How to become a GREAT ball striker with DRIVER and IRONS

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so if you're someone that fat shots thin shots and just generally hits the ball poorly you're in luck because today's video i'm going to show you how to become a great ball striker so like i said in the introduction the idea today's video is how to make you a great ball striker and i think the frustration for a lot of golfers is especially when the golf ball's on the floor but this will tie an even up to driver so i'm going to demonstrate a few clubs in the video is that they might get the tee shot away feel it's a real green light opportunity to get to the green and then they hit way behind the golf ball and maybe only hit it 40 50 yards the other real killer i think golfers find is that they get there again i've got seven iron in my hand so a club they should be very confident with and they're just cold top of the ball and even though it might go nice and straight they feel it's a real wasted opportunity now having said that just occasionally they set up to a bit nervous because they're not really sure what's coming and they get a super strike and even that one's just turning over a little bit they kind of go that's what i want but honestly i don't know what i've done differently and i think sometimes the feedback they get can be very destructive now this video is really kind of i suppose inspired by a goal friday in the other day who had a really good looking golf swing but his ability to strike the ball consistently was very very poor so we opened up by starting talking about what he believes should happen at the bottom of the golf swing so we talked about should we be making contact with the ball first or the ground first now as i ask these questions feel free to comment below and he said well he feels that we should hit the ball first and then the ground which we agreed was very good but he actually said that he felt a lot of the time if he hit the ground he hit the ground behind the golf ball or he said he felt he didn't hit the ground at all now almost without knowing it he's already hit the nail on the head so what he was talking about was if we look at your golf swing and we talk about where the lowest point of your swing should be the lowest point when the ball's on the floor should be after the golf ball so what he was very good at describing was somebody whose low point was behind the golf ball so what we said is first thing we need to work on was how we're going to start controlling that low point and i think a great little exercise and on my mat i can scuff the mat but you can do this on grass or on a driving range mat use some of the markings or put a chalk line on there we initially spoke about drawing a line on the mat where the golf ball would be and then another line about three or four inches ahead and we said what we wanted to do was set up on the back line but when we swing try and hit the front line so instantly his question was well how am i going to do that and as a coach i'm not always super keen to tell somebody exactly what they need to do it's kind of letting them work it out for themselves so the first thing we noticed with his swing is he didn't really change a lot on his backswing but we saw a really big shift into that lead foot towards the target and straight away we started seeing him making contact with the line or even slightly ahead of the line and it was no big surprise because this is a drill i use a lot with golfers and you instantly see a real big improvement on where their lowest point would be now you've got to remember where you touch the ground isn't necessarily isn't the lowest point the lowest point is going to continue down into the ground from there so as ever with no golf ball he was really really good at it but then we said right we're going to put the ball on the back line but we're still going to try and hit that front line first shot we stood up but it was better than we'd seen so far and the low point actually started to move slightly ahead so a good example here on trackman is 0.3 inches ahead now is there's actually 0.2 but incredibly close to that but what we noticed was as soon as the golf ball was there there was a real inability for him to move that strike point forward and when we discussed it it became very apparent that it was the golf ball that was causing the issue so he definitely said to me that he in his mind even though he knew he wanted to hit the ground up here he wanted to start getting underneath the golf ball and even underneath or even focusing on the back edge of the golf ball and what i tend to see as a coach is when people are trying to get under the ball they'll make a pretty good backswing but then the weight sits back and if anything they then bottom out literally add lots and lots of loft to it so again we said right take the golf ball away make a swing set up on the back line hit the front line absolutely perfect so we then said right let's put the golf ball there on that back line again but let's actually not look at the golf ball now i know for a lot of you out there you might go what are you talking about you have to look at the golf ball in my opinion most ball sports he needs focus on the ball because the ball is moving so they're reactionary sports but actually with golf that being static should make it incredibly simple so the reason we set up to the ball well is that when we swing the club should pass through that point and collect the golf ball and we've all heard him we pretend the golf ball's not there but when you're trying to get under the ball hit the ball focus on the part of the ball you're going to change your swing so we had him really focusing on that front line and with a seven now my ball's fairly forward at fairly central and then we'd say that low points kind of just inside my lead heel so we got him to hit a few shots focusing on the line in front of the golf ball and even though the accuracy wasn't quite there to begin with we started to see the low point gradually moving further and further ahead so that first one 0.7 inches so i'm going to focus a little further forward and we started to see that as the low point was moving further forward the launch angle was coming down we can see that angle of attack minus so that's 1.6 degrees down 165 carry and i think a lot of you guys watching might have been