How To Beat The DEATH TIME LOOP In "Happy Death Day"

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[Music] if you were trapped in a time loop we were murdered every single day what would you do i'm going to break down the mistakes made what you should do and how to beat the death loop in happy death day this girl is going to get murdered 10 times theresa here's walked to be her friends and has no idea they've planned a surprise party for her birthday but as the girl walks towards an underpass she sees a music box in the distance it's playing the happy birthday song and she thinks it must be a prank with no idea she's about to get brutally murdered the girl walks over to see who it might be from but that's when she hears someone behind her turning around the girl sees a masked man on the other end of the tunnel and he's staring straight at her freaked out the girl threatens to call the cops on him and the guy suddenly walks out of view terrified teresa continues walking but just as she makes to the other side the girl hears something behind her the music box has started playing again and that's when the man suddenly drops down from above trying to stab her scared out of her mind she runs away as fast she can but trips and falls to the ground the girl looks back at the underpass to search for the man but he's disappeared that's when someone pulls on her hair and the last thing she sees is a knife headed straight for her face that's one loop down with 10 more to go theresa has just been killed but suddenly she wakes up in bed and looks around a confusion something is wrong and the girl checks her phone finding it somehow her birthday again this has all happened before and that means her day has started all over right back at her one night stan's bedroom embarrassed carter here apologizes to the girl as he hands over some tylenol but she's too distracted to listen nothing about the situation makes any sense and the girl decides to leave hoping that this might be a weird dream but soon she will suffer another horrifying death teresa heads to the hospital and meets this doctor that she's been sleeping with making sure the door's locked she tries to tell him about what just happened but it sounds too crazy to believe instead he kisses the girl ignoring her concerns but that's when theresa remembers that the last time she was here his wife nearly caught them together moments later they hear a knock on the door and just like she remembered the wife is there waiting on the other side the only way the girl could know this is if it's already happened before and she leaves the hospital terrified realizing that at the end of the day she's going to be murdered okay this is freaky as hell if you've been murdered by the boss baby only to realize that you've just cheated death it's fair to say that this is the luckiest day of your life being stuck in a groundhog day time loop with a serial killer definitely sucks but the good news is that we get to solve our own murder before it happens again now your first instinct might be to ask someone for help which is why teresa here decided to tell her teacher that she's literally gone back in time but this was a huge mistake it should go without saying that a medical professional who's only interested in science is simply not going to take you seriously even if you're sleeping with him and it's clear that we'll have to figure out how to solve this on our own since we know that dying is what restarts the day the best strategy we have is to use the memory of each death loop and analyze it to find out who our killer is that's why if it were me i would return to the crime scene and write down every detail from memory before it fades because there's a lot of information to help us avoid getting murdered now first of all she was killed in this tunnel on the campus of her university but what's interesting is that it also appears to be under construction if you look here you can see there are tons of roadblocks to redirect foot traffic so the killer could count on no one being around at the time of the murder this is not a coincidence and it probably means this guy is very familiar with the school campus knowing exactly where he could avoid any witnesses with this in mind it narrows down her list of suspects to only the students and school staff from her university but we could take this one step further the next thing to consider is how perfectly timed this was in order for his plan to work the killer would have had to know three things the first is that teresa will be traveling across campus at exactly 9 30 p.m the second is that she would use his closed off tunnel and judging from this music box the third is that he would also have to know it's her birthday this is really damning evidence because it just so happens the girl was on her way to a surprise birthday party organized by the members of her sorority they were the only people that knew where she would be and all these details narrowed down our polish suspects to one single house if it were me i would use the next time loop and take another path to the party then by simply observing which sorority members are missing we can narrow down our suspects to a small handful of people teresa here is wasting time explaining her situation to others and she won't realize her mistake until it's too late that night the girl is pressured to go meet her friends and heads out by herself passing through a crowd of students teresa studly turns around and remembers that this is where she died last time she decides to take a different route to the party but notices that all the lights in the frat house are off something is wrong but she continues walking up to the front door and tries to open it quickly discovering that it's locked the girl thinks she might have gone to the wrong house and checks the building next door but it's dead quiet that's when theresa turns back around and sees the killer standing right in front of her startled she punches the guy in the face but the lights suddenly turn on revealing that her sorority arranged a surprised birthday party just for her the killer was just a frat boy playing a joke but soon the real murderer is