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[Music] if you're stuck in a house with a demonic mirror that you're trying to prove is haunted but you can't trust anything you see hear or feel and it's not to kill you what do you do what is up welcome in this video and cinema summary I'll be diving deep into how to prove survive and beat the demonic mirror as well as break down the mistakes made along the way and tell you what I would do differently in this recap of the reality-warping memory-wiping horror oculus the movie opens on this little girl whose face is all bloodied and she's hiding from a man and she looks terrified she sneaks out of a room to come face to face with this ghost lady in which she turns around there was this older guy pointing a gun at her but it's actually a dream from that same man holding the gun Tim Russell who's now all grown up and been in a mental hospital for 11 years ever since he killed his abusive dad who tried to kill him and his sister after killing their mom who went crazy yeah and that'll happen when he was like 10 so the trauma from the night was pretty heavy 11 years late Dale he's released from the hospital to rejoin society with his sister Katie who's nice but really intense like she's the kind of girl that if you opened up her diary you'd see pictures of dead animals or something and she's all like hey Tim welcome back to society guess what I found it and now we can fulfill that promise we made when we were kids they promised that when they were older they would destroyed that thing that destroyed their family the Lasser glass a mirror that the Russell family had 11 years ago that may be haunted she's done research that goes back to like 1754 tracking who owned it at what time at what place and there's been at least 10 owners all of whom who died under freak circumstances and none of them were able to destroy the mirror themselves now the thing is Kaylee's goal is to prove the mirrors evil and that there's something supernatural with it this makes beating the Lasser glass difficult because it means we have three goals here prove the Lasser glass is haunted that clear heard dad's name break the mirror and survived to tell the world but what are the rules of the mirror what makes it so dangerous well it can absorb the life out of living things like plants animals and humans it can mess of electronics shorting out lights or messing with phones and TVs it can give you hallucinations that change what you see hear and experience and we see this as it can mess with your memory it makes you forget to eat and drink so given all its powers how exactly does Kaylee intend to destroy it she and Tim take the mirror from this auction house back to her childhood home you know the one where their parents died and remember how I said that she was intense I was totally right about that because she's bought this elaborate setup with cameras lights food and looking at over it looks like she raided some college students dorm room maybe if your parents were dead you would have learned a thing or two about nutrition Oh in each room in the house has like a really sensitive thermostat to monitor the mirrors influence on the room she's also got plants spread across the house that check the range of the mirrors power as the closer a plant is to the mirror the faster it dies oh and as another layer of security get this she told her fiance that if she doesn't answer his calls he should tell the cops that her psycho killer of a brother is there with her look at his face you can just tell he's thinking thanks sis maybe if I throw you into the mirror I could solve two problems but most importantly she's raped this anchor that's set on a timer and if it isn't reset in time it will come SUIM and break the mirror but there's obviously a few flaws of cádiz execution let's remind a bit yeah the cameras might be able to record all that weird stuff that happens but how does a help her if the mirror controls what she sees her alarms are unmarked making them easy targets for the mirror to make her not hear them or trick her into checking the wrong alarm or worse trick her into standing in front of the anchor she should have focused on only destroying the mirror setting the anchor up and leaving the house course know that she and Tim of look at the mirror they are also under its influence KB even tries to use a dog to test the mirrors life-sucking abilities and I mean seriously Cayley of all the dogs that are out there you choose this one you should have chosen one that deserved it like this one or this one or even this one thankfully Tim puts a stop to the test and lets the dog out and tells KB let's just move on and get out of here which is honestly the best piece of advice I've heard this entire movie and Kami's like damn you're right until she sees that the cameras moved themselves or did they well actually Tim and Kaylie moved them but don't remember because the mirror tricked them and what's the point of all these cameras if at the end of the day we're supposed to take them out their word like yeah I saw you doing whatever over there and now you're saying you didn't know what you were doing this is starting to sound like my first marriage none of those