for the brownies or the candy don't go around smell like smoke with a weed voice and weed lips okay it also makes you look ashy gray you start looking at you start looking like a dusty literally maybe like you can tell like whenever I meet people I can automatically tell they smoke or not because they lips their skin straight up you can tell you might not think you can tell but you can tell let's change colors skin changes colors they start talking slow their brain slows down I don't know why I'm offended don't be offended let's do it on your on the weekend we are whenever you're not dating but and if you do that scrub your lips get you some lip scrub exfoliate take supplements put extra highlight on so you don't look great the celebrate weed day is going to treat myself to stop what if you don't drink what your daddy's drinking on the day then order a cranberry juice that looks like drink okay order a cranberry juice or a club soda and just pretend like you're drinking if you have something in your hand he's gonna be less likely to see the that you don't drink because some men like dating people that drink because it's fun to get a little tipsy together so just drink a cocktail juice or something okay and just be naturally flirty and giggly in like maybe touch his leg or his ear because that's all they want you to get tipsy for to be more affectionate to them and to open up okay if you're already like that they don't care if you drink if you're uptight and they try to make you drink it's because you're uptight if you don't drink and you're flirty and fun they be not gonna care you're saving them money believe me they don't care if you're a stuck-up and just they will they're gonna try to make you drink because it loosens you up so be already like that and they not even gonna notice if you don't drink or care um I'm hitting my bong now yeah I mean y'all know how I feel about we I'm not a fan of weed okay if you are great but I'm not where are you from I'm from Houston Texas baby why do man look but not approach you are unapproachable either you're intimidating you you're out of their league they're married or they can't afford to date or you're not their type they might like some features on you but other features are keeping them from walking over that's usually what it is they might like your eyes they might think you're pretty but if you're not they're tight they're not maneuver if you are exactly what they want they're making a beeline to you quick okay so that's you gotta keep in mind also even if they're married they will still come if you are what they like so that's why I tell ladies to dress for men dress to get man's attention not what you like but will will make them cross a room for you wear your hair the way men like so that they will cross the room to approach you smell good look the skin soft feminine that's what they cross the room for you might look good but being a pair of pants that make you look crazy you might look good but might have on some trendy outfit that looks trashy you might look good but you got on a see-through shirt and tight jeans and wedge heels and that doesn't fit into their class zone so they're not coming okay but you might look good up here but this is all wrong classy feminine inviting smiling will get them to cross a room how do you get your husband to ask you to stop working they're not gonna ask you to stop working you got to tell them you're not working no more okay I told y'all about the boss harassing you tell them you being sexually harassed every day at work mm-hmm never stop smoking it deals with the nonsense mm-hmm just to be clear wedges aren't a thing anymore right the only time I would wear wedges is during the daytime in the spring or summer when I am walking and I want to look cute and comfortable not on a date unless they're taking me to like brunch and we're sitting outside on the patio there is an appropriate time for wedges and it's the the espadrille wedges is the only type I wear I don't wear like leather wedges like that because I don't like them so daytime spring outside brunch lunch day date night time you need heels if you're big and you can't wear heels then you need to get stat pills you know what I'm saying the more sturdy looking heels but you wedges are not classy on dates at night espadrilles espadrilles wedges you know with the straw look around it the little rope look is good for daytime with cute Sun dresses or skirts or the nautical look but not for any type of formal or dinner date they should not be worn after sunset unless you're at the beach in a sundress on vacation or something like that that's my only time that I would ever wear them because to me it looks trashy okay I'm sorry if y'all are like that love wedges but it just it meat to me when I see somebody wearing wedges you know what I think she's too fat to wear heels she knows she's gonna fall and bust her head but she don't know about stacked heels or wouldn't secular whatever you don't know about that she'll know about kidding he'll leave it or her foot too fat to fit me he'll go get you some white shoes you know what I'm saying that's what I think that's what most people think when they see you trying to pull off some wedges and a dress and it's nighttime unless you're skinny and they're those platform wedges that about this high then you look like you shot that fashioned over and you're about 20 years old and you're in the club okay but they're not classy what do you do with an over emotional boyfriend dump inna sure is dresses and sandals okay for summer if you're if you're on a date outside or on a patio but not to like if they're taking you to nice places with valet parking no heels you can wear strappy heels with your toes out sandal heels you know y'all need to learn how to walk in heels I'm sorry that's feminine mm-hmm give me general rules how to approach me you don't approach men you don't if they're not approaching you you're not for them they not don't like you that you're not they're tight don't approach me you can walk by him smile at him but do not approach if you do if you do make sure it's short term and you have a goal of getting money but if you're trying to start a long term anything do not approach me it is it's ghetto it's class it's classless to approach men unless you just try to get their money get in and get out you know what I'm saying what do you wear if you have a bit of a belly and really skinny legs and stretch marks all everybody a wrap dress and a girdle a waist slimmer a wrap dress with long sleeves and some heels okay I am not messing up my back and nobody feels okay they make like inserts in your heels now that help your back in your feet go to doctor soles section of the store they even make heels that are good for your back like in some shoe stores they do this is funny today it's too many pics okay it's going too fast too many pics pygmies with low self-esteem on here look I am NOT going back on not wearing heels if you can't wear heels you are you can't be super feminine okay you figure out how to wear some heels I'm here you can sit down on a barstool in the spot where you go you don't have to sit there and walk in heels just put them on your feet okay keep some flip-flops or some flats in your car when you get in take them off heels are not for long-term standing or walking therefore looks they're simply aesthetic okay men have fantasies about heels make sure legs look slimmer and longer and more muscular when you wear flats it makes you look flat-footed it makes your feet look bigger and you can walk sexy and flats okay so you let me sit here wearing wedges and flats but other women are walking by with their heels on and guess where that man is going to look at that woman and heels then you gonna look at your duck feet and be like you ever wear heels do you ever wear heels I think heels are so sexy you would look good in some heels that's they gonna tell you go get you some heels okay so you gonna be sitting here looking crazy you know with your flat feet sitting in you know whatever and he's gonna be looking at that chick walking to buying heels so learn to walk in them I don't care you know I've been walking in heels since I could hit my mama shoes when I was in third grade and what I knew I I mean I might not be the sexiest walking heel woman but I know how to walk in and without falling over mmm-hmm or I would put them I will put some flats in my car and put some heels on and then switch him out when I leave wherever I'm going he is 6 foot 2 topper heels when our heels I like especially if I wear tall heels I'm over 6 foot easily but hmm I say doing kitten heels or just wear your heels shoot someone's gonna be taller than you we're 3 inch heels they got 3-inch heels or yes if you have to wear any type of flat they should be pointy pointy flats highly high-end pointy flats if you have to wear flats they have to look fancy they can't beat them round ballet slippers or you know then why low for looking flats get you some pointy high-end flats that looked nice if you're gonna put flats on your feet for a date but I'm telling you you better off wearing heels and sitting down if you are six-foot when wearing heels sit your butt down and cross your legs and let your heels show you know there's a lot of tall men out there though like there's a lot of tall dudes is it superficial one tall man if you are taller wear heels on 5/8 um it's not superficial but if doesn't bother then or you and he has money it doesn't matter like James's what five eleven and a half so when our heels I'm taller than James but he don't care yeah they know it's the heels um Tory Burch has really nice ones but they're only for work in my opinion yes I will only wear them when I'm walking in the mall or something like that but I need some comfortable cute shoes I have a nice pair of Jimmy Choo kittens and I always get compliments on them yeah I'm five nine I'm always baked to wear heels because men like heels okay so learn learn to do that that's a very feminine thing also your purse I know a lot of ladies carry these giant purses or these crossbody purses I know that's for walking around the mall that's for when you got your kids and all this crap that you need to put in your purse but when you're on a date get you a proprietary that's not going to overpower you you know you don't want your purse to be like this big and then you have on a cute dress and some heels you need a smaller purse mm-hmm that kind of goes with your outfit okay oh Lord you get me all the way to get long yeah keep heels in your trunk keep a pair heels in your trunk because you never know when someone's gonna invite you somewhere on the on the go and you might have on something cute for the daytime but then your shoes are inappropriate for wherever asking you to go so keep some black heels or in your trunk or with you when you're out and about that way you can just switch it up real quick black goes with anything or nude nude or black heels keeping me your trunk pop them on that way don't have to go all the way home and change clothes or if you got the money go buy some no white heels yes I don't like white heels unless it's like a fashion statement and they're pointy and you're wearing them to pop and they're a fashion statement in a contrast but other than that I don't suggest white heels on a regular basis because they get dirty too quick unless it's summertime and yet they're a statement piece um like for example you guys if you don't want good style y'all get InStyle magazine I should be being paid to the advertises if you don't understand what ladylike style is first it's trashy style get you an InStyle magazine they're not gonna have any type of fashion over up in here I promise you oh and you they'll show you like dupes or less expensive versions of the designer outfits and things like that what's in style so if you see that in the store you can grab it um if you want to be on trend but not trashy they'll show you like different things to wear like daytime this is cute for like lunch or brunch but you don't wear that at night and they have like evening things like this like the heels and just look in magazines or go online so a magazine website don't go on Instagram looking for fashion at banks look in magazines this is more classy okay or wit magazine websites because Instagram models you know they're beautiful they're you know a lot more flawless but a lot of the times you know they're not dressing super feminine or classy but dressing for likes and attention so it's very different okay you don't want to emulate that you want to emulate class and femininity and not you know desperate for attention see everything every curve on my body and type thing okay leave something to the imagination things like that so you want to be more feminine unless you know trendy or flirty um but yes you can kind of get a feel for what and how the fit should look you go to a high-end magazine they're going