going to show up and turn this party into a bloodbath later teresa hangs out with her sorority leader when the frat bro walks over she apologizes for punching him and he asks her to make it up by meeting him in private the girl decides to accept his invitation and follows him to the second floor tracking the guy down to a bedroom she walks inside but finds no one's there taking a look around she makes sure she's presentable but suddenly the masked man appears behind her she walks up to him to take off his mask revealing that it's the frat boy in disguise and he presses a button on a remote activating his sound system neither of them can hear each other over the loud music and the guy starts dancing by himself when theresa gets a text message replying to her friend she never notices the murderer sneaking into the room and brutally stabs the fat boy to death turning around the girl tells the man that she's no longer in the mood and tries to leave but then she notices the dead body on the floor that's when teresa realizes this is the killer and screams dodging his attack at the last second grabbing a paddle she slams it across his face and tries to escape but the killer throws her on the bed the girl knows exactly what's going to happen next but there's nothing she can do to stop him as he breaks a glass bong before jamming it straight into her chest that's two loops down with nine more to go okay this just got complicated even though teresa managed to avoid getting murdered the same way as last time the killer still knew exactly where the girl would be in future death loops this becomes even more clear as he shows up in a variety of locations whenever she's alone with this in mind it's possible that the killer has a special way of finding out where she is and is digitally tracking teresa's location what's interesting is that before she first got killed her roommate admitted that she'd change the girl's ringtone to the birthday song not only does it mean that this girl knows her passcode and could have secretly downloaded a hidden tracking app onto her phone but that she's also suspect number one with this in mind the smartest thing to do is test this theory and go to a place where nobody expects us to be to see if the killer shows up now assuming there's a way the killer is receiving gps information from our phone the smartest thing to do is leave campus and go somewhere that's both unexpected but also convenient enough to get away with murder this is the best way to lure the killer out of hiding on our own terms and that's exactly why we need to bring some backup if it were me i would ask carter here out on a date and since it looks like they just had a one-night stand it's very likely he'll say yes once he agrees i would drive him out to a remote location where it's easy to be murdered so that if the killer shows up there's a good chance they'll try to defend us and we can use him as a meat shield then while he's being murdered i'd use the opportunity to pull off the killer's mask and confirm their identity it's a cold-blooded strategy but the great thing about this scenario is that if this hits the fan we can completely start over as far as we know up to this point in the story there aren't any consequences if we die and that means even if carter here gets murdered we can discover the killer's identity and allow ourselves to get killed resetting time so that the boy gets to keep living from there we can plan our next death loop knowing exactly who is after us and hunt them down during the day when they least expect it suddenly teresa wakes up gasping for breath and quickly realizes that she's back in carter's bedroom even though she's just died checking her phone she discovers that it's her birthday again and gets back to her feet now the girl knows for certain that she's stuck in a time loop and every time she dies her life was set to this exact moment until the murderer finds and kills her teresa storms out of the room as fast as she can terrified that she will never be able to escape heading back to her sorority the girl walks to her bed in silence and her friend lori notices that something's wrong she asks what happened and theresa explains that she's been reliving the same day over and over it doesn't make any sense but the blonde tries to convince her revealing she already knows about the cupcake laurie made and the surprise party happening later tonight her friend still doesn't believe her and that's when she explained she's going to be murdered concerned the girl suggests that she stay in the room and the blonde agrees but this will be a huge mistake that night teresa boards out the window and barricades the door with a dresser making sure the killer can't break in it's a clever plan but she's interrupted by the sorority leader asking if she's going to the party suddenly the power goes out across the campus and the girl notices it's happening at the exact same time as it did in the previous loops later she settles down to watch tv and tries to change the channel but realizes that the remote is missing she looks around her room but that's when she discovers something strange on her desk it's a birthday card and inside is a spitting baby face with a threatening message this must have been sent by the killer and that's when the tv shuts off getting worried teresa walks over and turns it back on seeing a news report about a local murder but it sadly turns off again the girl realizes that the killer must have the remote and that means he's hiding in this room panicking she looks around and hears a strange noise coming from the bathroom going to investigate teresa walks inside to confront the killer but gets distracted by the tv playing a commercial the murderer must have turned it back on but the girl has no idea he's right behind her suddenly he lunges to attack and teresa manages to dodge him hitting the man straight in the face she tries to open the door and escape but the murderer quickly rushes at the girl killing her once again with his knife that's three loops down with eight more to go okay this is getting out of hand teresa here is trying her best to adapt but now she's been killed in three completely