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now one thing we got to address which is the controversy around this system right here and that is yo what up y'all all right so I've been using the new PS5 slim hair for 24 hours now and I must admit I was wrong about it I got some thoughts and responses to some of the questions that you guys were asking in the comments of my last video and I'll link that right up here for you guys to be able to check that out and my initial reaction to seeing this here for the first time as well as struggling to get this thing out of the damn box but anyway man I got some thoughts so let's talk about it now the first thing I want to talk about is how I'm feeling about the design of this console here after using it and having it for 24 hours I must admit y'all when I first actually saw this console here when PlayStation actually posted their first photo showing us the digital version sitting next to this this version right here I was like I'm not really feeling the whole like pregnancy bump that you can see right here and y'all wild for saying that in the comments saying that this bad boy looks six months pregnant like I ain't going to say 6 months I give it about 3 to four months Maybe now in the photos y'all it actually look bigger than it actually is here in person having it in hands I noticed that it really does feel small in comparison to something like the PS5 OG that I got right here to me it's much more lightweight it's easier to be able to move around versus the OG PS5 that I have here and what I actually like most about the PS5 slim and why I actually plan on keeping it is because it's perfect for death setup spaces if you guys want to have a PS5 as your gaming console but you don't really want to take up like too much space on your desk to me it fits perfectly in my gaming desk setup that I have here behind me also let's say you guys have something like a TV stand and you want to actually put your gaming console on display versus having it like tucked away how I do my OG PS5 that you can see here hidden underneath also speaking of one of the design things that I want to talk about one of my concerns that I have and this is something that I talked about in that video as well is you can see right up here up top if you look closely you can see the actual ual fan right here on this side and then you can also see how it is exposed on this side as well versus on the OG PS5 you don't really see that because it's more so covered up uh right here with these grills here just with that man I'm actually kind of curious on will it actually cause some long-term issues with it being so exposed to dust but so far I'll be honest with y'all nothing has happened it's been running smooth but still I feel like it's still too early to really tell so just make sure you guys are subscribe to the channel man and check back for my longterm review that I'm going give you guys an update on how this whole thing is going So after 24 hours though with it I would say from a design standpoint I'm digging the whole design man I do like the design of it as far as having these four plates on here I just think it looks sleek now let's go ahead and talk about the kickstand let me move the OG PS5 out of the way cuz you know this is still B but we going we going to move that to the side for right now all right so the next thing I want to talk about is and that is the kickstand for this system to be able to lay horizontal on a desk now Sony end up given us these two little plastic pieces and nobody has talked about it so I feel like I'm the one that has to talk about it listen Sony come here listen I paid $500 wait let me get the actual receipt I I got receipts I paid $541 and. 74 and instead of you guys giving us something else to be able to sit this system on like a proper stand you gave us these two plastic Clips with like these little rubber end tips on it now I'm a pretty positive guy for the most part but for $5 41.7481800 just push them in and then from there I can be able to sit this just like so uh and it's going to sit comfortably on the desk I just feel like for that amount of money I feel like we should have got something maybe a little bit sturdier maybe they could have made the pieces metal or something like that because I feel like by week three somebody going to be breaking these bad boys and then they going to be looking for replacement parts and you going to have to spend more money so I just feel like there should have been something else uh with these and I also feel like the vertical stand should have also been included with this again in we spending $541 74 I'm sorry y'all I know nobody else was going to talk about it but listen I got to keep a spade a spade and Keep It Funky on here now the next thing I want to talk about is let's talk about the controversy around this whole disc drive and how people are somewhat complaining about having to actually hook this system up to your internet in order for you guys to be able to pair uh your disc drive here to your specific console listen calm down people in my video man that I dropped on yesterday I walked you guys through the full process and it was not that bad like there's creators out there that is just crazy talking bad about the dis verion on this system here look I honestly agree with how Sony is actually handling this as far as from a copyright law perspective since you can just swap these drives out put them on another