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if every Christmas you were forced to live in fear of a cannibalistic green mutant coming to eat your entire family alive what would you do this creature killed Cindy's mother on Christmas Eve and now 20 years later he's back to terrorize the town once again it's time to grab your 39 and 1/2t pole and get ready for a massacre under the mistletoe because we're here to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the Christmas hating monster in the mean one this kid is about to have the most horrifying holiday of her life late one Christmas Eve in the peaceful town of Newville this girl Cindy wakes up to find a strange creature dressed like Santa Claus stealing all the presents from under the tree all of a sudden Cindy's mom enters the room and immediately begins smacking the creature around with a giant Nutcracker as he's trying to escape the creature accidentally shoves the woman down causing her to fall and impale her neck on a sharp piece of the decoration killing her instantly whether it was accidental or on purpose nobody knows for sure but the event filled the creature with rage and changed the future of Christmas in Newville forever 20 years have passed and now Cindy and her father are returning to the town for the first time since the incident they're planning to sell the family's old house and she hopes that facing her fears will finally help her to move on from the trauma that she's been dealing with every holiday season in the morning Cindy goes to grab some breakfast down at the local Diner where she ends up running into two police officers Detective Burke and Sheriff Hooper it turns out that the sheriff here was the same one who responded to the incident when her mother was killed all of those years back but he was never able to track down the person responsible which means that they could still be lurking in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike again later that night Cindy and her father are busy putting up Christmas decorations all around the house once they've finished Cindy goes to take out some of the garbage briefly leaving her father alone but that was her biggest mistake suddenly the front door slams shut behind her and she tries to get back inside only to realize that she's been locked out at first she thinks that it must be a prank from her dad but the truth is much more horrifying it's the creature and Cindy can't do anything but watch through the window as it starts going after her father he tries his best to fight it off but the creature easily overpowers him slashing open his stomach before stabbing him straight through the eyeball with a candy cane spear by the time that she finally gets inside the creature has already escaped back up the chimney with all of their Christmas decorations and her father lies dead on the floor okay this just got personal what happened with Cindy's mother all those years ago could have been nothing but a freak accident but there's no denying that this time around it was a deliberate attack this creature has just killed both of her parents and it's most likely going to come after her next if uh she ever wants to live in peace again then Cindy here is going to have to figure out what she can do to solve this and the way that I see it she's got two options either cut her losses leave town and never come back or find a way to prove that this thing is real personally I wouldn't be too enthusiastic about the idea of letting the Grinch here take out my whole family without having to pay the price stealing decorations is one thing but violently killing her dad with a candy cane is a whole different story and he's going to have to answer for his crimes the problem is that fighting it alone would be getting a death sentence but getting backup won't be easy either after all who's going to believe that a fuzzy green creature that lives in a cave on the outskirts of town was responsible and not just some run-of-the-mill criminal anyone who hasn't seen the Beast for themselves might think that Cindy here is suffering from a severe case of santap phobia but she knows for a fact that it's real the only thing that's missing is the proof well regardless of whether anyone believes her story or not this house is going to become a crime scene since her father was killed and there needs to be an official police investigation this might sound like a good thing at first but in a small town like this there is always a chance that local law enforcement could be involved in covering up the truth since she's from out of town the only person who Cindy can really trust now is herself so although it's going to be hard to think straight after watching her last remaining parent get speared through the eyeball it might be wise for her to start looking look for proof of the creature's existence herself before getting the police involved now she may not have gotten a good look at the killer just yet but one thing that she knows for sure is that he's covered in a thick layer of green fur with this in mind I'd suggest searching the house and chimney for any of this fur that might have been left behind and using it as her proof that whatever killed her father was no ordinary criminal when investigating a crime scene strands of hair are just one of the many any pieces of evidence that investigators are trained to look for this can allow them to analyze the sample for DNA evidence as well as determine whether the hair came from a particular person or animal so unless someone is going around the woods and painting all these local Bears Green a few of the creatures Grinchy locks should definitely be enough to at least raise some eyebrows before the local authorities arrived on the scene I'd first try collecting some of this hair for myself if I could find find