Testing Out TRUE Repentance Co-Op With Dan Gheesling (Repentance Co-op #1)

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can i can i at least give the seed and then you bring us in sure yeah yeah seed is illegally philly zilli dilly killy jilly thrilly perfect yeah would you look at that [Laughter] um we're playing a little co-op repentance uh it's the first time for me and daniel i know you played with edmund we got double eden going here i mean look at this you got the battery i got 99 cents you got trinket smelter and you know what i got to trinket so i if i could just figure out how to drop this trinket for you you could smelt it and anybody you know hold down r2 r2 drops okay i i've very rarely used the controller for this can we just can we just say something that we started out this this game with you asking me for advice on isaac it was onyx unexpected for sure all right and then look at that you just suck it right up there thank you you know you you take the reigns here how's how how is it so we're playing through steam play yeah how is it for you there's like a very faint sort of uh input delay for sure but it's really not that bad all things considered like i uh i can't really complain like i mean in spelunky it's kind of noticeable but spelunky is also a game where that stuff i think matters a little bit more yeah go ahead so i i mean i have this uh oh i guess i should oh it doesn't let's not spend unless you got infinite money already oh why do i have infinite money because you started the dollars yeah you started with the dollar i don't know so when you when you played did you have this thing on your screen that says hold back to control remote session uh eddie did for the whole time yeah and maybe if you go shift tab okay can i get rid of it um wait one moment shift tab it doesn't get rid of it okay someone said just hit it once hit the back button once okay press virtual controller buttons it you know what it did work look at that all right all right um what what are your what's your optimism for this run do you think we can beat an ending here i don't see why we would have a lower chance to win as two then we would have a lower chance to win as one there's a little little chaos for sure there's going to be a little chaos there's some competition obviously for like who gets the item you know here's one way to do it if you can tell me what the item does okay you get to pick it up that turns your feet into a vortex oh that is incorrect what is bark at the moon what does that do it's a little bit of a damage upgrade and then also it it does you're going to love this it does in a woo every time that there's uh a secret room next to you [Laughter] will i be able to hear the oo you should be able to hear the woo wait isn't it what then you just gotta use your your brain and figure out like where is it and you're like okay obviously like it's right here right so i'll place down a bomb and would you look at that free secret room access that's pretty good oh this is a glitch room right um this is it's a second secret room with an i am error theme how does that strike you i've never seen it um why don't you pick up oh you picked up the solely i'd yeah yeah yeah you can see the other one that's fine we i guess we don't need to pick up the money yet it doesn't matter too much but so you got the hanged man what is this i can't blank rune okay okay interesting we i guess on the other hand we could pick up the money okay red candy is not good red candy's good both are very good oh okay yeah did we get bbm i would definitely say hive mind which i believe you're calling bbm which was a reference i suppose to bbf okay which might be a reference to bff now that i think about it yeah get it get it all right but this means that from now on i get the uh anything that creates flies or spiders okay and then i mean red candle's really good man mine is it burn if i it's like space bar and you shoot a flame out of your face it's really good i would say honestly yeah more or less one of them is like better defensively or something like that and then i'll take the trinket smelter off your hands and now the the real uh motivation for my for my decision there becomes clear hold on check this out all right well oh wait wait hold on uh okay it didn't work can you can you explain to me because just because i don't know what what you were doing there so i can learn yeah so blank roon could be any rune in the game so i was trying to oh give it a go i am so good we got this i was trying to see if we could uh and we don't need anything here um i was trying to see if we would uh re-roll the item that we put down so that maybe it would become something better that we could pick up oh and we haven't been to the item room check that out yeah one one quick request for chat every time you hear it please go uw in chat okay if you you you're your own people you can do that if you want oh what's that you get two items well it's an xl floor oh should i take it i think you should take this one hey can we do the um can we do the uh spike room because i got godhead out of there yesterday you really yeah that's kind of incredible we could do a little bit of it yeah i mean if you die you come back and you take like hp from the other player right i think that's how it worked in repentance or in uh afterbirth plus yeah i think so um if does this just take red or blues it'll take whatever is at the top okay let's leave it then do it i don't know it could be good all right it could be it's good hey you don't need you don't need to do it all what a couple okay watch out cause we're gonna have like an angel is gonna appear i think that's that's it huh hey no no no no no because we got hp as well check this out you can pick that up okay and then we can go into our shop and you can pick that red heart up and we won't buy this no you oh yeah you're right i'll take it um and we won't uh we won't buy the spirit hard yet because we can buy it a little bit later can i ask you something yeah yeah does it feel like you're in the kitchen of a oh you're in the kitchen of your restaurant you've had for a decade and then someone's back in the kitchen with you and you're like hey let's get out of my kitchen it's slower but i'm not used to it you go ahead take a walk do it do it see what happens okay you're fine look at that okay okay now we can leave yeah dude i'm telling you we're gonna get something out of there okay i'm okay for milking it let's melt it okay yeah you could play that or we could just blow it up depends depends how patient uh you want to be i'm not a patient man for the moment i don't think this is any good to take but i'm going to take it anyway because it's all for the meme regardless smelter demon okay yeah i like it and then there's another uh there's another one right here you could just play it yeah i mean play till you win then blow it up it right that's the i mean i guess i'll hold yeah i mean doesn't matter what's that dude oh no you melt it hold on let me you take it what does missing page do um i don't know okay it's only been in the game for nine years so i'm still really yeah i don't know what it does okay i i have actually no clue all right so against these guys like all you got to do just make sure you use your fire and then they'll melt oh look at that got