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If you and your annoying coworkers found  yourselves hunted by masked hypocrites   using the weapons you mass produce to seek  revenge against you, what would you do?   This team of miscreants has arrived in  eastern Europe to attend a totally optional,   not at all mandatory team building retreat for the  arms manufacturer they work for. Unfortunately,   they get stranded by an angry bus driver just  inside the territory of an armed militia with   a grudge against their company. If they want to  make it out alive, they’re going to have to work   together to endure the mines, traps, and bullets  of their assailants…as well as the awkward,   creepy, sycophantic fumblings of their boss. I’m going to break down the mistakes made,   what you should do, and how to beat  the MASKED MILITIA in SEVERANCE.   A fat strong American lumbers after two  blondes in the forest. They look terrified,   and doubly so when the ground suddenly collapses  beneath them, trapping them in a deep pit.   Well, we know the American  didn’t dig that himself.   Dude pauses just long enough at the top of the  hole to hear the girls beg for help – turns out   they were ALL running…from someone else.  He apologizes and continues trucking…   Keep up those steps, big guy, you’re doing great.   Back in the pit, the girls crank this baby up to  PG13 as they strip trying to cobble together a   ladder using their clothing and a stick. Turns  out their jeans and crop top coats just didn’t   provide enough fabric. I love this movie.   But no, your elastic triple D bra isn’t going  to help here and you don’t need it anyway.   Use that stick to dig handholds out of the  dirt this pit is made of and get outta there   Back with our American friend, he steps on a  trip wire and gets hog snared…He’s too winded   to fight when an unseen assailant  guts him with a hunting knife.   At least you don’t have to jog anymore. We cut to a rented tour bus absolutely mad ladding   it through the Eastern European countryside. It  contains all the best people – office workers for   the world’s leading arms dealer Palisades Defense.  They’re from the London office, and already sick   of watching a commercial from their Elon Musk-like  overlord George played on repeat on the bus tv.   This team was hand picked for their  masterful archetypes. We have:   Richard, the brown nosing manager. Billy, Richard’s twofer executive assistant.   Steve, the resident idiot, who’s ordering  himself a Balkan beauty with his impeccable   mountain bus wifi, smoking in the bathroom  AND getting lit up on Mario’s mushrooms.   The hot coworker Maggie, who’s pretending  to work. Or even worse, actually working.   Gordon, the brown noser’s brown noser. Jill, the resident social justice warrior   And Harris, the character who  definitely quiet quit six months ago.   Apparently, they’re on a crusade to spread  the gospel of the AR-15 to Eastern Europe…   Suddenly, the driver brings the bus to a  screeching halt. There’s a downed tree in   the road. Richard commands the driver to take an  alternate route down what looks like a dirt road.   How ‘bout NO. You’re in the vehicle  equivalent of a train car with stripped   suspension. It can barely do THIS road well. Even the driver’s immediate answer is no – he’s   heard “bad things” about that route. Richard  tries to put his foot down…but all that does   is inspire the driver to unload all their stuff  and leave them in the middle of BFE nowhere.   This dude has ZERO chill. We all know none of  these people speak his language…but he doesn’t   even try to tell them WHY the route they  want to take is dangerous. Maybe telling   him several other busloads of people have gone  missing would help change Richard’s mind.   Or, how about you use the “road that will not  be named” to turn the bus around and go back   down the mountain to an alternate route,  if this is such a problem for you? Look,   I try not to dabble in stereotypes…but  maybe you shoulda gone for the bribe   instead of relying on Richard’s level  one charisma to see us through this.   Billy tries to convince Richard that the distance  to the lodge they’re trying to reach is WAY   farther than it appears on a map. Bruh, seriously?   We’ve ALL had a terrible boss like Richard.  AND we’ve all wanted to abandon them in the   woods. Now’s your chance, Billy! Run! Annnd…the bus driver leaves them there.   