told in the past that you need to hit down more for me the key thing to understand is to create a more downward angle of attack you need to move that low point forward because the club's traveling down to get to that low point so the more we did with him we were kind of setting him little challenges and i know when he practices on his own he's not going to have the level of feedback trackman gives him but we said can you get that low point as far forward as possible i mean almost trying to get it like a foot forward if he could and we stood up and we weren't able to move it a foot forward but again we could see from that last shot 2.3 inches ahead 2.6 degrees down launch angle at 17.7 and carry it just under 172. so it was great to see the improvements it with his seven iron and he was openly quick to admit that too much of his focus was on making contact with the golf ball and not enough on making a good movement and he said that his practice swing had always felt much much better than the actual swing even though in the practice swing he wasn't really focused on controlling his low point it was very noticeable are the practice swings the contact was ahead so how do we then take this into our other clubs so seven and pitching wedge the ball is going to be very central and we said that low points may be just inside the lead heel so as i move into five wood i still need the club moving down but maybe not as much down as with the seven iron so we're still keeping that front line but we're going to feel that that ball position just moves slightly forward of center and i'm still start trying to strike after the golf ball but because the ball's a little further forward now the low point shouldn't be too far forward so we set up with five wood really focus on that movement again a good strike just 0.4 inches ahead now so we see the club moving down less than a degree clubface a little bit open on that i don't mind too much but launch angle 14 degrees carry 213. and even when we moved into his 5 wood we just saw such a difference in the shot he was carrying the ball swings pretty close to me speed wise but carrying it over 200 yards and he you know said as he got onto firewood in the past if he was up on a tee he found he could hit shots but really struggled for contact on the floor and it was really obvious as we spoke that because he was getting his low point behind the club was moving up and then that was just picking the ball off the tee but it made it incredibly difficult on the floor so we said lots of practice swings focusing ahead and then standing up on that shot and making the same swing and we can see there again actually a little bit further forward with the low point launch angle coming down a little bit longer carry at two two six and two 243 total now as we moved on to driver it was really interesting because he actually said that he felt driver was the best club in the back which i know if you're watching you'll go how can that be the case apparently this is really tough long shaft no loft but just think about what we've been talking about so he'd been controlling his low point poorly and getting the low point behind the golf ball now that was causing the club to travel up as it hit the ball which just happens to be the perfect scenario with driver so we said we're going to get that ball a little further forward again so more kind of left heel maybe left armpit even and as he swung there we actually said instead of looking ahead of the ball now potentially looking slightly behind would be good we weren't looking to move as aggressively into that left side but as we did some practice swings you could see when he touched the floor it would have almost drop kicked into the ball so bouncing probably a foot behind so we said all he needed to do was miss the ground back there and get that club traveling up so we got that ball forward focused behind the golf ball and just made sure he missed the mat on the way down and to be fair for somebody that had only been playing golf six months he hit driver unbelievably well we could see what i've delivered there 6.3 inches behind four degrees up 242 carrying 270 total so it was quite interesting that even though he struggled with shots on the floor with driver because he was unintentionally getting that low point behind it was actually very very optimum but the big take from the lesson was not to focus so much on the ball but actually to focus on controlling that low point and do what he needed to do moving the ball position around to make him a great ball striker with every club in the back right then guys so first of all that understanding when the ball's on the floor of hitting ball and then turf is really important can we control our low point in the golf swing make sure it's ahead of the ball if you need to use that little drill i did scuffing the lines on the ground imagine the balls on the back line and hit the front line and if you can then focus the same and not be so golf ball orientated during your swing you're really going to see a huge difference in your ball striking with driver though if you're somebody who has been fighting and thinning it you might not have to work as hard as you think focus behind get that low point behind and get the club traveling upward driver but down when the golf ball's on the floor with every other club so guys hopefully you've enjoyed today's video if you have like it and share it comment below and i'll get back to as many people as i can there's another video just there that hopefully will help with your game hopefully catch up to you guys down here soon stay in 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Channel: AliTaylorGolf
Views: 1,129,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, tips, advice, drill, coach, pga, launch, monitor, custom, fit, backspin, distance, review, testing, comparisons, ball, speed, slice, hook, shaft, flex, lesson, callaway, titleist, ping, pxg, honma, mizuno, cobra, wilson, taylormade, srixon, draw, fade, straight, hit your driver straighter, stop your slice, turn your slice into a draw, how to hit a draw, hit more fairways, ali taylor golf, how to swing the golf club, how to become a great ball striker with driver and irons, how to, become, great, stiker, driver, irons
Id: qoUFOQwmrwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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