about our smelty dude this there's no reason this run couldn't go all the way right now can you say we're going the distance we're going for speed i didn't know you were you had that cake dude i've been listening to all right you divide this up whatever you wanted uh you take both i think what the i'll take it yeah it's not so bad i don't know i mean i guess maybe in co-op you get two items from bosses so i've been listening to 90s music on spotify right yeah it's the best loot box you just like you unlock so many memories and you just don't know what you're gonna get i actually i i've done the same thing uh i think you should take this one first i've done the same thing myself uh in the past you know you forget how many songs there are from the 90s that were like you know did you listen to it in fifth grade and then never thought about it ever again so much third eye blind what uh is that ouija board in pack uh yeah no i'm not i'm not taking it i'll blow it up though okay okay oh right those only give spiders now old habits die hard okay we yeah we don't need any of that forget that get it out of there you want to go back to the spikeys i think why not right like what's the worst that can happen with dye you know what scared money doesn't make money i don't think that's true in in repentance at all i think scared money is like the only way you make money okay one each yeah yeah yeah you start okay oh this is yeah red candle city you're you're like the offensive guy right now okay oh new sound i've never heard i'm like eric lindros and you're like nikolai hobby boolean you know i don't know if they ever played on the same team but in principle i i couldn't agree more who was the um hex doll you know he's the he's the general manager for the flyers now i didn't know that and that's you know not that exciting because they're actually like pretty bad right now but um i'll still step i'm not afraid okay look at that look at that but then you i'm not afraid you should probably take the next step oh what why two nice rip i've been hit i've been hit i've been killed good luck daniel we've both been killed all right you know what it's a good lesson to be learned what was the lesson don't play self-sacrifice rooms like that they're bad one second okay yo [Music] that's not bad mm-hmm okay well actually it's pretty bad yeah like it slows enemies in like an aoe around you um but uh your your space bar item is terrible oh what the chocolate milk look at that jealous yo since i mean it was soy milk i'd be jealous i'm like no memes i love soy milk is it considered where did you put it in your tear video uh like run ruining but they've changed it for uh repentance in repentance it's like an instant snap keep now okay it's like what about pac one pick one what about um uh dad's bent penny uh it's fun i like it i mean i'd probably put it in like the beats here any here's my philosophy right like any time you get something that gives you the chance to get a huge reward but it could also cost you something it's a very easy um hear me out here you should take cause with the latency i can't be relied on to hit enemies with orbitals anyway okay um anytime you get the chance for an item that gives you the potentiality of huge rewards but you can also lose everything how could it be anything but great you know if you're gonna lose everything just don't play it it's like the d100 you're like oh you could re-roll your run into something terrible you're like yeah for like six rooms and then you re-roll it again you get the strongest run that's ever existed it's no it's no problem wooden penny uh let me look at this for a sec i think if if you take it you'll get luck and if i take it i'll get tears so i'm gonna take this oh i said let me tell you i think you got a beautiful item there i think that's a great choice for you h up look at that all right let's go to the let's go to the um spike room no hearts we got two hearts please i mean you can play on the spike room if you want it's just like the the odds of it being worth it are like so low if you if we get like a re-roll or something that's fine but look you know i'm here to learn something i'm in my own little isaac bubble you know i know what i like but uh let's learn something you want to go to the spike room let's go to the spike room we got to go to the item rooms anyway i actually kind of like this this golden um yogurt i think it's pretty good you know and when you got that uh cube of meat with it you can get close to enemies they'll slow down then you can just you can just eat them low i know enough that's not good it's better than your space bar item but [Laughter] in my opinion at least okay apparently they've changed the self-sacrifice room too chance like they're they're letting me know it's not just angel statues anymore like you can actually i guess that's how you got godhead is that it gave you an item it used to just be like angel statues uh what's your thoughts on pills in this game it's look it's kind of like the same as the d100 maybe um if you don't need them don't take them but if you're screwed you can like get a pill that just wins you the game or keeps you alive but i can't resist the the dopamine right like i'm my own worst enemy i just like even if i'm in a if i'm in a spot where like yesterday i i knew a pill was bad and i took it anyway just to hear the sound and i was like why would i do that but like my brain didn't lie like it wasn't an accident it was like my brain made the decision that it was worth it okay so for you you're not a triple m what is it what is a triple m min max marty i would not describe myself as a min max marty okay i try to have fun with it but hey why aren't you taking this then if you're so wow like literally no hesitation [Laughter] i could i wouldn't smash my r1 button fast enough that's that's my thoughts on pills literally no hesitation you love to see it yeah i think you can you can be the director of dopamine yeah if you want to open up all that stuff by all means go ahead but we're not guaranteed a cursed room huh i guess yeah yeah okay get this uh get this red heart down here you know how bone hearts work i don't uh one hit takes it down to half a heart the other hit takes it down to empty and the third hit causes you to lose it forever so you kind of always want to keep it pretty filled up that's cool as filled up as possible what's the lasagna heart lasagna heart oh like the the green one yeah with the green parmesan reggiano on it i don't know where you who's your cheese monger i think you're gonna you gotta stop going to bilo foods and start going to a real grocery store uh it's also pretty bad but you know what why not why not um is there a real store called bilo foods in canada please don't tell me there is there is a buy low foods it's not i don't think it's a chain but like there's a discount grocery store called bilo foods that's in a cursed mall in vancouver i thought i thought we escaped i didn't think there was one so if i hit this it'll take everything inside my marrow but not the mirror correct yeah and then you can pick we'll we will protect your own bone heart for sure because it's very valuable yeah i was gonna i was gonna probably take that one for myself but that's fine oh i'm sorry will this take my marrow if i if i get hit i don't know