How to Beat a Youtuber at Their Own Game

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you can look at your hand you can get rid of up to four cards that's it question does it matter if they're the same type or the number or what uh what should I be worried about here oh God you don't you don't know anything oh God I don't know oh Lord this is gonna be okay listen here I know like a full it's a full house like four five six seven eight nine or something like that or is it okay do you know what what a pair is have you ever heard of a not the fruit but like a pear is too [Music] cars of the same number okay we're getting there two sixes okay okay wait wait quick question what if it's five of the same so like five sixes that's impossible you can't they can't have hey there's only four there's only four in each deck excuse me yours is getting hot in here dude it's the desert we're literally in the desert looking good today oh they look the same every day it's Minecraft extra purple today I love grapes I'm already old the stress of this causing me is going to get me where are you going and just I'm going away I'm going far away all right great time let me just Shuffle this really quick there nice and shuffled okay now grab five yep I didn't okay great job now now let's take a look at what she got who's first you're not gonna get to see my cards uh you learned so quick whoa you are gonna wanna see my cards though if you removed one let's get one for you okay okay so I take one yep take one card now we're gonna try to use these cards to make the best hand you possibly can all right oh I already have the best hand how do I place my I want a bid all right let's let's do this there this will be here I place eight eight what what is it why is this place on top of each other what are you doing I don't know without holding it I dude I'm just one two three four right click the big pile without holding it there we go there we go got it why did you place it like that that's how it came out no fix it this is how I have OCD just fix it I'm gonna strategize all right I have a king all right all right then I have a queen oh you're in trouble then I have a jack where'd my car to go oh I just placed it on top I'm I'm trying to build this moment up for you I have two pairs I don't know if that's good or not two sixes and two twos is that good I mean it would be but observe what I have booster you cheated King you have a queen jack hold on wait let me just wait you have Full House wait a minute that this uh uh no shot you have an ace or a nine I mean I'll I'll give you one chance okay you can take half the chips that you put back then you only lose four but if I put this card Down You're Gonna Lose Ollie just because this is your first time I'll keep them okay well and you win all right that's an eight so I win yours yeah you won oh God okay beginners I don't want to play anymore I have 28 of your chips this is ridiculous your pile is looking kind of small dude okay is it is it looking small no I think it's fine get rid of my cards yeah what cards did you have I had two pair okay that's what I had can I draw now no I'm going I'll do a humble four four you've been betting like 20 this whole time not before be careful don't lose all your chips now your betting pile is kind of like bigger than your other pile this is called this is this is called professionalism this is called bravery so you just raised me by 10. I think I don't know I lost count I think it's ten I really don't want you to lose I'm gonna fold that's right as you should I had I just had a pair of kings so what do I get if I win um you get nothing because you won't win okay okay I'm gonna draw two or no just one I just want one [Music] [Music] oh you know you wanna know what I have yeah straight Full House Ace king queen no no Jack ten no yes wow this is this is really good for myself we're back uh where we started I guess oh wait who wins if nobody has anything though no one wins so that's why we have this thing called Annie it means that every time we play you gotta put in like five every time no matter what so before we even get cards you gotta put five in okay so we have to put five from now on minimum yeah yeah you got to put five in and then you can draw five cards gotcha gotcha okay okay I raised by two I raise you nine okay go ahead let's see what you got okay I have a pair a pair of kings that's what I have I have nothing else funny funny you should say that yeah how's your bluffing going because I have a king and a king we have the same thing hold on no no I also have a two queens no no wow your pile is looking a little small all right all right I want three oh I am gonna Raise You by ten so I'm putting on 16 right now go ahead I have three fours what do you have well I have a four which steals your three fours so now I have four of a kind so show me the rest of your card God dang it okay fine raise you bye I'm gonna Raise You by another ten I match that really what are your cards show me Ace wow three yeah you know it's getting a little bit low there holy so um Ramsey Brandon can you tell me one thing about yourself that you just absolutely hate I have a really nasty habit of doing anything to win so you surrender your morals for victory yes every time do anything to win I want to go 20. you're raising by 20. right out of the gate you know what I'm I'll raise by 20 but I'm keeping them in my inventory because I can't stack them oh I got two sevens that's that's what I got the rest is irrelevant two kids does that beat me oh yeah ah yeah yeah right back home where they belong perfect let's take these as well do I even have five I have exactly five left so I can play once more this is it I can't raise wow are you ready um the thing you know I never lie that's one place I won't go to win is lying that's when I got so well for me booster well I mean there's nothing we can do we just lay on our hands and show it I guess okay I'm ready let's see what she got absolutely nothing oh you're close wow well because for yeah three four five six that's a straight wow okay wow this is wow you learned a lot though in all your in all your betting I mean I feel like you can walk away from this knowing two things one uh how to play poker uh two that I cheated the entire time [Applause] inventory and eat it the entire time Frenzy [Music]
Channel: Branzy Bits
Views: 112,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8n0HgOHJ6ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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