any and then send it off to a private investigator to be analyzed with any luck they'd be able to confirm that it was definitely not human hair and Cindy would be on her way towards finally being able to prove that this creature actually exists besides that I'd also search for any fingerprints or footprints that the creature might have left around the house there may also be tracks outside leading to the property and all of these pieces of evidence could serve as still more proof that there's more to this story than your average home invasion even if the local police aren't willing to help then she could try taking her story to an amateur reporter or tabled newspaper that might find it worth covering if she keeps druming up attention then eventually authorities like the men and black might step in and solve the problem for her although there's always a chance that getting involved with a shadowy government organization may turn out to be more dangerous than dealing with the Grinch himself of course the simplest solution solution here would be to just leave town and never look back Cindy could easily have a realtor sell the house for her and then never set foot within 100 miles of Newville ever again all things considered option two might actually be her best bet but Cindy here isn't about to take this attack lying down and it won't be long before she decides that it's time to fight back Cindy eventually wakes up in a hospital bed with her father's blood still on her hands the nurses of course don't believe her story but the death Deputy here isn't ready to write her off as crazy just yet while he's making his report the town's mayor Margie McBean comes to offer her sympathies Cindy immediately starts demanding to know what she's going to do about the Christmas killer which sends her into a full-blown panic attack forcing the nurses to sedate her when she's finally released the deputy here kindly offers Cindy a ride back home although she's still traumatized from what just happened he decides that now would be a good time to shoot his shot but she says that she's playing to leave town as soon as possible and hits him with the old put her there bud before heading inside to clean up while Cindy's busy scrubbing up her father's blood she finds a mysterious wildf flower that the creature accidentally left behind after doing some research online she realizes that it must have come from a nearby Wilderness Area at the edge of town and decides to go check the place out for herself Cindy makes her way through the forest searching for any signs of the creature until she eventually arrives at the foot of its Mountain layer while she's taking some pictures she's startled when a blurry figure rushes by just a few feet ahead and stumbles backward into a musty old cave this place seems to be full of people's lost items including a wallet with a man's driver's license still inside which she decides to hold on to for evidence after climbing back out she spots a happy couple enjoying a Christmas themed hike they're just about to kiss under some mistletoe when suddenly the creature attacks and quickly begins tearing them limb from limb Cindy rushes over to confront the creature and that's when she finally gets her first good look at it in more than 20 years it appears to be some type of green human animal hybrid that's dressed in a tattered Santa suit and it does not look friendly upon seeing the Abomination Cindy does the only logical thing and immediately begins pelting it in the head with heavy rocks fortunately the onslaught drives the creature off for now and ends up saving the couple's lives when the ambulance finally arrives Cindy tries to get the couple to back up her story but they're both too shell shocked to remember what the attacker actually looked like the sheriff here is starting to get frustrated and yells at Cindy for terrorizing these injured people with her stories of an imaginary Monster not only does he not believe a word that she says but the Wilderness actually falls under Federal jurisdiction which means that it's not his job to investigate the incident any further even if he did the deputy though still wants to help and Promises to follow up on the wallet that Cindy found back at the cave okay now we're starting to make some progress here she may not be getting much in the way of support from the local authorities but Cindy's independent investigation just led to a major development after tracking it down to its cave she's finally managed to figure out where the creature calls home this is going to make a huge difference in the fight but what should she do now unfortunately all of the other Witnesses were too severely injured to provide any supporting information about the creature's behaviors or appearance of course the investigators are bound to notice that the victims are severely scratched up in a way that no human attacker could do but the whole thing could still be played off as an attack by some local Wildlife like a bear wolf or mountain lion which means that Cindy still doesn't have any definitive proof of the creature's existence other than her story and the blurry picture this might seem like a dead end at first but it actually gives me an idea now the sheriff might not believe her stories about a big green hairy monster living out in the mountains on the edge of town but I can think of some people who might Sasquatch hunters or as they're known professionally cryptozoologists in case you aren't familiar the term crypted is used to refer to any creature that some communities believe could exist but for which no indisputable proof of their existence has ever been found we've already mentioned Bigfoot but I think along the lines of the Yeti the Chupacabra the lus monster or the Jersey Devil as other examples although their methods aren't