to show you how the fit should hit you if you've got the same dress and it's skin tight on you go a size up it doesn't matter if that's not your size it's about how it looks on you you know you might be a you know an eight or a seven but you might need to go up a size for it to fit right okay so don't worry about the size make sure it fits and looks right you will never see celebrities or anyone out in the evening that much you know dressed up or at any type of gala or premiere or anything which is all unless is Lady Gaga last decade okay I used to be a Institute oh oh well I think everyone thought that that was what you were supposed to do at one point because it was so popular but this is that girl from Glee Oh Gabrielle Union has a line at New York company see this dress I think this dress is kind of cute but like on any figure it's like a wrap dress and it comes down here you can be overweight or skinny and it will still look good on you that silhouette you know and see how loose the clothes are fitting they're not supposed to be skin tight it looks classy versus trashy and let's see see over here on this page if you're gonna wear flats or any type of heel with pants make sure they're pointy pointy is classy always do the point of heel it looks more elegant and expensive okay gold 4.08 unless you have open toe it's different oh they got a whole page Beyonce whoo I like that dress we got a whole page of Beyonce clothes my favorite dress on all of this if I had to wear one okay there's two of them that I really like this this Balmain in this black dress these two hour definitely that is hot this green one it's cute to disc or II need one but I don't know I couldn't pull that off but this green one yeah oh this white one like okay I see a lot of them but it's really cute um but they have stylists so that's that's one thing they could dress because they have stylists helping them you gotta be your own stylist these days and get all the help you can get um oh there's cherry Washington right now the face shows on green eyeshadow dark green eyeshadow in golden so yeah get your inspiration out of fashion magazines versus Instagram and you'll be better off I think um here is an accessory yes Tom Ford fragrances are the best yes I noticed that when I dress classy and wear florals and bright feminine colors mentioned to approach me in a more respectful manner versus when I wear fashion Nova yes I feel like a dusty this session is too real today know me you know what a lot of women let me tell you one thing that I have noticed about a lot of women they want the type of men that's very feminine women can get easily and they ask the certain questions well how can I get him to come over to me how come in don't approach this is the main reason men love feminine women the more feminine you are the more you will be approached the more feminine colors you wear the better you smell the softer you talk this you know the the more you smile you wearing dresses that is what attracts them they are a man they were pants they talk deep they talk loud very egotistical they don't want to be attracted to the same type of woman they want the opposite they want something soft and subtle and flirty and they want a flower they don't want to weed they don't want our aloe vera plant they want a flower if you're not a flower why would they come to pick you you know if you know what I mean they're not kids don't run to cactuses kids don't run to weeds kids don't run to you know bushes to pit they run to flowers because why because they're pretty and soft looking pretty soft looking beautiful they want to pick it up and take it home okay be a flower I know a lot of you girls wear black in dark colors when you go out you're not gonna stand out you're not gonna look super feminine they're gonna be like I mean you could but you get more attention in a feminine color a nice pink a coral even agreeing you know a light green or emerald green you could do gold anything but gray black and brown mm-hmm and you know red yes so make sure you're looking feminine and they will come to you if you got on black looking rigid masculine you've got a masculine hair to you I feel too much if you're too bold they're not coming you got to be soft and feminine chain if you wear gray and black every day put some pink with it put some pretty feminine colors peach wear lighter colors it's springtime okay I like black in the fall that's when it's appropriate but I like to also pair it with lighter colors make like like scarves like like light shirts and things like that or light jewelry or makeup but it is springtime now men want to see dresses made I want to see legs men want to see skin men want to see flowers and that's what you are to them you can't array it rolls in your hair that may be too much maybe it just if you're on tropical vacation but it might be a little bit too much that was in a couple years ago but now it's kind of died down maybe a sparkly maybe a sparkly floral like bobby pin um so please if you're not getting the attention you think you need you're too masculine-looking make yourself more feminine and stop cursing that's number one please um we're more skirts and dresses yes that that yes uh and also lingerie under your clothes make you walk sexier feel sexier have that confidence as well so get you some cute lingerie they might not be able to see it but you're going to feel sexy which is going to come off very feminine you know and piercings like if you got it have you got a bunch of stuff all over you take that stuff out if you got a bunch of tattoos all over you covered it up cover it up okay if you're gonna show skin or wear something over it cover some tattoos up you know like I have a tattoo right here but I can cover this like this like you don't see this or if I'm gonna wear something open I can put some foundation on this and you won't even know I have a tattoo because if you're in a five-star restaurant you have on a spaghetti strap or a cute sundress and then you got a big ol picture here of whatever you know rider by Tweety Bird and whatever you got all this it's like distracting and they're gonna be like this is the last time we ever going out that is somebody said to pop I have tattoos okay I got one here and this one are these three these three and one on my arm and I don't show it when I'm out public so biggie arose so this can be covered like you don't even know how to or I could cover it up about two seconds with some foundation and some concealer I love my tattoos it's all a matter of how you style yourself you can still have an elevated look with tattoos yes but still if you're like what if you're invited to a gala are you going to send your Brown a bunch of rich high-class people they're going to automatically put you in a lower class because you have certain tattoos I'm just saying this is how it is when you go to those type of events when you go to 5-star restaurants when you go out and you're trying to secure a man with money cover it up cover it up you might like it but they don't okay and that's just the truth they don't like it they don't like it they will say it's okay cuz they want to sleep with you but you're not gonna be wifey because they don't want like they're just imagining you on your wedding day with a beautiful wedding dress on and Tupac sitting up on your shoulder okay or a rose this is something some quote and curse that you can't even read cuz it's faded don't go good with your skin tone and then you got a bunch of tattoos on your neck what are your odds wedding pictures gonna look like how's he gonna introduce you to his mama oh this is my date this is my fiance yeah she got tattoo a big into parking but I love her he's not taking you home cover it up get it removed do something and I'm not unless he is rich and has tattoos himself and likes them but very rarely are you gonna find a sugar daddy who's older who likes all that crap on you and believe me I have tattoos I mean not that many and not that big but I cover myself look when I'm when I'm in a certain area in a certain place because they will treat you different and I know tattoos are everywhere now but still the very highly classy people don't get them all up in here you know if they gonna get one it's gonna be here somewhere else or dainty or super small somewhere else someone say wedding pictures are gonna look like a jail portrait that's true yeah blac Chyna was a stripper okay that's different y'all are not blac Chyna I love my tattoos too but I'm not finished showing off like and get get treated like wham bam thank you ma'am when I met James I didn't have any tattoos at all I got them on my 33rd birthday actually my first tattoos of that on my 33rd birthday cuz I was like I'm 33 let me do something crazy I was in rebellious mood so overly classy people secretly disliked themselves yes they might but still that's their lifestyle and they have to adhere to it you know mm-hmm you have tattoos with their strategically place and you would never now see um yes if you get laser remove tattoos yeah I feel like if you've already got them figure out how you can cover them up if you wear things that show them off if you're trying to date up especially if you're trying to date other races cover that up you know just cause uh you're dusty liked it doesn't mean the CEO of a corporate corporation is I mean a corporate business is going to like it okay Shira what about multiple piercing in my ears putting don't wear all of that stuff or maybe you can find one of those earrings that go up and cover the holes you know like a ear jewelry thing but don't wear all that stuff and if you don't have anything yet don't get anything you don't need it it's it's not going it's gonna be fun now it's trendy and edgy now but when you get older if not you just look crazy like think about it if you get all that stuff done autumn catch you what are you gonna look like at 50 years old all the all you guys who have those big old tattoos everywhere what do ya'll wanna look like at 50 you know China at 50 yeah I'm but let's just have you ever seen a billionaire or a millionaire it's not a rapper with a woman with a bunch of tattoos all up in here or a Kardashian Rob don't count no you don't because they don't like it wealthy man don't like it they like classy chicks without all that you know even this is too much this look trashy when I got it I was being rebellious but I liked it and I can cover it and it's not all up in here or on my boobs you know so and I got after I was married not before but after many years after and he paid for it so you know okay so you know I'm not trying to bash anyone or down anyone but it's not feminine either it's very masculine tattoos are very masculine they're not feminine at all like in the old days only men got tattoos sailors you know stuff like that will get tattoos and they weren't feminine women didn't start getting tattoos until like what the 60s and 70s whatever when they were rebelling I can do what I can do what a man do so yeah they're not very feminine and you're gonna give some covered up be able to cover it or hide it someone told me women masculinity was okay because they want to be the woman they want you to pay them go 5050 they want you to pay half the bills it's okay because they don't want to work his heart they want you to do have to work and look you know tattoos are tribal but in America a lot of people were getting them in the military that's you know mostly that's how it started miracle except for you know the natives who did have them for tribal reasons spray tan versus real tan don't know known about their real team um I think if it looks fake they're gonna know but if you get real tans you're gonna get leathery so mmm-hmm try to find something that looks natural I guess how about ever tried to ivy Beauty trip no never try - spray tans look - Orange yes um I think everyone should just embrace their own complexion just make sure your skin is even uh-huh no orange hands um I have my kids name tattooed on me I Michael Jackson tattooed on me yes I do have y'all ever seen my MJ tattoo I sure do see that's the holy man I ever get tattooed on me Michael Jeffery yes cuz this eyebrow was all sleek look cuz I look better than mine so yes got that injury going he's with me always so but I ain't got it right here you know what I'm saying I got it high up to where if I wear like sleeves if I wear sleeveless yeah you can see it but if I wear regular sleeves it's right above that see y'all I got tattoos and I'm still talking trash yes I'm glad I got after I was married and it wasn't on my wedding pictures or I would have covered it up seriously or wore a long sleeve dress tips on how to be sexually appealing where where's that shows a little skin but not too much because the mystery is the part that is sexually appealing the mystery if you're showing everything they're just going to be horny and want to hurry up and sleep with you if it's