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If a gang of Russian mobsters kidnapped you and  your friends so they could broadcast your slow and   painful torture online, what would you do? Turns out we crossed the wrong group of guys,   and they’re not gonna rest until we learn our  lesson. Oh, and just to make things worse,   our idiot friends had to drag us halfway across  the globe to do an escape room, so we’ll be   completely trapped in a foreign environment while  a band of violent criminals hunts down like dogs.   Good thing we’re planning on live streaming  our current location the entire time.   I’m going to break down the mistakes  made, what you should do, and how to   beat the Russian Mafia in NO ESCAPE. Cole is an influencer, the insufferable kind,   so basically just an influencer. The brunt of his  content pretty much revolves around him reacting   to his own crazy experiences while low-key flexing  his immense wealth on his audience of mindless bug   people, and this current endeavor is no exception.  This time around, they’re heading to Moscow to   partake in some super high-end escape room, but  of course, not before getting chocolate wasted   out on the town with their well-connected and even  wealthier friend Alexei, who’s joined the party as   their spiritual guide to all things Ruski. Eventually, things start heating up when some   of the local wildlife takes a liking to Cole’s  special lady friend, Erin, forcing Cole to pry   himself from his two biggest fans and act like a  man for a few seconds, only things don’t really go   his way. And Alexei’s world class de-escalation  skills don’t help the situation either.   Nice one, dude. You brought an embarrassingly  small knife to a gunfight. Lucky for us, Igor   and Igor showed up to take out the trash before  baldie clacked off an international incident.   This whole debacle is a great example of knowing  when to commit to violence. Erin was actively   being assaulted at that point and Cole starts  pulling her away by the arm like a stolen teddy   bear. If you’re going to do anything at all in  this situation, blast that sucker behind the   ear with an overhand right and then light the  other one up while his hands are full. Anyone   with eyes could see that these guys had already  launched an unprovoked attack, so approaching them   with anything less than Doom Slayer energy will  only result in your dumbA getting choke slammed,   which is exactly what happened. Of course, things never should have gotten   this bad in the first place, because Alexei’s  bodyguards should have already been in the room   GUARDING OUR BODIES. Why on earth would you  keep them out of sight in a place like this,   especially when it’s frequented by the kind  of people that would try kidnapping random   women in front of God and everybody. Speaking of which, those two nutjobs clearly   aren’t over this as evidenced by the obscene  gesture Igor number 3 makes on his way out. Yeah,   something tells me that’s not the Russian  symbol for peace and forgiveness. Oh, yeah,   he also tells us all we’re screwed in English,  so that’s a pretty good indication.   Anyway, why let a couple bad beets spoil the  whole borscht. After all, Moscow’s a huge city,   so what are the odds we’ll run into them  again? Well, here’s the thing. Cole,   ya know the guy who’s so famous a couple random  Russian chicks sniffed him out immediately,   is planning to live stream their go at the escape  room tomorrow night, meaning anyone who knows who   he is and how to watch will know exactly where to  find him, and when he’ll be going in and out.   Now, ordinarily this wouldn’t be that big of a  deal. After all, it’s just a couple random, wasted   low lives who’ll probably abandon their mission  of revenge once the hangover sets in, but even   Alexei is afraid of these guys, and it’s implied  that he pretty much owns the cops. Meanwhile,   he tried talking Cole out of intervening as they  were forcing themselves on his girlfriend.   I’m not saying we ought to bag this entire op and  flee back to Burgerland where they can’t get us,   but how about we just record this one and air  it simu-live after the fact. It’s not like   anyone would be able to tell the difference,  and it’ll help ensure no one can monitor our   location in real time. Either way, we should  have Alexei tell his goons to bring more than   just a couple crappy Makarov’s in case things  get crazy. We all know the bad guys will.   