different locations and it means she's now using these death loops to her advantage boarding up your room is still a good idea but the biggest problem is that she's waiting for the killer to show up with nothing to defend herself it's incredibly stupid and if she was thinking clearly she'd realize there are two different ways to approach the situation the first is to relive each day without changing our routine so we can plan ahead for the same scenario when the murderer tries to kill us the second way to handle it is to change our schedule and force him to think on his feet to draw him out of hiding if he successfully killed us in three different time loops then it means we're way too predictable so if it were me i would make sure we brought something completely unexpected into the situation and set a trap for the killer the best thing about this scenario is that we get the entire day to plan ahead which is why i would use my next death loop to first figure out how to get my hands on a gun now it should come as no surprise that in america this is a very simple process and it's common knowledge that you can buy a gun from even the most ordinary places now goods aren't exactly cheap so if money was an issue then i would visit the doctor here and demand he'd give me two thousand dollars and explain that if he doesn't fork it over i'll tell his wife that he's having an affair then we can use our blackmail money to legally buy a gun and file a report at the police station explaining that we've received death threats and are scared for our lives now this might seem counterintuitive but it's not enough just to shoot the killer dead we have to consider that if the death loop ends we will be held responsible for their murder and unless there's very clear evidence that we were acting in self-defense it's possible that we'll be arrested and thrown in jail going to the police in advance gives us a clear record that works in our favor and that way if we manage to kill the murderer the secrets of events will look like we are the victim all along suddenly the girl wakes up screaming in carter's room and freaks out the death loop has started all over again and the guy tries to get her to calm down but she's too traumatized to listen she quickly runs out of the building and stumbles through the campus in a daze but that's when carter catches up with no one else to turn to she breaks down in tears and begs him for help but the girl doesn't realize this is going to get him killed they sit in the cafeteria where theresa explains that she's trapped in a time loop and has been murdered by a stranger every single night the guy points out there has to be a reason why she's being targeted and that's when the girl's ringtone goes off playing a birthday song he suddenly realized that the murderer knows today is her birthday and is killing her for personal reasons at first the girl thinks it's ridiculous but the guy suggests she make a list of people who knows her birthday and start from there the only problem is that there are a lot of suspects but carter explained she can use the time loops to follow each of them and find out which one kills her that means she'll have to intentionally get murdered and it's a brutal plan with no better ideas theresa decides it's the best option she's got later the girl makes a list and starts tracking down the suspects one by one she stalks each person in a different loop discovering that they aren't the murderer but always gets killed before she can ever find out who the murderer is that's seven loops down with four more to go frustrated from dying again teresa wakes up in carter's room but this time something's wrong the girl's in horrible pain and this has never happened on the previous loops before she doesn't understand what's changed but limps over to the door determined to find out who's killing her that's when carter's friend barges into the room and the girl suddenly faints in his arms neither the boys understand what's happening but soon the girl will discover that these time loops come with a terrible price later theresa wakes up in a hospital and sees the killer walking towards her bed there's nowhere for her to run and the girl panics terrified that she'll be murdered but then she realizes it's just carter he explained she collapsed earlier that morning and theresa is relieved she hasn't died yet but that's when the light shut off moments later they turn back on and the doctor is suddenly right behind her friend he tells him the visiting hours are over and the boy quickly leaves the hospital but the doctor has some bad news the man explains that her body has been so badly injured that theresa should be dead and the girl realizes all the damage from the previous loops are the only thing that's not resetting that means with every death her body will continue to break down and she realizes she could still die if she loops too many times okay this changes everything the doctor just told her that based on her mri scan she should already be dead there's a very good chance that if we continue to get killed our bodies will simply shut down from the internal damage so now we have to treat these time loops like a finite resource and only use them when it's absolutely necessary with that said we also have no idea what this is doing to the space-time continuum there's good reason to think it's setting off a chain reaction of other death loops because every action we take is altering the course of history this is the very definition of a parallel universe and even peter parker found out how disastrous this can be now we don't know how many time loops we have left before permanently dying but these kids haven't figured out that there's a completely different method to handle this problem if it were me i would strongly consider dropping out of school booking an international flight and going to the airport where there's security clearance if the killer follows us there not only would he have to buy a ticket but he would also need to ditch his weapon to pass through security it's also important to realize that this killer probably has a day job with real world responsibilities and can't just take off to hunt us