Getting 1000000% (All Achievements) - Binding of Isaac

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five years ago i bought a game this game was binding of isaac rebirth the first achievement i got was monstrous tooth this was on march 7th 2015. this achievement started my grind to beat this game chapter 1 keeper the last character i have to get all completion marks for is the keeper in order to do this i have to beat the lamb which should get me karma then i have to beat mega stan which will get me news baby and mega blast and finally i have to beat delirium which will get me the crooked penny oh and i have to get huge growth along the way this item requires you to increase five times in a single run these are the achievements i will get by filling the keepers completion marks so first i have to beat the lamb i gotta say when i first started this track i didn't realize that keeper was going to be such a bigger pain than i really could have ever expected him to be he has really bad health and it's vital that you get a good starting item the first item room made me realize that this was not an easy task in the slightest and this is going to be a long road health up items useless item rooms useless another one useless finally maybe something i can play with a little bit who knows what's gonna happen so of course i immediately die with this and this is the first of many betty deaths then another bad item and finally maybe something i can work with slightly uh who knows what i could do with this something gives me a little bit invincibility so of course after that i immediately get a health up item with some tears and then i have the realization that keeper can't take devil deals like the lost it sucks then i get to the shop uphill placebo is my luck turning around oh my gosh it's one makes me larger so one achievement down many to go [Music] turns out being big is not the best thing for you so i die again then we start with sac dagger something that it's gonna be pretty good a rare item to start with so let's see what we can do with it so then i also get pyromaniac my luck was turning around then the shop even luckier piggy bank what's in this tinder rock you may ask oh of course mask of me another good item this run was so good so then i rerolled and i rerolled and i rerolled and i rerolled and i got booger tears which i'm not gonna say no to then i got dark matter which i'm not going to pass up it's a damage up it's good it's good it's fine it's just something that i can add onto the op run i already have so i move on then i got to this room looks like your ordinary room but swallowed penny of course this run cannot get any better so we take chaos just add some spice to it then i find the joker card you know i gotta go there so this is the first key piece i get so maybe i can maybe i can fight mega stan in a bit kill gabriel too easy too easy then i find this awful item of course i'm gonna re-roll it and i get a little brimstone another great item this run looks amazing and then what's that sack alter oh yeah so we get mom's nice and babylon which or babylon doesn't work with keepers so i was not too thrilled but mom's knife easy easy stuff and nine lives you gotta be kidding me if this is this is a run that i should 100 win then another angel room bad item black ruin it so let's fight this angel he immediately dies too easy then satan another easy boss fight then we head straight to dark room so i go and fight lam maybe this one didn't turn out like i expected it to so we just did it again too easy this time got some money on the ground i had what i needed so i beat him victory lap no what's left mega stan i immediately go in and wreck him okay maybe not i might have died immediately so let's do it again it can't end any worse than the first time so fight again and what else would you expect to happen than me to die again but i know what to do now there's nothing this game can throw at me that will catch me off guard okay maybe the same area i died in again so i'm not gonna die this time i'm not gonna die this time it's too easy so this time i make some changes a little bit of this a little bit of that and i finally beat that area and i beat mega stan this gets me karma mega blast and noose baby so with that i got two of the last completion marks as keeper this left one more completion mark to get and that was to beat delirium i start the run bad item reset another bad item so i reset this has to be good nope another bad item reset another bad item reset then i have this joy of a fight to do at 10 times speed it was awful it took me forever i don't know why i didn't reset on the spot it pissed me off then i got an item this is going to be good it has to be good no it's actually not going to be good because it's haunt so then i die again mask with me it has to be good then small rock you know it's a good run when you find small rock then the game jokes with me it tries to give me dunce cap and it pisses me off but i continue and then i get bob's brain and have to fight for bob's reign and of course i don't take it i just leave then i get this joy of a room which who whoever cursed me with this room i hate i immediately die it sucks so start another run halo great great item to start a run with but then oh this room can't be that bad see i just dodge it dodge it oh let's just spawn poop right behind you and kill you i was mad oh my gosh come on so start another run small rock immediately amazing then of course i get a health up item because that's what this run likes to do so we go down to the next floor what's next oh let's just beat these guys up to eat never mind i spoke too soon so we restart not a good item spawns cricket's body i'm not gonna complain let's take it that's some good splash damage get some more damage up this this is this is speeding up so i re-roll and i re-roll and i re-roll and i reroll and i re-roll and what other than bob's brain this game likes to joke with me then i take the potato peeler i forget that it takes away one of your health instead of taking away a heart of health so i go into this room with one hp and you know i'm dumb so i die so we restart this time we start with bob's brain how much fun is that i was fuming just