PS5 slim console and just get it popping that way because think about it let's say that I bought like the new Spider-Man 2 right and then I head over to a friend's house who don't necessarily have uh the Spider-Man game without this in place I essentially could just take this entire drive off take it over to that house let them download it play it on their machine and all of that without them ever having to pay for the game listen this had to happen because the gaming industry would be losing so much freaking money because people would just find ways to just rip the game put it into their system and then they good to go and just get it cracking me personally I like how Sony handle it and I also like how easy it is to be able to remove the plates as well as how easy it is to remove the disc drive like literally literally all you got to do is just pull it apart and then there's a pin connector that attaches to it but I'm not going to lie y'all I struggle getting this plate back on look just watch for yourself and then putting this plate back on you just align it up to here and then boom oh nope I'm struggling over here y'all hold up I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to align something okay there we gooo I struggling hey go ahead and cook me in the comments it's all good don't judge me now speaking of plates man I got some firep plates I'm going pull the OG PS5 back in for a second I got some firep plates that's going to be coming in on Monday man I'm telling y'all man I can't wait for y'all to be able to see these like literally nobody and I mean nobody out there on the internet right now got these plates for the PS5 OG version I'm telling you y'all it's so dope I can't wait to be able to show y'all those so they cold y'all now one thing we got to address which is the controversy around this system right here and that is does the system actually get loud there was a YouTube out there who talked about how the PS5 slim here was overheating and how it got super loud listen one thing you all know about me is that I'm always going to use the products that I put in front of you guys I'm going to test them out here before I bring them to you guys here on the channel and that I understand Tech but I cannot stand when other creators out there the first thing that they do is try their best to tear down a product or create a problem that don't even exist and then they put overheating in the title just to create drama that ain't even there for the views look I get it I'm on YouTube as well I understand that game but come on bro first off when you first get any system that has a CPU and a GPU with fans and all of that setting up and installing updates will cause the RPMs of the fans to kick up because it's doing a ton of processing in the beginning to make sure that everything is properly installed and set up during my setup process here did the fans actually kick on a little bit yeah they did but that's to be expected during the initial updates to any Tech products whether you guys have a smartphone whether you have a laptop a desktop a MacBook Pro uh tablet or whatever else that you guys have it's always going to kick up in the beginning because that's what it's designed to do in order to keep the heat out of the system doing a ton of processing which there is that I showed you guys step by step in this video right here it is not that bad y'all how they was actually putting it and another thing that I saw a video on yesterday when a YouTuber took the PS5 slim fans out and then ran games on it just to say that it was overheating like bro who in their right mind is going to be taking the fan out of their PS5 slim or their OG PS5 like some things just don't make no sense man like of course it's going to overheat it has nothing forcing the heat out of it anyway I say all of that to say this right I haven't had any issues when it comes to running loud on this system here I haven't had any overheating issues or warning messages that'll pop up on the screen boy I tell you man some of y'all creators out here man just be capping for the views like stop trying to make Tech products that are good seem bad just so you guys can profit off of the views like like come on bro all right so now that my rant is over with that let's go ahead and talk about the software experience and just kind of how that's been for me uh now if you guys are coming from an OG PS5 here the experience I'm going to be honest with you it's going to be the exact same you won't notice any difference in performance at all the PS5 slim here y'all it runs just as fast and smooth as my OG PS5 here and to be honest man that's saying a lot since it is 30% smaller in the footprint than the OG PS5 here now navigating through the menu as well as the settings all ran smooth man I had no hiccups with that at all even connecting my earbuds here was also super easy uh and even connecting to my profile just using my smartphone to log into my account super fast and super easy so if you guys are new to the PS5 platform and you guys are thinking about scooping up the PS5 slim which I'll have updated links for you guys down the description section Below on places that will still have them in stock because when I picked up mine here from Best Buy like it was a ton of people that had bought them that was behind the check out out counter waiting for people to be able to pick them bad boys up uh that they had ordered so yeah it's safe to say these bad