I don’t want to make blanket statements  about other countries…but I feel like   most places frown on abandoning tourists in  the woods. Not a good look on TripAdvisor.   Now alone, they hear a strange  sound coming from the forest.   Maybe Winnie the Pooh’s on holiday from  murdering teens in the 100 Acre Wood.   Not when they’re packing what  Palisades Defense is selling,   which is more than I can say for these coworkers  - despite working for one of the world’s largest   arms dealers NONE of them brought weapons  of any kind. Not even a sharp pencil.   Richard directs them all to follow him down  the dirt road, but Maggie’s quick to say they   should stick to the road they were already on. YOU ALL KNOW HE’S A MORON. And you all punched   your time card the second he got you kicked off  that bus. Just remind him you’re on paid overtime   and he’ll be begging to leave you behind. At  which point you can do the CORRECT thing of   hopping over that tree in the road and continuing  to your final destination along the bus route.   Instead, they follow him like rats behind the  pied piper…to their obvious doom. Even if they   DON’T run into a bear or a crazed killer who likes  to chase a couple of laides through the woods,   they’re gonna get SUPER lost. Steve IMMEDIATELY shroo’s his   way off the beaten path to take a leak,  forcing half the team to go in and find   him. Steve tells them there’s a masked guy in  the woods, but they assume it’s the skittles   and poor Billy is assigned to be his keeper.  Billy – not paid nearly enough, I tell ya.   And Steve’s too zonked out to notice  he’s giving a corpse a shower.   Back on the trail, Maggie ties Steve  to a leash, which is the most sensible   thing anyone on this team has done yet,  and a few minutes later, they arrive to   a condemned house they mistake as the lodge  where they’re supposed to meet their boss.   Steve reminds everyone there’s someone  in the woods before they shove open an   old rusted fence and waltz right in. If my boss brought me here, I’d assume   we’re fighting to the death for the last  corner office. Or getting liquidated.   Richard refuses to believe this isn’t the right  location for their team building weekend even   when Jill points out the invitation letter  specified luxury lodge accommodation. Nobody   notices Steve hallucinating in the corner. Harris and Gordon split up to find the generator.   Gordon enters his suspense generator phase while  Harris uncovers weird case files in the basement.   By nightfall, the entire team has moved  off to their respective corners of the   building when Richard is woken to  sounds rattling through the house.   All right, I just realized what’s  scarier than a maniac with a knife – a   guy in middle management with a knife. Turns out it’s all a nightmare, but…   I rest my case. Give me a normal killer any day. In the kitchen, Bobby pours over the documents   Harris found in the basement. Local  asylum records…with odd connections   to their company Palisades Defense. Dinner comes with a silent movie. Harris   tells them that before the first world  war, strange reports by the locals about   the asylum in the woods forced authorities to  investigate. But when the investigator arrived,   he realized too late that the patients had  taken over the asylum and locked up all the   doctors. They killed the investigator, forcing the  locals to turn to Palisade Defense to neutralize   the threat. The asylum was bombed with nerve  gas until everyone was dead, save a single   patient who swore revenge against any Palisade  employee that dared enter the land again.   Jill corrects him – his story IS partially  true, but only partially. Facilities like   these were used after the fall of the Soviet Union  in the 90s to try and rehabilitate war criminals,   most of whom were eventually put down  by Palisade weapons. She says they   don’t want revenge, only to survive. Storytime ends when Steve bites down on   what turns out to be a human tooth with  gold fillings. Everyone turns on Gordon,   who explains he found a pie and cooked it thinking  it was a welcome gift. From whom? Sweeney Todd?   In the middle of the night,  Jill uses the bathroom..   The others come running. Fortunately,   only Richard is dumb enough not to  believe she saw something. Billy,   Harris, and Steve venture outside to check and  discover platforms connecting the trees overhead…   looks like hunting stands, but why so  close to a house.. And why are they   all connected.. Hmmm… Too early to say why, but  screw this place. Come morning, i’m going home.   