sitting in my chair fuming so of course i had to restart the run so go to the next item room monster is long not bad so i re-roll it not good items then i'm out of pennies so i gotta go get more pennies i come back i re-roll it cursed pearl mom's pearl don't know what it's called it sucks again fuming so i reset this time to get laffer g or whatever it's called it's it's a decent item it gets you some stuff done so i use it health up item then this joy of a room killed by these dumb worms start off another run not a good item another bad item and finally proptosis i like it so i murk these spiders oh some more i murk them too that's the face of evil then i get greed glasses and you know it's a good run when you get these because it is easy damage i finally kill han so it gives me an hp up of course because that's what it seems like it should do then that worm just shot me out of nowhere it was dumb so i reset an item that i don't need health up then epic doctor fetus let's go ah maybe i'm not the best with it so i accidentally kill myself almost immediately with it so i reset then there's you have to take look at her she's so cute so cute and this is an xl floor so i go and i find the other item room this time luckily what i have here on all stats up this is gonna be a good run but then it's hp up i don't like it too much so instead i just reroll everything when i get to this room because screw it why why not then i kind of get an op run honestly look at this i'm killing i'm killing i'm murking on merkin then i go to the hush fight because that's the easiest way to delirium so i get to blue womb i am ready for this fight let's see if i can get some good items maybe bob's brain i'm pissed so i get quadrat i take it look at my t3 it's 47 this is gonna be bad so i almost immediately get murked and so i decide to take a break so it's day two i start the run a bad item i need to reset another bad item reset and maybe i can get a good item so i reroll it i reroll it again i reroll it again and i reroll it again and finally triple shot i didn't learn my lesson from taking quad shot so it's not the best run everything takes forever to kill and then i get small rock oh sweet some tears up then i get a health up item and after this i gave up on the run it was bad so next run we start off and i was thinking about taking it it's a good item those nails are a good item but then we get proptosis again and you know i like proptosis so i take it we start this run off then i go and re-roll this removal machine and we get quad shot which again i should have learned my lesson i take it no matter what even though my tier rate is already bad look at that 52 even worse than the hush fight and then i died a blow because it's blow and i had a bad setup then i die again because bomb flies suck they just come at you and they kill you they murk you so then i start a new run small rock again as you know it's going to be a good run if you have small rock then i get daddy long legs go to the angel room i get holy mantle holy mantle on keeper op then chaos you know i you know i have to take chaos i love chaos then i reroll nine lives nine lives comes out with chaos every time you gotta take it i'm ecstatic then guppy's tail and i get guppy then i go to the chest and there's blue baby i fight him he's putting up a little bit fight but i beat him pretty easily so then i go to delirium with nine lives once i get down there i fight some bosses but i pretty much immediately go to delirium i'm fighting him i'm fighting him isaac's death rays kill me immediately so i respawn i go out look for some items and look what i find lost contact this has to be good i have an on drowzee pill i fight again and look how it oh i forgot to use my charge okay that's that makes things a little bit harder whenever i did that and that's it boys that right there is the delirium fight one and done that is the final keeper achievement let's hop right in chapter two it's the key it's the key i have to defeat the land without taking hearts coins and bombs through the entire run so the easiest person do this with is lost since he has no hearts so i start the run as soon as i start i get an item that i don't necessarily want and you need a good item to win with lost so i reset another bad item i reset then i actually pick up bombs and coins and it takes me way too long to realize that i picked those up so i reset then next run i immediately walk over and pick up bombs again though i play a bunch without noticing this then i finally realize i have bombs i reset it was rough it's a hard challenge to get your brain wrapped around then i die to a spider which i know it's pretty lame i restart metronome bad reset gertie bad reset boogers or whatever that is bad reset i get this book i'm excited then i realized it's not good so i reset i get death's touch i know with death touch i will win this run as long as i don't pick up any coins then i open this chest right in my path to the boss fight i try to sneak around it i pick up a coin i restart i get halo awesome then i get abaddon abaddon i don't know what it's called amazing i'm doing great i'm ecstatic then i get another all stats up item this is a great run so i get health up item and then another one losses even have health so then it's the mom's heart fight i win and i see that juicy devil deal and so i go in death touch that's a great item okay let's just shoot some of these fires real quick so after that really sad picking up of one coin i take a break for a while and i get right back to it a couple hours later so i hop in a game it's a health up item you know i hate health up items because loss doesn't have hp so then i get capricorn which all sets up fine i take it i go and fight the boss it's it's it's lost it's hard it's he's not the easiest person to play and i kind of gave up at this point because i saw that i took bombs and keys so i start another run bloodlust not good reset then i get loki's horns another bad item i guess soy milk i try i try using it but it's just not enough i die another bad item reset again loss does not have hp game i don't know why it keeps giving this to me so i get glitch gb bug reset kidney bean or whatever it is reset then finally qriket's