necessarily embraced by the traditional scientific Community anywhere that there's a sighting of some unexplainable creature terrorizing a small town you're guaranteed to find an organization looking to prove its existence and where others may see a lack of Hard Evidence they see potential to make a world changing Discovery or at least a hell of an interesting story dubious accounts from questionable eyewitnesses and blurry photos have been enough to keep Bigfoot HS in business for decades and despite the fact that most people today don't believe that such a creature could actually exist there are no shortage of shows from all across the internet and daytime TV built entirely around the question of what if if it were me I'd start by making copies of the photo and an explanation of my story and then sending them to every crypted hunting organization that I could find all that she'd need is for one team to take the bait and before Cindy knows it the hills around town would be swarming with amateur and professional investigators alike all armed to the teeth with audio recording devices motion sensing cameras night vision equipment and not to mention weapons because after all what's a good crypted hunt if you aren't packing some heat and ready to bring the thing back Dead or Alive simply give them a compelling story Point them in the right direction and sit back and watch while they take care of the dirty work even if they turn out to be completely Inc competent then just having them around gives you some extra meat Shields and makes it that much more difficult for the creature to conduct his attacks as normal so calling in some crypted Hunters can only be a net positive getting some backup would make a world of difference but as long as this creature keeps coming back to kill innocent people every holiday season then sooner or later somebody is going to have to fight back and who better for the job than the parentless Cindy here after seeing what he can do she's is going to have to be strategic about when where and how she chooses to engage him if she wants to stand any chance of surviving the battle fighting the creature inside of his own cave would be a terrible idea he has the home turf advantage and knows all of the roots through the tunnels as well as the terrain of the surrounding area with this in mind it'd be much better to choose a more even playing field and for that I'd be looking at ambushing him at the Cave's entrance first I'd start by taking a quick hike around the area to see if there are any more exits that the creature could use then once I had a better idea of where the best locations for an ambush are going to be there are a few different approaches that I could take setting a fire at the mouth of the cave might smoke the creature out and then Cindy could Ambush him at the entrance with any weapons that she can get her hands on alternatively she might be able to whip up a few Molotov cocktails and use them to light him up like a Christmas tree the materials to make one are easy to come by and the kill it with fire strategy has been proven to work in almost all situations especially when your opponent is covered in hair and wearing a highly flammable big red suit if all else fails I might try causing a cave-in at the entrance to leave the creature trapped inside after all the goal here is to stop him from killing any more innocent Christmas carollers and he's going to have a hard time doing that if he's buried underground with no way to get out the bottom line here is that finally figuring out where the creature lives opens up a whole crap ton of possibilities and if Cindy plays her cards right then she just might be able to save Christmas before it's too late meanwhile things take a turn for the worse when a whole van full of Rowdy Santa pulls into town they don't realize it yet but their obnoxious partying has already caught the creatures attention and none of them are going to make it out of Newville alive they immediately take over an otherwise empty local Diner and it's safe to say that the single unfortunate employee who happens to be working that day is less than thrilled still she heads into the kitchen to grab them some drinks when suddenly the lights briefly go out and she senses that something is wrong turning around she spots a trail of blood leading into the walk-in freezer and inside she discovers this guy's body with an icicle stabbed straight through his neck before she can turn around the freezer door slams shut behind her and that's when the real carnage begins back out in the seating area the creature emerges from behind a booth like Freddy Krueger in his victim's nightmares without saying a word he locks the front door pulls out a giant candy cane and uses it to kill this guy who's just coming out of the bathroom the rest of the Santas instantly start to panic as the creature tears around the place picking each of them off one at a time in more and more violent ways one guy gets stabbed through the head with a stack of bills while this Christmas tree gets impaled through his stomach with a candy cane after stomping down on a lady's head the creature break breaks another woman's neck with a string of Christmas lights and continues massacring each and every one of them until he finally Stuffs the last victim face first into a meat grinder turning her into a bloody red paste not even the gingerbread house avoids destruction by the time that the waitress manages to escape all that's left of the Santa is a pile of their mangled bodies and the scariest part of it all is that she'll have to clean up the whole mess by herself okay these idiots just got massacred to be fair they weren't exactly the nicest group of Santas around so it's hard to feel bad for them but with that being said here's what they could have done differently