The following night, Cole and company get  chauffeured out to a nondescript warehouse   out in the industrial district, basically the  perfect place to make five obnoxious tourists   vanish off the face of the earth. Yeah, live  stream or no, I’m sending my location to a few   loved ones stateside and establishing a check  in time, just in case the Russian version of   an escape room involves organ harvesting. Before going in, Alexei sets the mood with some   final words of encouragement. Having  experienced this operation firsthand,   he assures everyone that no matter how insane  things get after walking through the front door,   they’ll never actually be in any real danger,  and while we haven’t seen or heard anything that   would make us doubt this notion, how many people  have died doing something “pErFeCtLy SaFe?” Yet   another reason why forking over our cell phone  to set up the live stream is a bad idea. Just   send us the .mp4 when this is over, and we’ll  figure it out. No way I’m giving up my comms,   GPS, mobile banking, flashlight, translator,  and Raid: Shadow Legends in some far-off foreign   odd-scape filled with bears and mobsters. Once inside, Team USA gets a brief rundown of   the situation before a couple more  Igor’s in gulag cosplay bag them up   and bring them to their starting positions.  The instructions are fairly straight forward,   Cole will have to rescue his friends one by  one before the time runs out or they’ll all be   executed. No reason to ask what that entails,  right? Nah, the only thing Cole’s concerned   about is where to find the nearest camera  so he can phone in more wild reactions.   Let the games begin. Right off the bat, it’s pretty   obvious this is not your typical escape room.  Most apparent is the lack of a clearly marked   emergency exit, which while par for the  course in the stateside equivalent, might   only be considered “optional” over here. The door  leading back to the starting area is also locked,   so we’re genuinely at the mercy of the organizers  unless we can find a way out on our own. I’m sure   this is usually the part where they mention  the $250,000 price tag on this thing.   That said, this first room seems  pretty straightforward. Locked door,   dude on a slab, X marks the spot. Not sure  what the piles of clothes are all about,   but they could very well just be a red herring  meant to run down the clock. Regardless,   we don’t exactly need Jigsaw to talk us through  this one. Just grab one of the generously   provided cutting instruments and get to work. Of course, if you’re like Cole, you’ll probably   want to make sure you’re not about to carve up  a living person. Slashing the carotid artery   ought to take care of that. Okay, all right,  I guess you could also listen for a heartbeat   and/or place your hand over his nose to feel for  breathing. Realistically, this has to be a very   *ahem* very realistic dummy, that is  unless Russian law surrounding organ   donations prioritizes tourists traps over actual  recipients. Still, if you’re concerned at all   about slicing into the real thing, just make  a small cut on the arm and smell the blood.   As long as it doesn’t have that characteristic  metallic smell, you should be good to go.   Obviously, Cole sees right through this thinly  veiled gross-out ploy and dives right in,   and sure enough the key is right where  it’s supposed to be. Awesome. One down,   who knows how many to go. Probably a good  reason to head straight to the next area   instead of wasting time chatting up your  friends about the set dressing. Fortunately   for Thomas and Dash, the next challenge  is just as simple as the first. Here’s   Cole breaking it down for his audience  of eight year olds and imbeciles:   And yet you’re standing around doing nothing  while your friends bemoan their rapidly dwindling   lifespans. I mean, is it just me, or do these  torture devices seem like actual torture devices.   The spikes on that Iron Maiden look dangerously  sharp, even if they’re just made of plastic,   and Thomas is outright telling you he’s in  pain as that rack gets tighter and tighter.   In that case, might want to get a move  on before you lose monetization.   The good news is that it’s just basic trial  and error, complete with audio cues to let us   know whether we’re putting each gear in the right  place. Only strat for this one is working faster,   but with as much time as Cole wasted going in,  just about anyone else could have done this   all blindfolded. Now that I think about  it, maybe the reason they claim this is   all perfectly safe is because they’ve never  had a client as stupid as Cole before.   Oh, well, onto the next one, and what a  surprise, another stumper. All we have to   do is move the cursor through the maze and we’re  done, with an interesting penalty for error.   