How to Beat the EYE R*PE in THE ABC'S OF DEATH

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If some cosmic entity trapped you  in a nightmarish h*llscape where   you had to survive twenty six brutal death  scenarios or die trying, what would you do?   Unless you’re Stephen King and erupted from the  pupated sac of a bog witch in the bowels of some   fetid, putrefied lower rung of h*ll, you had to  discover your love for horror like the rest of   us mere mortals—by realizing all that wholesome,  earnest content out there was missing something.   A touch of unbridled chaos, perhaps. The Greats working in horror today ALSO   had to start somewhere. Usually with a  no-budget, bite sized nugget of terror,   a short film intended to show off just  how sharp and wicked their mind could be.   Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail, but  WE don’t have that luxury. If we want to escape   this marathon of violent delights, we’re going to  need think like a horror director, accelerate our   reaction times, and probably kill a few people. We’re going to keep a tally too – let’s see which   deaths are escapable and which are not. I’m going to break down the mistakes made,   what you should do, and how to beat  HORROR ITSELF in THE ABCS OF DEATH.   A IS FOR APOCALYPSE Somewhere in Spain, a bed-ridden husband   is dry-swallowing the world’s worst breakfast  in bed—a single stale bread roll—when his wife   enters wielding a kitchen knife. She hesitates  for half a second before announcing her attack   and…well…attacking. The husband puts up a decent  fight for someone without the use of their legs,   pushing and shoving her away, until she slices  through his hand, almost cutting it in half,   and slowly plunges the knife into his neck. Then, she retreats from the room and returns   with a sizzling frying pan full of oil, which  she dumps on his face before delivering half a   dozen cast-iron blows to the top of his head. Suddenly, sounds of utter chaos and destruction   filter in through the windows. She sits  down beside him and explains that she’s   been poisoning him for months hoping she’d avoid  murder charges that way, but the sudden arrival   of the apocalypse has forced her to speed up her  plans. As a rocket barrels toward their apartment,   they share their last few seconds together. How sweet…I mean stupid. What defeatist attitude   is this? At least go die in the streets  with the other headless chickens. Just fyi,   the apocalypse ain’t over until we’re  wearing our enemy’s skull as a hardhat.   More immediately, however, we’re handling  this marital squabble from both sides. This   World’s Worst Wife is a moron. If  you know it’s the end of the world,   be the stone cold beeotch you already are and  just leave him to die. Get to shelter, you idiot.   But if you really have your icy heart set on  killing him first, DON’T announce your goddang   attack. Do you know how easy it would’ve been to  just point at something in the corner and slide   that knife into his neck while he wasn’t looking? And you, the guy who was probably too proud to go   to a doctor to find out why you’ve been  sick for months…you showed some solid   defensive maneuvering, at first, but you  didn’t even reach for the table lamp or   phone RIGHT BESIDE YOU. Whip your blanket off  and toss it over her when you shove her away,   then deliver repeated blows to her head before  she can recover. Don’t go down like a chump.   This initial attack is totally survivable  and frankly only a few apocalypses are truly   inescapable, so I’m marking this down as a win. B IS FOR BIGFOOT   In Mexico, these two are going to town on each  other when they remember they’re babysitting a kid   who doesn’t want to go to sleep at eight o’clock.  So he and his girlfriend improvise a cryptid   origin story for the Abominable Snowman…even  though they live in Mexico City, which is located   about three feet away from Satan’s ball sack. They warn the girl that this part of the city once   suffered a catastrophic 40-day-long snowstorm,  during which the Snowman feasted on the hearts of   dozens of children. Mexico waged an unsuccessful  war against the Snowman, ending in a truce which   says he’s allowed to eat any kid that isn’t  in bed, under the covers, by eight o’clock.   The girl beds down…just as there’s an ominous  knock on the door. It’s the garbage man,   who rips the guy apart when he opens the door,  before slicing out the woman’s still-beating   heart with…a rusted pizza cutter. The little girl hides under the covers   just like she was told to…the killer lets  her live and wanders off into the night.   Yeah. Not all of these are going to be winners.  