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If a depraved lunatic with a garbage bag full  of improvised weapons was bent on wasting you   in some of the most comically gruesome  ways imaginable, what would you do?   Art has a sick sense of humor. The way he sees  it, it’s only funny if someone gets hurt…badly.   And that’s really bad news for our protagonists,  who just so happen to find themselves trapped with   this weirdo. If they want to escape, oof, well God  help them, cuz this guy does not screw around when   it comes to physical comedy. All I can say is  that I hope we can figure something out in time   to prevent the sequel from happening, because  if you’ve seen my video on that one, you know   just how profoundly messed up it is. I’m going to break down the mistakes made,   what you should do, and how to beat  the KILLER CLOWN in TERRIFIER.   Dawn and Tara are intoxicated, too intoxicated to  drive as it turns out. And since neither of them   apparently considered the possibility that they  might both get totally snockered at a Halloween   Party, they’re left stranded in the middle  of town with no way of getting home.   Yeah, apparently UBER and LYFT aren’t a thing  around here, and neither are taxis, or maybe   they’re just broke. Still, that’s no excuse for  failing to plan ahead like this. For real, though,   who drives to a party knowing you’re going to  get effed up? Stupid people, that’s who. In fact,   both Dawn and Tara are currently in violation  of all three of John Corea’s rules of stupid:   don’t go stupid places at stupid times with  stupid people wearing stupid outfits. Okay,   that last one was my own addition, but I  definitely feel like it’s important.   Like, I get that for some the whole point  of Halloween is to leave as little to the   imagination as possible, but dressed like they  are, they barely have enough room for important   items like phones and car keys, let alone proper  self-defense tools. Although it’s still not out   of the question. They could still squirrel away  a POM clip and Modlite OKW using a thigh holster   like this one from Bulldog Cases. It comes with  garter straps to keep it in place, as well as   little pink bows to ensure you don’t have to  choose between staying safe and looking fine.   After all, you never know who you might run into  stumbling around in the middle of the night.   Yeesh. If only she knew just how profoundly  effed up things were about to get.   Of course, as far as they know, Art’s just  some dude in a costume like everyone else,   but never forget, holiday’s are holidays for  scumbags too, and god knows spooky season is   the perfect time to walk around spattered in the  still-warm drippings of your recent victims.   Fortunately, the clown-prince of chaos doesn’t  stick around, but we all know he’ll be back,   and it’ll be horrible. For now, Tara decides she  just needs to eat some greasy, sad, food and then   she’ll be good to drive, cuz, ya know, that’s  how alcohol works. Snarky commentary aside,   I should probably take this moment to  inform all you party people that that is,   in fact, not how alcohol works. Eating food will not, repeat, will not   sober you up. Best you can hope for is that it  slows the rate at which any booze still sloshing   around inside your stomach is absorbed by the  blood stream, but if you’re already wasted,   the only cure is time. On average, your body can  process and eliminate about one standard drink per   hour, and given their current state of stumbling,  giggling, cat pawing, and shouting at strangers,   I’d say they’re both a good eight  hours over the legal limit.   The only thing they should be doing right now is  going through their phones and pestering everyone   they know for a ride home, especially since both  their batteries are about to die. Don’t have any   friends, try the non-emergency number for local  law enforcement. Sure, they’ll probably just   tell you tough crap, but I’ve heard of some  jurisdiction’s giving drunk people rides when   they have no other option. Either way it’s  always better to take a zombie walk back to   your car in the morning than wrapping it around a  telephone pole in the middle of the night, and we   can always stop at TBell on our way back. At any rate, the ladies head over to a nearby   pizzeria to put their half-baked plan into  action, when who should walk in but none   other than everyone’s favorite degenerate hobo  clown, although judging by that look on his face,   he’s not looking for a slice of pizza. Mmmm, no, thank you. It’s time   to get rid of this guy. I’m sure both Dawn and Tara are probably   used to weirdos staring at them, but, I mean  come on, just look at this freakshow. Right now,   if I were in their shoes, I’d go up to the red  shirt guy at the counter and tell him this dude   is following us. Judging by his northeastern  accent and overall tough guy demeanor,   I’m sure it won’t take much to get him all up in  the creepy clown’s face, he might even threaten   to “bust his freakin head in,” or “show him  how they do it in the old country.”   