But, my guys…you wanna maybe grab a knife or  something before going outside to check on a   masked man? You’re in your pjs, unarmed, with a  dollar store flashlight. If you CAN see him it’s   because he wants you to…and you’re about to die. Plus, you just left the door to the lodge wide   open for anyone to sneak in and hide until  they can slit your throat in your sleep.   Back inside, Jill says she’s leaving. Harris  says they’ll wait till morning then climb up   the nearest hill for a signal to call for a  car. Richard warns them that if anyone leaves,   they won’t have a job when they return to  London. Jill doesn’t care. The next morning   when she hasn’t changed her mind, Richard takes  credit for Harris’ plan and sends Harris and Jill   to scale the mountain to call an uber. Meanwhile, the rest of them are going   to do some team building by playing paintball. Why don’t we play Monopoly while we’re at it?   Harris and Jill head off on their mission  – DOWNhill, might I point out – and stumble   upon the ruins of their tour bus along the road,  and their bus driver torn to shreds by a nearby   pond. They jump in the bus and race for camp. Back in the woods, paintball plays out pretty   much how you’d imagine…until Gordon steps  on a bear trap that skewers his left leg.   Would you look at that – the team  building they needed after all.   Maybe…and I’m just paintballing here…how about  you find something to wedge INTO the bear trap   to stop it from springing back on his leg. Better yet, WORK AS A TEAM to get him free.   The bear trap has three sections – the jaws,  which are wrapped around his leg, the pan,   which he stepped on, and the springs, which  sent the jaws into his leg in the first place.   To free him, they need to put pressure on the  springs with their feet while Maggie balances   him so he can remove pressure from the pan  and lift when the springs are secure.   Instead, they fail so spectacularly  THEY AMPUTATE HIS LEG.   They realize the ground is LITTERED with bear  traps just as the bus speeds in out of nowhere.   Maggie tells them they need to keep  Gordon’s severed leg cold and, well…   Harris speeds   the bus down the path, too fast to notice the  spikes someone tosses across the road. The bus   flips before coming to a metal grinding halt. Jill’s the first to wake, with obvious head   trauma. She’s disoriented, numb, and confused.  She clambers out of the broken back windshield and   sees Harris has been ejected. She carries on into  the woods, oblivious to the man with the machete   who steps forward and Marie Antoinette’s him. Look, I get this whole   bus crash thing might’ve been a bit disorienting.  However, I’d also think my base instinct wouldn’t   be to wander off, separating myself from the  rest of my group. Not that they are going to be   much help, but at least they could watch my  back so I didn’t get my head lopped off.   Jill wanders a little farther until  reality hits her like a Mike Tyson punch.   A little too late. In the bus, the others stumble   out to deal with their assorted problems.  They realize Harris is dead and Jill is   missing. Billy tries to make a plan. They help carry Gordon down the road,   oblivious to Jill only a few feet off  the trail, tied and gagged to a tree.   The masked maniac douses her in gasoline…and when  his matches won’t catch, he uses a flamethrower   on her. Not much that could be done here  besides not wandering off by yourself..   The others reach the lodge. Maggie wonders  if the stories about this place are true,   about insane war criminals targeting Palisade  employees…but good little bootlicker Richard   won’t hear of it. Arms companies have NEVER  done anything immoral in their whole lives.   Billy rallies the troops to board up the house. Boarding up at least one floor of this building   is a great temporary solution, considering  the man outside isn’t your run of the mill   mountain murderer. If the files are right, he’s  a war criminal trained in the art of combat,   which means we need to outsmart him with  limited resources and using the knowledge   of his background to our advantage. Pull down deep into your Seven Days to   Die gameplay knowledge and build a quick horde  night setup. Board up all windows and doors   save two access points. Find a spot where the  floor creaks, or you can lay pieces of garbage   that make noise when moved down in front of one  of the access points. Make it look appealing,   but also challenging to get through. Leave  the second access point seemingly un-booby   trapped. What this should do is lure the killer  into a false sense of superiority. He can look   at the unguarded access points as bugs in OUR  system, not the features they actually are.   