How to Beat Dogma and Beast! (Tips and Tricks) - - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance

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what's up guys it's preets coming back to you with another binding of isaac video in this video i'm going to tell you how to get to the final boss and how to beat the final boss in order to get to dogma and the beast it's important that you go to deaths 2 and not go to mausoleum on the alternate path once you get to the starting room of deaths 2 you'll see at the top of the room is the strange door now in order to get into this you need to have either the polaroid or the negative to get these items you have to go and fight mom but in order to get out of this fight you need a teleport card so you're going to go find a skull with a cross on it and get the fools card once you beat mom you're going to use the fool's card to go back to the starting room and use the polaroid that you just picked up to open the strange door now you're going to go down to kahana and make your way through the floor always remember that there is still an item room on this floor so get those items so you're strong enough for this final battle once you get to the boss room there isn't actually going to be a final boss but there is going to be the item dad's note once you pick this up you're going to be teleported to the reverse world here you're gonna have to fight your way back through the floors that you've already gone through and go to home in home you'll start in isaac's bedroom and then you're gonna make your way over to mom's room in there there's a chest that you can open that always has one of mom's items you lay in the bed and then you can fight dogma the first phase of dogma has four basic attacks the first one being static brimstone the second laser tears the third ring of tears and the fourth ring of static tears the first attack i want to talk about is static brimstone now for this attack you want to stay in a nice mid-range from him and during this attack you want to walk slowly away from the brimstone that way whenever the brimstone switches side suddenly you don't accidentally walk into it this is one of those attacks that's really hard to deal with if you don't know what to expect this next attack is what i call laser tears the best way to dodge this is by dodging away from him so his next attacks are less likely to hit you and then making sure that you're not on any of the paths that will soon become lasers next attack is ring of tears which the way that you dodge this is just like any other tier in the game but there are some instances where he will freeze his tear mid shot and that can be a little confusing so just watch out for that the next attack is ring of static tears which all you have to do is make sure you don't stand in the static for too long or else a beam of light will come down and hit your character in addition to these tips you want to make sure you're always shooting at the tv because the actual body of dogma has a shield around it you're now the second phase of dogma which is the even harder phase now this phase has four main attacks it has the spinning wheel of death the stationary lasers the moving lasers and the feather burst the spinning mill of death is probably the attack i see people struggle with the most and it's honestly a pretty easy attack to deal with now what you want to do is as soon as he goes into the wheel form he's going to go and attack your last location so the way i deal with this is i just walk in a circle around the room this strategy makes it so you're always the furthest away from where he makes contact with so it's easier to dodge his feathers now as you can see whenever i dodge i'm just walking between his feathers pretty nonchalantly and it's a pretty easy strategy the stationary and the moving lasers are both another easy move to dodge what i do is stand still until i see where he is going to shoot the lasers they sometimes do group up but the further you are away the easier it is to dodge these attacks the moving lasers can be a little trickier to deal with but as i said for the laser tiers for the first phase as long as you dodge away from him you should be fine the final attack of the second phase of dogma is the feather burst and this is another one where you just need to make sure you dodge away from him and you want to go to the side of the attack you don't want to try to dodge into the attack because he can combo this and it can get difficult we are now headed into the final battle against the heartbringers and beast the order of this fight is famine petulance war death then beast i'm gonna be going one by one for each of these famine has three attacks that he uses tear burst wiggle fly and final stand during the tear burst attack he is constantly switching sides and shooting a circular pattern of five lines of tears you want to make sure that you're far away from him for each attack on either side and whenever he switches sides you want to slowly navigate through his tears because some of the last shot may still be lingering there the next attack is wiggle fly and the reason i call it wiggle fly is because he is going up and down across the screen while also having a horde of flies behind him mechanic of these flies is that they have a proximity effect so whenever you get close to them they fly at you and try to hit you they will also start flying at you whenever they've been on the screen for a long enough time your best bet is to keep a good distance away from the flies because it's easier to dodge them the further you are away because you have more time to