for certain um i think no but i'd rather not chance it okay yeah you do give up all the reds wait so back to buy low foods yeah i've never been inside of it okay i'll tell you that right off the bat what is the logo is it like uh the emoji that people put in their tweets when the stock price is going down can i tell you the the logo is just the text by low foods blue writing i believe it's red writing on like a like a beige background so they're clearly highly inspired um um no i mean we don't really need the money i think i don't know what to do honestly it could that we had a bunch of hearts on the ground we didn't find the secret room there's some in the boss room i mean how long does it take you to do an isaac run like this i feel like i would be on like the the mines too by now well it depends if i'm in max marty or or if you want to rip the curse room but i feel like you know especially with having chat make the decisions for every single one of your items like it doesn't don't doesn't it take you like three hours to to win oh because then like when they're when they're voting i'm out here just collecting all the pogs yeah yeah one oh he went for it art heart heart heart heart um we should find the second secret room okay i'm not worried that's what eddie told me i said someone asked what's your best advice for a new isaac player he's like make sure you always get both secret rooms so i'm like i'm a believer in that i you know i love edmund i disagree with some of his thoughts on on game strategy and and the evaluation of items but he also knows some things that i don't know about that stuff you know he knows the the nitty gritty he knows the code he knows like what items are supposed to do so you're not a believer in secret rooms um i i would say i'm a believer i wouldn't say it's the most important thing i i feel like our regular dude i don't know this is a very cursed setup i i would honestly it's not there i i don't know what to tell you i think like the only position for unless i lost my mind is this right here yeah i believe all right we're we're out and i'm mad that's uh that's unforgivable unforgivable i'm going to the subreddit so your game theory you have different game theory than eddie i think that's fair yeah uh you should take i know i'm close to death but you should take the bone heart's valuable plus i'm not gonna get hit anyway so like don't even worry about it okay whatever you know you're the i am the sous chef you are the ramsey that being said i need the next piece of hp no matter what [Laughter] don't go no no no no no no no it's probably not that bad but usually you want i i think you want to go small rooms before big rooms when things are tough what in the mancus oh let's go okay we're back we're back well i cannot unsee mathis now since [Laughter] ever since he got abducted by the c.i.a and now he's not allowed to talk anymore i i miss him yo okay now we're talking okay i gotta tell you you wanna you wanna see something cool yeah you would grab this you double up on everything i'll grab this because i need the protection you if you wanted yeah just be careful where you're throwing that thing uh you take you take the solely um no i think i you know what i think you're right i think you're right on that one okay now we got double bob's rod and head man look at that it's not very good but it will destroy bosses i'm trying not to hurt you there we go um oh mancus's paw who is that oh take it yeah take it and then you can you can go into the shop there's a free red heart in there look at that yeah all right we're in good shape yeah this run dude there's nothing wrong with it it's one of those things where like despite the our space bar item not being very good having two of them is actually is solid it's like sometimes you don't really like dinner that much but at least there's a lot of it wait wait okay you want to uh try to cheat the system oh absolutely okay but like let me let me come over to your side okay how do you like your bomb i like it but okay i could live without it well then okay you you stand on that side why are you why are you moving more just a little closer why though well actually you want to be a little bit closer because the input lag this you're you're overthinking it i think okay we'll do it three two one and on go just hold the button down okay three two one go look at that we did it so easy all right yeah you got a little laser beam there all right that dude that's hard to do me i tried to do it before it's not easy well you know i mean edmund he's a he's a better game designer than i am but i am a professional video game player so all right we got a different skill set so tell me about uh uh what's it called pac-man 99 okay the first thing i got to say is because i unplugged the elgato in order to plug in this controller to play we will do you have an external elgato yeah all the elgatos are external that's false the aver medias are internal false you have an internal elgato yeah honest i didn't know that are you living in are you living in 1997 or something well i don't know isn't wouldn't it be way more in 1997 for it to be internal true true like wait how do you how's your wi-fi work dude i don't know i guess wow that's not a good example uh you need the speed 100 you sure even with tech this makes no difference oh okay not shots i mean i guess honestly like you take the tears as well it'll help you with tech yeah i forgot i didn't think about the fact that you didn't have to split them up okay and uh toilet paper i've been i've been told this is not that bad anymore so i'll take it that's kind of cute look at that isn't it though all right so we need another bombistity huh uh isn't this is the mirror floor oh yeah so we're on i i don't know the button to see like what uh what floor it is and stuff like i always hold tab okay yeah yeah yeah just hold that down first beats me all right um we gotta go uh we gotta you know this like alt path stuff right we gotta do the alt yeah so we gotta gotta find white fire all right i think it's over so pacman 99 you're saying yeah i think it's really good it's it's it took me a second to like get into it um and like some of this like in tetris is really simple right like you just as you clear lines you send garbage to the enemies and then that garbage comes down as like you know tetris pieces in pac-man 99 you don't like you know send evil pac-man to your opponent's board you kind of like you gum it up we could do one each on these um you you gum it up so you create like little what what's the pepe emo do you use on discord all the time where the pepe is like uh spinning not spinning but like he's going like wha you know what i'd like if someone were to say like uh keira knightley in the discord you would respond with pepe that's the one that spins around and around not not pepe spin pepe pep pepe gotcha pep pepe pepe gotchi pepe use that one you use pepe base come on no i use gotchy bass sometimes i can go back and find it i'm not gonna do it right now but the the pepes i do use are spit oh you talk about the one that goes the one that's like fast head banging yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dad make sure you hit this guy with your with your bomb and we should be nicely done nicely i didn't know that i thought it was like head