once this hairy Green Goblin here showed up and started going on his Rampage there were two responses that they could have chosen either stick with the group and fight back or focus on your own Survival and figure out a way to escape in terms of a fight they were all half drunk and caught off guard so the odds weren't looking too good from the start but the one thing that they did have going for them was a significant numbers Advantage even for a freakishly strong and angry mutant an 11 on-one fight is a lot to manage although the Santa started off unarmed The Kitchen and Bar were most likely full of potential improvised weapons like knives frying pans and beer mugs or even the chairs from around the tables which they could have gotten their hands on if they'd only reacted quickly then all that they needed to do is gang up and take the creature down back in the woods Cindy managed to injure the creature all by herself with nothing but some rocks that she found nearby this means that the santis here didn't even have to defeat the creature outright only injure him enough that he decides to run away again with a coordinated effort from a team of 11 angry Chris kingles they should have been able to smoke him with minimal losses on their own part but as we just witnessed they panicked and ended up getting picked off one by one of course once I realized that the situation was turning into total chaos then it would be time for a change of strategy to prioritize my own Survival the good news is that I'd have 10 other meat Shields running around the place and while the creature was distracted with them I could find a way to escape the front door may be locked but there's always the back exit or a chair through the window if you need to make your own way out before we move on there's one more thing to point out in the end the creature decided to let the waitress go but why well my best guess is that it's because she wasn't wearing any Christmas stuff this means that if the Santa had thought to quickly take off their costumes and throw them to the other side of the building then there's a chance that the creature might have just torn those up and bounced out it's a little too late for that now but it's definitely something to keep in mind going forward at a shop somewhere in town the sheriff here catches Cindy putting up Flyers about the creature and immediately tells her that she needs to stop he's been facing more pressure from the mayor to keep her quiet and warns her that he'll be forced to arrest her if she keeps spreading rumors back at home Cindy sees a news report covering the story of the killings down at the diner she's terrified but things get even worse when the power in her house suddenly goes out while she's busy messing with the circuit breaker the creature appears at her front door and quickly starts trying to let himself in Cindy manages to keep him back but it's clear that she can't hold out forever and her phone is too far Out Of Reach to be able to call for any help just when it looks like she's done for a gunshot rings out from the darkness and the creature disappears back into the night Cindy ducks for cover but that's when someone enters through the front door thinking that she's going to have to fight for her life Cindy Springs out from hiding and socks the Intruder straight in the face only to realize that it's not the creature at all it's a strange old man who says that he's been watching her since she first came to town and after convincing Cindy that he means her no harm the two of them head down to a local bar so that he can tell her what he knows about this so-called Christmas killer okay that was a close one you can call me paranoid if you want but in the future I'd suggest keeping your front door locked and your phone and a weapon close at hand when you're 100% convinced that there's a big green cannibal monster roaming around town in the dead of night searching for innocent victims to eat alive maybe it's only me but after both of her parents were killed by this monstrosity you'd think that Cindy might take her home security just a bit more seriously she may have only made it out alive thanks to the local drunken Grandpa here but if you're paying attention this most recent attack actually confirms something that's critically important to defeating the creature once and for all so far every time that the creature has attacked it's been because something Christmas related was going on for her mother it was Christmas Eve her father was setting up decorations the hikers were kissing under mistletoe the drunken Santa Connors were obviously all dressed up as Santa and this time Cindy herself was just roasting chestnuts on an open fire clearly this creep really hates Christmas but now that we have a proven method to get his attention we can use this to our advantage when preparing for the next fight and singing the ancient U tide Carol and then when the creature here finally shows his hideous green face give him a present that he's never going to forget he can't seem to resist coming to shut down any Christmas celebration and although intentionally summoning him is going to be risky it's a guaranteed way to lure him right into an ambush no one's saying that it's going to be easy but with some solid preparation and now this Oldtimer on her side Cindy just might be able to catch the Grinch off guard and put an end to his reign of terror before he claims another innocent victim at the bar the man introduces himself as do Zeus and after a glass or two of some holiday Spirits he shows Cindy an amateur sketch of the creature who he calls the mean one according to him the reason why nobody in town ever celebrates Christmas anymore is because they're all too afraid to wind up as the next victims although the others in town still can't believe