Then, wait for him. Eventually, one or  both entry points will turn into death   funnels. Arm yourselves with wood, metal bars,  anything heavy that can pack a brutal punch,   and wait for him to attempt entry. When he  does – end his reign of tyranny for good.   Instead, they half-A it and Steve  doses poor Gordon with a pilly   Ugh god, it’s hard to watch. X may cause TEMPORARY  tension and pain relief, but it can also cause a   whole slew of physical issues that will KILL a  dude who just got his leg chopped off. Initially   it’ll constrict his blood vessels, but when it  wears off, his veins and arteries will dilate,   sending a cascade of blood toward a wound that  is probably not tightly tourniqueted enough.   It can also cause low sodium, resulting in  muscle cramps. Can you imagine having your   leg chopped off and then getting  a Charlie horse. No thank you.   Not to mention, dude you have a  wand dangling from your lips. Give   him that instead. At least he won’t be  bouncing off the walls with his stump.   Hours later, the true killers kick  in. Boredom and tiny bladders.   Billy tells everyone he’s gotta go, and breaks  the seal on their super secure bunker to do it.   A silent assailant maxed out on  stealth buffs creeps in behind them.   Guys…hey guys…you wanna… Maggie suddenly says they   need to leave Gordon behind to go for help. He’s already one step ahead of you, Mags.   Super considerate of the killer  to eliminate the problem for you.   Gordon screams from the basement. The others  realize the door leading there has been   unlocked. Without weapons or anything  to defend themselves, they head down.   CAN YOU PLEASE go back upstairs  and grab literally anything. Heck A   BLANKET you could throw over his head to  disorient him is better than NOTHING.   Nearby, the asylum killer begins torturing  Gordon. As the team ventures in deeper,   they stumble upon a row of cells. A door bangs.  Maggie and Billy approach the torture dungeon,   Richard runs and Steve lingers in the  middle waiting to see what he should do.   I don’t blame any of them for their reaction.   What I DO blame them for is bringing jack all with  them. If even two of them had brought weapons,   they could have outnumbered this guy  before he could gain the upper hand.   Billy opens the door. The killer turns, revealing  he’s carved the symbol for Palisade Defense   into Gordon’s chest. Suddenly, he blasts at  them with a shotgun, sending them running.   This is why we don’t go into  murder dungeons unarmed.   Billy and Maggie hide, only to discover  Billy’s been shot in the chest. He protects   her to the end. It shoulda been Richard, bro. Richard waits for Steve to pass by without   revealing himself, then bolts into the forest,  leaving everyone else behind. He doesn’t make it   far, stepping on a landmine along a dirt road. Hard to   see that coming, it is a landmine after all.  That’s what they are designed for. Hate to say   it guys, but there’s nothing that can or could  have been done for this one. Sucks for you, man.   The killer advances into the house and Steve hides  in a wardrobe in Richard’s room. Steve - hide   better. Shut the dang door. He can see you.  WE can see you. Everyone can see you. This is   like Margaret hiding under the truck in There’s  Something Wrong with the Kids all over again.   After the killer walks by, he notices  Richard’s cheese cutting knife.   Maggie advances up the stairs with the killer’s  machete. The Killer turns, coming for her. She   prepares to strike…when the floor gives out. The  Killer aims his gun to kill her, when Richard’s   cheese knife spears him in the back. Maggie grabs the killer’s gun and…   This…is the correct decision…followed  by the classic rookie move…   Never assume the killer acted alone. I just gotta ask –   where were all you guys when your buddy was  getting his brain blown out? You have like 8   guys. Why was torture man alone in the house  by himself? You could have all barged in at   once and had a field day in the torture dungeon.  Instead, you let Mags get her hands on a shotgun.   