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If a demonic puppet murdered your wife  and came after you, what would you do?   I’m going to break down the mistakes made by  our idiot widower, try to make better decisions,   and ultimately attempt to beat the  DEMON PUPPETEER in DEAD SILENCE.   Everyone knows you go to the movies to read,  so a title card tells us the word ventriloquist   came from the belief that the dead could talk  through the stomachs of the living.   Jamie Ashen and his wife Lisa are flirt-repairing  the sink in their janky apartment when there’s a   knock at the door. There’s no return address, only  Jamie’s name scrawled across the parchment.   They tear the wrapping away to finfd Slappy the  Dummy from Goosebumps laid out in red velvet.   Jamie has no idea who could have sent this thing  – but clearly, it’s someone who hates him.   Lisa tells Jamie it reminds her of a terrifying  poem she learned as a kid about Mary Shaw who   “could have no children, only dolls.” It’s lucky there wasn’t a return address on it.   Now we can toss this creepy monstrosity into the  garbage, right? Right?! Oh, we’re keeping this?   And we’re propping it up in our bed  under a sheet for sheets and giggles?   Cool-cool-cool. Maybe Lisa’s one of  those wives who wants to collect on our   insurance policy when we shit ourselves and fall  backward, cracking our head on the floor.   I mean, this LOOKS like the sort of trademark a  serial killer would send to their victim. In a   few minutes, Jamie will also tell us that in the  town he’s from puppets like this are a bad omen,   so why would you keep this? Jamie should prop this  thing up in the apartment lobby with a “FREE” sign   on it on his way out the door to fetch takeout.  Or, ya know, send it through a wood chipper.   Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do you  with creepy gifts that land on YOUR doorstep.   All I’m saying is this thing came gift wrapped  with Jamie’s name on it. This means the gifter   has our name and knows where we live. How about  we write out a quick list of everyone we know?   Jamie’s in his 30s. He has like five friends  max to put on that list. Then his dad…who he   had a strange falling out with years ago. While Jamie’s out grabbing Chinese, it starts   moving on its own, messing with the power and  the kettle on the stove. Lisa’s mind immediately   jumps to her new houseguest instead of checking  the hallway to see if the power’s still on in   the rest of the building. Sure we could just  wait outside the door until Jamie gets home,   or knock on a neighbor’s door,  but where’s the fun in that?   I know MY first instinct is to go pull the sheet  off that creepy doll laying in our bed.   Lisa reaches for the sheet when it suddenly  envelops her and hurls her into the hallway   with internal injuries. An invisible force reels  Lisa in across the floor. She screams but no one   hears her. After all, she lives all alone  out here in the middle of the…oh right. She   lives in an apartment building where half a dozen  people should have heard her screaming. Hmmm.   Jamie comes home to a near house fire and Lisa’s  calm voice beckoning him deeper into the house.   In the hallway, he slips in blood. He follows  Lisa’s voice to the bedroom and tears off a sheet   to find Lisa’s brutally mutilated body, mouth  unnaturally wide, arms and eyes frozen in fear,   laying where the puppet once did on the bed. Jamie’s left in a police interrogation room.   Detective Lipton, obviously recently transferred  from the Amityville police department,   effortlessly accuses Jamie of killing his wife and  trying to use the rose he brought her as a fake   alibi. Really Lipton, a rose? I’m insulted. If I  wanted to murder my wife and get away with it I’d   have an elaborate, bulletproof alibi and you’re  beat-cop a-hole wouldn’t be on the case.   Jamie asks him to look into the puppet, you  know, the strange delivery that appeared on   their doorstep right before, but Lipton  doesn’t believe in bad omens. He DOES   believe in murderous husbands though. Yeah, this is about the time I remind you   that cops aren’t your friends and no  conversation with them – especially in a room   for questioning – is casual. The moment Lipton  mentions us as a suspect to our wife’s murder,   the first thing out of our mouths is, “I  invoke my right to remain silent and I invoke   the right the speak to my lawyer.” Then, we shut  the fuck up no matter what the cop says next.   Jamie returns to his apartment where we see  that the crack team at Amityville’s worst   police department cataloged SOME evidence,  but not all of it…like the ventriloquist   dummy laying by the bed where Lisa died  or the massive trunk it came in.   At this point, I’d be thinking slasher more than  specter. I’d search for a local lab or drug addled   forensics tech who I could pay to collect and  test any evidence from the trunk and doll.   Jamie tears away the velvet trunk lining  to expose a poster for The Amazing Mary   Shaw & Billy show at Ravens Fair. Hmmm, that  Mary Shaw sounds mighty familiar. I’m glad our   dead wife remembered that obscure poem from her  childhood just before the puppet killed her.   