banging uh you don't need that yeah yeah you think you can become mom right or something oh it's true yeah i guess you take that you take okay and then we can just head back because we have our bomb now too um it do you send little like ghost pacman that look like that over to your enemy and then you're like trying to get through the maze because everything's gets faster and faster and it's trying to hunt you down but the little gotchy bass pac-man are like they they nibble at your heels and slow you down um so it's got a good like game feel like that like you it's you constantly feel like you're in the in like a a neon game of uh of tron or something like that um i heard i heard through the the grapevine you won your first game i won my second game on stream okay not my first not my second game ever but my second game on stream and then chad told me like they they gave me the keys to the kingdom they they taught me how to play better i haven't gotten another win since like honestly i don't know if you get this when you play like games on the switch joy cons if i'm using the d-pad my left thumb gets like destroyed yeah like the skin gets dried out and it feels like like the nail bed is like hurting like it's it's nasty man yeah for like tcl it was like it was my thumb would get numb oh it was bad man i mean it probably got numb because you were spending 60 minutes on every single level but that's fair that's fair i do want to say as well i've been lied to by chad i was told that uh they no longer uh have seven seal give you the explosive fly um and i i believe i have been trolled because there's an explosive fly being generated right there you're speaking dutch to me right now so the item that i have that that you described is toilet paper yeah when it's it it creates this horseman that follows me right um when the horseman is this guy let's call him red marty he creates an explosive orange fly that will uh explode and do damage okay and chad said that didn't happen chad said that was that is a falsehood correct um oh bbf i think you take bbf which is actually bff which is actually which is actually bbf um and i'll take this okay three two one go [Laughter] i'm sure we have a different perspective on on how that went down yeah it's okay you know don't cry over spilt milk unless it's soy i i you know whatever you only lost uh bbf it's not that not that important that's fine what do you think happened there because like from my perspective i i was like i felt like dan kind of he slow played it perhaps thinking that he was going to try to compensate for input delay no i what i saw i saw a movement on the screen before i heard go i would honestly if that's what happened i'll on up to it but i'd like to see video evidence of that happening uh before i i acknowledge the accusation what is that is that broken comcast box it's broken modem so yeah i'd say you're on on point there apparently it's good like i but i don't i it was really bad in the oh let me get that card actually it was really bad in the last version of the game so i've never taken it in the new version oh look at this dude i'm surprised like your game knowledge is this is the first game i played with you where it's like some dae stuff what do you mean like you're into the dae uh not really the opposite actually but you know a lot about the game i've played like 4 000 hours so you pick things up uh i mean how do you how do you feel about this i mean you either go all the way in or you don't even go touch it i'm okay i'm a fan i'm a fan that'll keep us alive i think um plus like uh well like the thing for me is like i i just i don't know what everything does in the game i simply okay let's get out of there i simply know like how it affects my chances of winning i guess or i know how i feel about it affecting my chances of winning i don't know all the like minutiae and stuff like that the minutia that's that's more of like uh like a syndicated thing i don't even know if that's if that's cobalt's scene like i was always i was stunned when i did the the tier list like how many people knew like oh that's like a .67 shot speed increase or something like that what is that item on the left that baby that is farting baby um it's not very good but you should try to take it because you have so many familiars you have one familiar you you could get to conjoined okay no no no okay let's set it up like this set it up this way so we both know we're at the equidistant okay okay three two one go okay that was i was i was still consciously consciously making the o sound when you oh we go so it's not three two one go it's three two one go now the sec well the last time you went on guy and you didn't which is why that's what i'm going on that's why i'm making sure to get to the end of the syllable now and go go well i had to overcompensate that one's probably my back oh no no no yeah they got bombs there you go there you go sammy v you could just say if you hang back for or i guess you can because you have unlimited uh range yeah look at that easy um yeah i think you need i think i'll take look at that take both you take okay yeah i think it's a good choice i think we broke the game i want to be deferential we broke the game yeah but we can't do anything with the bombs oh you want actually you want to see something funny yeah okay get get right next to the boss door okay don't go in yet as soon as i pick this up go in ready three two one go what and then okay it blew up in my face um but i if it was a boss that actually took damage except for this meme lord like we could have done we could have thrown a bomb at him oh you know what i thought was going to happen i thought the bomb dispenser was going to have like uh cray gas in face got you base also for the record i thought gotchy bass was just head banging i didn't know it was like supposed to represent something else i have no idea what it's supposed to represent you're the only person i've ever seen [Laughter] to be honest with you but yeah i'm just like i'm a game field guy i don't know like if maybe it's similar to you in in tarkov like i'm sure there's there's a lot of like game knowledge you can get but for me i'm like man i don't need to know all that just like show me where the heads are yeah just let me click them it's just clicking heads why why do you gotta make it so complicated you know i'm getting sucked there you're not is this is this boss new to repentance uh it was in anti-birth as well okay but yes it's not my favorite boss i think it it kind of like doesn't work very well why go ahead you got you need to protect that well i guess it doesn't really protect it honestly you should take that too with tech too you sure yeah yeah with infinite range that's going to be good i think it's like a neat idea for a boss i don't think it works that well just because like it it punishes your range so hard should we go uh secret room south uh you can you can try it's worth a shot all right oh wait we both got to do this one with the handle i think so i've been i've been holding back halloween but i've been mouthing at the entire run it really is it's inspired by i'd have to imagine this that oh oh okay you don't you don't see these guys as much you know they they've taken some well-deserved time off i suppose oh go go go go go thanks for splitting the