How about we just say the obvious – if someone   comes to your house at an unreasonable hour,  don’t open the door. Force them to reveal their   intentions—if they want in, they’ll have to  break the door down, giving us time to stack   and wedge items against the door so it can only  open enough for them to reach in with a hand…when   they do, hack it off with a meat cleaver. C IS FOR CYCLE   In Chile, we meet Bruno, the anti-Sherlock  Holmes, who discovers a puddle of blood   and actual brain matter in his back garden and  just…forgets about it. In the middle of the night,   his pregnant girlfriend Alice sends  him to investigate the sound of someone   entering their home…and half-arses that too. The next day, he finds a dark void has taken   up residence in the corner of the back yard, and  like the great thinker he is, he just shoves his   head right into it, and gets dragged away. He wakes after dark and enters the house to   find he’s traveled back in time to the night  before. He finds his useless past-self asleep   in bed and hides in the apartment as  Alice tells past-him to go investigate.   The next day, he watches past-him approach  the void and disappear inside. He steps out   to investigate and gets ambushed from  behind by another version of himself,   who wraps a garden hose apparently made  from guillotine blades around his neck.   Anyway, he hoists the body to the void and hurls  it in, taking advantage of that cosmic garbage   disposal while it’s still in their backyard. Great, now how about you board up the   universe’s naughty hole so it can’t  regurgitate your next replacement…   Fighting your doppelganger is a mindfeck  in more ways than one. To win this fight,   you have to outthink yourself—a seemingly  impossible task. But it really isn’t. Ask yourself   what the last thing you’d do in this situation  is. Then step it back—what’s the second last thing   you’d do. Do that. Put on a disguise to prevent  ambushes—a hat and shades should do. And fall   back to a third location where you can regroup  and return once you understand what’s going on.   If you find yourself already at your own mercy,  think about your own weaknesses and use them   against yourself. He’s got us on our back pressed  against him. Pull to the side and elbow him in   the gut or groin, then turn and dribble his head  against the ground until it pops. Then go put on   that disguise so this won’t happen again. D IS FOR DOGFIGHT   In the United States, the world’s worst  people—including a dirty toddler to complete   the aesthetic—gather for a fight to the death  between a man…and a fricken yellow labrador. Yeah,   that’s right – the most professionally  shot short here forces us to sit through   John Wick’s worst nightmare. And I am owed  damages for even having to think about this.   The fight is a no-holds barred punch and bite  fest, with the dog taking him to the ground   almost immediately, latching on his arm…then his  leg. The irony is that this gritty gruesome fight   in real life would end right here with this  dog ripping out this guy’s femoral artery and   leaving him to bleed to death. The fighter takes a chunk out   of the dog’s head instead… …then narrowly keeps the dog   back as he lunges again and again. The fighter  regains his feet and punches several times, but   it barely phases the pooch. The dog quickly slams  him back onto the ground and goes for the throat.   In a fight to the death with a dog, even the  experts tell you to use literally anything at   your disposal – a rock, stick, backpack—to hit it  across the face to stun it so you can run away.   REMAIN ON YOUR FEET, whatever happens, and aim  for its most vital areas. If it leaps for you,   kick it square in its chest if you’re able. And  if it latches onto you DO NOT pull the body part   away. It will only tear you a literal new one.  While it’s attached, use your thumbs to attack   its eyes, strike its throat or choke it, or  grab it tightly by the scruff of the neck in   an attempt to trigger its carry response. And  of course use a gun or knife if you have one.   Just when it looks like the fight is over, the  fighter says a single word – Buddy – and the   dog releases his throat. We see the fighter’s  wearing a dog tag that says “Buddy, if found   please call the Los Angeles Men’s Shelter”. Turns  out this dog – the FIGHTER’S dog – was stolen from   him and he’s been looking for him ever since. The tide of the fight shifts, and dog and man   turn on his handler, killing him in a brutal  onslaught of bitten eyes and smashed skulls.   At least this one has a happy ending.  BUT…because I love to be THAT guy…   If this dog is ours, we’re using our secret  cheat code the second the fight begins. I   don’t need to take a bite to the arm, leg, and  neck before exacting bloody revenge against my   dog’s captor. Because, as I mentioned,  in a real fight, this dog ain’t nibbling   our skin. He’s tearing out chunks of flesh. Also, this is way too many witnesses for this.   We’re taking this guy out behind a dive bar in the  middle of nowhere and burying him in the desert   where no one will ever find him. E IS FOR EXTERMINATE   In this one, a guy loses a fight with  a spider. That’s…that’s the short. He   tries to kill a black and red spider, misses,  and gets a bite on the neck for his effort.   