And yeah, I get he hasn’t done anything  to us, yet, YEEEEET. But there’s no law   against being creeped out. Sorry, dude,  you’re just too good at Halloween. Maybe   next year don’t be such a tryhard. Ultimately, Art’s freak factor is high   enough for the pizzeria owner to piece it together  on his own, but not before Dawn recklessly egg’s   their admirer on by plopping down on his lap  for a few selfies to prove that he’s harmless,   except that obviously doesn’t prove jack. Maybe. You know literally nothing about this guy,   and way too much freaked up crap goes on in  the world to assume everyone you run into   doesn’t want to eat your eyes for jujubes. Now, obviously, we know that it probably would   matter whether they acknowledge him or not. Art  is evil incarnate, and as such it doesn’t take   much for him to decide he wants you dead. But if  you seriously believe someone is stalking you,   engaging with them in any way will only serve  to encourage them 99.9% of the time. That said,   snapping a discreet photo of someone  who sketches you out is never a bad   idea in case they become a problem later on.  Just remember to turn the flash off.   As for what to do next, I wouldn’t be taking my  ‘za to go like Tara suggests as the last thing I’d   want to do is go back into the dark empty streets  where that nutjob can follow us. However, the   moment we saw Art walk into the bathroom, I’d get  up and book it out of the restaurant as quickly as   possible. All we have to do is break line of sight  and there’s pretty much no chance he’ll be able to   find us as long as we keep moving. From there,  I’d try to find another nearby restaurant or bar   to hide in while we wait for a ride, preferably  one with lots of people. Drunk or not, it’s still   better than walking around by ourselves. Of course, once the pizza man throws him out   on his arse, we’d better get comfortable in this  booth, because this is where we live until we can   get someone to come pick us up. Preferably in a  BTR. Seriously, dude could be anywhere right now,   including right around the nearest corner waiting  to bash our brains in with a crowbar, so I’m   staying right here where I know he is not. Still, if for whatever reason we just had to   leave, maybe the place burns to the ground  or something, I definitely wouldn’t go back   to Dawn’s car, because we all know that he  knows exactly where it is. And sure enough,   the girls return to the vehicle to find  one of the tires totally flat. Problem is,   Dawn so behind on maintenance that she assumes it  probably went flat on its own, and since the spare   is already in use, they’re pretty much SOL. And speaking of SOL, the pizza guys are currently   wrist deep in it cleaning up the special surprise  Art left in their bathroom, although it definitely   seems like only one of them is doing all the  work. Probably has something to do with the   owner’s severed head lying on the counter. Yeah, for everyone out there not watching this on   Patreon, that big blurry blob on screen right now  is a man’s head carved up like a jack-o-lantern,   candles and all. Huh, look at that, he even cut  the smile in. Gotta admire someone who takes   pride in their craft. Unless, you’re this guy  that is. He’s probably pretty terrified.   Smart move trying to GTFO upon making this  discovery. Unfortunately, this place is   a total fire hazard, and with nowhere left to  run, the only option is to load up with as much   pizza-related weaponry as possible and go out  swinging. After all, if you can’t get out of a   fight, you’ll have to get into one. But instead of  doing literally anything to protect himself from   the as yet unseen psychopath chopping people’s  heads off, our guy decides to go for the ringing   telephone as if whoever’s on the other side could  possibly doing anything to help him. And sure   enough, he winds up getting disconnected. Ouch.   Yeah, cue the happy koala footage while  Art goes to work on this fool. Sadly,   it’s nothing nearly as inspired as what he did  to the other guy. He just stabs him in the face a   whole bunch. Honestly, I’m a little disappointed  here. Fans of the channel will know what the   beloved murder mime is capable of, and in this  case he’s just going full OJ on the guy. Oh, well,   maybe he’s just getting warmed up. Still plenty  of mayhem left to be had at this point.   