the damage on that one too hey no problem i think we should be fine like uh like uh yeah go ahead protect your bone heart it's worth more for you i'm i am highly concerned about what we're about to do really i i don't yeah as i think as long as we stay together um because like the whole thing is just making the dodges like predictable right i think as long as we stay together we should be fine but we'll see let's go let's go prop it will both of us survive this i mean if if you don't survive you shouldn't come back because you can get me you can get hit like ten times i think you can actually get hit like like 12 times but who's gonna handle the bombs here i think we need to before you touch that like i trust you to like do the the curry stuff okay i'll try i'll try [Music] and then i'll just dance around just vibe [Music] there you go good stuff it okay like this is where i don't feel good this is where i feel oh that one's just totally my bed i got stuck on the rock no we're good we're good you're doing it okay okay oh you know what it probably comes for me because of mom's knife why don't you do the the bomb what a shot by the way thanks look at that i got the dodging under control here great work oh i'm lee i'm scared i'm sorry i'm scared what a shud like this he's so good i forgot this rock tinted watch out oh no i got it i got look at that saved oh oh what the eddie fix your game all right you got it you got it all right what do i have to do with this though i gotta i i think i think we're trapped man i think we gotta go back out come back in maybe come on you're never making that shot that's just that's insanity there you go there you go save maybe yeah yeah saved go go go go you got it you got it get us out of here nice all right i'll just keep them away oh nice look at that dude it's actually i think it's easier in co-op oh nice man um where should we go in here yet uh we already did it yeah i think we should do the shop and uh you should buy a red heart for yourself okay just to protect that bone heart and i think if we can't get a red heart then we'll pop down this wheel of fortune okay and you might be able to get a red heart that way oh there you go yeah i would just buy it probably okay yeah yeah anything else i don't know depends are you a coward [Laughter] i mean people really want the modem why why don't you get the modem because i think it blocks shots or something like that they get close to you so with your orbitals it might be uh might be a good get on i left and then there's a heart over here oh you know what you you can get it with uh with the bomb you just like would stand here you would just stand here and use your space bar item up to the north okay you think hear me out what if i hit this thing i can silent i i i don't know why you would you would even what's the benefit to doing it that way instead daniel what i mean that actually like worked out what are you doing oh exactly it's planned if the way it works eddie told me is if you missed a shot the rng increases in your favorite i don't believe that at all i don't believe that for a second can we find the eddie room or at least try what's the what the heck is the eddie room the secret yeah super secret okay yeah it's hard not being able to see uh the map but i mean usu usually yeah so my algorithm for secret rooms which is not infallible sorry that's my fault it's all good it's it was your heart anyway is you is you go closer to the boss room and then you look for like those those one adjacent situations oh your algorithm is good oh thank you halloween and then there's a half red heart here that i will take and uh uh we got to give hp to the to the hp god here oh i'll give him i'll give it up i don't want i i i like your uh i agree with oh it's gonna take your bone heart though can you can you look at the map for a sec yeah wrong button i'll give it up okay it's it's been good to me [Laughter] all right all right here we go now this has my vote for like the hardest floor in the game really i i think this is harder than the the true like late game floors wha why is that um the the difficulty of enemies combined with how early on in the game you are i think leads leads to flooding being the most difficult floor oh lord oh my god okay there we go [Laughter] i had no idea what was happening in there i just got to get these bombs dude nice pick up um i'm gonna exit here no let me let me go in here for a sec okay this is a great spot next time i get a charge okay so you can min max marty yeah yeah just just follow me yeah and okay don't follow me there that's my bed okay all right i like it easy nicely done easy oh you have the knife i do yeah you peace i'll take that as uh yeah i apologize i mean you don't need it yet but i'm gonna be taking a lot of this hp let's uh oh hold on chad the the tinted rock alarm has gone off rock crap's in here oh would you look at that i got it or not oh i forgot yeah your spacebar item i think yeah let's do one each for now but then take me back to the country road i got you you just get there i think i'm there yeah i'm already in okay okay um is it teach me a little something or teach me a little something you would use your invincibility and then walk into them i know what you're thinking you could probably do both i i disagree with that assessment but you never know then you get a hagalah's room that's not a very good rune un unfortunately then uh i got a pretty high luck stat so i'm gonna gamble a little bit of this away to try to get some more red hearts i would also if you're gonna play play the demon judgment don't play the the blood bank for now okay now that's really good real hard we don't pick up the lasagna heart just yet what does that do for every room that whenever you finish a room and the heart remains you spawn two flies i think oh permanent 24 hour fly per minute um i think i take this because i don't even think you can really use it with with tech 2. and then it's up to you on the blood bank you know what i think we got a little lucky on that one i like it take take our money and run i definitely will not play this just because uh you don't i don't want to jump it's not worth it well i don't want to lose my rod and fly okay oh well next time i get a charge then would you look at that so for two bombs we can get a bunch of hp but we don't need it right away okay oh watch out that's uh oh ion cannons okay your broken modem is doing some work what what is modem doing i i don't know it froze an enemy uh yeah yeah zap there you go good night nothing good zapping this is pretty good but you ever have a zippo as a kid uh i was never a lighter kid no i was all we did you ever have a kid like on your school bus that would like melt the seats with the lighter and then leaves like the lighter impression oh you want me to bomb that with the haguelas uh oh you know what uh yeah i should just toggle is it watch out for the these so-called ion cannons okay that was easy um yeah those kids always like they they always scared me but that's uh yeah good stuff let's head back never had a desire to light a zippo i never had a lighter um aguilas oh i'm a fool [Laughter] [Music] my my whole life i never had a lighter how the heck do i use this probably hold the jab yet yeah there we go we got a card at least the tower amazing you know what