Shocking. Yeah, at this point, I think   it’s safe to say they lied about the danger level  of this thing. It’s possible they were planning to   hit the e-stop before Thomas and Dash were both  eviscerated, but in this case, Sam is actively   being tortured. That said, I still don’t think  we’re actually getting SAW’d right now. Yes,   the stakes are freaking bonkers, but these are the  same people who invented slap boxing for Christ’s   sake. I can only imagine this kind of equipment  is standard issue on any Russian playground.   And then there’s the puzzles. You’d think if they  were trying to kill us, they’d at least make them   somewhat difficult to piece together, but I mean,  just look at this bullcrap. It’s the kind of maze   you’d find on the back of a cereal box. The  only difficult part is not touching the sides,   which could be easily overcome by carefully  guiding the thing with both hands. Seriously,   dude it’s like you’re trying to shock her. Nah, this whole thing just doesn’t add up. They   let us live stream everything right up to  the start, including all their faces and   the outside of the building. Why would they  do that if they were planning to kill us,   which is exactly what we’re led to believe  would happen if we didn’t act quickly.   Either way, we should try pulling the plug  before things get any worse. Best case scenario,   they stop everything immediately and  let us off the hook. Only problem is,   they never actually told us we could call  it quits whenever we want. In that case,   we should try and force their hand in the matter,  and the only way I can really see to do that would   be by faking some kind of medical emergency. To that end, I’d have Sam collapse and fake a   heart attack since she just had the absolute PO  shocked out of her. If there’s any legitimacy   to this outfit at all, they’ll cut the act  immediately and rush to her aid. Otherwise,   well, at least we’ll know the  totality of how screwed we are.   And speaking of screwed, this next stage  really kicks things up a notch.   Chill out, dude, she’s obviously  fine. Not for long, though.   Fortunately, we’re looking at yet another  life-threatening situation with a painfully   simple solution. This time it’s nothing more  than a fifth-grade level logic problem. So,   yeah, she’s basically screwed. Nah, I’m kidding, they’re not that stupid. Well,   not Thomas at least. All we have to do is measure  out four liters of water using two jugs marked at   five and three liters respectively. Now,  before we continue, go ahead and solve   this one down in the comments, that way we  can all have a good laugh at your expense   if you somehow manage to get it wrong. Okay, pencils down folks. As Thomas points out,   we just need to use the five-liter jug to fill the  three-liter jug, thus leaving the former with only   two liters remaining. From there, we dump out  the three liter and pour in the remaining two,   thereby leaving a single liter of empty  space in the three-liter jug. All that’s   left to do now is fill up the fiver and use  it to top off the three, thereby leaving us   with exactly four liters. Piece of cake. However, this is where the latest phase deviates   from the others, as solving the puzzle only opens  the cell, without actually shutting off the water   hazard. That said, it appears to be by design,  as the organizers left us some step ladders we   can use to reach the top of the tank. Problem is  the valve handles sealing the hatch are supposedly   rusted shut. Although if I had to guess, it  probably has more to do with the fact you   morons are turning it to the right! Like, I get  there are plenty of things out there using left   hand threads, but maybe at least try the standard  approach first before going the other way.   Ultimately, Cole makes the executive  decision to the end whole thing here and now,   but neither Alexei nor the organizers respond over  the intercom, so, yeah, not good. At this point,   anyone that still has their cell phone should  dial 101 and get EMS on the way, or at least try   to. None of us actually speak Russian, and with  only around 11% of Russians speaking English,   Erin will probably be blue by the time they send  someone to help us out. Of course, as fast as that   thing is filling up, there’s literally zero chance  someone would be able to make it here in time   anyway, so no matter what, we’re going to have  to be our own first responders right now.   In that case, I’m grabbing one of those heavy  metal gears we used back in the second room and   smashing the crap out of the pipe feeding into the  box. At least if there’s no more water flowing in,   we’ll have more time to work on the hatch. At  the same time, if I’m Erin in this situation,   the very first thing I would have done upon  seeing the water run in is ball up my shirt   to try and jam up the waterworks. Unfortunately, by the time Cole figures   this out, it seems Erin’s already  swimming with the fishes.   