Since this North American spider is basically  harmless, he walks away with an itchy zit.   Oh, did I say harmless? I meant when you  don’t trigger its revenge response. This   eight-legged freak takes the fight to  its enemy, crawling on him while he’s   sleeping and biting him repeatedly. The next day, the man finally corners   his tiny prey in the bathroom and crushes  it, flushing it down the toilet. He won the   battle…but he’s lost the war. He suddenly writhes  in pain…as thousands of spider babies erupt from   his ear to finish what their mother started. That’s definitely somebody’s nightmare. My advice,   buy a spider trap or a cat and leave  your bug-eating spider-bro alone.   F IS FOR FART We move on from someone’s nightmare   to the burgeoning exploration of someone’s  stinky fantasy. A Japanese school girl on a   fieldtrip farts, embarrassing herself in from  of Miss Yumi, the teacher she has a crush on.   The ground suddenly begins to tremble, and a  black gas emerges, killing anyone in its path. The   schoolgirl and Miss Yumi run to a nearby gymnasium  where the girl admits that if she’s going to die,   she wants to die smelling Miss Yumi’s farts.  To her surprise, Miss Yumi’s into that shit.   She crop-dusts her student with mustard gas,  killing and absorbing her into her butthole,   where they journey into the  cosmos together, stinky and free.   This is my job, folks. You’re welcome. My  advice here? Uh…do the RIGHT kind of drugs.   G IS FOR GRAVITY As all tonally jarring   movies must, we transition from booty  heaven to the heaviest shit imaginable.   A guy unalives himself by loading up  a bag full of bricks, surfing into ten   feet of water, and drowning himself. And I thought the spider short was a   write-in. If you or someone you know needs  help, check out my link in the description   below for hotlines to call in your country. Also,  drowning hurts—don’t ask me how I know that.   H IS FOR HYDRO-ELECTRIC DIFFUSION More like H is for Why is the internet   so HORNY?! Seriously, someone dug around in  the bottom of their kink closet for this.   A British war dog is sitting in a  bar when a s*xy fox lures him to the   stage with her feminine wiles and furry tatas. Suddenly, a small box rolls across the stage as   she reveals she’s working for Hitler and crushes  his doggy balls up through his body out through   his throat, wraps them around an electrocution  machine and opens a water pit, sending bear traps   on wheels to push him into the spikes below. Suddenly, he hears the words of Winston Churchill   telling him to never surrender and he leaps into  action, riding the bear traps to punch her into   the machine before sending her sailing into  the water where the fur melts off her body.   Maybe I don’t understand art. Moral of the  story—if the call girl seems too into you, she   probably has ulterior motives. Use your big head. I IS FOR INGROWN   Annnnd it’s back to the depressing shit. In Mexico, a cruel, selfish husband has   his wife bound and gagged in their bathtub. He  lurches toward her and injects her with motor oil,   which causes her to vomit and claw  at herself violently until she dies.   This one’s quick, brutal, and ultimately  pointless for the sake of being artistic.   Motor oil is poison to the human body. If it’s  ingested, it can cause diarrhea and vomiting, and   death if some of it is aspirated into the lungs.  If it’s injected, however, it can lead to tissue   damage, organ failure, and blood poisoning. That’s all to say…we’re getting out of this   toxic relationship BEFORE it gets this far. Call  a friend. Or family. Or a women’s shelter. Better   yet, leave the house, contact a lawyer through  your national domestic violence non-profits,   and have them serve him so you never have to be  alone with him again. If that isn’t an option,   walk to a train station and never come  back. Start a gmail account for free,   set up a social profile so you can contact  people you trust without alerting your spouse,   and find someone willing to take you in. If we find ourselves at our spouse’s mercy like   this, use the time while he’s away to even your  odds. We’re only partially tied up here. Remove   the looser restraint, then the others. Before he  returns, unscrew the lotion bottles and prepare   to douse him in the eyes with them. Turn on the  water and aim it at the floor outside the tub.   When he arrives, blind him, then shove him back.  Reach for the toilet tank lid and obliterate him.   And if he kills you…I say turn into a poltergeist  and drive him insane. This doesn’t end with   our death; it ends with him straightjacketed in a  padded cell, unable to escape our righteous fury.   She’s…she’s dead from the start, though. J IS FOR JIDAI-GEKI   And just like that, we swing wide again to  something bloodier but more lighthearted.   In Japan, an executioner prepares to take the life  of a kneeling man, but he can’t do it. His mind   spirals, trapping him in wild hallucinations. Until we pull back and discover, the kneeling   man is already dying, halfway  through committing seppuku.   