mysterious yet sexy they want to they want you to seduce him so you're gonna wear if you're gonna show cleavage then make your dress a little longer so that it goes to your knees or below your knees and you're gonna show leg cover this up make sure your skin looks soft to make sure you smell good make sure your hair is how they like it or what men are attracted to men like long hair don't wear like I think Mickey did a video on not everybody can't be Beyonce you know not everybody can pull off certain hair colors so stick to something that is complimentary to you and wear a slit dress yeah show a little bit of leg I play up your eyes men like to look into your eyes and play up your eyes but don't wear so much like crap that you have crap in your eyes like don't wear so much eye makeup that you start getting this stuff right here and it just looks fake to look at do something a little bit subtle when you're on a date you know hmm what about online dating how do you know who has the money the older they are the better job they have and look what they look like their pictures if their picture looks like they only wear a suit when they get invited to weddings you can you can tell if they're at a wedding of their work if it's a work picture it's a business picture you usually men will pose with their nice cars or on a boat don't look for that look for men who are doing leisure activities not fishing but yachting you know not wearing a suit that is ill fitted that they probably rented or bought off the rack at a wedding with an ugly tie on look for real nice tailored fitting suits look for men who look like their picture is off of a business pad or something like that look for men who have nice cars in the background or are on a yacht now on a cruise but on a yacht look for men who look like they're not working in the middle of the day okay expensive hobbies yes like golfing boating look for the area of town that they live in okay look for only go for certain zip codes that are rich um can you get away with not posting a pictures on online dating um no because you can but you're not gonna get any hits you're gonna barely get anything mmm do I wear a Lilly Pulitzer yes I do I have a bunch of Lilly Pulitzer I have like about seven or eight dresses a couple of purses keychains I got a yeah it's very popular in southern states especially in summer and fall I mean summer in spring um dusty always take pictures with their raggedy cars okay this will not be him showing off his car but him and the cars in the background and he's not even really trying to show it he's just like it's not gonna be in a parking lot but in his in front of his house most likely okay I've seen people who posed by other people's cars and put that on okay don't if the car is too ghetto and looks like they put a lot of money into the car to make it look flashy they broke don't look for obvious cars like Mercedes or BMW or you know yeah Porsches Corvettes no arty yes arty is nice um a lot of men wealthier men are starting to buy Odie Odie you know the ones with the circles in him so Jaguar if they could be rented yes but usually they're not the guys old old dudes they read don't really rent cars they got good credit okay our elastic lash extensions better I don't know I've never had lash extensions so I don't know if they're better I'm not feeling very approached as I used to be three years ago I'm 23 and people generally say I am beautiful I see men with women that aren't more beautiful than me um are you feminine though and are you in the right area ladies also screened for mental they look more natural how do a rich woman post pics and find someone richer play pool yeah just look cute they don't care how much money you have just look cute and don't have more money than them my my Ben drives an Audi mm-hmm he used to have a Mercedes and BMWs and he said he liked the Audi better too um and he has the convertible you think he got you know he think he think I'm a dit Hey so you saw the body at the store mom yelled call Shira haha yep my husband just bought the new BMW x2 yeah well when you when you have even you know when you make money you can try every car out that you like and you just keep going like oh I want to try this type of car okay now I've had it let me try this type okay this is this is what's in now let me drive this so you kind of got you can do whatever you like you can trade it in get you a nice a different car trade it in again get you another car you can have two cars only the unworthy are intimidated by beautiful women and a lot of men won't approach you because they feel like they're gonna have to do a lot to impress you and they don't like working a man that can't approach a beautiful woman does not want her to be the center of attention they want to be the one to get all the attention they want the one they want to be spoiled by a woman so they're not going to come come to you if they know they're gonna have to prove themselves to you only men that do that are men that can afford it and who want their status to look higher they will only cross the room for a beautiful woman if they can afford you and you make them look better other men who can't really afford you and they want to be the center of attention in the relationship and get the a star plus treatment they're only going to go for the average women who are lucky to have that and gonna do whatever they ask in bed gonna do whatever not expect any expensive gifts and just be happy to be with them okay so you should be happy that certain men aren't crossing the room for you if you know you look good that means they know they can't give you what you need they want it they want what you want the same thing they want to be treated special they want to be the prize in the relationship and they see you as the prize so they're definitely not going to be the prize so they will go for uglier pygmy chicks that will validate them and treat them special and they don't have to work as hard okay now a man with money they don't want the pygmy average chick because then what if they what if they worked their whole life for why do they drive nice car you know you can be beautiful and still that may have money you don't he might get whatever he wants in bed from a beautiful woman you don't have to go for the picnic so go to the nicer areas only stop hanging out in average places if you want men to come to you if you are beautiful beautiful women hang out in nice areas they don't hang out in trashy areas where their beauty is going to be exploited they hang out in nice areas where people can afford to be with them to please them to pay for things for them to accommodate them they're not gonna be in a place where everybody's like lying to them you know pretending to have money go to the place where you know people have money where you know you know a feminine woman is never afraid to go out alone she is confident within herself to go out alone you know how do I come become more alluring your outward appearance you just have to dress very seductive or feminine but not [ __ ] make sure your clothes fit wear perfume make sure your hair is how men like it longer speak softly don't curse smile you know I I can't you know tell you enough smiling will totally change your your look it will make you look younger nicer and more attractive mm-hmm no peels dresses skirts get rid of like I only wear pants when I'm running errands and it's super cold or when I have a certain look that I'm going for but never on a date never out do I wear pants never going out like for evening I never wear pants doing that I mean when I was younger like in my 20s and I was in clubs and you know I had some leather pants a heart or some cute jeans and heels and a top because I was dancing and he was like that in the 90s and stuff yes but now I'm a little older and cool and I want to pull off the classy look and the more feminine look and get treated like a lady versus someone just to sleep with being taking more seriously you wear the feminine classy clothing yeah the pants with it and in the 90s more thing long curly hair okay not if you want to attract certain type of men men most men do not like curly hair and that's just how it is they like long loose waves or straight like curly hair is too big it's too much it's like it takes away from your natural your beauty if you spent an hour in the mirror to do your makeup or whatever and then you have this massive curly curling is going on don't have they'll see none of this all that I see is this you know all that solid the gonna see the hair no braids no brains no brains this is all they're gonna see all they're gonna see is your hair they're not gonna be focused on you okay so the hair should be simple and sleek to get the attention of men who want classy look okay if you're trying to have braids and big curls you know that's more for Dusty's they like that okay men with money want you to fit into their environment and big curls and brave don't say hmm okay they're right that's just how it is the women that get the most attention in the most 12th have to straight yeah lady the straight we go straight we've whatever that's they got just going by numbers mm-hmm how do you wear dresses just like you wear any other clothes just put them on make sure they fit try them on before you buy them like you can go online and look up best dresses for your body type then look for that in the store mm-hmm okay our I live in Michigan it's too cold okay wear longer dresses or skirts with you know tights and you know boots or something or heels or whatever but it's not cold now I mean in the summer it's not cold whenever you can wear them wear them and just think about if everyone has on pants and you come in there with a skirt even when it's cold but you can uh you can have on tights or whatever or a coat and then take your coat off like a trench coat and you have on a dress you're gonna get all that attention how do you do your hair at the gym I put in a ponytail uh-uh hmm females always make the first move like smiling or stare yeah it's not really a move it's an invite like it's okay to come over to me mm-hmm what is the best time to go out alone into a rich area on the weekdays maybe happy hour or dinnertime brunch on the weekends brunch um some breakfast if you want to find an old person with some money go to nice breakfast places early in the morning cuz you know old people wake up early you have long natural hair how do you hear healthy if you straighten it a flatiron it put a wig on just like I do I know people are proud of their hair it's long it's it's natural yes I don't want to damage it of course you don't that's why you buy a weed that way when you're done with that date you could take it right on off and go back to who you are you know I'm wearing a wig right now yes and what I'm done I'll take it right off and well this is my hair and then this is the wig back here you see you can do a half wig you can get a wig the same texture as your hair pull some out in the front make it a half wig and look natural but you don't have to do all of that like you doing that that's your choice men don't care especially you know if you're trying if you're trying to date any man they don't care you don't care if it's a wig anymore you know unless you know unless they're trying to I mean most men don't ask what type of what's that in your head unless you know they're black and they want to have kids with certain hair texture you know or they're afraid you gonna ask them to pay for your wig or weaves one day so mmm if your hair looks good naturally that a long flat ironed wig that you don't have to damage your hair with wear how do I feel about Chloe situation I like to me they're not ever gonna have good luck with me okay the type of man that they like or the type of man that cheat so what do you expect mm-hmm if you use certain products and you straighten your hair it'll be healthy yeah someone says they have natural hair and they straighten it I straighten mine but you can use like the keratin spray the thermal spray and then straighten it with a ceramic iron keep the ends trimmed he get some clip in extensions yeah mm-hmm so what's the most expensive thing a man has given you a house how you doing house then car then he is because I'm thanks it's pitiful mm-hmm like Fischer Reid do you like Marlo I don't watch Real Housewives of Atlanta I'm so sorry have I ever thought about being a comedian no prenup no prenup I'm a Pisces we don't do prenups unless they benefit us they act they dress classy but act a certain type of way that's for entertainment right on TV they pay them to act ratchet and stuff like that you know how do you stop curly hair straighten it if you want that money straighten it out most Pisces women are a desperate glad to see you're not I've never met a desperate Pisces in my life I don't know but we find ratchetness okay that's the messed up part yeah because it's entertaining but you don't