across the globe when we look at it this way it's pretty clear this whole situation isn't a curse but a blessing in disguise right now teresa gets to live life with almost no consequences because when things go wrong shikhari said to the exact same moment in time since the loop only ends when she gets killed then it's reasonable to assume we could abandon all our responsibilities live a long life of uninhibited freedom and then die to start over again like it never happened as strange as it sounds the smartest thing to do here just might be to never solve the murder and if we're going to get as much value out of these death loops as possible then running away from your problems could give us the best life we could ever ask for the girl tries to escape arguing that if she stays here she'll be killed but the doctor holds her down he promises to keep her safe but the girl is not convinced distracting him teresa asks her a drink from the vending machine and the man agrees but as soon as he walks out of the room the girl gets out of bed and makes a break for it she sneaks through the halls and heads for the doctor's office knowing that's where he keeps his car keys entering the room the girl searches the desk and manages to find them but discovers something horrifying inside one of the drawers is a baby mask just like the one the killer wears and that means the doctor might be the murderer leaving the office theresa walks to the hallway when she sees the doctor searching for her and the girl panics he tries to calm her down but that's the killer suddenly sneaks up from behind and stabs him in the back terrified the girl runs down the hall with the murderer chasing after her and races towards the parking lot searching for the doctor's car teresa presses a button on the key fob until she hears the vehicle beeping in the distance she quickly heads to the lower level as fast she can moments before the killer comes sprinting out of the stairwell he knows she's hiding nearby and there's only one way for her to escape nervous teresa sneaks through the parking lot keeping an eye on the killer and notices he has his back turned she makes a break for it seizing her opportunity but the man hears her footsteps he chases the girl to the lower level but loses track of his prey never noticing that she's hiding behind an suv desperate to find the doctor's car she presses a button on the key fob but the car starts beeping loudly the killer now realizes where the girl is going and theresa spreads for the vehicle as the man chases after her but she manages to get inside the car before the murderer can stop her putting the key in the ignition she starts the vehicle and races out of the parking lot but this escape plan is about to go horribly wrong on the road teresa realizes that she's finally survived the night and celebrates but that's when she notices something in the mirror a police car is following after her she has no choice but to pull over stopping the vehicle the officer walks up to the window asking for her license and theresa desperately explains that a murderer is hunting her down but the man doesn't believe her he thinks she might be drunk and that's when the girl quickly realizes that if he arrests her she'll be put in a cell where the killer can't reach her lying teresa tells him she had a few drinks earlier and the officer has no choice but to take her to the police station okay you might think this sounds smart but getting arrested by this cop is not a good solution drunk driving the state of louisiana can get you at least 10 days of jail time which means we'd be safe but as soon as we're released the murderer is going to kill us like i said earlier if we're going to run away from our problems i'd much rather spend my time on vacation than in a jail cell now teresa here is thinking clearly she would have realized that every single time she got killed it was between the hours of 9-10 pm if the murderer was this consistent in each death loop it probably means he's busy throughout the day and might even work at this hospital now there are some pretty good reasons to suspect that this doctor is the killer because he meets a lot of the necessary criteria first of all he works on campus he knows it's her birthday and he's got a baby mask in his desk drawer this can't be overlooked but there's one small problem since almost all the staff were gone the doctor had the perfect opportunity to kill the girl in her sleep but he didn't the fact that she woke up in the first place is enough to tell us he's not the killer and since we can see here that it's already 9 23 pm we should expect the real killer to be arriving soon now we have to give credit where credit is due this murderer is so committed to the cause that he'll kill just about anyone who gets in the way as scary as that sounds it's actually a blessing in disguise because if we can rely on him to act recklessly then the smartest thing to do might be to lead him into town driving this car out onto an empty highway is just going to make it easier for him to hunt us down where there are no witnesses to help instead we should use his recklessness against him and lead the killer to a public area where there are enough people who can serve as both witnesses and meat shields to help us catch him now since this story takes place in louisiana there are very few gun restrictions and it's even legal for citizens to open carry in public with this in mind lurie him off campus will give us a higher chance of running into someone who's carrying a gun and might help us stop him when we can't the great thing is the town traffic will also give us a better view of his vehicle that way we can memorize the license plate and use our next death loop to search the campus parking lot for the murderer's car until we find it this allows us to create the perfect ambush for the killer when he least expects it and kill this guy using his own disguise against him the girl enters the policeman's vehicle thinking she'll be safe but suddenly another car runs the man over killing him instantly the murderer has finally found her and she panics realizing she can't escape teresa can only watch as the man holds