Oh, never mind, turns out she’s okay. Well, thank God for that, because there’s   no way any of these bozos knew what the to  do next. Heck, Sam wanted Cole to start CPR   without even checking her vitals. Also, according  to WebMD, it’s just chest compressions for adults,   and naturally that’s only after you’ve  established they don’t have a pulse.   Anyway, getting back to the matter at hand, now  that we’ve solved all the puzzles and recovered   the last of our friends, we can use the key  Erin was holding to let ourselves out and end   this nightmare, that is of course, after we’ve  savagely mashed Alexei’s head to a quivering   pulp with one of those giant gears. Sadly, we may never get that chance,   as the entire operation seemingly flew the coop  before we made it out, although by the looks of   it, they didn’t get far. Aw, man, how did he find us?   That certainly explains why Alexei and them  quit responding all of a sudden. Oh, well,   none of that matters now that we’re all definitely  going to die. Not only are they taking us to a   second location, we’ve already seen their faces,  AND they have a bone to pick with us. Besides,   they already smoked Viktoria and both our  Igor’s. No sense in stopping now.   Of course, there’s also the slim possibility  this is still just a part of the escape room.   Think about it. One of the last things Alexei said  to us was that no matter how real it gets, it’s   only a game. Yes, I know, so is Russian Roulette,  but given everything we’ve been through so far,   is it really out of the question that they  might fake an execution or two to keep us on   edge? Just take Viktoria’s death for example.  That looked fake as heck. Only problem is I   can’t tell whether it was supposed to be that  bad, or if the studio simply blew the entire   budget on anatomically correct dummies. Obviously, we shouldn’t jump to that conclusion   while our lives might be at stake, but it would  certainly explain why Big Igor had his goons   place us in an easily escapable jail cell and  then leave us alone immediately. I mean, just   look at these handcuffs, for Christ’s sake. You  mean to tell me these dudes can afford G-wagons   and automatic weapons, but they couldn’t scrounge  up an actual pair of modern handcuffs. Heck, even   zipties would have worked better. At least then  he couldn’t have just bashed them against the   bedframe a few times to cut himself loose. Oh, and then there’s the totally secure grate   covering the perfectly man-sized ventilation  shaft, and what do you know, it’s not even   bolted in place. Again, it’s far from the worst  we’ve seen on this channel in terms of villain   stupidity, so this really might be the best  they got, but if someone was going to fake   a hostage situation to make some brain dead  TikToker feel like an action star, what exactly   would they be doing differently right now? Okay, rant over. All we know for sure is that we   have a way out, so we should definitely be taking  it. Cole is at least smart enough to put that one   together. Unfortunately for him, the ducts run  right alongside the set his hosts are using   to film a live stream of their own. Well, say goodbye to your piano career.   Yeah, it turns out these guys heard about all  those dark web Red Rooms that don’t actually exist   and thought it sounded like a solid business plan.  They’re not just going to murder these morons;   they’re going to monetize the mayhem by airing it  live for an audience of blood thirsty psychopaths   with access to daddy’s credit card. Although, if  that’s the case I gotta wonder why they’d totally   blue ball all their paying customers by blocking  the camera during the best part, ya know the   splatter of blood and sinew, and pieces of bone,  not to mention the mix of horror and agony on the   mark’s face as he’s violently disassembled. Come to think of it, they did the same thing with   Sam’s execution when we were still back  in the jail cell. What, are you streaming   this on YouTube? There’s no way in heck I’d be  shelling out for such garbage cinematography.   At least throw on a GoPro or something, come on!  Also, why wasn’t there a camera back in Cole’s   cell? You went through the trouble of setting  up a TV so he could watch it all. Why not spin   that into a reaction video: “ANNOYING DOUCHE  REACTS?” Dude is the main attraction after all,   so I’m sure people would love to watch him  emotionally disintegrate at the sight of friends   and loved ones leaving piece by piece. This is an absolute failure to capitalize   on killer content, much like how the Big Bad’s  henchmen completely fail at basic room clearing.   