ends what can we do to prove that the mirror is haunted I think a few things would have to be changed to achieve all three goals I mean they get a good job all things considered but they really should have taken themselves out of the equation remember the mirror uses people to protect itself however we do need to bring in more people to prove its powers we can hire priests and monks which is in shaman's Wiccans and rabbis Dungeons & Dragons whoever we can who we can record testing and trying to exercise the mirror there are two possible outcomes here either they are successful which is a win because the mirror goast is gone or they fail which is still a win because the mirror will influence them and prove its powers you can then livestream the whole investigation posting on places like our slash paranormal or slash X if you're into that sort of thing these viewers could act as eye witnesses and keep things accountable providing input and if things start to go bad they can call the cops Who am I kidding this guy's not gonna call the cops like I get it that sounds crazy but come on you're dealing with a supernatural mirror that makes perfect sense to use the supernatural against it I mean dos busters might have proved science could work against ghosts but they had vilmer either way you do it you cement reality by getting a truckload of people we're not only outside of the room but can't be influenced by the mirror in short there's safety in numbers unfortunately Kayleigh didn't think about bringing more people let's say all communication is off-limits if we can't trust what we hear what can we do to communicate Kayleigh actually did a pretty good job here watching the plants and the dog's life drain away is pretty convincing evidence the only thing is how do you know the mirror isn't changing what's being recorded on the camera because Katie revealed all her tricks to proving the mirrors haunted in front of it what we need is something that the mirror doesn't know about it can't see so for the dog you could insert a chip into it that could track its health and vital signs if the mirror kills the dog we will know how and why it died as for plants you could take them to a molecular biologist or someone who doesn't have a career on YouTube Harvard biochemical how can I help you hi yes um I'm a youtuber and I was just wondering how could you tell if a plant had its soul taken by an evil mirror hello hello they put me on hold okay so what exactly happened that led to all of this we learned more about the things that led up to Kaylie in Tim's dad going off the handle as candy saw their dad began having an affair for a woman named Marisol the dad himself is beginning to see things like at one point he begins ripping off his fingernails thinking that their band-aids which I think we've all been there at least once in our lives but he's not the only one who's changed the plants in the house are dying the family dog is sick all the time poor puppy and Kaylie and Tim's mom is becoming more unhinged she swears she sees someone in the house at night so the dad buys a gun it begins leaving the house to go golfing right is that what they're calling it now one day while he's out golfing the dog freaks out and gets locked in the room with the mirror and when the dad comes back the dog is gone Kaylie intends Baum begins to starve herself and tries to break the mirror but it pulls out a reverse uno card and breaks her mind making her try to kill her kids only to get knocked out by her husband who chains her up in their bedroom and not the good kind of Jing dub now Kaylie and Tim also begin to hear and see things or when they try Khan the doctor in the police they hear the same voice saying ask your dad our guard things are getting really dangerous right now and Katy and Tim realized that they need help but I think if they did a couple things a little differently they could have gotten away from the mirror so how should they escape she we gave her dad a run for his money she caught over the neighbor she tried to call the doctors in the police she broke out of the house a few times and of course tries to break the mirror I mean I get it if I chained to my wife and wanted to spend some quality time with him here I'd be pretty angry too all in all Kaylee's plans were pretty realistic and pretty clever for a little girl to pull off and before you say something like why didn't they use a computer well it wouldn't have worked as we know the mirror can control what they see and mess with electronic devices this leaves us with communicating in push if these kids want any chance of convincing someone to check out their home they're gonna need some money in evidence and given the time frame of their childhood early digital cameras and disposable ones we're pretty common in the early 2000s assuming the family had one already the kids would want to take photos of their mom chained up inside of neglect now the money can be stolen for their dad's wallet taking from the piggy bank or they can go digging around the couch cushions for some change but before they go they need to check out the yellow pages for the address of Child Protective Services once outside they can walk to the nearest bus stop and wait