Puppet strapped in like a toddler in the back  seat, Jamie same-days it to Silent Hill – I mean,   Ravens Fair, a one-horse town that butchered its  horse. Jamie arrives to his childhood mansion   where his hot new stepmom Ella greets him at the  door. He learns his father Edward had a stroke   recently and is now wheelchair bound. Jamie asks his dad about the Mary Shaw poem,   “Beware the stare of Mary Shaw, she had no  children only dolls.” Ella finishes it for him,   “If you see her in your dreams, be  sure you never ever scream.”   Hmmmmmmmmm…is something being foreshadowed here?  Could this nursery rhyme that everyone from this   town already knows supply everything we need to  defeat the evil in this place? Stay tuned.   Jamie crashes at The Last Night in Soho  motel where he decides to prop Billy up at   the table like a wooden boy instead of, ya know,  stashing his creepy freak in the case he came in,   in the trunk of our car. Billy plays peekaboo  with him by the bedside before Mary Shaw unfurls   in the corner and Jamie wakes himself from  the nightmare by turning on the light.   Ummm, can we put Billy in the trunk NOW,  Jamie? Or drop kick him into a campfire?   At the funeral home, the mortician  begins his examination of Lisa’s body,   recognizing the gruesome handiwork instantly.  He hears the childlike voice of his wife,   Marion, who’s hiding in the crawlspace claiming  “she’s” back but can’t get to her down here.   That’s reassuring. Any other tips,  Marion? Do we need to go stuff our   own emotional support ravens? Even though his wife was full of life   and laughter, Jamie does the sensible thing of  burying her in the family’s gothic graveyard,   with the weeping angels from Dr. Who to keep her  ghost company. He notices a woman wandering in   the woods. It’s Marion. She warns him Mary Shaw is  back. Before her husband drags her away, she tells   him to bury the doll. Jamie uncovers a gravestone  and learns that Mary Shaw was a real person.   I don’t know about you, but if a cryptic woman  comes out of nowhere to warn me about the exact   person haunting my life like a desperate ex, I’m  chasing after her for all the dirty details to   this burying ceremony I need to do. I’d ask where  it needs to be done, if I have to say any spells   or bible verses over it, and what’ll happen if I  scream when Mary Shaw appears in my dreams.   Yeah, yeah, Jamie hasn’t reached the “evil doll  did it” realization yet, but HE HIMSELF said   these puppets were bad omens. At the very least  I’m burying Billy in a shallow grave behind the   motel during broad fucking daylight. I’m not going  anywhere with him after the lights go down.   And I am DEFINITELY hitting up town hall or the  local library for information about Mary’s death   when I finally believe she killed my wife.  I’d want to figure out why she targeted me   specifically. And once the lab I paid came back  with fingerprints from Billy’s trunk, I’d want   to confront the very alive human person shipping  puppets for Mary to victims out of town.   Jamie brings the puppet to Mary Shaw’s graveyard  and searches the headstones until he finds one   for Billy and digs up the empty casket. Billy’s  mouth clicks open and the sound in the forest   dies. Jamie tosses Billy into the casket. Billy  jumpscares him before Jamie seals him inside.   Back on the road, figures dart around Jamie’s car  before Billy pops up by his window. Naturally,   Jamie immediately leaves the safety of  his automobile too look for him.   You dumb son of a bitch - do you want to die?!  This is as bad as stepping out of your cabin   in pitch darkness when something’s  throwing rocks at your window.   You see this? This is Jamie’s “evil doll  did it” moment. If burying Chucky’s pervier   cousin isn’t going to cut it, it’s time to try  everything. Salt it, burn it, wrap it in iron,   stab it in the heart with silver, drench  it in holy water. Everything.   My first stop is Home Depot to grab a  fire extinguisher, a schrader valve,   a hose clamp, a one quarter inch brass hose  adapter, a wind resistant barbecue lighter,   fuel, a hammer, 3/4 inch lamp wicks, a bike  pump and a faucet supply tube. I’m building   myself a compact flamethrower to keep in the  car and carry with me anywhere I go.   Jamie returns to his dumpy motel. He  steps out of the bathroom to Billy’s   frozen face and Detective Lipton sitting  in Billy’s seat by the window.   Lipton tells Jamie he’s been following him.  He talks through Billy to suggest that Jamie   buried the doll because it was evidence  that would prove he murdered Lisa.   This guy’s short memory is infuriating. We  literally told you to investigate the puppet back   when you first questioned us, Captain Dipshit.  At least he’s done us a solid by breaking into   our hotel room so we can lodge a formal complaint  against him that we can use in court later. Plus,   he’s broken the chain of command by not  taking the so called evidence back to   his station for immediate processing. And by  not wearing gloves when he touches it.   