All you have to do is keep one man back to cover  the left side of the barrier, while the other man   sweeps wide around the right side. This way  the target can’t simply run the okiedokie on   your butts until he inevitably finds something  he can use as a distraction. I know, I know,   this doesn’t prove anything, but God, it all just  seems a little too easy, don’t you think?   Now, for the next obstacle, Cole has to make it  past this big red door, which just so happens to   have the same Ruski writing on it as the note  the chauffeur passed him earlier that day,   and would you look at that, he gave him the  door code. Yeah, that’s super helpful and all,   but why not also leave a warning on the note  so he never even has to use the code in the   first place. And I don’t mean your typical secret  helper bullcrap like “you’re in danger.” Literally   write this down verbatim, “The escape room is a  trap. You’re going to be kidnapped by the mob.   Leave while you can.” Clearly, he knew this  was all going to happen, or he wouldn’t have   left him the door code to begin with. Oh, well, I guess now’s our chance to ask him   about it since he’s conveniently waiting for  us on the other side of the door.   Wha… who do you think? Ugh, ya know what,  never mind. Just shut up and take the car   keys before you find out the hard way.  Real or not, this is 100% our best   shot at escaping this nightmare. Bro, screw your friends. As far as you know,   two of them are already dead, and the other two  are well on their way. Besides, these guys have   guns, numbers, and power tools, along with a  proven willingness to take human lives. You   have literally none of these things. Take  the keys, drive like heck, find a phone,   dial +7 (495) 728-5000 to reach the US Embassy  in Russia, pray you can get an emergency passport   made within a few hours, leave the horrible place  forever, and buy a new entourage stateside. Let   the state department hand this mess, and  by that, I mean ignore it completely.   Nah, let’s face it. We all know Cole’s  going back in there. All we can do now   is hope there’s anyone left to save. And  sure enough, it’s not long before he finds   Thomas curled up inside another one of the  cells, only there’s a problem. Somewhere   along the way Velma lost his glasses, leaving him  functionally blind to the point Cole will have to   guide him by the hand the rest of the way. Yeah, that’s a negative, dude. If this is legit,   it’s nothing short of a miracle we were  even able to make it this far by ourselves,   and now we’re supposed to babysit this guy  too? Forget it. Dude’s going to stumble on   literally everything between here and the exit  and give away our position, which he does almost   immediately. I’m not suggesting we simply leave  him where we found him, but why not sit him down   somewhere out of sight while we try and bring  back help. Under the drainage grate seems like   a pretty good option provided he can keep his  mouth shut. And if we don’t make it out, well,   then he probably wasn’t getting out anyway. Of course, had we taken this approach,   he couldn’t have totally saved our life  with this noble sacrifice play.   Dude. This stuff’s totally fake, as in,  we’re still in the escape room.   Not because Igor ran at us while shooting like an  absolute mutant—we’ve seen that plenty of times   out of actual horror villains—and not because  Thomas could suddenly see well enough to shove us   out of the way with impeccable timing. It’s fake  because this guy had us dead to rights, trapped   down a narrow passage with no way out, and he  chose to unnecessarily end his own life by running   in to tackle us over the edge. Like it didn’t  matter whether he hit Cole or Thomas. There’s   no way he could have possibly stopped himself in  time to avoid falling down the elevator shaft,   something he wouldn’t have been concerned about if  he knew there was a stunt cushion down there.   I mean, are we really supposed to believe butcher  bro was so dedicated to his job he’d throw   his life away for no reason when he could have  casually walked up and shot us both to death. Oh,   and it turns out that revolver he was using was  only loaded with the three rounds of ammunition   he expended in the process. How convenient. I  guess the Russian mafia is really tightening the   belt these days. We should absolutely pop the  cylinder and examine the shell casings to see   if they’re crimped like blanks. That would pretty  much seal the deal, as far as I’m concerned.   That said, if you’re still not convinced,  then get a load of this.   Wow, if it isn’t another execution with someone’s  back obstructing the view. I guess now we know why   they did the same thing with Sam and Dash. Still, that’s not what I’m talking about here.   