boys are definitely selling so make sure you guys come back here man check the links I'll have for you guys down the description section below as well as in the pin comments there'll be the updated ones for places where you can actually find them and the last thing I want to talk about from my experience which I feel is honestly is the most important and the sole reason why you're even thinking about buying this console to begin with and that is gaml how has the game play been with me from a 24-hour perspective listen I've been playing Cod on this thing I've been trying to finish that Spider-Man 2 game which that game is so good but like I always get caught on the freaking side missions all the time instead of keeping my head straight and just going straight to the story but anyway gamepl to me has been smooth I was somewhat concerned about this because of the smaller size and a smaller footprint like would it actually be able to handle the game play and and all of that while giving us that crispy 4K 120 Herz of smooth goodness and before y'all PC people say something in the comments All already know y'all about to go crazy go somewhere with y'all 240 HZ we know y'all out here crushing it with the frame rate I'm just messing with y'all man it's all love hopefully one day consoles we can get there to them high frame rates too but so far man in my 24-hour experience with the PS5 slim here it has been really good man I don't regret buying it not one bit the size to me is perfect I honestly wish the OG PS5 here was actually this size because I feel like it's the perfect size for a gaming console like it's definitely on par with something like the Xbox series s um that I have right here up on the screen so the question Still Remains should you guys buy one to me this is a question that I keep getting and I'm going to answer this like this if you guys are an OG PS5 owner I would say do not buy the PS5 slim unless you really want that extra storage and the additional USBC port on the front which I personally would not necessarily get it strictly for the storage because I talked about the route that I would personally go uh in this video right up here when it comes to storage but for the additional USBC port that honestly depends on the plan and what you guys have for it if you guys have something like the Sony enzone Buzz that I have that I stand by I love these things man it's my go-to for gaming as far as my earbuds which those use the USBC Port that you see right here in front then let's say you guys have something like a psvr2 headset and you guys want to be able to use that with this system or you want to charge your controller at the same time with the current OG PS5 here you can't do both so you guys are limited with this one but if you guys have the PS5 slim you can do both since you have that additional USBC port on the front which to me is huge but for the most part I wouldn't necessarily upgrade uh if you guys are fine with the system you guys have and you don't have any issues with it but let's say you guys don't have anything and you guys are looking for your first PS5 or you're upgrading from a PS4 to a PS5 then I would say at that point I think size and the power of what you guys are getting this machine and what it offers I feel like this is the wave to go because once the OG ps5s are no longer available you won't be able to find another OG PS5 because they will be discontinued and I can't recommend you guys actually buy something that's going to be discontinued in possibly a year or so replaced by the PS5 Slim So to me it definitely makes sense to go with the new PS5 slim over the OG PS5 here and if you guys got the power and will man you could possibly wait for the PS5 Pro which I talked about in this video right up here which could be a very very powerful PS5 machine that has everything that we've been waiting for in it but I'm going be honest man I don't have that kind of restraint to wait that long but if you do then hey go do you man but let me know down in the comments man what are you guys' thoughts on this brand new PS5 slim are you guys going to be coping it no it's not your taste you don't like the look of it let's go ahead and talk about it man down in the comments man and keep the community keep the comments rolling now if you guys found value in this video then go ahead and hit that like button for me also if you're new here click on that subscribe button man because your boy I'm going keep saying it your boy getting closer to that 100k Mark and we trying to hit that by the end of this year so let's go ahead and hit that sub button man it's free you know help your boy get there all right y'all man I'm think I'm about to get up out of here get this bad boy hooked back up and uh I'll see y'all in the next one Squad we out
Channel: CKid
Views: 582,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playstation slim 5, ps5 slim disc version, ps5 slim digital version, playstation 5 setup, playstation slim, playstation slim 5 vs pro, playstation 5 slim unboxing, playstation 5 slim 2023, ps5 slim, ps5 slim update, ps5 slim review, ps5 slim playstation, ps5 slim release date, ps5 slim vs ps5, ps5 slim comparison, ps5 slim annoucement, should you upgrade to the ps5 slim, ps5 slim vs ps5 pro, ps5 slim unboxing, ps5 slim modern warfare 3, ps5 slim 24 hours later review
Id: vqB3sSdWFdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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