for a bus then they show the address along with the evidence to someone on the bus they can ensure that they can get the child protective service center damn it close for co vid come on back in the house exposed to the mirror in KB is showing signs of being affected by it badly like she eats his Apple but then realized she actually ate a light bulb and you see her pull out a shard of glass from her mouth and then there's this other time where she wakes up in front of the mirror barely getting to the anchor in time to a set it yeah she got cocky with her plan and check this out after the power goes out she breaks a flower pot and when she looks at the broken pot for her phone the phone doesn't see the shards as soon as she turns around she sees this monster and stabbed it with a pot shard it was actually her fiance who is definitely dead for realsies no Tim goes outside the cult police think that they just need to wait it out a bit more but then the lights of the house turn on and they see themselves standing in front of the mirror but the call doesn't seem to go through as they hear the same voice they heard as kids saying when the events of the film intersect of the past and the present and dad loads up his gun and lets his wife off the chain as the younger Katie breaks out of a window and falls off the roof she's alive and out but Tim not so much and kV god bless her goes back to save him even though she can see the ghosts of the mirrors previous victims through the window now the goats are gone but Tim is hiding behind this counter thing and he's mouthing something to Caylee he was trying to warn her because as soon as she turns her head she gets taken down to the ground by her mother who begins choking the life out of her and she stops for just a moment I'll wait for daddy over here to shoot her dead the kids barely make it out to the mirror room and tried to break it using golf clubs that doesn't work their dad comes in and is about to shoot them but he has a moment of self control and helps Tim shoot him he dies and his body leaves his crack on the mirror as the ghostly victims scream at the kids but Tim manages to break out of the mirrors control and rushes to trigger the anchor at the same time Kaylie sees her mother reaching for her from the mirror Katie walks over to her and oh my god you just stood Kaylie okay timeout for a minute why would Tim think of pulling on the kill switch early wouldn't have consequences I mean he knows he can't trust what he sees what he should have done is as soon as he saw the room was empty he should have thought to himself huh where's Katie oh there she is well then anchor through her head classic Kaylie mind you the anchor is heavy and weighted so even though it should be able to break the mirror through Caylee's body it doesn't and that's game over for Tim his phone go to the cops earlier actually went through and now they're here that taken just as they dead 11 years ago and as Tim has taken away he sees that Katy has joined the other spirits in the mirror so Tim is arrested KB's a ghost in the mirror one so how do we beat it something we do know is that the more you're around the mirror the more influence it has over you Tim and Kaylie should not have been in the room at all that way they find methods to limit the amount exposure to the mirror now Kaylee's anchor trap is an ingenious workaround the Emir's ability and I think to really beat it we have to do more of that making things automated that way we take yourself out of the equation keeping us safe from harm now to actually beat it we're gonna need a different setup for day so we're gonna put the mirror over here just like in the movie with a camera on the same side now these cameras have some company a pair of Mounted Rifles set to a mechanized trigger now behind the guns as a barrier that blocks our line of sight with the mirror also since the guns are on the other side of the barrier there's no risk to us crossing over and getting hurt an accident something that was clearly possible with Katie's anchor if they had to be in the room they should have at least had another failsafe that would keep them well say as well as something that could contain them like cables handcuffs or other harnesses no wait not those kinds in any case distance and obscurity is the key to breaking the mirror if you want to increase your chances of beating the Lasser glass keep your exposure to the mirror to a minimum find ways to stay still and keep things automatically now you know how to prove the mirrors haunted how to escape it break it and of course things you shouldn't do in case you're ever up against a demonic mirror but what do you guys think could Cayley and Tim would do all three let me know that in your own strategies and the couch below and with that said thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video leave a like down below and subscribe to get updated on videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat
Views: 2,014,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oculus, how to beat, laughrunfeature, nerd explains, bingeXpress
Id: 0AGlBQuHwpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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