hold on check this out okay this is it many people would not tell you this technique i've i've made a terrible mistake um check this out yeah [Laughter] i thought it would just give me access to the red hearts and i would look like a hero but that's not the case it's all right even tom holland starred in a few movies what's that supposed to mean i mean if you had to rank the spidermans wouldn't he be in the bottom he'd be one of the one of the best spider-man actors for sure now almost every movie he's been in apart from spider-man now i think you gotta you got a story there but hey why didn't that do that i don't know actually but to the victor go the spoils oh babe experimental pill okay yeah you got addicted i got experimental pill you think he's better than toby um i think his movies are better than the toby movies yeah but i'm talking about individual i don't know like i find it hard to uh you know quantify because i feel like most people just end up thinking that the spider-man that they grew up watching is like the best spider-man like i'm pretty sure if you ask people who like the best james bond was you would see like a complete breakdown by age here's brosnan yeah exactly we're both like pierce brosnan but i'm pretty sure if you're like 70 you're like it's not even close man sean connery all right let's all right i'm i'm wiping the slate clean of when my theory is to go so you just tell me when three two i'm not gonna say when because you need to know when the trigger's gonna be i know but are we going three two one go at once you say go or once you say i'm just gonna i'm gonna say three two one go i'm gonna say go really fast so that that's not a contributing factor three three oh my god three two one go hey it was close it was close but we got it all right okay this room is scary you know what should we do here i think we took we took the smart play there what are those oil tears [Laughter] i don't want to i don't want it yet because check this out oh what the this is death check this out i'm not moving yoink help oh god that was horrible man we got to go back to get to the shop though i guess people are saying if you just run full speed it's it's totally fine oh no yes yeah yeah yeah use you use your card too use your card too use it okay cindy v spinney she can't steal both cindy that was actually so easy like wait don't don't you get something if you bomb it i thought that was just like a the chad just does that to be like check it out look what it does oh i don't but i don't know it might be right like this you get one of those um i'm i'm taking that one because i take a bunch of damage you can take the other one h okay i i believe that i got this all figured out by the way check this out i'm i'm going x games mode now um let's let's just blow this up get out of here stinky beautiful love to see those bombs x games modes happening post taste oh that's a cool room no fear then we get this bad boy right here and then we look at this one um wait wait why did you get full charge marty there there's a charged key uh then script oh there you go there you go definitely but definitely you by bff what were the other things if they weren't bff what do you what do you do you got bbf uh bff there's a couple of them right oh there's there's more than a couple okay i think we're i think we're good i think we're good unless we wanted to hit each individual you know what i got a game plan here check this out okay okay now just leave and then come back in just so these things are reset oh yeah do it do it try it on precise see how you like it oh tears down oh i all i do i heard if you spam the r1 button as fast as possible you get better pills is that another uh that's another ed original right there i did ask ed if on that when you get double question items if l or r is better and he says there's literally no difference i said there has to be yeah how could how can there be literally no difference unless they're the same on the atomic level right that's true i gotta say though i'm starting to get a little uh a little bit more pessimistic about our chances why hp's at a bit of a premium i mean i lost a lot just by being a fool on that last one we're getting a lot of consumables no doubt about that ah i'm hearing nice teleport i'm hearing some reports you may have gulped the left hand is that correct yeah i think that's i think that's fine that you know i would just think of it it gives us a better chance to become guppy okay i wouldn't worry about it all right plus we're not going to the chest anyway right like yeah who cares we're not no because we're going we're on out path right now i i've the furthest i've made if i've only beaten omega mom that's it i haven't unlocked anything else um you take those you take those you take one you take one no no i'm good i don't want you to die yeah well i mean no no offense none taken what the heck i mean what the heck is omega mom omega mom prior bring stone and there's that one the one where you need the knife to get to her oh yeah that that's in my opinion that's like the hardest boss in the game oh okay so that's all i've unlocked so far that's that's pretty good i mean i in chat yesterday people were like he's done it dan did it dan did it i was like i knew you did something dude this is good this game is just good they crushed it like repentance is is way better than i ever could have expected it to be that's hard to do man for an eight-year-old game 10 year old game you're telling me yeah i mean i expected it would just be like more items alt path more bosses but like they went like above and beyond for sure dude i'm just gonna hang back i think you got it all you got it all figured out there all right you know well there's a ready back there for you uh we can't afford it right oh free ready free ready free ready oh there was how about that okay yeah plus like i don't know how much you know dan about like the extra content that's in uh repentance but they actually tagged like almost i don't know how to describe it but like it's almost a whole new game inside of repentance really yeah like um that's all i'll say about that but okay there's uh i mean everybody watching probably knows but it's i don't know what you mean it's cool the discovery for yourself for sure i mean you've been playing a lot too i i notice one more oh okay there's uh one a half part marty here for you thank you sorry thank you not to be mid max marty no are those loki horns it's loki's horns which i actually think you know is not amazing but it's probably best for you okay let's go back to the wall man i think that's the okay you use analog stick or d-pad uh a circle [Laughter] did you just deadpan to the camera yeah what does that mean so but to me when you say analog all right let's just get a little closer then no no let's go down let's do it i like this analog to me like i feel like the circle should be digital it's not analog what are you talking okay all right you're using your digital stick yeah yeah all right we should get a little closer because we have different speed slightly okay three two one go hey all right i i think he's hurt yeah yamaha seems like it might be worthwhile here okay i could live with that why is the d-pad called the d-pad which to me that's analog and then the ball and socket should be digital