that a hairy green monster has been responsible for the attacks doc knows that what Cindy's been trying to tell them is true as it turns out the mean one actually killed his wife 11 years ago slicing her in half while she was trying to to ship presents to their nephew and he's spent his life hunting it ever since with both of them having witnessed the truth firsthand Cindy suggests that they try talking to the sheriff about it one last time doc doesn't expect it to work out but agrees to go with her if that's what she wants to do the sheriff of course still doesn't believe them and quickly kicks Cindy out of the station defeated she makes her way back outside but that's when the deputy here catches up with her and offers to help saying that he'll go up to the mountain and check things out for himself out in the woods the deputy repels down into the creature's cave where he finds a ton more wallets as well as several dead bodies that are covered up with sheets it isn't long before he hears someone coming and hides just out of sight as the creature comes in dragging one of the Dead Santa's from the attack at the diner behind him at the worst possible moment he accidentally kneels down onto a stuffed toy dog that starts playing Christmas music but manages to throw it deeper into the cave and temporarily lure the creature away seeing his chance the deputy tries to make a break for it but ends up losing his footing and having to hide himself under one of the sheets as the creature returns for a second it seems like he might sniff the deputy out but luckily he grabs one of the bodies and leaves horrified the deputy here Sprints back out of the cave only to crash right into doc Zeus who's armed with a handgun he points out that it's getting dark and tells the deputy that they should get out of there while they still have the chance back at his truck the deputy notices that doc has a trunk full of high-powered weapons and realizes that he must have been out here trying to hunt the creature down looking out for him doc tells the deputy that if he wants to live to see new years's then he needs to go home lock up his doors and get rid of anything that's Christmas related before climbing into his truck and driving off without another word okay these guys are about to miss a huge opportunity to be fair I get that the deputy has probably just happened to have made it out of the cave with all of his body parts still intact but let's take a quick look at the circumstances here you see until now he's had no definitive proof that the creature even exists but he's finally just seen it with his own two eyes on top of that its cave was full of multiple dead bodies as well as evidence to suggest that there have been countless more victims over the years now the mountains may just fall under Federal jurisdiction according to his boss but that doesn't mean that the deputy can't do a little Grinch hunting while he's off the clock that's not to mention the the fact that old man Jenkins here says that this creature killed his wife and knows that it's only a matter of time before the Beast strikes again he's got enough guns to supply a small army and they both know how to use them so what exactly are they waiting for it's time to sack up and kill this freak Here and Now with night falling and its blood lust growing there is no denying that it's going to be a dangerous fight but they definitely have enough Firepower to hold their own so if they move carefully and watch each other 's backs then they should be able to take the creature down what makes things better is that the monster never actually saw the deputy at all so it isn't even aware that they're around while the deputy himself got an inside look at the cave and should have a rough idea of where the creature is right at this moment with all of this in mind they aren't going to get many better opportunities to get the jump on this thing and finish the job if going into the cave after the creature is just too risky then they could always try luring it out by playing some Christmas music as evidenced by what happened with the toy dog either way this would be the moment to go on the offensive while they still have the chance but unfortunately they aren't willing to take the risk just yet after making it back to town the deputy regroups with Cindy and finally says that he believes her story now that he's seen the creature although he's thrilled to have someone else on her side she realizes that this probably means that the depuy's life is also in danger and that night she decides that she needs to take out the creature herself before can kill again in the morning Cindy goes to the local hardware store and begins Gathering up supplies and preparation for the fight motivated by her anger she spends the next several days setting up traps around the forest building improvised weapons training hand-to-hand combat and teaching herself how to use a gun until finally she's ready to go to war meanwhile doc spends his time down at the bar drinking his troubles away only to be arrested by the sheriff as soon as he steps outside while the main cast of characters are all occupied this this restaurant owner is busy closing up for the night after wiping down the tables he realizes that a package that he just had delivered was the wrong order instead of restaurant supplies it's full of Christmas decorations frustrated he calls the delivery guy and asks him to come swap it out but it's already too late just then he hears the front door open but when he goes to check it out it seems like nobody's there what he doesn't notice is that the creature is already inside scuttling across the floor right behind him turning around he sees that the box full of decorations is now scattered all over and starts trying to clean them up Suddenly the creature