As one goes for his gun, Maggie fires  again and destroys him. Unfortunately,   the shotty only held two rounds. Suddenly  out of ammo, they bluff to the edge of the   house and run blindly into the forest. With no ammo left, there’s no way they   can fend off the war criminals.  Their only option is to run,   and even then their odds are looking real bad. The armed men chase them deep into the woods.   Maggie and Steve hide until they  can run. Richard stops them cold.   It’s one of Palisades’ best selling  landmines, which means there’s no way   out except with the grim reaper. Richard helps them navigate the   narrow minefield before drawing the armed  guards to him like moths to the flame.   It should be mentioned that literally every  path or road they’ve encountered so far has   been HEAVILY boobytrapped, so they should be  avoiding obvious paths or clearings at all costs.   Maggie and Steve race ahead through  the woods, coming to a stop right   outside the actual Palisades Lodge. We’re back at the beginning of the   movie. George was the fat strong American and  the girls in the pit were Steve’s friends.   Maggie and Steve raid the kitchen for supplies… …as back at the minefield, Richard finally   blows himself sky high when he can  take the most killers with him.   After he’s gone, George cracks open the big guns. A military grade American t-shirt cannon.   George steps outside to fire on  the last remaining gunmen and…   whoops. Does a my bad cover it? The entire gang takes off running…once   again without any weapons to defend themselves. Maggie runs into a hog snare, but Steve’s ambushed   before he can reach her. He tears off the  guy’s ear, before finally jamming the machete   into the dude’s devil’s alley. Unfortunately,  Steve’s immediately clobbered by the next guy.   Maggie’s cut down by her own would-be romantic  partner, then beats him with a rock and finally…   Triples taps him with the  biggest rock she can carry.   Employee of the Month right there. Steve regains his footing long enough   to pick up one of their gun’s and waste one guy  before the machete skewered mean-hole tosses   the world’s smallest dagger at him. Maggie spots the flamethrower guy…just   as Steve settles down to do a little  spontaneous surgery on himself.   Steve, you idiot. You’re  letting all the juice out.   With no way to locate Steve, Maggie finds a  set of train tracks and sets off running.   Meanwhile, Steve wakes from a sudden nap to see  his friends’ lladder has actually worked…just   not in the way they thought it would. Maggie reaches a work camp overloaded   with Palisade weapons before noticing  a phone symbol on a nearby building.   Maggie – spare five seconds to  grab a gun! You know they work!   Show some brand loyalty for god’s sake! The phone picks up on the first ring…and   the operator even speaks English…just  long enough to put her on hold.   She can’t wait. She runs outside and  finds the flamethrower waiting for   her. She runs into a nearby building as  he lets off a blast. She climbs higher,   looking for an escape, but becomes trapped. In a tight spot, the building looked promising,   but without knowing the layout or  that there aren’t more men in there,   it’s only a blind maze for you to get lost in. When the flamethrower arrives to her floor,   she leaps down to the ground floor, wrecking  her ankle. She crawls away…as he emerges   from the building and is forced to  toss the empty flamethrower aside.   He bears down on her with an ax  as a hail of gunfire rings out.   The machine gun wielding dancer saves the  day with a surprisingly accurate mag dump   and Maggie and Steve embrace, alive  and now heavily armed. Together, the   four find a boat and row away into the sunset. Of course, all of this could have been avoided   by simply letting the driver go back down and  around the mountain, sticking to the main road   once he abandoned us. If we had headed warnings  of a masked man outside more closely, we could   have left earlier and possibly avoided some of  this. But once trapped in the house at nightfall,   it was a miracle any of them made it out alive. For those reasons,   I think SEVERANCE was.. Kind of Beaten. And remember…listen to your tour guide.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 188,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary
Id: 8eyhLQAa9-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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