you know d doesn't stand for digital right i know in the d-pad i know it stands for bag directional directional yeah yeah but d-pad you would think it was digital before you think analog is analog yeah but 360 degree input yeah but it's always like an analog like a volume knob on a like a record player or something that's a singular plane not 360. it's that mean it's a singular plane what is this you don't have stoked you don't you don't want any part of bram stoker i think we're pretty much good to go who's our fight here is that mama or the uber mum this is my yes crazy crazy mama crazy mama yeah this is varicose don't be afraid to get your space bar item in there when you get a chance yes i don't want to hit you with it oh i i understand oh three times i saw there's no no problem now apparently yamaha yamaha heals you as well oh that's that's actually like pretty nice because we're gonna need hp where we're going wow okay so um you you should take the eternal heart for sure okay 100 and then what are our options here we it doesn't matter which one we take at all so i would i would say we just set up let me can i pitch you on something okay sure why not to me like because i've only done it like once or twice like to me peak streaming isaac is when you see the person get to the gold room and they open those four chests yeah but we're not going to the chest on this path can't be done so i think we should try to get both but i think you should try to get uh the negative i also definitely think you should not be that close yeah yeah yeah okay okay just just get three why compare the pixels you're obviously higher you're lower down [Laughter] moving back just look at your you're ahead of me look at this that looks even in your mind no just give me a sec okay that that's the idea oh you're gonna send me through the freaking roof dude [Music] and then honestly i think you should take both you sure yeah do i get pink ball see that's good hp and then the other one is is some serious damage and and you're the main damage dealer right now okay and then don't go down don't go down because we gotta do that all right no we got mom's heart it shouldn't be very hard actually i know it's like forehead but like you do so much damage we should be fairly safe and look at the slow dude the slow effect is helping out with the tears so much that they're bouncing off of us they're turning around i don't know like broken modem is is doing something to the physics it's all that those baud packets oh beams are coming out but i think she's gonna die first wow dude that was that was so easy uh yeah you i mean you take for sure i was not shooting at all on the whole phone i don't have anything on my screen what do you mean oh no i know they take the heart at me i forgot i had chocolate milk i literally was not even shooting i was just charging a shot the whole time and i was like man she's dying so fast all right oh man that's good oops excel all right hey at least we can see so like all we got to do now is like survive just win forehead just win forehead i i don't think it's gonna be easy but we're gonna get a chance to see uber mom again as you have said you don't hear that too much anymore what uber uber yeah there's like original like lead hacks or speech okay so my my take on this stuff is any port in the storm if you get spirit hearts you just don't take them until the boss see what the cards do as well justice that's there's nothing wrong with that as long as there's no troll bomb how do you feel about your daughter's name in the game i i think i just crashed in oh i'm back i'm back okay um you know it is what it is look too look to la luna yeah i know what you're talking about dude you should take this instead of uh instead of the bob's rotten head and you should use it as often as you get the the opportunity so right now burn it yeah yeah and then shoot high priestess just nothing wrong with that man i mean we could we could do it either way strength is probably a little better on me but okay and then was the other one asus uh not too worried about the ace card i don't have a trinket should i pick that up yeah yeah go for it yeah and then on then on the next so we can see the map now which is awesome and on the next room i'm just going to pop one of these to turn these guys into keys oh oh and then i'm going to room like in in terms of the physiology yeah um do you really want me to say what i think it is yeah probably a broken lung broken broken finger yes broken broken finger i don't see what else it could be you ever broken a toe hold on i don't want i don't want to suck i'm not afraid just give me the stuff um i i think so but there's no cure for it right yeah dude that's so like three weeks ago almost a month ago now i stubbed my toe insanely hard on what uh lego no the baby's like rocking chair thing um while i was holding her so you can't even like crumple to the ground so i had to keep my weight on it i tried to support myself on my fan but then i knocked my fan over into the bar cart behind me and it made like the loudest sound i've ever heard um and then like my toe hurt like a son of a gun right oh uh i'll tell you when when you when you hit it what did you exclaim i i was just like you know panicked in the moment i was like i can't drop my child right so you just gotta eat the penalty whatever physical penalty it entails like you just gotta eat it but like it was fine like it hurt really bad and it still hurts not terribly but like it's it's not a nice feeling um and chad was like you gotta like go to the hospital and i'm like i don't think they can even do anything you know there's not like a splint for your toes yeah i think i think they would just be like you know go home and then also i'd probably end up getting covet so i'm like i'm just gonna ride it out man plus like to be straight up with you most of the things i would use my foot for i think i'm pretty much done with already pretty much like i don't know like walking yeah i'm on my last legs there i've had a good i've had a good life but you know what i didn't think for you it's inverted because you stand on your toes yeah but it's not that big of a deal like i don't know i don't want to say that i'm i'm just built different oh thank you but like i'm like so what it hurts oh look at this room just filled with sludge oh no i laid down the laser you did a really good job yeah that was that was good mini boss we can probably it might lower our chance to succeed but i don't know like i feel like it's getting better but people were like you absolutely what you absolutely like must go to the hospital i'm like i i think they're just gonna tell me like you know put try not to walk on it i just just do a little orange justice instead of walk speaking of how is um how was rainbow six is it fun or is it dude it's it's amazing like it's it's a great game the the fact that you uh don't play oh yeah take those wait how are you opening that i think maybe it's like a magnet effect uh you take it no you take it you need it you need it all right okay the latency oh god it got so bad for a second there um it's really good the fact that you say that game is too dae for you because you have a button that like you know puts down uh like like vests or something like that on the ground but you play tarkov is like