buries a meat cleaver right into the top of his head before hacking his body into several pieces and placing them all inside of the Box by the time that the delivery guy gets there the creature is already long gone and he takes the box back out to his truck with no idea what's really inside and this is why you've always got to stay on your toes I mean it's not like that box of decorations knocked itself over according to Doc Zeus everyone in Newville Lives In Perpetual fear that if they ever do anything Christmas related then a violent Maniac will show up and kill them so in this case this restaurant owner really should have seen this coming personally if I were living in this town and had a box of Christmas decorations accidentally delivered to my door then I'd immediately be on Defcon 1 red alert from Cindy's interactions with the creature so far we know that it's possible to fight it off so if this guy had only kept his head in the game then he might have kept his head literally and would have been able to defend himself with some kind of improvised weapons from the kitchen he could have lived to tell the Tale But the Grinch here caught him slipping and for that he paid the ultimate price that same night the deputy here arrives at Cindy's house with a shocking Discovery the wallets that he found back in the creatur's cave all belong to hikers from out of town who went missing in the mountains between Thanksgiving and Christmas it turns out that there's a website advertising the forest as a great great place to hike that's run by the mayor herself and it looks like she's been intentionally luring these unsuspecting travelers to their deaths while they're busy trying to come up with a solution the mayor here decides that she's going to get out of town until the holidays are over it's a wise move but as soon as she gets out into the middle of the woods far from any sort of help or civilization her car sputters stalls out and immediately starts blasting Christmas music over the radio growing nervous she carefully gets out and Pops the hood to check out what's wrong sudden suddenly the creature lunges out from the darkness behind her and bites a huge chunk of flesh out of her face the mayor does her best to put up a fight but it isn't long before the creature gains the upper hand wrapping her up with a sheet of her own campaign stickers he drags her back towards the trunk of the car and proceeds to slam down on her neck with the door over and over again until she's completely decapitated leaving her head lying in the dirt on the side of the road back in town the deputy returns to the station and calls out the sheriff for being in involved in the mayor's conspiracy cornered the sheriff has no choice but to admit what he's saying is true it turns out that after realizing what the creature was the sheriff tried offering it livestock like goats to eat but by then it had already developed a taste for human flesh when it looked like they were out of options the mayor came up with her plan to sacrifice tourists instead and he chose to go along with it in order to protect the citizens of his town Furious the deputy storms out of the building saying that he's going to kill the creature himself before it gets to Cindy at first the sheriff decides that he's going to go out and look for it himself but the dock convinces him that he needs to get involved in order to finally set things right and after leaving behind the keys to the cell he goes to follow the deputy out into the forest meanwhile Cindy has her whole house set up with Christmas lights trying anything that she can to lure the creature in for the kill just then she hears a suspicious noise outside but when she goes to check it out she discovers that it's only the old man he tells her that the deputy went off to kill the creature on his own causing Cindy to realize that she has to go and save him before it's too late the deputy arrives back at the creature's cave and starts singing Christmas songs in an attempt to draw it out suddenly he winds up stepping on a hidden bear trap and that's when the monster appears behind him waving around some mistletoe he's looking for more than just a kiss but at the last moment someone fires Two Shots into the creature's chest forcing him to retreat it's the sheriff and after set the deputy free he tells him to get to safety while he goes to finish the job the sheriff follows the creature deeper and deeper into his cave taking pot shots at him when he has the chance but missing every shot unfortunately he doesn't make it far before the creature pounces on him from out of the darkness and instantly tears him to shreds Cindy and Doc have just arrived outside to help the deputy and after hearing his screams she tries to go and save the sheriff but by the time that she gets there the only Trace that left of the man is his dismembered arm after taking the deputy back to his vehicle Cindy tells doc to get him to a hospital while she finishes the fight with the creature herself okay it looks like Karma finally caught up with our Sheriff here he might have done the right things in the end but there's no denying that this whole debacle was mostly his fault and I think you know what I'm about to say Sheriff Hooper you fed up so the truth finally comes to light you knew all along that the creature was real but hardly ever tried to do anything about it and decided to just go along with the mayor's insane Human Sacrifice scheme the minute that feeding it a goat didn't work that's just bad police work Sheriff you hesitated to make a move for so long that it nearly got your Deputy killed and when you finally decided to nut up and face the creature you did it alone in the middle of the night and on his home turf that's insanely stupid even for you what's more you wasted all of your ammo blasting