react and during this you want to make sure you're constantly loading damage into famine the final stand attack is whenever he shoots the circular tiers around his head at the end of the fight and it's important to realize that this is not a random attack if you think of it like a clock he's alternating between shooting at the odd and the even numbers of the clock so it makes it a little bit easier to dodge if you think of it like this there are some random tiers that he shoots during this so just be careful that you watch for those random tears while just dodging up and down next is pestilence who has three attacks which are mortar bollow flies and missile worm the mortar shot is whenever he shoots this big green tier that hits the lava and it fires a column of green tears upwards that goes off the screen and falls back down and also has a arc of red tears that go around it so the best way to deal with this attack is by staying close to pestilence because he's gonna fire it wherever you are this gives you more room to dodge you'll also take damage if you stay inside the columns of gas that form from this shot by staying close to him this allows you to give yourself more space to dodge the future mortar attacks because if you try to dodge around the whole screen you get the whole screen full up with gas and it gets awful next is ball of flies and this is once you get to a second phase i know i'm skipping around and the next attack after this won't be second phase but just stick with me so the way that this attack works is he just fires a ball of flies that when you hit they spawn more flies i usually try to deal with this by just killing those flies as fast as i can because he can have multiple balls of flies on the screen at once which can be very hard to deal with and at this point you're already at his final stages and so you just want to try to kill those flies and get damaged into him finally we have his missile worm and the reason i left this one for last because it seems that this is one that i don't really see as much and this one can be a lot harder to dodge what he does is in his eye forms this weird maggot e worm thingy and he shoots it out of his eye it shoots across the screen really fast and changes what height it comes across the screen at so for this just try to stay at the left most or right most side of the screen depending on where he is that way you have more time to react and dodge this weird worm the third harbor i'm gonna talk about is war and his attacks are big bomb cheeto puff popper splash time and bounce around big bomb is the starting attack that he always uses and this is whenever he throws this big old bomb over his head and it will go anywhere vertically on the screen now you just need to make sure that you're not in proximity to this bomb and the best way to do this is by dodging underneath war to the opposite side where the bomb is when the bomb detonates it shoots out a bunch of lines of tears in a circular pattern it also creates a explosive line that goes across the screen on whatever height it explodes at so you just want to make sure that you're not in line horizontally with the bomb next we have the cheeto puff popper attack and this is another one kind of like the missile worm that i was talking about that you don't see as often but this is when he goes down into the lava with his bomb and starts shooting up the orange cheeto balls up into the air and this one's really easy to dodge because it projects where it's going to shoot and so you just have to move left and right at the top of the screen to dodge these during his second phase he'll start chasing you around and for this you just need to dodge where he's moving every once in a while during this he will go down with the bomb into the lava and shoot flames that go vertically and horizontally as well as some that randomly shoot out in between you just need to make sure you keep your distance and make sure you don't get hit by those random ones that go between the horizontal and the vertical fires finally we have this bounce around attack and this is another one that i haven't seen as much but sometimes he'll use his bomb he'll blow up and it'll bounce from left to right on the screen this is a hard one to dodge you just want to make sure that you're moving vertically and away from him while he's doing this so you have more time to dodge and get out of his path the last heartbringer is death and his attacks are scythes death skulls and slash scythes is the first attack that he always uses when you start this fight what he does is wherever you are on the screen he makes a weird semi-circle of scythes around you and what you want to do is you want to dodge these as early as you can and spot those gaps in the sights because if you try to dodge later there's not going to be any good gaps and you're going to get hit next we have his death skulls and this is one of those ones that i struggle with the most to dodge what he does is he slowly moves across the screen and during that he has these skulls that wiggle up and down the screen across the screen the best method i have found for dodging these skulls is to give yourself a lot of time and a lot of space to dodge these whenever he does fire these you can sit inside any of the gaps and they'll disappear eventually you don't have to try to get to the other side of the screen or anything just try to stay in the negative space that won't get you hit finally we have his slash attack and this is whenever he has a curse of the darkness effect that it pops up on the screen he'll proceed to randomly dash from either side of the screen