Jamie tells him the story of Mary Shaw,  but he should be thinking through the   steps Detective Idiot would have to take  to get to his room tonight. Following us,   I could almost understand… but Lipton would  have had to follow us out to the graveyard,   watch us bury Billy, then dig it up, contaminating  a whole slew of forensic evidence in the process,   just to come jumpscare us with it. I mean there’s dedicated…and then   there’s suspicious as fuck. At least Lipton takes the creepy   thing with him for the night. The next morning, Jamie waits until   Lipton leaves the motel before breaking into  his room and stealing the puppet back. He   takes it to the mortician. In a Great Gatsby  flashback, we learn the fate of Mary Shaw.   A little boy heckled Billy during a stage  performance and disappeared. Shortly after,   Mary was murdered. Her will stated that all  101 of her dummies were to be buried with her   after she herself was turned into a doll. In the years following her death, dozens   of townsfolk died and had their tongues  ripped out. Apparently in all that time,   no one thought to go out and start a big  bonfire in her grave. Isn’t that how all   the cool kids get rid of spirits? Also, is anyone else getting Nightmare on   Elm Street vibes here? Mary and Freddy were  both murdered for suspected child killings,   and they seek revenge by going after  the families of those that killed them.   They’ve also got their fanfic poems going  for them long after they’ve died.   Jamie enters Mary’s theater. He ventures  backstage, and up onto a rickety catwalk for   the thrill of it until he comes to Mary’s rooms.  A weathered trunk holds Mary’s ancient scrapbook   containing the ikea manual for building the  perfect doll. It’s like a reverse Pinocchio – to   make a wooden puppet, you need a living boy. Turns  out, the little kid who went missing after her   big performance was related to Jamie. Surely, we’ll take this book of incredible   importance with us back to town so we can read  over at length and discover all of demonic Mary’s   weaknesses. Surely this is the key to ending the  nightmares and the creepy doll stalking…oh, no,   no we’ll just leave it here I guess.  Good call as usual, Jamie.   Back at the funeral home, Henry hears his wife  rambling to Billy. She claims he spoke to her,   but Henry refuses to believe her. He decides to  put Billy back in the box when he hears his wife’s   voice coming from the crawlspace. Billy watches  as Henry crawls inside. Mary locks him in. He   screams and she uses her Resident Evil tongue to  feast down on his while he’s still alive.   Fucking puppet demons, man,  how do they work?   Henry’s lived in this Silent Hill town his whole  life, why is Mary killing him? Was it because he   talked to Jamie and gave some advice? Or was it  just because he was going to re-bury Billy? In   either case, why does she take so long to attack?  Why hasn’t she killed Jamie already either?   I hate to speak ill of the dead – what am I  saying, I love doing that – but Henry knows   better than to shoot his mouth off in front of  this thing. He knows it’s haunted. He knows it   doesn’t want to be re-buried. AND he knows better  than to keep leaving this crawlspace open for his   dementia-stricken wife to crawl into. Especially  with a demonic ventriloquist on the loose.   If only Henry didn’t have the attention span  of a sky high stoner. He could have just   left Marion under the house to sulk while he  stayed focused on burying the doll – you know,   the thing that’s causing her erratic  behavior in the first place.   He also forgets his own survival mechanisms  – back when he was a kid, he clapped a hand   across his mouth to keep from screaming when  he saw her BEFORE the rhyme about her was even   written. Why doesn’t he do that again?! Actually, let’s talk about Mary’s M.O. here   for a second. She won’t attack unless you  scream. Sounds to me like every single one   of these townies should have ball gags in  their mouths the second they know Jamie’s   come back with the demonic doll. Shove a sock  in there, wear a gimp mask – whatever it takes   to prevent yourself from screaming entirely. Not only that, but Jamie heard the rest of Mary’s   poem, which tells us this very obvious handicap,  within the FIRST HOUR of returning to town.   Jamie could beat this thing with a  four inch piece of duct tape.   Did I just beat this fucking puppet? I  think I just beat this fucking puppet.   Jamie confronts his father about the little  boy from the scrapbook, Michael Ashen. Edward   tells him Michael was his uncle. When he  went missing the Ashens and men from town   laid the blame on Mary and made her scream when  they cut out her tongue and killed her. She came   back for revenge, targeting the men responsible  and every person in their families.   He should have fucking known that  kicking his son to the curb, AKA   metaphorically kicking the can down the  road, wasn’t a solution and should have gone   on the offensive from the very beginning. No shit. You didn’t realize this when their wives,   children, and children’s children had  their tongues ripped out? Just now,   when my pregnant wife was murdered? I’d have it in me to Spartan kick ole   ’Ed into the fireplace, which.. Would  happen to expose Ella’s whole charade..   At the front door, Jamie runs  into Detective Lipton, who   shoves inside like a slippery eel and tells him  that someone dug up all 101 of Mary’s dolls.   