Getting back to Tara and Dawn, it seems the  discovery of the flat tire inspired them to   finally use their brains for a change  and call in a ride from Tara’s sister,   Victoria. All that’s left to do now is sit tight  and wait for help to arrive, but you already know   it couldn’t possibly be that easy. Not even thirty seconds in, nature comes   calling for Tara, and since she can’t bare  the thought of dripping dry in the street   like her carefree friend, she decides to go up  and ask the creepy dude in the creepy jumpsuit   outside the creepy old building if she can  use his bathroom. Meanwhile, Dawn flips on   the radio just in time to catch a news broadcast  reporting a brutal double homicide at the nearby   pizzeria. According to witnesses, a man dressed  in a black and white clown costume was spotted   fleeing the scene carrying a garbage bag. Hmmm,  now why does that sound familiar?   Ya sure about that? Guess it’s a good thing Dawn was able to snag   a few pics of that bozo back at the restaurant,  although looking back, she’s probably not   feeling super great about how she went about it.  Whatever the case, the cops will definitely want   to see them, so I’d be sure to call dispatch and  have them send a couple cars our way, if nothing   else but to have a few armed police officers  around while we wait on Tara’s sister.   Unfortunately, Dawn will never get the chance  because like so many others she forgot about one   of the most commonly overlooked and underrated  safety features found on any modern vehicle,   the freaking door locks. Seriously, I can’t  be the only person who locks the dang doors   the second I get in my car, can I, ‘cause  it certainly feels that way sometimes. Sure,   call me paranoid all you want. We’ll see who’s  laughing when this happens to you some day.   I’m thinking he might. As for Tara, she quickly concludes   her business inside only to wind up getting  sidetracked following the anguished cries   of some stupid cat that’s probably going to die  anyway. Yeah, way to leave your friend hanging out   alone in her car on a deserted street where some  weirdo started following you around. Of course,   she has no way of knowing Dawn just got  got a second ago, but I’m sure the thought   probably crosses her mind once she runs into  you-know-who back by the building’s entrance.   This is why you don’t go wandering around vacant  buildings in the middle of the night. I honestly   can’t even believe I have to say that. Last thing  anyone needs to wind up getting trapped somewhere   where no one can hear you scream, and with no  weapons, no phone, and no idea how to get out,   the only thing she can do right now is  try to find a hiding place in hopes her   not-so-secret admirer gets bored and goes  looking for someone else to splatter.   The key thing to remember here is that we’ll want  to find a spot that gives us room to maneuver   should the need arise, so we’ll want to avoid  crawling underneath or inside one of the junk   cars to keep from being cornered. Thankfully,  Tara doesn’t make this mistake while laying low,   but she slips up majorly by losing sight of Art  after he clearly spotted her, and he definitely   doesn’t waste any time making her regret it. And now you can’t run.   This is, of course, very bad, but to her  credit, Tara stop things from getting even   worse by swatting away the scalpel and giving the  clown a taste of his own medicine. That said, she   should haven’t stopped with just a shallow poke  to his armpit. Dude just about sawed through her   Achilles back there, meaning there’s exactly zero  chance she’ll be able to get away on foot.   Like it or not, the only way Tara’s getting out  of this situation is by cutting Art ear to ear,   or at very least blinding him one eye at a time.  Even if she manages to lose him temporarily,   all he has to do is either follow the blood trail  or the sound of her limping away and it’s pretty   much game over, and the fact he chained the front  door shut certainly doesn’t help either.   Gotta say, things are not looking great for  our protagonists right now. At this point,   Tara’s only hope is to find the bald exterminator  guy who let her in on the off chance he   came prepared for more than just a few rats  tonight. Too bad Art finds her first.   Wow, way to stop halfway down the hallway  when you know the dude can’t hear you. I mean,   you’ve limped this far already,  what’s another thirty feet,   especially when you’ve got a homicide  circus freak chasing after you.   