see them you don't see those women with certain type of man either you only see them what the man is cheating on them and lied to them and ratchet themselves you know mm-hmm they may not be considered high-end but they're they rock hmm yeah there's some Pisces girls who are super emotional they're probably mostly young or not in control of their emotions but I feel like the more you learn the more you understand that being in control of your emotions is powerful and it helps you make better decisions and it takes you to better places so once they figured that out they won't be like that anymore but someone has to tell them or they have to figure it out themselves but if they don't figure it out and they continue then that is one of the life lessons that they're supposed to learn and they'll keep repeating the same thing until they learn it so mm-hmm if you are a Leo you are already halfway there yeah okay take care of their update so you know just be more feminine you know you must have an act you must have an act you must appear feminine you must look feminine you must talk feminine act feminine walked feminine if you want to attract a masculine type men who will provide men will provide more for a feminine woman than a masculine woman because first of all they see you as vulnerable dainty helpless they want to help you they want to prove their masculinity they want their masculinity to contract contrast with your feminine you know they don't they know you're not going to challenge them or correct them in public so they will take you more places introduce you to more people they know they're meant different their male friends and family will like you straight up they're less likely to see I'll tear your motives they're more likely to see you as honest even if you ain't they're more likely to see you as someone that they want to help or be there for or be with so that they can help and protect you you know what I'm saying because anyone could just take advantage of you could because you're so nice and you're so happy and you're smiling and anyone can just approach because you're so approachable so they're going to want to be with you more they're less likely to want to go out alone or let you go out alone because you're so feminine you're just going to attract anything especially if you hang out in nice places oh you can't go out by yourself you're too attractive and you're too feminine men are going to swarm you so there are more likely to take you out more if you want to go out and not say oh go hang out with your girls i'ma go hang out my boys they're less likely to be like tell you to do stuff I'll go to the grocery store at night because you're so feminine and dainty and approachable they're not sending you know we're at night there they're gonna go with you or they're gonna go run the errand for you they're not they're less likely to say oh you have to work if you're just this alluring super feminine lady that they know any male boss will be attracted to and try to get it they'll be like oh no you don't have to work baby I'll take care of you or you can work from home find you an online job it doesn't have to pay much just do whatever you want to do you know whatever figure out what you want to do start your own business go be more likely to do that then say oh you gotta go to work you know they'll be more likely to go get a second job so you don't have to deal with your boss who's chasing you around the desk and trying to sleep with you on the lunch break okay so seven and women can get away with more feminine women can stay home feminine women can pretty much get a man to do whatever they need them to do masculine women can't because the man think you can handle it if you play done play feminine I can't do that I don't know how to work this they'll do everything for you and they'll feel good about doing it because that makes them feel more masculine and intelligent and they can impress you all at the same time so don't be that independent I don't need no man I can do it myself I know what I'm doing you should do it this way instead it's better type woman because you're not gonna get anything out of that but resentment soin says I haven't worked Oh where's my phone Oh someone says I haven't worked in five years yes that's a good deal you know so a lot of ladies have issues with that you know standing down and acting a certain thing but it doesn't make you any less of a woman it makes you more of a woman think about it it makes you more feminine and it's just an act it's not real I mean we know women can do a lot of stuff okay we know you've done it but that doesn't make it appealing to me okay Capricorn women are hard workers my mom is home yeah you can be a hard feminine worker but you can you can put your like if you have an ultra feminine career men are more likely to accept that versus a masculine or competing career you know if you're a doctor lawyer whatever whatever that's competition if you're a stylist if you're a makeup artist if you're a youtuber if you're this and that it's less intimidating like they don't take that seriously oh that's a women stuff you know even if you make a lot of money they just think people are crazy and giving you money and you're just lucky it's not competition okay so if you are very motivated you know get a feminine career get a feminine job and it's less intimidating to men you know if you own your own business they can't really tell what you're bringing home anyway so you can lie about that yes work smarter not harder that's why I said you know a lot of women don't like me because I say Oh get money from a man and well what if I have my own money we'll save it you won't have it if you spend it do I know you know save your money what's been like look him say why spend my when I could spend yours so that video in the group today save your money invest your money buy some life insurance pace get some mutual funds buy some real estate and then spin it you know what I mean you're gonna be a strong independent woman you got your own money but where is your savings look like what is your investment look like mm-hmm work smarter not harder it don't matter if because that's females egos like once y'all get in a position you turn just like a man you can start getting that Eagle well I need to let the world know how educated I am I need to let the world know my position I needed to let the world know I'm a boss and they're gonna let you know that they need some money because you got it so I would rather be like I'm just a receptionist I need some uh I am a receptionist I'm a secretary I'm a executive assistant that's all you know men don't care they think that sexy oh she's got a nice phone voice but you still look good and you work in a nice building in your office but you not their competition you're oppressed by them it's your dream to marry up right and so there's so many women that just have to go and blurt out and tell the world what they do for a living nobody cares what you do for a living they don't care they don't I'm sorry to tell you they don't care how many degrees you have they care more about what you look like and how good you make them feel that's all that they care about they don't care about all the hours you spent in school that you have a doctorate they don't care your position at the corporation they don't care about your business they don't you care your family cares but they don't it's boring they're tuning it out save your breath okay they're not impressed they're intimidated and thinking about the receptionist's that they were dating last week and we're thinking and hoping they still got her number okay so without disrespecting my sister in uniform I'm never going back to working Public Safety okay i working expensive hotel and businessmen do come and ask me where I'm from what want to make me smile small talk okay they really couldn't care less about my job they smile feel powerful and I and I smile back yeah mm-hmm so that's that's what I'm talking about so if you want to be the powerful one in the relationship then you probably gonna end up dating a dusty if you want to be the lady in the woman in the relationship then you can probably date a masculine provider okay but you can't have it both ways because eventually something's got to give out something gonna give out they're gonna find a more feminine woman than you that makes them feel more masculine than you so you can't have it both ways you gotta just be even if you know the answer and he's doing stuff wrong and he's saying stuff wrong you don't correct him you don't offer suggestions you accidentally let him find the answer okay you be talking on the phone to your friend and you say something that you need him to hear but say it loud you go about it subtle you know what I'm saying so or you let it come from somewhere else like yeah James is working on this thing and he's you know he's working hard he's you know he's really good at what it what if you were doing it what would you do oh well that's a good idea here let me put you on speaker you heard that James wow you're smart give the credit to someone else even though it was your idea okay when I call you say this okay then you don't have to take credit for the idea came from a third party which is perfectly fine and he'll implement whatever the idea was if he likes it and if it makes more sense which it probably does and you don't have to walk around feeling like you helped him be smart okay men like that you're not correcting them and treating them like a mother they get to take full credit of all the stuff that you come up with implant so they can figure it out if you need the credit your ego is big if you just want the result plant it okay so many women have bigger egos and Men and they don't even realize it what how was my idea well I should I came up with that and you know we have power couple week going together you know no he wants to be the man and he wants to take credit for the ideas so you plant them in his mind you still see him as a man you know my man would be pissed if find out how much money I really have I'm sure yeah what are appropriate things to talk about on the first date let him talk ask him questions that will take a long time to answer like oh you know tell me about yourself I love hearing about you know other people that's asking questions that are gonna have long answer so you don't have to talk too much where did you grow up ask him questions about his childhood where did you grow up what did you study in school stuff he likes to talk about himself where's your hobbies some men like a little masculinity though I'm super feminine but can be masculine - I tried many guys yeah but attraction is not the same thing no you know what I mean attraction is attraction how you look but if you act too masculine they're going to opt for the more feminine you know the super masculine middle men will [Music] what type of guys do you track though yeah you know feminine gets the ring quick masculine they got to think about that one how is she gonna be in the marriage is she's gonna be overpowering is she gonna tell me what to do is she gonna run my life is she gonna take the she gonna wear the pants in the marriage and she gonna let herself go cuz I see her in them raggedy clothes and that bonnet and no makeup more often now you know she gonna get that a short haircut that women get after they get old and have a couple kids she won't do all of that she won't stop you know if you're masculine they're gonna think about that stuff before they propose to you if you if you don't leave the house looking crazy if you always got on cute clothes makeup hair done and very concerned about those type of things they know that's how you're gonna be for the rest of your life they don't have to worry about you not doing that anymore because that is who you are so man will most likely marry someone like that versus someone who it's uncomfortable in their femininity or uncomfortable in certain things they're gonna be like I can tell that's not who she really is you know I don't know if I want that permanently I want that permanently let me get this feminine ultra feminine lady over here that's gonna wear dresses that's all she has in her wardrobe and she has a few pair of jeans she has lots of heels she puts that makeup on every day her hair is always beautiful men turned to look as she walks by she makes me look more powerful that's what they're gonna marry unless they're marrying you to build them up to go get that type of woman dividual so is this for real how come you just can't find a man who accepts you for you not all men love them and yeah not all men love femininity the ones that wants you to go 50/50 don't like it the ones that want you to buy them expensive gifts and give them half your tax return they don't like the ones that look better than you they don't like it the ones that plug their eyebrows they don't like it the ones that want