The executioner finally mans up and lops  off the guy’s head, laughing at the head’s   strange expression. Bro, you just need a new   job and you’ll be all good. K IS FOR KLUTZ   We’re treated to another fever dream as  a Danish woman takes a dump at a party,   only to discover she’s delivered  Mr. Hankey’s more agile cousin.   No matter what she does—flushing the piece of  crap, capturing it in her bra—she can’t seem   to get rid of the thing. Until it ultimately  reveals its true desire is to swan dive back   into the hole from whence it came, impaling her  body from the inside out before emerging from her   dead mouth as blood pools around them both. D*mned parasite didn’t realize it can’t live   without its host. Anyway—if you drop a deuce at  a party and it won’t go down, remember the tried   and true solution. Scoop it out with paper,  or a trash can, and lob the whole thing out   the window. Not only will it save you from this  gruesome death, it’ll also baffle your enemies,   which is a win-win! L IS FOR LIBIDO   Annnd we’re back to raiding  someone’s internet search history.   In Indonesia, two men awaken strapped to  chairs, surrounded by a party of masked   perverts. A naked woman appears before them  and one of them begins to shake. The second   realizes what the game is just in time—they  have to masturbate furiously to completion   for their viewing audience. The loser…well… The winner is forced into another round…and   another…and another, watching competitor after  competitor die by impaling by his side…until   finally they wheel out an amputee who begins  to…pleasure herself with her own prosthetic.   Exhausted near to death, our winner  loses his mind, discovering an eye   in the undercarriage of his abductor that  keeps him alive through one more round.   Unfortunately, his secret weapon is  accidentally impaled when the mechanism breaks.   In the end, our winner loses his streak when a  child is brought out to be used and he vomits   in disgust. He meets his end underneath a  party guest who uses him as a riding post   while chain sawing him to pieces. Yeah…I know we don’t kink shame   around here…but maybe just this once. This is probably inescapable without   more information—how many guards, how many  guests, how many exits, etc—but if you’re   going to die anyway, try fighting first. The first thing we’re doing is saving our   reserves. Use both hands to do the deed, then keep  a little white sticky stuff in one hand after your   first major blow. This is your emergency reserve  in case they throw something nasty your way.   It also gives you time to figure out  if the buckles on your straps are   reachable from your position. Then, read the room. This is a   twisted s*x party. Try seducing someone. I’m  serious. Point at a masked woman and get her   all hot and bothered. They might release you  to have s*x with her, at which point you can   attempt an escape or take a hostage. Unless you wanna die by snu-snu. Once   you’re too exhausted like this shmuck you’re  literally and figuratively screwed. Yeah,   this one’s probably inescapable. M IS FOR MISCARRIAGE   Yes, this title gives everything away…and  we’re not going to dwell on this one. A   woman’s toilet clogs, she runs down to grab  a plunger, and returns to reveal that she’s   trying to flush a dead fetus down the drain. Considering the times in which we’re living,   I’m not gonna judge. I’ll just say maybe—maybe—a  trash can fire or a grave covered in lye is the   better option here. Moving on.   N IS FOR NUPTIALS This one’s a shorty too.   A man brings a talking parrot home to meet his  girlfriend and uses it to propose to her. She’s   thrilled…until the bird begins to repeat all  the things he’s said to…his other girlfriend.   Turns out this bird-bro is the opposite of  a wing-man…and this chick has heard enough.   Super survivable, guys. Not just because we’re  not dumb enough to pull this shit…but also ladies   remember…he’s not worth the felony charges. You  really wanna go to jail for this walking thumb?   I don’t think so. O IS FOR ORGASM   This is another one of those “spoiled in  the title” shorts. Two people trapped in the   torture dimension from Event Horizon have s*x,  burying cigarettes into each other’s stomachs   and removing the literal eyes from their body to  shove up their cooters. Talk about first-person   perspective. Finally as they climax, the  dude chokes her to death with his belt.   Since this one’s easy to beat, I’m just  gonna turn this into a s*x education PSA.   Autoerotic asphyxiation has a mortality rate  of 250-1000 deaths per year in the United   States, and if it’s that many in our repressed  country, just imagine globally. Some are from   actual human error, but many of these deaths are  from straight-up equipment malfunction, so…check   your toys and safety releases next time. P IS FOR PRESSURE   The United Kingdom brings us a downer, as a  single mother and street walker desperate to   take care of her children ups her rotation of  paying johns, only to lose all the money she’s   saved to her deadbeat baby daddy, who steals the  cash right in front of his hungry, scared kids.   