at precisely nothing which only served to give yourself away you may have been a bad sheriff but you could have actually been useful if you'd worked together with Cindy Doc and the deputy instead of going in alone and getting yourself killed now you're dead the mayor's dead both of Cindy's parents are dead and countless other innocent victims as well while the creature that did it is still on the loose when you're so bad at your job that you end up putting the entire town at risk for the last two decades and never actually managed to solve the problem Sheriff Hooper you up with the deputy safely on his way to the hospital Cindy doubles back to Spring her trap after decking out the entire house and Christmas lights that you could see from the space station she heads inside and pretends to be asleep waiting patiently for the creature to strike sure enough the Beast sneaks in through her chimney but just when it's about to grab her Cindy kicks him back across the the room and the fight is on suddenly doc opens fire through the living room window hitting the creature several times and briefly forcing it to retreat armed with a candy cane camo shotgun Cindy sweeps the house looking for the creature while doc provides cover fire from across the street it's quiet too quiet and that's when the Beast pops up just a few feet in front of him having decided to go after doc instead and is about to kill him until Cindy comes in blasting and scares it off badly injured but still alive doc waves Cindy off and tells her to stick to the plan as Cindy's carefully making her way back towards the house the creature sneak attacks her from behind just when she runs out of ammo the creature gets its foot caught in another bear trap buying her time to grab a baseball bat wrapped in a string of Christmas lights Cindy lands A Few Good Hits but it isn't long before the Beast takes control of the fight once again this time it's Cindy who has to retreat but she has one more trick up her sleeve and hits the creature with a makeshift ornament grenade holding him off just long enough for her to get back inside wounded Cindy stumbles into the house just as the creature sneaks down her chimney and attacks From Below luckily Doc uses the squad car's loudspeaker to blast some Christmas music stunning him as Cindy ignites a trail of tinsel and blows up another explosive that she's hidden in the tree taking the creature down okay Cindy here seems to be holding her own here but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't have something to say about her Strat I'll keep this one short and sweet Cindy if you had a shotgun the whole time then why not keep it under the blanket with you and blast this freak the moment that he's snuck in as a matter of fact you've got all these crazy weapons both professional and homemade but while you were at the hardware store did it never cross your mind to pick up a chainsaw I mean who spends their days preparing for a creature fight and doesn't get a chainsaw amateurs that's who amateurs the creature seems to be be able to take gunshots no problem but I'm willing to bet that he wouldn't survive being chopped into pieces so it's uh something to think about for next time if you make it out of this alive also you had all this time to set booby traps but left the chimney of all places wide open come on Cindy that should have been the first place to set up a trap don't get me wrong I'm rooting for you here but if this fight doesn't end well for you then don't come crying to me Cindy Dives on top of the monster about to to finish him off with a knife when suddenly she notices that he's still wearing the necklace that she gave him when she was a child after her mother's accidental death the feeling of people calling him a monster was what actually made him become one but now Cindy forgives him realizing that he never really meant to hurt anyone at least not at first it's a touching moment but the love that he feels causes the mean one's heart to grow three sizes too big until it finally explodes killing him dead and Cindy quest for revenge is finally complete in the aftermath of the attack Cindy's photo of the creature ends up going viral attracting all kinds of attention to her sleepy little town although the government steps in to cover up what really happened Newville becomes a booming tourist destination almost overnight as monster hunters from around the world come to see if they can catch a glimpse of the mean one himself at a Holiday Festival hosted by the town Cindy and the deputy finally kiss under the mistletoe the town's people are safe to celebrate once again or are they there's no way to know if the creature will ever return but it looks like they'll have to wait until next Christmas to find out for sure but what would you do if you and your friends and family were just chilling and then the mother Grinch showed up and started ruining your holiday surely you've been waiting your entire life for this moment I have a pretty good idea what I would do but what would you do let us know down in the comments below thank you so much much for watching leave a like And subscribe and check out the how to beat playlist for more videos just like this one oh yeah and have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 1,001,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, among us, trailer, trap, traps, laugh run feature, the grinch, the mean one, evil grinch, christmas movie, christmas horror, Steven LaMorte, Flip Kobler, Finn Kobler, David Howard Thornton, Krystle Martin, Chase Mullins, holiday horror, terrifier, new christmas movie, best christmas movie, funny christmas movie, mean one full, the mean one full movie, the mean one review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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