you to put them on a pedestal instead of the other way around they don't like it they want you to be the man so they can sit back and have an easy ride so whenever you see a man who don't like how many women run run they want you to do the work oh baby come fix my tire you know how to change a tire get out of here Oh baby I can't open this oh you stronger than me Oh baby what's this oh you you you're adopting you're a lawyer you should know that can you take me out to eat why you know how to cook mm-hmm why are you getting dressed up mm-hmm where are you going you look fine with no makeup no I like you natural that's type of man one that wants the upper end upper hand that's the type of man that likes a masculine woman so you can build him up and finish raising him so he can go get the ultra feminine woman when he's older and can afford her do I suggest etiquette classes you you can take etiquette classes I'm sure they have a bunch of YouTube videos you can take as watch as well but it's a good idea if you're going to be dating in the upper-class segments of society so someone says masculine women are good in bed Shh that's that's all you want for great that's not the ones you know that's the one that take charge and then after a while you like let me be the man god that's the one that's the type of women that beg for sex why you don't want to sleep with me no more cool get off me it's hot you know so that's what I'm saying you know I have so many women who have done consultations well how come he doesn't want to sleep with me anymore how come he is to come on to me anymore how come this do you nag him yeah do you tell her what to do you too masculine you don't give them a chance to come on to you you you like sex more than he does you know switch switch roles that's the most a lot of people have those type of problems in their relationship and they don't even realize it's because they're too masculine I don't know why he don't I don't know what's wrong he's just acting strange and don't matter that because you too masculine well I try to tell him to do this this I said are you his mom well no well then why you telling him what to do because what he's doing is not working it's like okay well you're emasculating him and he's probably out looking for a more feminine chick so yeah I gotta stop doing it I'm trying to tell you when you get in the relationship you still have to keep it feminine so sure how are you suggest dealing with the need to pass gas with a new guy go to the restroom excuse yourself and go do it in there or he don't hear you okay it's not cute what's your suggestion if we have a higher sex drive take care of it yourself mm-hmm women who have a higher sex drive the men will take advantage of you okay if they know you like it more than they do or like it a lot they can take advantage of you you act like you don't need it want it there good will chase you more so get rid of it you get out do it on your own how do you handle the wig or weave situation when it's time to be intimate with a new guy leave it on what you're doing oh hold on let me think let me take off my clothes in my wig like I'm gonna get you sucker no leave it on mmm-hmm how do you make your ex regret losing you get a richer man what if he pulls it off put a thousand bobby pins in it job you know you're gonna do something put a thousand bobby pins in it well he took an ax don't all the way come off you can stop them like no don't don't touch my hair don't only mess it up hit it down somebody says you know yeah mm-hmm how do you look good while spending the night we're 24 hour makeup they maybe gives you some nice lingerie or nice you know negligee or whatever teddy whatever yes everybody makes our makeup now these eyebrows with 24 hours look this lip ain't coming off Kat Von D makes 24-hour makeup and foundation they a lot of people do now okay they make 24 hour even the beauty supply store has 24-hour eyeliner and lip liner it ain't coming off you met a guy he's really good a bit you got you to open up and now it seems that I have the higher sex drive than him well then I pull back you see that's why these guys in the comments can say all she needed some good D all she needs to be because y'all fall for that y'all can't do that you lose power yeah you can take up you could take care of your skin all you like but still you know you have clear skin you don't need to wear makeup to the edges put you some if you don't have perfect brows feeling your brows maybe do some spot concealing make yourself look natural but you know if he wants to see you without makeup and you have good skin if you don't put some concealer on it make yourself look like you don't have makeup that's all you can do mm-hmm that's what I would do like if you know you look bad without makeup and you look like a totally different person and that man wants to see you without makeup or wants you to spend the night and you know he's gonna leave you after he sees you with no makeup on keep some makeup on tell me you ain't got none off like I don't have fun makeup you know get the get the bareMinerals do spot concealer get that waterproof makeup but don't come off do something start going dermatologist yeah you can get that treated if you have a bad skin start get fixed drink a lot of water go to dermatologist get some medication mm-hmm you have to you have to upgrade yourself you can't just stop just cuz makeup can cover it don't mean you know I will be fine leaving the house with no foundation on because I don't have a lot of issues with my my skin but I like how it makes me look so I do wear it but I don't absolutely need it some women absolutely need it you absolutely mean it go fix it go to the doctor go to the dermatologist go to the plastic surgeon go to anybody that's gonna help you fix what makeup is hiding if you eventually don't want to wear a lot of it anymore you know what I'm saying so a lot of ladies who haven't worn makeup for most of their lives their skin is different then women who wore makeup a lot because women take better care of their skin when they wear makeup and that's weird right because you can't put makeup over dry dead wrinkly unex foliated skin and have it look good so women who wear makeup really invest in skin care women who don't wear makeup they get so used to looking the way that they look they don't need extra they just wash their face with whatever they washed it with in high school and slap on some moisturizer and call it a day they went and then when they try to put on some makeup it looks like it's sitting over some leather so and they have more wrinkles because they don't they might not wear sunblock and a lot of the makeup has sunblock in it or they might not be putting night creams or eye creams on or things like that to make their face look younger is they not really bein like that okay so whenever women are new at wearing makeup I always tell them go and get some exfoliate exfoliating scrubs wash your face do the exfoliation twice a week until your skin starts to look soft and smooth foundation will look ten times better on you okay it won't look like it's sitting on your face anymore well some people have really good skin naturally yes if you exfoliate and do all that stuff then no problem but a lot of women don't they just wake up wash their face put on a body and well if you do you have to you know really take care of your skin for makeup to look good on you you can take two women one with good skin and one with bad skin and depending and you know the makeup is gonna sit better on the one with the good skin so take care of your skin that's another feminine trait soft skin nice skin always working on your skin okay because men are attracted to healthy ladies health that's why the glow and the highlight is so popular because it makes you look healthy like you have flawless skin so work towards that if you don't have it cover it up with makeup until you can get it still wear makeup if you like but you don't have to worry about kicking it on before you go to bed with your new man or worried about what he thinks when you take it off you know a lot of ladies don't drink enough water they always drinking soda iced tea juice do you know that it's really it's classy to drink water I have mitts I have talked to so many women that be like I gotta have a drink I gotta have something I gotta have some taste of my skills I gotta have lemonade juice ice tea something you know they just can't drink water like what's wrong with water so drink more water come on y'all don't be ghetto ODIs sparkling water its flavored water that's better than juice okay if you can't just drink water get you some sparkling water just don't have no flavor you know no get you some water if you go out to a restaurant a five-star restaurant order you dr. pepper that's get up don't do it if you see if you make lemonade with your water don't worry I know if you have to have flavor get iced tea unsweet then you add your a sweetener don't get that sweet tea that's too many calories a lot of those drinks are too many calories you know water with lemon if you need flavor at fresh fruit to your water that's true I'm a first year student thinking about transferring to Proteus prestigious University with medical and business school there's highly that are a good husband at it no go No why do y'all keep trying to get man in college I don't know why they're not gonna stay with you the their in school so they can get the type of woman that don't want to work there in school to get the type of woman that is a receptionist at somebody's job looking cute there is school to get a woman that probably ain't even born yet I mean why would you spend all that time and energy and money going to medical school becoming a surgeon becoming a doctor a dentist or whatever to get the same thing that you are you know to get a highly educated woman unless they're trying to build up to leave you for their second wife who's gonna want plastic surgery who's one who's gonna want to stay home who's gonna want the credit card you just want to go shopping all day stop getting man in college only to date for fun not husband material you are the same age they're going to upgrade you okay don't do it it's not worth it um go get a doctor if you want a doctor go get one that's already out of school and paid because most likely they're going to be paying school loans going to be doing internships not getting paid you're gonna have to struggle then when they make it all some cute younger girl has to do is walk bicep heels twisting some little nurse and hey you gone or he's cheating so get him after he's already a successful that's how you know they really want you not together from college to this when they are successful and they approach you that's cuz they really want you they're not settling anymore they get to pick the type of woman they want and they pick you they say this is the type of woman I want I it's highly suggest successful dr. Dennis lawyer whatever and that's who I want okay you don't marry in college before they get money because all you're gonna do is inherit their debt their college loans all of that that's all you're gonna get okay don't do it would you rather ask for an allowance or just a specific amount I'm just gonna tell them how much my bills are but I'm gonna double it and that there is my bills and my allowance like if you want to date me I need you to be a provider I don't date men who cannot support me so my bills are this much a month here's my you know I need a direct deposit into my account each month I don't want to have to come and ask you for money I'm not dating you unless there is a direct deposit or you direct deposit to my PayPal every month because I want to know that you can secure me I want to be safe I want to feel comfortable you know that way we don't have to discuss this anymore mmm how to increase your feminine energy what practices do you suggest wearing wearing nice lingerie wearing makeup dresses perfume heels dress the feminine uniform if you're running errands you can wear nice flats cute sandals you know cute dresses or skirts you know shorts you know jeans when you're running errands but when you're going out and about and you're dating dresses and skirts you get treated better by men when you are in dresses and skirts always they'll do more for you they'll open doors for you they'll treat you more feminine and want to do more for you so that's what you gotta do you know don't wake up and do the bare minimum wake up early and get the maximum out of your life the maximum effect out of your life you you're not gonna be young forever you're gonna get older use what you got now to get what you want and climb and went by the time you want to level up and get fancy it's gonna be too late some of you you know you have your 20s your 30s your 40s half of your 50s Tina Knowles or Tina Turner or Oprah but you gotta have money and keep your looks on par after a certain