And just to make everything that much worse, Art  shuts her up by sticking her in the neck with a   dirty needle full of question mark, although  given what we’ve seen out of this guy so far,   catching cooties is about to be  the least of her worries.   Which brings us to the infamous hacksaw  scene. Now, if anyone here has a weak stomach,   I strongly urge you to turn this up and pay close  attention. Your feeble constitution sickens me,   and the only way you’ll fix that is through  repeated exposure to the most effed up crap   imaginable. Only through this can you ever  hope to be normal, ya know, like me.   Anyway, sometime later, Tara wakes up taped  to a chair with Art right beside her. Probably   goes without saying that this is not the kind  position you ever want to find yourself in,   although it’s not necessarily a death sentence  for reasons we’ll get to here in a second. Now,   Dawn on the other hand, she’s totally screwed.  Not only is she more effectively restrained,   hanging upside down like that will make it more  difficult to think and act with all the blood in   her body fighting against gravity. Only thing  she can do right now is pray it’s over quick,   and spoiler alert, it won’t be. I’m thinking footage of those Flemish   giant rabbits for this one. Ya know the ones  that weigh like 40 pounds. Let’s get some of   those on screen while I explain what’s going down  for everyone watching over on YouTube. All right,   so like I mentioned before, Art has a  hacksaw, and Dawn here is going to play   the role of this lovely assistant, except  instead of cutting her in half at the waist,   he’s going right down the middle, and instead of  her tucking her legs up inside another potion of   the magic box, she’s definitely going to die. Okay, here he goes starting at the groin, and as   you can tell by all the screams Dawn is definitely  not happy about this. Gotta hand it to Art here,   dude really knows how to sharpen a saw cuz that  thing is cruising right through her pelvis like   it was some kind of rubber dummy full of fake  blood. Also, sidenote, keeping her upside down   like that will ensure she remains conscious for  longer than she might otherwise, as her rapidly   depleting blood supply will still continue  flowing down to her brain. Hmm, not once he   saws through her heart though. Okay, he’s pretty  much just defiling a corpse at this point, but no   point leaving the job half done, am I right? All right, welcome back from the bunnyverse. Now,   you might be wondering what exactly Tara could do  in this situation given it seems pretty hopeless,   and don’t be fooled by my setup here. It’s not  looking good. Still, with the right timing,   the right moves, and a lot of luck, there’s  a chance she could get out of here.   First thing we’ll have to do is defeat the duct  tape. It’s not always as easy as people make it   look online, but looking at Tara’s restraints,  it seems Art didn’t exactly pile on the layers   while tying her down. Either way, the best  way to break free when your wrists are taped   to a chair like that is to try and force your  hands back towards the center of your chest as   hard and fast as you can, almost like you’re  trying to punch yourself in the sternum.   Now, in Tara’s case, the age and general  sh*ttiness of the chair helps her a great deal,   as she’s able to shake one of the arms  loose in time to free her other hand,   but where she loses a lot of momentum is  through her decision to painstaking unwrap   the tape from around her ankles, when instead she  should have quickly dropped into a squat position,   thereby using the weight of her body to force her  legs apart. Doing so might have given her more   time to find a proper weapon among the assortment  of violent trash Art so carelessly left right   behind her, but she still manages to fight  her way there using the broken arm rest.   Unfortunately, this is where Tara’s escape attempt  completely falls apart, as once again, she opts to   stab the clown in a non-vital area before limping  away on her jacked up ankle. And even when Tara   manages to ambush him a second time using a  random plank of wood she found, she stops just   short of the coup de grace to start talking crap,  which is exactly why this happens.   Ooof. Looks like she “girl bossed” just a  little too close to the sun that time.   And with that, Art has added another two kills  to his name, and… oh, actually, never mind.   