a burning candle out his window and she notices that there's a trail of gasoline leaking from the police car the killer drops the candle setting the fuel on fire and the vehicle blows up with her trapped inside that's eight loops down with three more to go it's the most brutal death she's faced so far and charissa wakes up again in carter's room feeling hopeless the girl has no clue how to stop this time loop from happening and is tired of dying but the boy has been reset and has no idea what she's talking about theresa walks out of the room and carter quickly follows her into the hallway wanting to know what she means frustrated she leads them outside the building and explains she's forced to relive her birthday forever only to get killed and return to this exact moment in time he doesn't believe her but that's when she predicts everything that's about to happen it's undeniable proof teresa is stuck in a time loop and there's nothing they can do to break her out of it they sit down at a diner to talk when carter hears her birthing ringtone again noticing how uncomfortable she is he tries to cheer her up but teresa tells him she's exhausted her body is getting weaker with every loop and she has no idea who is killing her that's when she hears a news report about a suspected murderer being treated at the nearby hospital and realizes that this man must be the killer hopeful she heads to the hospital and warns the receptionist their patient is about to escape insisting they call the police running down the hallway teresa arms herself with a fire axe and slowly enters the murderer's room but never notices that he's already standing right behind her she searches for him and finds a dead police officer on the floor but his gun is missing that's when she turns around to see the killer aiming the pistol straight at her he shoots the axe out of her hands and the girl runs out of the room scared for her life in the hall she warns the receptionist to escape but it's too late the murderer shoots the woman and now he's coming for theresa okay this killer has managed to murder us in every single death loop so far but this time it's much worse because he now has a gun that puts us in a difficult situation because confronting him directly is guaranteed to get us killed we also can't run away and steal the doctor's car because he wouldn't be here if there isn't a medical emergency now grabbing the axe is an excellent idea but not if you're taking it straight into a gun fight we can clearly see that there's already blood on the window and it means the security guard is probably dead if he couldn't stop the killer then this girl doesn't stand a chance and stepping inside the room is the dumbest thing you could possibly do that's why if it were me i would take the axe and then pull the fire alarm before going down to a lower floor and locking myself in one of the rooms now you might be thinking that there's still enough time to leave the building before he can chase us but the problem with this strategy is that it's not going to help us stop the killer for good running away is just going to lead him outside where he has more opportunity to murder us so it's a lot smarter to use the situation to our advantage and make sure he gets caught based on every other death loop so far we already know that this guy has some way of finding our location and is determined to kill us no matter what that means that the man can see that we're still in the building he's going to stick around to look for us which is exactly what we want the fire department would typically respond to a fire alarm in under 15 minutes and if we stay in the building it puts more pressure on the killer to leave us alone because the longer he stays trying to find us the more likely he is to get caught teresa's also completely forgetting that she still has her phone with her and could call the police herself she realized that this criminal was going to escape long before she ever reached the hospital and it would have made a lot more sense to call the police from there instead of showing up and asking this receptionist for help if she had called in advance the police would already be here and we wouldn't be putting ourselves in unnecessary danger she makes it to the elevator and presses the buttons but the killer quickly catches up there's no way she'll survive this loop and he removes his mask before it points the gun straight at her suddenly carter tackles him to the ground and the weapon slides out of his hand seizing her opportunity the girl picks it up and tries to shoot the man but it's completely out of bullets with no one to stop him the murderer brutally stabs her friend's neck and the girl has no choice but to keep on running away she races down a hallway and finds the doors on the other end are chained shut but the girl is in luck there's just enough space to crawl underneath and manages to squeeze through but the killer is right on her tail catching up he kicks the doors in and chases her to the bell tower but all he finds is an empty room on the other side the girl must be hiding and he yells at her to come out but never notices that she's right behind him teresa smacks him with a crowbar knocking the man to the ground and is about to finish him off when she realizes that it's a bad idea if she kills this man the death loop might end and her friend will be dead forever she can't allow that to happen and with no other option the girl decides to end the time lube waking back up in carter's bedroom that's nine loops down with two more to go as soon as she sees him theresa runs over and thanks him for saving her life the boy has no idea what she's talking about but after everything she's been through the girl is happy to be back and leaves the building determined to end this once and for all she heads to her sorority where her roommate is waiting and apologizes for taking her for granted it takes lori here by complete surprise but she forgives her and the girl heads out to confront the doctor meeting him in private she makes it clear that she doesn't want to see him anymore and ends their relationship the girl walks away to confront her killer but this time she's got