head then another hp item but i have craig said i'm ready to go another hp item i'm playing i'm playing i take all this damage what's happening in this world i don't know i die again so i have faith ank bad reset i actually picked up a coin so i had to reset again i get b again no hp and then finally pisces a tears up and knocked back more tears up another tears up this is an amazing run then i finally beat mom's foot after a long while not beating mom's foot take the negative go into the boss fight it's nothing special you know just some karampus i'm gonna beat him easy because i'm doing great and of course the fire shoots at me and i die it's it sucks so i reset once again but i get joker to start off this time and i start with a damage up and nine lives you know nine lives and me we're big best pals um i reroll once had one coin couldn't even pick up coins or bombs sorry roll once and i get in all sets up i was ecstatic and then what other than brimstone this run was amazing then i cheese it i get mom's wig use nine lives to get out there with maggie's wig mom's wig who cares what it is and i'm headed down to the womb so i defeat patriarch or whatever it is get a health off item after all that and then i fight mom's heart and you know brimstone and me just murk in things then i kill satan because he's uh he's awful he sucks so i go down to dark room and i go in i fight the lamb and you already know based off of my past experiences that i'm kind of a g with the limb and so i kill him no victory lap and this right here is the last challenge i have to do in this game chapter 3 the last achievements the last achievements i need are one thousand one percent and one million percent to get one million percent you have to collect all items in the game this is different from platinum god achievements because those are only non dlc items so you can get those before unlocking all items the last numbers i need are tonsil crooked penny i've greed and mega blast so first thing i'm trying to get is tonsil it's a trinket you take some damage you get it it's something that's gonna be pretty easy and also crooked penny that spawns really easily so what do i do i hop into a greed game i walk in jumper cables fine i go into the item room and what else other than d100 that's d20 d6 it's all of it combined i do a couple of re-rolls i'm breaking the game a little bit and as you see lots of health and i see d20 so i take it because d20 is the greed mode game break you see me get some more items a little bit more items and soon enough what is it i see the trinket i see tonsil so i take it at him run away with it and go take 15 to 20 hits of damage to spawn in i don't know if it's a passive item i don't know what it does but it's an item you have to like somehow get by just cheesing it as you see it's flown next to me i got it a useless item so then i'm breaking the game some more and it turns into this weird mosh fit and finally crooked penny shows up i go get crooked penny and i make a little bit of a mistake i am very confident my abilities and i use crooked penny and so that's the end of my game break so i go down and fight greed it's not ultra greed because i'm just doing regular greed in order for you to get less money so it's less likely that you'll great break the game it's just easier and regular greed to break the game so i kill him pretty quick because i'm op i got two of the items i needed i donate some money i'm a happy guy i'm living my life to the fullest but i still have two items i need to get i need i have greed and i need mega blast so i go back to the grind i go back to the grind by going to regular game i'm getting op i'm breaking the game i'm getting really good runs i'm beating stuff i'm not getting items so as you saw i beat the lamb super op combo and then right after that another op combo i'm not getting anything as you see right here i somehow re-rolled into all devil items i don't know if that's a thing i don't know how it's possible every single one of those is a devil deal item so i was like if i can get a devil deal i'll get mega blast then i go and fight hush because i might as well if i'm op i go in i beat him i lose hope i go to blue baby i beat him i end the run because i still haven't got a new item then it comes to day three i start day three off hot with a d20 i take that and i go and break the game as you see look at that that's a broken game a little bit later i don't even know how it happened but the game just breaks itself sometimes look at this it's crazy it's everything's blown up i don't even know what's happening and then i breakfast out i lose hope because i didn't get mega blast and i didn't think i got eye of greed but somehow during the whole thing i managed to pick up i have greed but i did not think that that was legit enough for me so that was the end of that run i got i agreed it's whatever next day i start out by finding i've agreed what the heck that's dumb so i do the strat of just resetting as eden until i get mega blast i thought it's gonna take me forever instead it only takes me about eight tries let's go as everybody just saw the game is 100 complete of course i cheesed it by doing the eden run method but we did it that is binding of isaac after birth rebirth after birth plus everything you could ever ask for well i hope you guys enjoyed that that was me beating binding of isaac five years in the making it was it was a pleasure being able to play this game on youtube and posting all these videos this is one of my biggest projects i've ever done so i hope you guys enjoyed my hard work and effort i put into this video please go back and watch other videos if you like subscribe like whatever you guys want to do but i hope you guys enjoyed this has been preets peace out bye
Channel: Priets
Views: 212,811
Rating: 4.8539939 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Afterbirth+, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, Isaac vs Delirium, Isaac Best, achievements, achievement hunting, 100%, Beat, finale, Beating Binding of Isaac, Getting 1000000% (All Achievements) - Binding of Isaac
Id: UlukUdLDcTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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