age so don't waste those years when you can be getting the most you're sitting around wearing a t-shirt and leggings and flip-flops walking into the store slide your flip-flops what you bought it on when you could be getting paid to have groceries delivered to you to have people bring you groceries to you know to be able to shop online and go pick it up with somebody else's credit card number what are you doing mm-hmm you so please stop wasting your looks on looking trashy and being lazy you're you're if you're at the peak of your youth then flaunt it because when you take pictures a document it because when you look back at yourself later on in life and all you see are pictures of you and t-shirts you're not gonna have any iconic pictures to show your children oh look mom was beautiful oh look at my mom they can't put you up on their Facebook after you die and a t-shirt and some leggings that people think that you're classy or respect you you know what I mean get more glam live like it's special dress up daily whenever you you know are going somewhere besides like you know your regular routine that is feminine you know uh-huh so yeah I'm just saying y'all got to stop you know y'all got to stop doing the bare minimum and do the most if you want the most out of life and you won't have to really work all your work will be is looking good looking good and lying - yo that's your that's your job from now just looking like - every day is a special occasion when I get up I'm like what should I wear today what you know let me put an outfit together ooh this is gonna look cute with that it's like you get to play dress up every day you don't have to just say who would I got that fits and that's clean you know what makeup look it's gonna go with this what we would here um it's fun it's fun getting ready once you get used to it it's it's fun once you throw out all those crappy clothes and get you some nice clothes you don't have to dig and and find stuff that fits because you already have it um and like when you're on dates don't order giant meals don't be ordering a steak and a lobster order something feminine you know I know you want to eat baby I know you want to eat save that for when you go out with your friends or your family you know you want but when you go on dates don't order all that crap okay don't order and you got to struggle with either if someone says eat before the day exactly um do we only need to dress up on dates I dress up most days I don't care I mean I don't dress formal I don't dress like I'm going out to a five-star restaurant but I dress nice I can go anywhere and look like I belong you know I have an outfit I put it together the shoes to purse everything I make sure I'm good hmm men don't like it when females pretend to eat little I find oh don't you don't have to starve yourself but just don't order a giant steak scram Lobster you know don't order all of that order one thing like one and usually women order the fish or the chicken or some type of small meal you don't get the steak in the shrimp like he does you get the small small you ask yes scallops are good fish or grilled chicken you don't ask for the big rib eye or the filet mignon with shrimp and the other day an extra sauce an extra butter and you don't ask for that no I don't get no a one don't get it with make sure it's well-done burn it no I'm eating steak and shrimp that's the spaghetti with thing you know you think you two made when you eaten steak and shrimp no that's not that's not it most women are concerned about their looks they're not going to eat all of that stuff so or you know even if you eat it at home and cook it at home don't eat it out unless you're dining with the dusty then you know you can ask me you think it's real you're right I don't I hardly ever order shrimp I get scallops what's a scallop find out scallops and asparagus the house salad with balsamic vinaigrette please don't get no extra ranch and cheese yeah I got Thousand Island know y'all got French know y'all got ranch Thank You Barbara thanks for sharing all of this you don't have to I accept mediocre I don't accept mediocre and they see me as high-value exactly I don't care if you drink ranch do not order it and just don't look order it when you are eating by yourself or with your kids or with your family don't eat pasta no shrimp scampi you gotta slurp noodles know if you're gonna eat some type of pasta make sure it's one you can stab with your fork like PNA pasta or bowtie pasta or something like that or asked if they could substitute the spaghetti noodles or the angel hair pasta with PA or whatever something you can stab mm-hmm and if you have to use a knife make sure you know how to properly use your utensils so where you don't look crazy don't ask funny muster and don't get fried food on your date either okay I'm sorry don't get fried food on your date that is not that's not cute oh I want the fried seafood paddle no only broke in class classes people go for the fried menu I'm sorry I'm sorry eating with your family eating with your friends go go go crazy when you're out with them go get all the fried foods you want on a date grilled blackened sauteed I'm just trying to help y'all cuz some of y'all don't know nobody told you so I'm helping mm-hmm I'm a picky eater pho pho Oh like the Vietnamese soup if he want if he picked that place and he wants you to experience fo fine but you don't pick that place if he chooses it fine eat it as needed you can Shira can we do an after-hours chat that has to do with the exchange looking out the physical in these new mutually beneficial relationships that's up to you your choice you know do what you want to do you know what I'm saying mm-hmm what about dessert skip it your ass if they have a fruit play fruit plate or something lined my Skippy good ask for coffee instead or something like that I'd rather have a coffee or a drink an after meal drink our coffee instead of dessert it's more classy and if you get dessert you know maybe you could share it if you want to dessert or if you suggest sit but if they ask try to skip it dessert can be sexy if you know how to lick the fork it can yes cries in fact a fruity alcoholic drink you don't eat out a lot right um I hate seeing people leave with doggy bags yeah I say don't do doggy bags just leave it on the table and don't eat everything on your plate leave some I'm 47 and I went out on a date recently with an older gentleman at an expensive restaurant although I ordered a appetizer and seafood entree stayed away from too much bread and had leftovers okay well you know you have to kind of understand who you're eating with if you're eating with someone that does the same thing as you do and they don't see anything wrong with it then great but if you're trying to you know if you're dating a man who comes from well and don't they don't take home doggy bags and you know they eat like that every day all day and you know it's different but if you're the person you're with is doing the exact same thing ordering for a food take it to go back then do what you got to do but if you want to seem classy and you're dating someone and you know a different class than you that has a lot more money than you you don't do those things that's it you know if he's ordering the same thing you go ahead and feel free you know hmm and also it if they're not ordering the same thing it lets them know you have high standards if you don't do any of those things yeah oh I'm sorry I only I don't want you know mm-hmm you don't want to be stereotyped because if you know what when waiters go to your table especially black people well here's the fried menu they'll point straight up to you well I don't know well the fried menus on this pay that's cheap and that's what you eat it's usually the cheapest it's cheaper than sauteed grilled or blackened you don't want to be stereotyped you don't want to be given the cheap food you don't want to be ordering anything fried mm-hmm ready to date a will be in that yes I didn't want to take my food home from two looks but my date suggested it so I did okay well if they suggest it that's fine but don't ask for a doggy bag and that's a go drink and all that kind of crap extra mint some little and put some extra ranch in there shoes you know get some bring it don't do all that don't act don't grocery shop in the restaurant what about a grilled lobster tail okay here's my thing about lobster tail it shows that you can't eat that on a daily basis and that you're using that date to get a lobster tail you know that so I think about ordering lobster on a date if that's the special and it's suggested or if he asks you if you want it if you do fine but you don't order it on your own you can order something just as expensive but don't get the lobster if you have other choices not I mean because it just looks like you don't ever get that type of food and you're gonna get it on this date you got to think about how other people are viewing you okay mm-hmm stay away from steak and lobster unless you are at a steakhouse type restaurant um I still wouldn't order steak I don't need steak but if I'm at a steakhouse I will order just the seafood alone I wouldn't get both or I get like a fish or a chicken I don't I wouldn't do steak unless they just want you to do steak oh you gotta try this oh you gotta try that and you gotta get like unless they suggest it you know what I mean that's what I'm saying let them lead ask them what they suggest what you think I should get now if they're trying to be cheap and they say oh you should get this cuz it's you know if you know it's cheap just like get that and then order an appetizer or a salad or soup or something extra on a side so it evens out the price oh okay your steak was raw a lot of people eat their steak rare to medium-rare they say oh you can't get the full flavor upstate I don't eat steak I don't eat beef but if you go and you order beef and you get it well-done that's ghetto to know if you know if you're not gonna get it medium to medium well they think a lot of people think that you know how to eat the steak so don't even bother okay um I'm not passing up steak at a high-end Steakhouse exactly if you go to a high-end Steakhouse and you want the steak get the smallest Pease get the smallest the smallest one okay and don't get it well done you didn't medium or medium well but don't get it well done because that looks that's the same thing as ordering extra ranch lamb yeah you can get lamb I don't care that's that's that's classy mm-hmm you sound like you can get really well I can but when I'm acting you can hardly hear what I'm saying you have to lean in close to hear what I'm saying I have to whisper it in your ear and seduce you and give the money out of you okay but I can't get loud I do have kids that I have to yell at on a daily hurry up but I know how to act that's all you need thank you I don't eat lamb either mmm you know that hmm salmon is the answer so it says yes if you've ever been a waiter or waitress you always notice the ladies will order the fish or the salmon or the seafood and the men will order the steak steak as masculine seafood is feminine I'm saying and it's low-calorie do well beam in like flat but I don't think I mean older guys they really don't care older older wealthier and they don't care they like as long as you look good I'm pescetarian yes um so that's something just could somebody taking you somewhere you never get to eat it shows you know what I'm saying I'm not passing nothing up better if expensive steak house exactly that's exactly how you're gonna come off desperate like you never ate there before you know what I'm saying so you don't want to get all of that okay maybe do it on a date you don't like someone that you don't like it you know you never seeing them again do it do the ratchetness over there but if this is a man that you want to call you back don't do it and I know a lot of people say well I like what I like yes if you're just concerned about that moment and putting food in your mouth and not the long run to do what you got to do and if you notice the waiters will also stereotyped you they will they you come in acting all like you ain't ever been nowhere before they're gonna offer you all the things they know you're gonna ask for they don't do that to everyone okay if you go out to eat and your waiter is offering you extra stuff it's because they know you gonna ask for it I'm not playing like go out to eat in a nice place and notice they're not gonna ask the other people that order the same thing as you order if they won't extra dis an extra that especially if you're black and ghetto and you ain't never been nowhere like that before they're gonna be like Oh would you like extra lemons if you order water or tea they're gonna ask you if you like extra limits so you can make lemonade if you order salad and you ask what type of dressing do you have they're gonna start out with ranch and then when you