Now completely out of money, she’s  forced to accept a job working for a   real sicko – a man who pays her to crush  a kitten to death with her stiletto.   WHAT. THE. FREAK. Where’s John Wick’s  cat-crusading sister when you need her?   Time to take that money he just gave you, head to  your local drug dealer for some night night pills,   dose your baby daddy and sell his organs on  the black market for some REAL cash. Then   come back here and cut off this guy’s  arms and legs and leave him to bleed   out while kittens drink his blood. What starts with animals today will   escalate to kids OR your work colleagues  tomorrow. Seriously, screw that guy.   This is definitely survivable for us, but  I’d be plotting a quadruple kidney donation   after the fact. Q IS FOR QUACK   We’re going meta with this one. The short’s  directors are angry they were assigned the   letter Q and decide to help their short stand out  by killing an animal related to that letter – a   duck. Do you get it – because it quacks. You guys…”quail” was RIGHT THERE and vice   presidents shoot those for sport every day. They drive a caged duck into the desert…but   neither wants or knows how to work a gun, and  in the process of trying to kill their prey,   they shoot each other instead, winning  their first and only Darwin awards.   The sound guy runs away into the  desert as the duck is left to   die a far worse death from dehydration. You nerds have been with me long enough,   I shouldn’t have to tell you not to jerk around  with guns. I will spank every single one of your   arsses if I have to tell you again. rvivable / 2 unsurvivable – so survivable it’s   sinful. R IS FOR REMOVED   This one is from Serbia, so gird your loins  now. An imprisoned patient is forced to undergo   excruciating skin removal operations because the  skin can produce full-length rolls of 35 mm film.   He’s also paraded around in an actual cage  to be worshiped and manhandled by fans…   …until he finally has enough and strangles  his doctor, snapping his neck with a length   of his own chain, processes a piece of  his own skin to make a single bullet,   steals one of the guard’s guns, and escapes,  tearing through all of his captors.   Save one – his nurse. A rookie move – we’re not  leaving ANYONE here alive. Why? Because we need   time to recover before finding our way to safety.  With these parasites dead, we can use the surgical   supplies to patch ourselves up, then steal one  of their cars, and drive ourselves to safety,   rested and ready for our next fight. Instead, this guy wanders out to a train,   shoves it about ten feet and dies  from overexertion in a ditch.   I’m not saying I’d WANT to survive horribly  mutilated, but it’s definitely possible if all   these a-holes die first. S IS FOR SPEED   Somewhere in the desert, a woman takes another  woman hostage and runs from a hooded mutant,   landing several solid shots with a revolver that  barely faze him before setting him on fire with   a flamethrower…which also barely fazes him. She speeds off with her human cargo and outruns   the mutant for a while before she runs out of  gas, and the hooded figure—Death himself—comes   to collect her, congratulating her for running  as far as she did. She begs for more time,   but he won’t give it. She takes his  hand and we cut to a drug den where   she’s seizing on the floor from an overdose. Her idiot friend notices her OD and steals her   bad powder for herself, dying the same way. Almost 100,000 people die from ODs in the US   annually. You and I would survive this because  we aim for a…higher form of entertainment…but   they were both dead almost from the start, so I’m  declaring this one unsurvivable. Death does indeed   come for us all. T IS FOR TOILET   In England, a kid with a crippling eye  defect, where they bulge from his skull,   is forced to face his fears when his parents  throw away his potty training toilet to force   him to use a real one. There’s just one problem  – their toilet is a blood-thirsty mimic.   At least in his nightmares. When he finally can’t wait any longer,   he overcomes his fears…but tragically  falls, getting trapped in the seat,   where his father finds him and ridicules  him for the accident, right before they   both learn that sometimes fears are warnings. Remember, humans have been crapping outside for   thousands of years. Trust your instincts  and handle your business in the woods.   U IS FOR UNEARTHED In the dead of night, we’re   awoken from our deadly slumbers by grave robbers  and their priest, who have come to kiss our   vampire arss goodbye. We pummel two of them and  shove the priest away, sprinting into the dark,   where we discover a random, unprepared woman—the  perfect midnight snack to recharge our batteries.   