Haha, I love the idea that Detective  Halfbrain spent the entire day digging up   doll graves. That’s pretty funny, actually. Jamie gets a garbled phone call from Henry telling   him he can prove he didn’t murder Lisa if Jamie  meets him at the old theater. Before the Dec can   arrest Jamie, he bolts in his car and hauls  butt for the theater. Cool bro. Why don’t we   stop by Home Depot first and get our  flamethrower assembled…no? Just checking.   Jamie takes the Nope Ship to Fuck That  Theater and follows Henry’s definitely   dead voice across the skywalk to Mary’s room.  Lipton catches up to him with a 12-gauge.   Henry’s dead voice calls out to both men. A  woman begins to hum. Jamie tells him not to   scream no matter what happens. Lipton takes  the lead and I count this as an absolute   win - he makes a great human shield. Lipton finds Billy’s checkered cousin and   tosses it behind him, pulling down a curtain  that reveals 100 dolls in glass crypts lined   up along the walls. Billy #57 is missing. A red curtain catches their attention. They   whip it aside to find the rotting body of Michael  Ashen, halfway through his dollification process.   Suddenly, all the puppets begin to turn. Turns out this was a secret   prequel to IT all along! Pennywise tells Jamie that she won’t stop until   she has silenced everyone who silenced her. He  asks why she targeted Lisa. She offers to tell him   if he comes closer. Since Jamie has the death wish  of a squirrel crossing a busy road, he does. Mary   tells him Lisa was pregnant and she wanted to kill  the last Ashen. She licks Jamie and materializes.   Lipton blows her away with his shotgun. Mary takes her doll fetish to the next level   as one by one she begins to possess her puppets.  Lipton shoots a few down before Jamie sets fire to   the rest. They break for the rickety skywalk, but  Mary’s rigged it. Lipton plummets off the edge.   When he screams, Mary rips his tongue out. She comes for Jamie, but he covers his scream   and falls into a pit of liquid luck  that leads out to the lake.   He remembers the Billy doll is still very much  unburned. He rushes to Henry and Marion’s house   and discovers Marion cradling Henry’s dead body.  Marion tells him Ella took Billy’s doll.   You know what, after all the shit I’ve learned  in the last 48 hours, I say let them keep the   damned doll for a few more hours while I go fetch  a young priest, an old priest, and a flamethrower   to deal with it in the middle of the day. At the manor, Jamie finds Billy’s doll. Mary   leaps at him from the shadows and he tosses  the doll onto the fire. Mary writhes in   agony, like he just finished off her last horcrux.  He spots his father in his wheelchair nearby.   When Edward’s body falls forward, Jamie  discovers Ella had been puppeting him like   a ventriloquist’s dummy all along. I’m gonna give props where props are   due – I did NOT see that one coming. Jamie realizes Mary is possessing Ella.   He finally loses his mind and screams. Mary  scores one more in the revenge column.   Errrr…why the hell did it take this long,  Ella? If Edward was already puppified,   you could’ve just made Jamie scream by  stabbing him and twisting the knife back   when he first walked in the door. Seems like she  was more interested in him knowing why she was   targeting him than actually killing him. Wait. Is this entire movie just a long,   drawn out villain’s monologue?! Every clue surrounding this doll,   every step Jamie took sucked him back into his  hometown drama more and more until it eventually   consumed him. He would’ve been better off  tossing Billy into the goodwill pile and burying   Lisa in the nicer cemetery she deserved. He should have realized very early on that the   puppet was sent to him to draw him back to Ravens  Fair, where Mary could finish her dark quest for   post mortem revenge. I’m not saying she still  wouldn’t have come after him if he had stayed   away, but everything after his initial arrival  to his childhood home is a lot of effort to   put in when she could just possess Ella’s body  and stab him when he walked in the door.   As for Detective Lipton, if he had done his job  and investigated the puppet when Jamie told him   to, he would have likely learned about the murders  in Rivers Fair, and started a larger investigation   into the region than he does here, digging up  doll graves and breaking into motel rooms.   If Jamie had gone for a flamethrower when he  had the chance, he could have burned the theater   to the ground long before he even realized the  connection to his family. And he would have been   armed when he discovered who Ella really was. Who am I kidding? This dude willingly hauled   around a demonic dummy and propped  him up like a real boy in motel   rooms and mortuaries. He’s toast. Honestly it seems like putting duct tape   over your mouth and burning everything is sight  could’ve beat this bish in like two seconds.   I think the DEMON PUPPETEER  from DEAD SILENCE was BEATEN.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 709,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, cinema summary, dead meat, the critical drinker, dead silence
Id: TZdOeg5qfP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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