a plan and there's nothing that will stop her from breaking out of the death loop that night teresa goes to the hospital and sneaks up on the cop holding a knife to his throat she forces him to stand up and steals his gun warning him that the murderer is about to escape and needs to go get help terrified the police officer runs away and the girl enters the room slowly approaching the murderer's bed she knows he's pretending to sleep and tries to kill him before he can react but the gun won't fire the safety is still on and the man takes opportunity smacking the pistol out of her hands she runs out of the room to pick it up but he manages to catch her at the last second and throws her straight into a wall the girl is too weak to stand and the murderer is about to finish her off but she's got one last trick up her sleeve suddenly the lights go out and when the power turns back on therese says nowhere in sight she's managed to get behind him and with the gun in hand shoots the man dead it's finally over and the girl can move on with her life returning back to the sorority she celebrates her birthday with carter and makes a wish the only thing she wants is for this whole thing to end and blows out the candle thankful that the police haven't arrested her suddenly the girl wakes up in bed but something's wrong she's back in carter's room and realizes it's her birthday again meaning the time loop isn't over even though she killed the murderer it doesn't make any sense and she runs out of the building heading back to the sorority that's ten loops down with one more to go bursting into her room teresa immediately begins packing her things the only option she has left is to go in the run or else she'll get killed again concerned her friend asks what's wrong and the girl tells her that there's nothing she can do to help trying to comfort her lori here offers a cupcake she made for her birthday but that's the girl remembers that she ate one in the previous time loop and realizes it's been poison lori worked at the hospital where the criminal was being treated and knew she could get away with framingham for murder okay teresa here is dumber than a sack of bricks it was obvious that this girl was the killer but the fact that it took her so long to realize this is just embarrassing the truth is every single one of our strategies would have uncovered this information and if it were me i would have used my very first death loop to follow lori as suspect number one earlier her roommate was the only sorority member who wasn't at the surprise party and that's really suspicious because she went out of her way to bake a cupcake for her to celebrate we also know that her workshop at the hospital ends before the party so the only reason she wouldn't be there is because she was still outside setting a trap to kill theresa checking her car's license plate would have also told us it was her because since they're roommates there's good reason to think she's parked somewhere close to the sorority house and it wouldn't take us very long to find the same car that chased us down we also knew that laurie here was able to access the girl's phone because she changed her ringtone to a birthday song so it's common sense that the killer can find us wherever we go that she must have turned on our gps tracking to find our location with so much evidence to work with and at least 10 days to discover the information theresa had no excuse not to figure this out if she's really this dumb then it's important to admit your own limitations and find a different way to get some help now carter here could have been the best person to end these death loops because it took him all but 15 seconds to figure out that whoever's killing her knows it's the girl's birthday he even helped her come up with a list of possible suspects and this was after she had already been trying to solve the mystery for three full dates he's clearly a lot smarter than her and that's why if it were me i would use one of my death hoops to kill him instead it might sound counterintuitive but if our death has somehow forced us outside of normal time then there's a chance that if we kill someone they might be forced to relive the same day as well this would be a huge advantage because if we trap carter in a death loop with us then not only would we no longer have to explain what's going on every day but it also forces him to solve our murder for us in order to end the cycle it might sound extreme but there's no way to tell if this would work unless we try and even if it doesn't we can still reset the day and test something else instead that's when the girl threatens to take the cupcake to the police she's about to head outside when lori throws the girl against the wall and locks the door so no one can get in confronting her the roommate explained she wanted to kill her because she was jealous that the girl was sleeping with the doctor teresa is furious and she kicks her front of the leg determined to get revenge they start wrestling with each other but the roommate gains the upper hand there's nothing she can do to defend herself but that's when someone knocks on the door distracting lori long enough that the girl comes up with a plan punching the roommate in the throat she shoves the poison cupcake into her mouth and the girl backs away trying to spit it out but theresa isn't finished she quickly stands up and swings on the chandelier kicking her friend straight out the window with the real murderer finally dead the girl collapses to the floor in relief knowing that the time loops have ended and she can die from heart disease like a true american but what do you think how would you beat happy death day let me know with a comment down below thank you so much for watching leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a damn good day
Channel: How To Beat (formerly Cinema Summary)
Views: 1,347,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to beat, explained, review, death game, battle royale, high school, highschool, among us, trailer, trap, traps, happy death day
Id: GV7rHtPjYWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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