select whatever dressing that you choose they're gonna ask if you want extra dressing you know they do this because you know it's because you're always like you ain't never had nothing before you need extra everything you don't like it how it's supposed to be and you don't know how to order in a restaurant they're also they're always gonna ask you if you want it to go bag or to-go cup do you like your drinks to go they're gonna ask you that mm-hmm they're so if you come in there looking like you Center ask for everything extra they're gonna suggest it you only have to ask that's why you don't go in there like you've never had anything before take yourselves out to eat so that you're not desperate on dates take care of self out to eat on the weekends or during lunch to nice places the lunch menu is a lot cheaper you can afford it take yourself out to eat so that you're familiar with the menu look at the menu before you go at the restaurant that you if you know the name of the restaurant do all of that so you don't sound stupid mispronouncing stuff or let him order for you you know what I'm saying don't be that person that is asking for extra stuff mm-hmm I never if they if they suggested to go cut to me or my kids the kids won't even take it less I want that no thanks we're going to Starbucks after this you know no thanks they won't take it anymore like I won't take it either I'm like no thanks um you sure I don't need it no thanks mmm I don't want dirty my car you know I have if I'm thirsty I'll go get something else to drink I'm tired of this drink or you know something like that so don't don't be the stereotype that's what I'm saying mm-hmm right be bushi that's right so please y'all be extra feminine don't bring your don't bring your ratchet ways to the restaurant do not agree to any type of buffet unless it's Indian food because I mean a lot of those places are buffet but it's still expensive don't agree to any buffets do not bring your ratchet restaurant habits to any date save it for when you eat alone okay don't talk loud do not get the waiters attention you get the man to get the waiters attention for you okay don't be picky don't send stuff back okay if y'all like it just don't eat it just play around with it smile Dre drink people salad or the vegetables and if he says oh you don't like your meal that was like oh no I gotten full I'm just so full off the bread or the appetizers or the salad just so forth don't complain or send it back you look like you are hard to please people watch how you treat waiters and waitresses said determine the type of person you are they watch if you have manners if you're gonna put the napkin in your lap if you're gonna use your fork and knife properly how you're gonna drink your drinks if your sip your wine they're gonna watch all of this you're gonna see if you talk with your mouth open you know so be careful when you go out to nice restaurants and if you're younger and the gentleman is older you're going to get stares people are gonna look at you especially if it's a fine-dining people are gonna watch you to make sure that you're not an escort a sugar baby or a hooker there are if you look classy enough to be there you're dressed cute you're feminine this is this could possibly be your boyfriend or fiancé not big men for the evening okay that's why you need to look classy like wifey not like Instagram chick that they found all sent arrangements you need to look like a wife will you go out with these men so people they're gonna stare but they're gonna stare a lot less like when I go out with James I'm way younger than him did they know I'm not a prostitute and they know I'm not a hooker or an escort they know I'm wife because I'm wearing wife clothes wife shoes wife purse and you know first lady attire so if you want to not be seen as the hooker or the fling or the escort of the evening or the stripper that they beg to take out we're classy clothes don't wear no Instagram don't wear no fashion / classy clothes okay no highlights no blonde wigs unless you're even born with blonde hair mm-hmm be if you're going out with the older man twice established be mistaken for his wife not his mistress not his side-chick not the stripper he is infatuated with not the escort but the wife okay don't be afraid to tell your fashion Nova friend that you're not going to eat out with them and fine dining restaurant exactly if you're going on fashion over to find clothes to wear make sure you find the classiest outfit that fits not skin tight you know I know a lot of people like fashion oh but I have a fashion of a dress that's cute okay but it's classy I went for I have a black like fancy dress that could be worn anywhere fancy but it's not your typical fashion over so if you find something classy go for it as long as the material don't look cheap go for it but don't just put click keep clicking on everything because Kim Kardashian wears it don't do that this is not reality television you don't want to be mistaken ask someone you know like her H um yeah a lot of people see celebrities as classy they're not classy they dress that way to get attention to get followers to get fans to get gigs to get jobs modeling jobs to show off their figure because if they wear anything else they'll look fat you know they're wearing those things for male fans to be a sexual icon they're not wearing them to get hooked to get a husband to be treated with respect or not to be stared at fine dining establishments when you're out when they're out with their man they're not wearing it for attention they're wearing it most likely to get followers more people buying their products more people clicking and on their Instagram they're wearing it to get paid okay no highlights oops I just have had by logic on my hair I mean if you want the highlights great but sometimes it's just too trendy you want to be classy you know if you just think about it this older man if specially if he's got money he's older he does not want all those people thinking you're a you know a squirrel or a stripper he wants you you might be mistaken for his daughter it's nice or his wife but you don't want to be mistaken as oh look at him out with that stripper yeah oh you know the uncomfortable looks are going to make him feel some type of way and he's not gonna want to take you to those nice places anymore or be seen out in public with you anymore he's gonna go try to see back online as he can find a classier one that it will pass for fitting in into his world you know so make sure you fit in you're not sticking out like a sore thumb your feminine your flirty you're smiling you're not you don't look like you just stepped out off the pole you don't look like you just walked off of Instagram you want to look classy and feminine and not like a Kardashian okay unless that's what he likes and he asked that's why he picked you okay turn his butt don't raise eyebrows yes someone says Kanye is trash I think the reason Kanye like Kim is because Beyonce and Jay were together and he was trying to compete with jay-z it's getting as far as getting an influential woman just as famous didn't matter what she was famous for but he had to compete he didn't get her because that's what he valued he got her because he was competing with jay-z that's it oh I could have Kim Kardashian she has a lot of influence you know he was doing it for status you know Beyonce has status JZ already has status they got together but then since they were this power couple in entertainment Kanye wanted to use the exact same thing he couldn't find anybody that was higher than Beyonce or more talked about or broke the internet so he went and found Kim because she can do that okay and he don't care if she poses new shows everything to everybody he like a fact that she is famous that's it so he doesn't care what she puts on he wanted design clothes for her so my thing is that is not a good example because he's exploiting her he's using her for her influence so he could be a power couple and compete with jay-z totally different reason you know and I think everyone knows that mm-hmm yeah that's it I say I talked about breath earlier make sure your breath someone says get your cavities filled so yes never to them yep said that earlier haiji country clubs what's wrong with gum nothing's wrong with them go ahead chew it see what happen what about a gap can we could you close those two um if your gap bothers you do what you need to do some people like their gap mm-hmm I have a gap it's not it's not super big but I like it I would never fix it um it just makes you different you know it makes you stand out in the crowd if it says it's a problem it's a problem men won't ask you out they see a picture of you smiling and you got a gap and then they ask you out and they seen your gap that means they obviously don't mind or like it you know but if you're like this on your picker and then you show up with a big gap that's the problem show off your gap in pictures so you know that they don't mind or that it's okay or that they like it mm-hmm I'm still live I sure AM I'm about to go though I'm let's see nobody has said anything about my gap well then don't worry about it they might not say anything about it but if they don't call you back you know perhaps if it wasn't their taste but some people like it um if you want braces get braces they have Invisalign now get that if you want it what am i doing this weekend I'm going to the neighbor's birthday party next door um the my husband's friend is also our neighbor I'm going to his birthday party I don't know hmm they just got an outdoor kitchen put in and some new floor so I guess they want to show it off living in a nice neighborhood is cool because the husband's compete like now James want to get hardwood okay now you're gonna want to outside kitchen just keep upgrading come on compete see when you're around successful people you want to become more successful you want to upgrade your stuff so you know you know that you can do it too mm-hmm how old am i I am old I'm almost over the hill I'm 40 next year I'm 39 I'll be 40 next year mm-hmm you're gonna give me a black cake with a coffin on it which is clown with me I like that am I the prettiest wife on the block hmm I think so maybe there's a cute wife across the street if she fixed herself up but she don't there is a cute girl across the street but she wears crap don't put no makeup on got a bunch of kids her husband's a minister white people but she could be cute mm-hmm does she watch oh she needs to watch your videos now they're like you know they're the kind of people that have a bunch of kids and they just all about their kids it's just kids are the most important thing let myself look bad and do what I need to do what if you already have traditional braces is that childish - older man not if they like young looking cheeks not I mean some might find it like a fetish like oh she has braces like a teenager you know me and like them heat like the me young ones um does she drive a band it's like a she has like a 4runner is UB yes no man thank goodness so I met this lawyer that drives a Bentley while working and he asked me to a baseball game how would you get her a baseball game that same night I couldn't because I had a date with a college professor how would you have how would you handle this um if he asked you out to a game that night and he's driving a Bentley and he's a lawyer it means you are not the only one okay don't risk the college professor you might be more legit I don't know he might not make as much money but he would definitely call you back and take you more seriously than to do with the Bentley that asked you out on the spot don't even know you asked you to a baseball game do you know what I'm saying it was a nice gesture if you hadn't had the date you couldn't you should have went but since you already had a date and that has more potential for long-term I would have skipped out and went with the college professor and got the other dudes number and went out with him another day okay um I'm still on here mm-hmm but I'm about to go so thank you guys for tuning in and I hope you got some good tips if you have any better tips add them in the comments when this goes back and hopefully people will appreciate them do I Drive of course I Drive I live in Texas if you don't drive you don't go nowhere okay you've got a drive in Texas it's too big mm-hmm everything is spread out in Texas you got a dress I've been driving since I was 15 I got a I got a license early what kind of car I got a Mercedes it's the SUV the G okay and I traded in the Jeep mm-hmm you got ants too I had a Jeep mm-hmm but I traded it in people weren't respecting me enough with the cheap I wouldn't get in the respect that I deserved no you know what happened someone parked close to my Jeep and they just opened the car door and scratch it all up and dented it and I was so pissed cuz that was the second time that I just say you know what