There’s still the matter of Victoria coming to  pick up Dawn and Tara, although at this point,   she’s probably going to need a snow shovel. And of course, Victoria’s not alone in this   either. There’s also the exterminator, Mike, who  let Tara in as well as the half-crazed squatter   lady who just watched all this go down. Problem  is, the latter is seemingly unable to pull herself   together long enough to properly explain the  situation, which results in Mike letting his   guard down just long enough to get himself  bonked. Gotta say, I was definitely expecting   Art to use the other end there. Oh, well, I’m  sure he won’t be getting off that easily.   As for Victoria, she clearly has absolutely no  idea what kind of waking nightmare she’s about to   walk into, although the fact that she’s being led  around to the back of an old, abandoned warehouse   should give her some indication things are about  to go down. Sure, it’s Dawn’s phone sending texts,   but why wouldn’t she pick up the phone  when Victoria called her? Furthermore,   why in the hell wouldn’t they be waiting for her  back in the car? Like, I get Tara’s supposed to   be super sick according to the last text message,  but that doesn’t explain either of these things,   and it sure as hell doesn’t explain why  they would have wandered deep into the   confines of a rat infested dump like this. Yeah, sorry, sis but were I in this situation,   I wouldn’t even get out of my car without  hearing directly from at least one of them.   But apparently, Victoria’s so accustomed  to her sibling’s BS that she doesn’t even   attempt to push back and tell them to  come outside, something I’m sure she   really starts to regret upon finding Dawn’s  mutilated corpse hanging around inside.   Right, so it’s time to leave. Obviously,  no one likes the idea of leaving a family   member for dead in a craphole like this,  but the reality is if Tara’s still here,   she’s almost certainly dead as well, and even if  she isn’t, how exactly are we going to protect her   from someone capable of something like this? Like it or not, our only concern right now should   be retracing our steps back outside and going  for help, and I do mean “going,” not sitting   alone in our unlocked car out in front of  this place while waiting for help to arrive.   Continuing to search for Tara only increases  our chances of getting lost or trapped in here,   and then we’re no good to anyone. And yet, by some miracle, Vicky somehow   manages to stumble upon her mortally wounded  sister, or so she thinks.   Well, that’s horrifying, especially when you  realize that wig he has on isn’t a wig; it’s the   scalp from that crazy lady we saw earlier, and if  you thought that’s bad, then just wait, cuz that’s   not the only thing of hers he’s wearing. Now, I’m sure the sight of Juggalo Bill prancing   through the dungeon wouldn’t leave you in the  best state of mind for snap decision making,   but it’s absolutely imperative we keep our  wits about us while attempting to flee. Like   I said before, hiding somewhere without an  escape route pretty much makes us a sitting   duck if we’re discovered, which is exactly  what happens to Victoria after she foolishly   chooses to post up in that flimsy coat closet  looking thing. Friggin Art can’t even help but   laugh at how pathetic she looks in there. Lucky for her, a second exterminator shows up   just in time to draw Art away before he can fill  it with spiders or something. But don’t get it   twisted. The new guy isn’t here to play woodsman  to her Little Red Riding hood. On the contrary,   dude doesn’t even last long enough  to figure out what’s going on.   Well, at least he didn’t see it coming. The good news is that the interruption bought   Victoria a chance to unstuck herself from that  would-be coffin, but she’s nowhere near out of   the woods. Without knowing her way around, all  she can really do is keep a low profile while   searching for an exit, and even then, there’s no  telling where Art might pop up next. In that case,   we’ll definitely want to find some kind of  weapon we can use if things get up close and   personal. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of  old junk lying all over the place we could put   to good use in a pinch. Hell, even scooping  up some handfuls of dirt to throw in his eyes   could mean the difference between life and  death depending on the circumstances.   After a little cat and mouse and even some  casual MANHUNT action, Victoria eventually   reaches a dead end, and you’ll never guess who’s  there waiting for her. That’s right, it’s Tara,   only she’s not looking so good. Guess that message  wasn’t lying when it said she was sick.   