one of the most asinine takes i could possibly imagine in video games um can i at least explain my trajectory sure yeah so that's like playing dota or league of legends you not only have to know what your character does you have to know the antithesis of what everything else does and then you don't even have all the characters to block them because you got to buy them in those little ziplock packages not really i would say what do you mean you know you don't need to almost all the characters are like variations on a theme right oh they got a vector you gotta you gotta put down your clone droid and then hack them at low level siege you don't need to know any of that you just you just shoot what is that it's not you know what i think i'm gonna looks good i'm gonna take it if i yeah i can put a bomb down here just to see how it goes i can't get to it that's not how that's not how that works all right um i think at high level siege you got to know all that stuff but like at low level tarkov you need to uh i guess i'll take that yeah at low level tarkov you have to like read a guide just to know how like to buy bullets for the right gun i think you've got exactly the right setup here by the way but don't don't pop the card until the second boss fight first boss fight we we sleep okay hold on apparently middle rocks okay that's my mistake um and then i'm also like i i may have been trolled but then there's some rocks in the game like when you blow them up they do like dunk them you know they do like a huge like a like a chain reaction yeah okay don't pop your card your card is of the utmost importance still don't pop your card either we're going to do it on oh zelda 2 baby on uber mom the lead hacksaw cinny v oh nice shot a shot family don't forget what i asked eddie what this is and he didn't come out and say it i think it's an elbow okay 100 elbow dude i'm getting smoked right now okay okay hey booster banks no joke it doesn't really matter who picks it up uh so i'll just get it for a sec caffeine pill you should take for sure and then hold on we gotta take an audit two two of hearts you can literally i would just pop to a hearts right now wait we got wheel of fort fortuitous lovers so you want me to pop okay don't okay now i would say actually pop the lovers card instead okay pop it right now yeah and use it and then pick them both up and then i would say believe it or not i would say you should hold the two of hearts card what about the joker card no usage i'm holding it right now until we figure out this bucket of syrup okay okay and then so now you are gonna pop that when you get down to three hearts on the next boss fight okay i'll try to shout at you in case you're missing it as well clinton tarantino i'm gonna oh no it's an incredible item do we miss it uh here let me you can take the shortcut there just go ahead and take that did we miss the quentin yeah yeah you got to move out of the way of the of the hand sorry maybe you've never seen that enemy before okay so just yeah get back to full hp here take take one of those um we didn't go to a secret room huh no sir what were we thinking oh would you look at that the tower not very good okay so we're gonna just but if you pop the devil card won't it take us back there that's not how the devil card works that's that's you're thinking of the joker i mean joker yeah but that's what we popped to get in there gotcha you should have waited [Laughter] it's probably not gonna make the the difference or a difference i should say so then you're just gonna you just stick with what you got there okay i'm gonna pop the strength card you sure i i think i want one i want one i want a damage upgrade why would you want a damage upgrade instead of 1.5 times your hp because what is the damage upgrade roughly i would say it's not worth as much as being able to do 50 more damage because you're going to live for 50 percent longer okay that's fair that's that's my take on the subject but hey you know if you just dodge then you have nothing to worry about forehead this this is going to be tough with some input delay oh never mind it's going to be so easy if you just stay near daniel because he's got the the sensor this is still pretty quick [Laughter] those are still pretty quick where's my spider mod when i need it it's actually i beat this with spider mod it was like it gave you some hope oh he's so tanky like she's so tanky like it takes forever and this is only phase one i mean like okay all right yeah you just now what now we're gonna move to the side on this one i'll try to i'll try to call out the moves you should make okay this one yeah it's quarter circle a half circle around and then just dodge forehead there's going to be a lot of just dodge forehead i'll stay with you this one i think we're going to have to move to the oh always move to safety [Laughter] every time she does the light you're gonna have to move let's put it how many hearts do i want to pop it yet or no you should pop it now yeah pop it now this is just dodge forehead okay move far right far right this is this is a little tight it's all you daddio you can still shoot as a ghost okay yeah yeah he's doing it he's doing it this is really tough though please please please mommy we should restart because i have nine lives like this is with one hp it's not possible okay dude you pumped them yeah you don't seem like you're like how close do you think we're 10 i think we were probably like 35 away how about can you just flex one one one life so over the course of this entire run we gave you every single damage upgrade so i'd say like my odds are not particularly strong of uh of making this happen what about what about the fact that say i believe does that increase a little bit on another on a controller that i don't even use to play the game with uh a half second of latency on every attack keep going keep i believe i believe how about just phase one there's actually just like no point if you're if you're out after this just call it we can stop this uh this charade we got some other cards that may work the cards the cards do nothing you know what would have helped out a lot actually was was the quentin tarantino inside of the uh inside of the the joker room oh i'm not i'm not gonna i'm not gonna play your game daniel i'm not gonna just go in there and die seven times in a row but i believe you don't believe me i'm just i i mean if you're gonna make me do it i'll do it you could you could free yourself from this with like a single key but i like seeing the end screen can you hear donkey key a chip in a chair though this is not really like a chip in a chair situation what is it it's like you need this stack it's like literally like walking into like a car dealership with 50 bucks and being like a chip and a chair maybe if i just like perfectly negotiate they'll give me a new car for 50 bucks you gotta have certain resources to have a realistic chance to get through this okay i'm glad we held on just for that right there good run good run all right um you want to go um super meme run we could do superman
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 209,556
Rating: 4.9602604 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 23sec (4523 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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