and when he does this his eye will glow he dashes waits a second and then does a slash attack forward you want to just try to stay in the middle of the screen in a spot that you won't get hit too easily and dodge up and down so his next slash will not hit you finally we are to beast beast is not really hard he's probably the easiest part of this fight he has four attacks that he uses and there's two that you'll see pretty much every time two that you won't see as often now the two that you'll see the most are his chase where he chases you across the screen and his ring of fire the other two are his ghosts and his cheeto puff popper extremes the chase attack is very easy to dodge but it's also easy to get hit during this it can be a little too fast for you but all you want to do is make sure that you always are staying towards the middle of the screen give yourself a lot of space to see what stalagmites and stalactites are coming towards you if you give yourself a lot of space and put yourself in the middle you should have enough space to move around and dodge all of the stalagmites and the stalactites following the chase he likes to use his ring of fire during this he's sucking in rings of fire that all have gaps you want to do the same thing you did with death and make sure you dodge early so the gap is at its biggest the gaps really won't be too far away from each other so it's not like you have to really have that much reaction time just make sure that you're watching for when he stops breathing in these fires because immediately after this attack he always does a mega brimstone the brimstone can easily be dodged by just going to the top of the screen but you just have to keep an open eye for this my biggest tip that i'll give you for both the chase and the ring of fire attack is during the chase if you drop bombs they will fall into the lava and go towards him and do a good amount of damage to him and during the ring of fire while he's breathing in the bombs will just get sucked into his mouth so you can do a lot of damage in a little amount of time and make sure this fight does not go on for too long then there's his ghost attack and i would say this is probably his most rare attack that you won't see that often it's similar to mother's attack where she opens her hand and launches these weird wiggly tiers that go off the screen back on they have this kind of homing effect so they'll come back on the screen which can throw you off so what you want to do is give yourself lots of space on all sides of the screen finally his cheeto puff popper extreme attack is one of the hardest attacks of all the bosses to dodge what happens is he slowly starts launching up the cheeto puffs and it gets faster and faster and they get closer and closer together similar to war you just want to watch where he's projecting to shoot these and you have to be really agile and maybe dodge under some of the cheetah puffs if you have to just try to make sure you're always in the most open spot you can be and that there's no more cheeto puffs that are going to fire in your area at this point you should have beaten beast so congratulations before i end the video i mean i already recorded the outro so now i'm recording this i just want to say real quick there are some items that you do not want to take in with you that you want to avoid the main one that i found is you never want to bring in night light especially for the ring of fire attack it causes all these issues and it just messes up everything and i've died every time i've gone to beast with the night light also any of the lag items like broken modem anything like that that can mess you up a lot anything that will change the rate that tears are fired that change the speed of tears being fired they're messy they're lame one of the best items that i've seen that you can bring with you is the urn of souls what you can do with this is it allows you to shoot the bomb that war throws the mortar shots that pestilence has it lets you do a lot of damage and because most of the bosses have flies or some sort of other enemy that comes along with them you get constant recharges and you do dumb amounts of damage i know there's a lot of other really good items and probably a lot of other bad items but these are the ones that i would just completely avoid or try to take if you're going to beast now to the outro well guys that was the video i hope you guys enjoyed i've been having an absolute blast playing repentance these last couple few whatever it is days weeks i don't know i've just been playing lots of repentance but i hope you guys enjoyed it was really fun getting these clips i was just unlocking all the tainted characters and i've just been going to town on this game it's amazing game i'm going to be releasing a lot more pens content because i knew that repense was going to bring a nice boost to the channel but i did not realize how big of a boost it was going to be so this is really cool to see and with that thank you guys for helping me hit 2 000 subscribers it is absolutely insane that we've gotten this far so for now guys this has been preets peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 22,798
Rating: 4.9299192 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, isaac afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, How to, New Character, unlock, tainted, tainted characters, alternate, alt, b side, the binding of isaac repentance, How to Beat Dogma and Beast!, Dogma, Beast, Final Boss, True Ending
Id: ksV1HvxiZM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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