people don't do this to Mercedes people don't do this to be insist they respect the beans when you're driving they let you go first I'm gonna be in I'm out can't do this I didn't even get it fixed I was just so pissed I just drove it up and take this I need some better [Music] yes I was just mad because what y'all don't respect the Jeep but you ain't on I've never had to happen to my Mercedes that I had before nobody ever does that they park far they make sure you don't hit your car cuz they respect it if you got a Jeep oh they know it's not you know it's not luxury right you know but if it's a big watch out don't hit that car oh let them go you know it's like that so you get more respect with a better car mm-hmm so I've learned because people will scratch your crap up they don't care I was sitting in the damn car excuse my language when they opened the door on one when they open the door and gotten a little dusty cop car that they had bought on auction sitting at Taco Cabana I was so mad and then I didn't say no because they look like they would have had a gun and shot me Mike then they gonna just pull off I'm looking at they left white scratch marks and a dent on my car I was like I'm gonna get me a new car I'm still angry mm-hmm I am still I was like I don't I hate waiting because I would have to take it to get fixed I had to get like a rental car and all that crap I just let's go get me a new car forget this y'all I'm gonna do this - no beans I should have reported them to the police I think I took a picture of their license plate yeah but I knew they probably had warrants anyway if they had keeps they kids gonna get put in the system so you know being nice like considerate I just went and traded the car I mean Dusty's pigmies ratchets they don't care about nothing they don't care about themselves they will litter they will densho car and keep it moving and it's just not worth it how not to be so emotional with men have a goal until you get that goal you don't invest emotionally until you get the commitment you don't invest emotionally until you get the ring you invest less emotional emotionally have goals and don't invest emotionally until they are gotten then you get a little bit more and a little bit more and then by the time you are married if you get married you're invested emotional emotionally just as much as he is invested into you materially so it evens out okay that's it if you fall head-over-heels before he's even taking you on date six it's too much if you don't told him you loved him first you did wrong he's supposed to tell you first you don't tell him in that you love him first they're supposed to fall in love with you okay if you have to tell a man you love him first you're wrong in relationships you still don't invest fully you you if you are in a committed relationship your emotional investment should be about 65% and that's it the rest is you okay if they think they got you if you're predictable if they know your weaknesses they will use them against you do not invest 100% in any relationship 65% is the most you ever need to go I'm so sorry unless it's your children in any man you only invest emotionally sixty-five percent because what happens if you cheat their or leaves you what do you do you know if you're if you can easily get over somebody because you're only invest at 65 percent you only lost about 15 percent of your emotion you're good you can move on quick if you give everything invest a hundred percent you know you're gonna be mentally disturbed if he does leave you because you invested too much so don't ever I don't care that's why it's easier to be married to someone who it's not like oh mega attractive because you're not going to emotionally invest in someone as much as you would if you are super attracted to them okay invest it all you get married nope not even after you get married invest 65% in any relationship with any man at any time 50 less if you're not married if you're just dating 10% if you're in a long-term relationship 30% if you've been living with this fool for years 40% if he's paying your bills when you get married 65% because some of it is acting okay but that's it mm-hmm la yeah a man supposed to love you way more if you're if you love your man more - he loves you you love too much pull it back until he loves you more and they like that challenge mm-hmm don't you pull it back stop doing too much stop telling them everything stop Texas that Colin just I've sitting next to him stop trying to cuddle with him all the time stop initiating sex stop doing all of that let him chase you yeah you pull it all the way back don't tell him you love them every day maybe once a week maybe once I stopped doing it I let him miss you you if you doing all that it's too much it's smothering they don't like it so yeah tell him you love I love you want some at least they know you mean it you tell them that every day it's like hearing good morning it doesn't mean anything anymore I love you honey I love you honey I love you honey I love you honey it loses its meaning and value they don't they don't it doesn't matter anymore once you say it thousand times you say it once a week you say once a month it's gonna be more valuable if you said it once a month then you say it once a week you's gonna be more valuable if you say once a week then you do every day so stop doing that they you don't have to tell them you love them you don't have to do any of that if you let them they might tell you they love you okay if you are giving all the attention and you're showering them and you're giving them all this love then how are they gonna have a chance to do the same back to you and the only reason that they will is because it's only a response to what you're initiating let them initiate it but what if he says it more often what do you say back just like oh you too baby mm-hmm but as long as he says at first it's fine you don't say it first and don't make it a habit of saying it when you're on the phone you know what I'm saying I know some people getting the habit of saying okay I love you bye don't get in a habit cuz it means nothing anymore don't say it until you really mean it don't say until they deserve it don't say it so they do something good don't say it until you want them to feel special I don't say I'm sure the last time I told James I love him was like three weeks ago mm-hmm in a text what if he says I love you during sex does that mean he's like yo if he can't tell you that in public in daylight front of other people it's like mm-hmm I just knew how to keep the plan I need to know how to keep a plan B when you live with your van put them in the friend zone make sure you're he's a in a friend zone but you know if you let him out the friend zone he'll want to be with you what do you do when your hubby is long-term that doesn't respond to texts right away then take an hour or more to go through this with your husband they take an hour or more do you I don't I don't even take James unless I need him to bring something home from the store um if you're if you're married and you're trying to text your husband and he's not texting back blah um I feel like if you've been married for a long time it's not a big deal I feel like they're working they're busy I don't know I just it doesn't bother me because I hardly text them it doesn't hurt my feelings because when you hardly take someone when you text they're texting back okay they might think it's a mistake in you text them by accident because you don't text them at all stop texting and when you do text he's gonna answer quick because when you don't text you know where you are you don't know what you're doing it's rare and so obviously it's important so stop texting them to lunch you won't him to answer you text them all day every day he's gonna be she oh I'm busy oh I'm dried I'm in a bathroom what I'm talking to my friend well what you doing avoiding you you know don't be doing it [Applause] um yeah stop texting them so much you don't why do you have to is it important to somebody dying you need something you need some blood if you are you an emergency room you need something him to bring you home something should a plan B no you have a man it just depends if he's in the friend zone let him know you have a man that you don't want and that you're trying to get out of it just like they do to you lie [Music] um just need to hear his voice okay just need to hear his voice why listen to the voice mail that's sweet but it could be smothering to him you know what I mean and someone says that's being needy I get tired of boyfriend's voice hahaha yeah oh sure you made my first act or go by faster oh he never asked me to do invitations but when I meet him he is lovely that but when I but I meet when I meet him he is so lovely and flirts with me a lot it's crazy he never asked me to do invitations but when I meet him oh of course you make yourself too available of course he's going to be happy you like him more than he likes you because he doesn't invite you he's flattered mm-hmm no you know that doesn't mean too much it means you didn't think about you until you call him I need to hear the money in my bank account someone says huh huh I sure has a video on needy women you must watch yes should you pay should your date pay for the babysitter if he's wealthy if you're dating a normal regular dude probably not but don't tell them it's for the babysitter just get some money first you don't act your husband my husband is an engineer he needs to focus on his career it'd make them miss you and you get yeah exactly huh James the same thing James is at work Oh all day you know I don't bother him at work if I do I just text them hey what you doing bring some such and such home he knows that I'm thought about I'm I texted them I need something I don't text on what you're doing where you at who you eat I'm like bring this home I need it hey how you doing that's it and that's very maybe once a week maybe once I look at my last text from James Lewis see what it is I sent them a picture of the dog and a cat he sent me to pay the bills with his credit card and then I just put okay that's it so speaking of that and to do that don't ever text who you with exactly like no but he didn't even ask me any of those questions like I'm free all day every day but he doesn't ask me where you at what you're doing he don't ask me any of that um thank you so you pay the bills but with his money of course gives credit card number and go online and go mm-hmm so why wouldn't you pay all the bills that's my question my man works 16 hours and at least three times a week and he caused me from work saying he misses me a whole dance we see any of you answer a Hey mm-hmm let that man work in the mean time you're saying something better um I hate when I'm trying to watch you at work and my boss calls me huh can you post the body pic on seating arrangements in the face pic of you personally if that's the attention that you want first and foremost ooh body then then thinking of sex unless you're just only there from running I mean it can work [Music] right I'm watching at work too huh see y'all getting paid to watch me oh that's - y'all smart y'all get paid to watch make a man profile on seeking arrangement and look at the women profiles check out your competition exactly don't get on seeker seeking arrangement law enforcement it's on there now and light of new bills passed through Congress oh god don't get up in jail don't end up in jail if you look super good and our old man agrees to meet you they already know the deal you don't have to say nothing just show up looking good and too good and they already know what they gotta do you know you don't act impressed you don't respond well you don't do anything until they offer you something you know it's if whatever new laws you don't go and try to ask them for money you pick the ugliest disgusting most grossest one that you know will give you money just to be seen out in public with them that's all you got to do let them offer and freestyling is how you meet men now yes go out go to the nice place so I mean that's how I met James just out and about didn't meet him online you know just be like looking the best that you can look go out sit by yourself if they like you they're gonna come over to talk to you I would say off the websites yeah plus there's a lot of people that are probably catfishing and broke and you're wasting a lot of time so that's it yeah so y'all good luck out there be smart be feminine mm-hmm so I got a girl I feel yeah I'm getting off I'm getting off I'm trying to get off y'all keep asking me questions but I see y'all next time y'all have a good weekend happy Friday bye
Channel: SheraSeven
Views: 553,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z47teX56vpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 32sec (13172 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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