We run a few dozen yards away as the search  intensifies for us, avoiding the flames of   their flares and narrowly dodging flaming  arrows until one spears our arm and we’re   finally taken down. A local lad pulls out our  fangs with a pair of pliers, a priest stakes us,   and a nerdy firefighter lops off our head. Tragic mistakes were made. As vampires,   we ARE the night, carved from the darkness itself.  We’re too powerful and prepared to be destroyed by   a handful of Edgar Wright’s extras. To start, we’re luring them all in   different directions by moving stealthily  around the perimeter of their search area,   calling out and moving on. We’ll pick off the  first, then don their clothing as a disguise,   then use their weapons to finish off the rest  from within, draining as much blood as we can   for added strength and stealth. Once they’re  dead, we’ll wait for their families to come   looking…and pick them off as well to send the  right message – don’t start none, won’t be none.   V IS FOR VAGITUS In 2035, the world has been   reduced to rubble by a biological apocalypse. Not  only has pregnancy been outlawed unless permitted,   cops now hunt people called mentals—humans  who have developed telekinetic powers.   As a cop and her robo-partner gun down a hidden  group of rebel mentals, a baby is decapitated,   providing the future’s Dr.Mengele with fresh  brain matter to siphon off and consume.   But…the baby turns out to be the most  powerful mental of them all, tackling   and killing adults with its headless body… And exploding brains with its body-less head.   It’s…a lot. Also, leave it to humanity to fail  at life with robotics AND superpowers at their   disposal. Unsurvivable is an understatement—with  half-cocked, trigger happy idiots like this,   death would be a blessing. W IS FOR WTF!   This one is so full of random bullshit, you guys,  that it not only lost the plot…it barely had one   to begin with. To survive this one, we just  have to avoid the drugs these people took.   Or take ‘em…I’m not your parole officer. X IS FOR XXL   In Paris, a plus sized woman minding her own  business is harassed literally every step of   the way home, where she proceeds to eat her  feelings…in the grossest way possible. Still,   nothing a good therapist won’t fix… …until, tormented by an obnoxious weight   loss infomercial, she takes a kitchen knife to her  stomach fat, hacking away at herself like she’s   auditioning for the Requiem for a Dream sequel. She gets in the shower and hacks herself to   pieces with an electric handsaw until she’s  finally the shape society wants her to be.   This whole short is begging to be an earbud ad…and  that’s the immediate solution here. Crank up those   tunes, block those f*ckers out, and get to a  therapist ASAP. Survival is absolutely possible   without resorting to these drastic measures. Yeah no, but she’s toast…well, not TOAST,   because carbs, but…you get me. Y IS FOR YOUNGBUCK   At a Canadian middle school, a kid and his  creepy dad kill a deer in the hours before   school begins. I cannot stress to you how  creepy this man is. I can only show you.   The creepy dad works as a janitor at the  school where he likes to watch boys sweat   on the gym bleachers. This time,  though, there’s someone watching.   Doesn’t stop the world’s grossest dude from  heading in after the kids have gone to slurp   up all the boy juice they left behind. The buck is watching…but he turns out to   be the man’s own son, so traumatized by  all the horrors his father has shown him   that he ends his torment once and for all…and  scores a three-pointer while he’s at it.   Let’s add another W-T-F to our list and  call this one a draw. We’re surviving this   and so is the kid, so that’s a win. Z IS FOR ZETSUMETSU (EXTINCTION)   We finish our foray into the weirdest shit  imaginable with another nearly-entirely nude   acid trip. And this time, it’s almost coherent. In a bit of revisionist history, radioactivity   from the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki  spread across Japan, dosing everyone with   radiation, changing their DNA and mutating many. Some are killed for entertainment…   …Others die during run-ins with monsters. And some use their ginormous X-men wolverine   penises to skewer naked maidens before  their members are chopped off to make   soup for rocket men to enjoy. Which ultimately inspires the   most Japanese man alive to walk again. And that rounds out our survivable insanity,   bringing our final tally to:  22 survivable / 4 unsurvivable   For so many reasons, I think  the ABCS OF DEATH were Beaten.   I had to watch these with my own  eyes. Somebody grab me some bleach.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 152,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary, dead meat, movie reviews, movie how to beat
Id: 4_4RP4E3rtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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