As you can clearly see, Alexei is not only  still alive, he’s also running this crapshow,   which means he either killed his girlfriend  and two of his goons just to screw with us,   or they’re all still alive, and that whole  thing was just meant to scare us, ya know,   more than a gang of heavily armed criminals  holding us at gunpoint already would. Sure,   on one hand, I could totally see the  former being true because Russian Mob, but   I think it’s more likely door number two. All this aside, I’ve definitely been wrong before,   so we shouldn’t just go tap dancing around the  corner expecting a hug and not a bullet. Instead,   we’ll want to test this out somehow, and I  think my previous strat of staging a medical   emergency would still be our best bet. If we are  being pranked, I think it’s safe to assume it’s   all still being filmed, meaning they’ve probably  wired this place up with far more cameras than   we realize. In that case, I’d look for an area  where no one should otherwise be able to see   us and attempt to fake a grand mal seizure by  collapsing to the ground and thrashing with   all my strength for as long as I could keep  it up. If they have any intention of keeping   us safe as Alexei previously stated, they’ll  almost certainly intervene, even if it’s just   to stop everything and call an ambulance. Of course, if it is true that we’re all still in   the matrix, it means basically everyone else  but Cole was in on the joke, including Sam,   Dash, and Thomas. And judging by all her  extremely fresh and seemingly deep facial   wounds that aren’t bleeding profusely for  some reason, I’d say Erin is too.   Yeah, she’s in on it. God dang, dude, what did  you do to all your friends to make them hate   you this much. Hmm, on second thought, the list  of what he didn’t do is probably shorter.   Also, if this were actually legit, it would have  been a better idea to rush the bad guy and attempt   to take control of his firearm than go fumbling  for loose rounds with all the adrenaline coursing   through your veins. It’s probably not going  to happen, at least not before he recovers,   and as Cole found out the hard way, what  if the one round you barely manage to   feed in in time doesn’t do the job? Oh, well, good thing it doesn’t matter,   because Erin’s definitely still alive, and  much like when he first arrived in this pit,   once again the good squad arrives to place  Cole in yet another easily escapable situation,   only this time, they’re definitely going to wish  they’d made things a little harder for him. Turns   out Alexei was waiting on our hero to reach this  point since the big reveal of his survival, and   now here he is, all alone, armed with nothing but  Cole’s cell phone. It’s almost too perfect.   Yeah, saw that coming. Question is why didn’t  Alexei? I mean, he knew Cole bought this whole   thing hook, line, and sinker. Obviously, he  was going to beat the living crap out of him   given the opportunity. Seriously, all he had  to do here was keep the Igor’s by his side,   and the mother of all awkward turtle  events could have been avoided.   Oh, great, you’re all here. Now, each and everyone  one of you can line up to get the exact same   makeover Alexei just got. No, for real, even if  Cole could have potentially seen this coming,   the fact that they all went to such extraordinary  lengths to psychologically torment him, literally   to the point where he’d be made to think his  own ineptitude got his girlfriend executed,   is so profoundly screwed up. At least make sure  you’re standing next to Alexei when he shows up,   so you don’t trick the poor idiot  into throwing his life away.   The good news is that at least Cole can  say he legitimately feared for his life   in this situation. How far that will get him  after brutally killing a Russian millionaire,   however, is anyone’s guess.  Probably not far though.   In the end, only Alexei wound up dying. However,  had Cole paid closer attention to the outright   absurdity of what was going on around him  during the later stages of the escape room,   he might have seen this twist coming in time  to keep from splattering the fool. That said,   a far more reliable means of preventing this  would be if the pranksters had thought to leave   even a single bodyguard or one of the friend  group with Alexei at the finish line.   For that reason, I think  NO ESCAPE was Beaten.   Moral of the story, know when  to let them off the hook.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 192,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat
Id: IOsGsuwCM4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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