Of course, the only reason Art would prop her up  like this is to slow Victoria down by inflicting   as much psychological damage as possible, and  it definitely gets the job done. After all,   it’d be tough for anyone to leave a loved one  rotting in this condition, but the fact is,   that’s exactly what it’s going to take to  make it out of here. Stick around here too   long and the freaks just gonna come beat  our arse with his homemade flail.   And sure enough, that’s exactly what happens.  However, before he can make it a family reunion,   exterminator Mike comes in out of nowhere  to payback that love tap from earlier.   Seriously, a bop on the head? Some exterminator  you turned out to be. This was your chance to   end this nightmare once and for all. All you  had to do was keep on smashing until he was   nothing but goo. Now, it’s only a matter  of time before Art gets back up and rips   your head off. And that’s if you’re lucky. Well, whatever, at least they were finally able   to get away from that psycho, for now anyway.  What’s more, they managed to lock themselves   inside a room with a working landline, which  Mike uses to call for help. Too bad he decides   to promptly p*ss it all away by leading Tara back  into the labyrinth to try and reach his truck.   Dude even explains to the 911 operator just how  screwed they’ll be if Art catches up with them,   which only makes it even more confusing why he  wouldn’t have taken decisive action back in the   other room to ensure that couldn’t happen. I mean, just think about it. Art could be anywhere   right now, but we know he’s not in here. So  instead of going out there where he might be,   let’s stay in here, where he isn’t. And  while Victoria’s injuries could be serious   if left untreated, none of them require  immediate medical attention, so there’s   literally no reason why we shouldn’t  just sit tight, fortify our position,   and hold out for the cavalry to arrive. But no, we just had to make a break for it,   and unsurprisingly this results in Art swooping  in out of nowhere to give Mike the boot.   See, that’s what Mike should have  done to Art a couple minutes ago.   Still, just like his fellow critter gitter before  him, Mike’s death keeps Art busy just long enough   for Victoria to slip away, this time by smashing  through one of the chained up doors with a length   of pipe. That said, her form was pretty lousy.  Remember, with most cheap, sh*tty locks out there,   you want to apply force directly to the top of  the lock body to either break the internal locking   lugs or shear off the cutouts in the shackle  that they fit into. Just don’t do anything   I wouldn’t with this information. Now, at this point, Victoria’s finally   made it outside. However, the extent of her  injuries makes it difficult for her to run,   so it makes sense she’d instead opt to squeeze  through another one of the locked doors to try   and hold out until the cops show up. Although,  I probably wouldn’t stand so close to it.   Probably should have seen that coming.  Hell, she should have been worried he’d   try and poke her eyes out or something. And just like clockwork, the police arrive   just in time to start scooping up bodies. Just  another part of the job. What they probably didn’t   expect to see, of course, is a blood spattered  circus clown devouring a young woman’s face,   especially while she’s still alive. Gotta  get it while it’s hot, I guess.   As for Art, he knows just how to deal with the  likes of Johnny Law. After all, you can’t get   kilt in da streets, if you’re already dead. And  by that I mean, he surrenders peacefully and   is taken into custody, and nothing else. Yeah,  never mind the massive gaping hole in his head,   or the fact that he’s being taken into the  coroner’s office. It’s all just a formality. And   as you can see, Art’s very much alive and well. In the end, only Victoria made it out alive,   although, god dang, I would not call that living.  However, had Tara and Dawn exercised even the   slightest bit of common sense while trying to  get home, Victoria never would have had to come   get them in the first place. That being said,  once the fight was on, both Tara and Mike had   ample opportunity to put Art down hard, and  while it might not necessarily be possible   to kill him for good, he could have at least been  incapacitated long enough for them to escape.   For that reason, I think the  TERRIFIER was BEATEN.   Moral of the story, you can’t  spell slaughter without laughter.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 123,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerdexplains, how to beat, cinema summary, dead meat, how to beat movies, art the clown, terrifier
Id: VsJo2VxhFn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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